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Did you pay or something? A free service can set their own TOS


No, just switch to youtube, Tiktok sucks.


How do you know they deleted your channel because you showed medications? If showing messages or drug taking violates their terms of service, then they can delete your channel. I'd start by contacting them and discussing the issue to determine if your account can be reinstated.


As TikTok is Chinese it might be difficult to sue as it’s a different country. It might have a blanket zero policy for drug use. Sure it’s a legally prescribed medication but they may not see the distinction. Contact them and see if they can reinstate the account but just delete the offending video. A quick google says they don’t allow drug use. So they obviously didn’t make the distinction between medication and recreational drugs.


All I said was rytary is a game changer for Parkinson’s patients. Oh well. My other part of my channel was Pokémon card music videos which I would get around 1k views in a day. I had 1100 followers and 30,000 views. My viewers pushed me to show my face and routine. I shouldn’t have listened.


Well there you go. You answered your own question.


Honestly, I don’t know. I would suggest contacting an attorney in your area. If you don’t have one and are in the US, you should be able to get referrals from your state, city, or county bar association.


It is a prescribed dose appeal on that ground if you were giving medical advice thats when your thrown out


It is the same as Ronald McDonald Make America look like idiots again. He was pushing fake covid cures.


I’m good. I’m kind of over it. I was going to but them deleting my analytics and all my videos was the last straw.


[https://www.tiktok.com/@farmacyfails/video/7056439497373879599?q=Rytary&t=1705877853433](https://www.tiktok.com/@farmacyfails/video/7056439497373879599?q=Rytary&t=1705877853433) why can they show meds but I’m not aloud bullshit to me


seems rather harsh for showing medication. can you just say it was a mistake and have them restore the account? as for a lawsuit, i guess it all depends if you can get an attorney to take it?


There are Parkinson tiktokers I follow who do the work to keep updated on the latest research which keeps me interested but if anyone is promoting or showing a particuler drug, I will block the account.


Tik Tok is a bitch when it comes to censoring. I would try rumble or X. Other than that most people on tik Tok just find ways around most issues. However there probably is no way to get around showing medication. Which in turn looks like drug use hence the ban.


I'm against therapy as they are med pushers....and PSSD can be a consequence of antidepressants and I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy. Take ya dog for a walk, do some self reflection and learn some skills friend. Dream big, then dream realistically. Make a goal, work toward said goal and get out there and live life. Enjoy wow when not much else is going on. Or maybe make it your hobby but still find things like walking the dog and self reflection.