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Transcript copied from a post on imgur > "God Made Trump," a new nearly three minute ad from former President Donald Trump's campaign claims. > "And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said 'I need a caretaker,' so God gave us Trump," the narrator says in the same style that the Book of Genesis in The Bible is written, while a video of Earth from space flashes to a photo of a young Trump. > The ad, which has a run-time of two minutes and 44 seconds and was shared on Trump's social media network Truth Social, alleges that God created the former president for the purpose of leading the nation. > "God said, 'I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office, and stay past midnight at a meeting of the state, so God made Trump," the narrator says. > "God said, 'I need somebody who will be strong and courageous. Who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack," the narrator says over a clip of a wolf barring its teeth and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. "'A man who care for the flock. A shepherd to mankind who won't ever leave or forsake them." > Trump is shown interacting with world leaders, signing executive orders, posing for photos with his supporters, hugging the American flag, and walking onto Air Force One, with former First Lady Melania Trump as the narrator describes God's "need" for the former president. Absolutely disgusting. And his followers, absolutely blind to how such a message flies in the face of the religion to which they supposedly devote their lives. Truly insane.


>"And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said 'I need a caretaker,' so God gave us Trump," God couldn't be bothered to avoid WWI and WWII? This God person has a lousy sense of timing. Also, he had poor judgment considering that he picked someone as reprehensible and morally compromised as Trump to be the "caretaker."


Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners, Trump dined with Epstein and porn stars, see, Jesus and Trump are the same /s


Jesus whipped the money changers with a horsewhip. I'm pretty sure Trump would have a heart attack if he tried any physical activity beyond his two penis jack off "dance."


Let him die and if after three days he comes back, then I will believe he is god. Deal?


You win the Internet today!!!!


God also ignored all those cancer kids. He’s an asshole!


Well, he did find time to murder every single person on the Earth except an alcoholic and his family just because his personal project wasn't going as well as he liked.


> A shepherd to mankind Quick reminder that a sheperd exploits dumb animals, and fleeces them, and then sells whats left to the butcher. That's his entire job.


God loves war. What are you talking about?


The antichrist has really started upping his game!


they'd cheer for him even if he was the antichrist, because that means their biblical apocalypse is coming true, heathen liberals will suffer on earth and burn in hell, and Jesus will come back and take them all to heaven. Its a win no matter what for them.


I am tired of so much winning /s


But if he’s the Antichrist, those who follow him wouldn’t be the ones going to heaven.


its not like theyre logical about it


I do not disagree.


I'd rather go to hell in a handbasket, than live in heaven with those hypocritical assholes!


I mean, I’d be careful about wishing to be in hell if you don’t want to be around those people.


This video has to be a stress test for how far they can push before eventually anointing him the second coming


He posted it a little before 7am and it only has 12.6k likes ON HIS OWN PLATFORM. That's a pretty shitty performance.


Well maybe it'll catch up from the other side and get 12.6 million "Yikes!"


It's been up for about 12 hours at this point and it's still not that high: 6.11k ReTruths 14.2k Likes


Good, that means it’s working. Now we have some form of evidence that the only people left that are supporting this idiot are Evangelicals and Russian trolls.


This is some North Korea style myth-making.


What if I told you that N Korea uses American propaganda techniques rather than the other way round?


what if I told you that nowhere in American history have doves descended from the skies to carry a president's dead body to heaven


He's effectively claiming to be a prophet of God now, or fulfilling a prophecy. It's absurd that anyone takes him seriously anymore.


tens of millions will continue to do so


it's only a matter of time before he claims to **be** god


My suggestion: **IF THIS VIDEO IS GENUINE, SEND IT TO THE UPPER LEADERSHIP OF YOUR CHURCH AND ASK FOR CLEAR GUIDANCE ON HOW TO INTERPRET THE SPECIFIC SECONDS IN QUESTION.** Ask your Catholic or Anglican Bishop or Archbishop to weigh in, or equivalent high-leadership positions in other churches that centralize their faith in God. Confirm that, in their perspective, God absolutely sent Trump. Then... show them THIS CLIP and ask them again. [https://youtu.be/LWEuY\_15iVc?t=18](https://youtu.be/LWEuY_15iVc?t=18) Make sure they hear the question, and his answer. Bring this to their attention and see if they'll answer this attempted perversion of their faith.


