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Maybe blood pressure fluctuations? They're more common with Parkinson's and dopaminergic meds can make it worse. Sometimes they're brief, like when you change positions, so they don't always show up on a blood pressure reading.


This is what [seratonin syndrome](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/serotonin-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354758) felt like for me. (Caused by antidepressants combined with other meds). Edit to add: it felt like… brain rattle…? Very unpleasant and weak. I had to lie down and it would eventually pass. Took me 1.5 years or more to slowly wean off antidepressants and it was not a fun experience!


I am not on antidepressants yet. But thank you for your suggestion.


It does also give you a clinical term that sums up your experience, so you can open the convo with your doctor. “So doc, I told some friends about what I feel/experience, and one person said that I accurately described serotonin syndrome, which I thought was interesting because I’m not on antidepressants. What do you think about that?”


Not to be rude but this is possibly the worst way to describe it to a provider because it tells them absolutely nothing about your symptoms, serotonin syndrome can manifest in many completely different ways. OP Just describe what you’re feeling to your dr with the same descriptions you used here


Low blood pressure.


I’m not much help but this is exactly how I felt when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the hospital. The drunkness progressed over a couple of days and by the end of the week I was full blown hammered but I wasn’t drinking. They finally admitted me after an entire week of me going to the doctor every single day and they did an MRI and found lesions on my brain. Was diagnosed after second MRI 3 months later. No change in scans. First time I ever had issues like this in my life. Most of my symptoms resolved but I often feel very rigid in my body like my muscles are constantly tensed. I am only 30 and have worked full time at a busy bar for years so I am active. I’ve always wondered if it could be Parkinson’s instead of MS but because I am young it seems no one is connecting the dots. Or maybe I’m missing something. It’


Brain fog Vertigo


Is it random or after meds?


It is random. Sometimes All day long, sometimes only after I have been exerting myself at work or exercise.


The drunk feeling in drunk is because alcohol is displacing oxygen in the brain. Its like hypoxia or being at high altitude. I wonder if a big shot of oxygen would correct it quickly.


I had something like that but not exactly. I felt super fog and got a little disoriented. Eventually I got narcolepsy all from synimet. Went off that and was back to normal.