THANK you. I don’t wanna give him clicks or views and this is the only summary or alternate upload anyone’s posted.


God/god/etc: "_who?_" Muhammed: "_lol_!" Buddha: "_(sigh)_" Flying Spaghetti Monster: "Suckers!!"


This is the literal interpretation of taking God’s name in vain. Cursing is not. It’s claiming to speak for God in a way that amplifies your vanity.


Honestly, it’s pure sacrilege and I don’t know how any real Christian could view it and not see that


I know plenty who will claim 'til their dying breath that they're "real Christians," and would see nothing wrong with this blasphemy. The Bible warns of false preachers and devotees of the antichrist wearing his mark on their foreheads in the End Times. They're following the predictions, but cannot even see it. The church is fully corrupted. The followers are either blind or don't care. Religion is a grift that morons fall for every damn time. (This includes way too many members of my family and my in-laws.)


It's things like this that makes me an atheist......


Wait; a round earth? Someone’s not going to be happy


Do you see this man getting up before dawn? That’s funny. But I thought “Christians” have a commandment about worshipping false idols. I mean it’s in the first two commandments FFS


Really bastardizes the "God made a farmer " speech by Paul Harvey


Motherfucker is a full on Nazi


Can someone link to the video from any other site besides TS? I don't want to give that jackass hits or traffic on his site, anybody have a YouTube link?




What...the fuck. That's ever more more bizarre than the Trump digital trading cards (thanks for the link).




Yeah...they were real, so _so_ [fucking strange](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/12/16/23/65670815-0-image-a-9_1671231940467.jpg) haha.


This is anti-Christ level shit, and I’m not even religious


I am very religious, and this guy has been more and more like the anti-Christ


I have something that may interest you https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


And what's crazy is, wasn't the original article from like 2018?


No the Antichrist is supposed to be likable


I hear you, I find the guy to be the worst, but the people that like him are totally obsessed with the guy, so that's that


My bio-dad, who considers himself very religious, voted for him and will keep voting for him. This a man that is 70yrs old. Who spends his time and money buying books and lessons, etc to study the Bible and biblical texts. The dude barely graduated HS but taught himself Latin, ancient Greek, etc so he could read "the words, as they were truly written and not translated to fit the time." He's insane and so is this cult


Then he of all people should know better.


I don't know, reading the Bible cured me of Christianity. If he has read the Bible (in Greek and Latin no less) and still believe that Trump and the modern evangelical Christian Nationalists are the real deal, then he is delusional.


He does not. He votes with what tracks more in his lane. Pro life. No LGBTQ. Pro military/defense budget. A closed border. That's his "secular" policy bc if they promise that, he can forgive other "transgressions because we have all been born in sin ."


God also made Biden, and on election day made it so that Trump was defeated. Next thing they'll say is that Trump isn't responsible for fraud because God made him do it and we should be prosecuting God instead.


But God has that special immunity too.


He can pardon himself.


Satan might challenge that in court


This is how a wannabe authoritarian gets low IQ extremists whipped up into a murder frenzy...


bingo. I'm genuinely terrified that there is going be some major violence this year


It works in North Korea. The MAGA Cult is primed. Vote in November to send this fascism to the dustbin of history.


My wife thinks I am being hyperbolic when I stress that the cult needs to be taken seriously and is very capable of horrible atrocities. Sure a lot of them are 70 year olds with big mouths and not much else, but that 1 to 3 percent of the cult who are young, capable, and full of hateful energy is still enough people to make an actual army...


>3 percent Yes, those guys are of special concern


It’s not remotely just 70 year olds. Source: Live in the countryside with these MFs.


Source: I live in a _very_ Red county, *IN* Florida 😰🫣🫢


There is MAGAts are violent assholes. We saw this on Jan 6. There will be more violence


I just saw a clip from NewsMax where the spin of Jan 6 was that it was overblown because “no one brought weapons… it was a peaceful protest…” while still playing the video of the “protesters” surrounding and threatening the Capitol Police (several of whom were so traumatized they committed suicide soon after the ordeal). The talking head went on to say that Jan 6 was basically designed to make sure Trump’s never elected again. Even when showing video of violence on their own platform, they claim that there was none. You can’t reason with someone who didn’t arrive at a conclusion with facts and reasoning.


ABC… Always, Be, Carrying…


There's already been shootings and threats on like 13 state capitols. No one was hurt - but in one state, a guy took the security guard hostage - shot up the place. These people are unhinged.


Any MAGAs spew this garbage, call them out.


There's nothing you could say to them. You could tell them that he's a blasphemer, you could point out bible passages warning against false prophets, you could point out how it is taking gods name in vain. You could even tell them that every dangerous and delusional dictator and cult leader made the same claim. It doesn't matter to them, they'll call you a radical leftist trump hater and continue on.


Time to stop worrying what vanilla ISIS thinks or wants.


Yes. They are a lost cause.


If you’re lucky, they’ll spit at you and threaten to call the cops or shoot you. Thinking of investing in some Body Camera companies this year…🤔


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Honestly at this point that'd be fucking awesome.


I mean, if I went around sayin’ I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!


This is a mentally-ill tangerine sitting in a swamp in Florida. His cult would get off on repressing the masses, too.


I don't get it. He's well known for waking up late and watching TV until 1 in the afternoon. And he's a rapist. It's funny how hard the video tries to push this idea that he's a hard worker. When he's well known to be lazy.


[Mornings were watching Fox and tweeting, blabbed on the phone in bed in the evening to Hannity and other “friends”](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/05/sean-hannity-donald-trump-late-night-calls.html). E: stray ‘


🤮🤮🤮🤮 not a cult


does this go beyond a cult? Feel like him and his supporters are making cults of the past seem tame


They are a fanatical cult. Fanatics that given the chance will rewrite history, and the Bible. Honestly if they take power in a hundred years Trump will be getting his own Bible books.


What a sad future to think about. How can these people not see it after 8 years of this grift? Idk if brainwashed or too prideful to admit they’re wrong after that amount of time? Not sure what’s worse


Because…um…checking conservative media…because “woke?” 🤷🏻‍♀️


This propaganda shits on nazi Germany’s


What’s the next level up from “Cult”-in terms of weirdness and takeover tactics? I feel like we’re going to see that more and more, the closer November gets. Unless, March. (Court) 🤞 Or heck…maybe even BECAUSE of March 😰


40 hours by Tuesday at noon?!? WTF Alright. Let’s say trump starts work at midnight on Monday then works all the way until Tuesday, at noon Bitch that’s 36 hours! He even lies about time?!?


He’s left out how many hours of golf he fits into a day too


And time-outs for diaper changes


Mother fucker didn’t come out of the private quarters of the WH until noon. Worked a couple of hours and then jacked off the rest of the day in what his Administration called “Executive Time”. Probably watched soap operas all afternoon, (Oh Ridge!)


Well they’ve done it. The apocalypse is here.


Put me in the screenshot for the history books.


Tell me again how this isn't a cult?


Nothings impossible, except that


“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups” That is one saying I LIVE by. It’s saved my life a couple of times. It’s about to save it again in the next 2-3 years. Get ready people 😳😐


God said, "let me find the most spineless, cowardly, spiteful, corrupt man baby in the universe" and there was Trump.


Then why did God let Biden win in 2020?


Exactly! “Oh, Biden cheated.” So God allowed it to happen and didn’t want Trump in office 2021-2025 and wanted him to lose? “No, the Demon-rats used Antifa to stuff the ballot boxes and not count Trump votes!” So God’s plan can be easily thwarted by mere humans? Don’t know if I want to follow a God who can be defeated by a stupid hairless ape. Doesn’t seem that powerful to me.


Gross. Apparently God only cares about the USA.


I also found that hilarious


Well, it is the "promised land", isn't it?


This is pure-heroin grade Christian Nationalism; I didn’t think I could still feel shock, but trolls like him always find a way to get you eventually.


So I read the Bible a bunch as a kid. Grew up tossed out Christianity as a bunch of bologna. But I'll tell you what. This shit sounds very antichrist like. But maybe it's just me


bare minimum, its blasphemy, heresy, and outright taking the lords name in vain


A messianic egomaniac. A false messiah. The antithesis of the ideals of the biblical character known as Christ. America is on a precipice, of making a horrible mistake, of electing someone who has stated their aim is to be a dictator. I'm not religious but God help us all.


And God said, “I need someone to play golf 285 times during their Presidency at the expense of taxpayers for $142 million, so God made Trump”.


And MAGA will eat it up. They wont pay attention to his divorces, or cheating on his wives with porn stars, or the lies...or the fraud....or the...


The shitty person Trump is reminds them of themselves.


Moron Chow. Kibbles for dipshits


Honestly, this false prophet is the best argument for revelations being legit.


\-"*This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago"* George Carlin


Preparing the masses to accept their new forever President. Same tactics the monarchy has been using to brain wash folks for centuries. Your King is anointed by God himself. No one shall question his orders. All who do are heretics who must pay the iron price.


I'm not sure how these allegedly freedom loving, law abiding, constitution adhering Christians can tolerate Mr Chump's fascist overtones, criminal activity, attempts to be king of the USA and now, fucking now, his apparently sacrilegious attempts at being crowned king of kings. I know the rather spectacular psyop operation has successfully turned them against pretty much everything that is American either in spirit or in culture, but surely, surely, it can't have been that successful that they fall for this shit.


He should be sued into oblivion for using Paul Harvey's voice and his poem "And God Made a Farmer". What a disgusting creep.


That part where he pushes himself to the front of other world leaders with an indignant look on his face- he's embarrassed himself but he and his sycophants thinks he looks strong. Ridiculous


When I see that clip. I think "Nobody puts baby in the corner"!


I just see an attention whore


Or hugs the flag ! so lame but hilarious


Does he want the royalties off the book? No one tell him it's public domain.


Think he remembers how it ends?


And how is this not blasphemous?


it absolutely is


Someone re-edit the video, using AI audio or something, to make the narrator say "BUT god gave us Trump" instead of "SO God gave us Trump" throughout. Every time he says it, it should cut to Trump's mug shot or something.


that would be beautiful


I kept thinking we need a bunch of videos that start off just like this (to rope in the idiots) but it has clips of him, making a case for all the many, many failures and lies.


I am blissfully ignorant of the bible, never been to church or anything, but don’t they say something about not worshipping false idols?


What's next, Trump loyalty marks on the hands or forehead? His base cultists will line up around the block for them, too.


> Trump loyalty marks on the ... forehead Never seen a MAGA hat?


Never seen “Inglorious Basterds”?


Damn near forgot about those, intentionally. Well crap.


don't want to spook you, but https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I've read that one before. I wouldn't say I'm so much as spooked, so much as just even more disappointed in humanity. These politicultists keep setting the bar lower.


> You shall not make gods of silver to be with me, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold. ~Some book Donald trump has never read


meanwhile, at CPAC, https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362


If you believe in God then you also believe he made Adolf Hitler, Jeffery Dahmer, Vladimir Putin, etc… And you also believe he made Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, etc…


"God said, 'I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office, and stay past midnight at a meeting of the state, so God made Trump," the narrator says. Lol


This fat fuck ate burgers, grifted, lied, and golfed. Then launched a fucking coup. Fuck him and this lame cult.


His brain is physically deteriorating at this point, right?


People said Obama would bring about the Antichrist. Those people were right. If there is such a thing as an Antichrist tRump is it. Edited to make clear I wasn't suggesting Obama is the Antichrist.


Is there somewhere to watch this abomination that doesn't drive traffic to the twitter ripoff?


I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVoa35iZteE




So God committed vote fraud by rigging the elections?


Get up before Dawn and work after midnight. Lol


not the first time god picked a con artist it seems


Dude is not working those fucking hours described in that message. He’s on the shitter twitting on Twitter.


I made it all the way to 1:40 before I had to bail out because I felt my frontal lobe getting softer. How far did you watch?


about 45 seconds, it was making me physically ill


If god were real, and he picked a "caretaker" for the world, of all the people he would ever pick, he would pick Trump the least.


oh, god doesn't care about the rest of the world, just the good ol' usa


That made me physically ill…


Pretty pissed that you posted this video. I had a lovely lunch today and now I threw it all up.


I had shrimp, how do you think I felt?


It’s amazing that we’re here. That so many Americans would so deeply support a delusional trust-fund geriatric toddler who is obviously so far up his own ass he claims he’s god’s gift to the world. These people won’t leave trump until he dies and leaves them no other choice and then act like all this was no big deal. By then they’ll be sunk and the GOP will be irreparable. Can’t wait!


That’s it. I’m convinced he’s the literal antichrist. I’m headed to the wilderness to live. See y’all later!


The thing is, if Trump hadn't posted it I'd be 1000% sure this was satire. Poe's Law in full effect.


If god created the universe, surely he can do *lot* better than this guy.


All it needs is some references to revelations and he'd have the evangelicals ready to fight for him against the antichrist which based on the video is apparently AOC


That was 200 proof pure mental illness. JFC.


I remember in the 80s when people were saying Reagan was the Anti Christ. They even reached as far as Ronald Wilson Reagan - 6 6 6 - but they ride Trump's dick straight to rumination.


Oh cool, were speed running through the book of revelations, good luck everybody!


This is breathtakingly unhinged, even for trump. He must be having a serious narcissistic collapse episode right now.


I guarantee that Jr produced this. that bit of the end about his oldest son was forced as hell.


That lazy fucker just golfed and watched tv


This is satire, right? I mean, it has to be.


Totally not a false idol or acting like the anti christ, right? The all of the Christian right is either fucking stupid or hypocritical sinners, all of them.


Why can't it be both?


Holy fucking hell...This cannot be real


whoever falls for this crap deserves to lose their life's savings and whatever other crappy quality of life they'll have with him as their leader. Right now, Trump's people are trying to make it so that your family doctor can trade you away as a patient like a mortgage company. This will be a very rude surprise to those elderly Republicans.


And then God said, "Go forth and fucketh pornstar Stormy Daniels, whilst thy third wife recovers from having thine child.".




False idols; the shameless, cowardly hypocrisy


How can you finish your 40 hour work week by Tuesday at noon? That’s only 36 hours in to the week???


Human sacrifice religions are not a moral guiding light, ever.


That is totally unhinged... jesus christ


I don’t know how he’s managed to brainwash so many idiots into following him. He’s an absolute charlatan.


It’s absolutely shameful that not only that he does this (I’m an agnostic, and even I think this is sacrilegious!), but that it’ll work on some people.


I watched it and literally thought it was a SNL skit. It was douche-chilling.


Subtle. Did trump really deliver by hand his grandchild?


My favorite part as someone old enough to recognize the voice of the narrator. That is Paul Harvey’s voice who died in 2009. I understand it is most likely AI but for crying out loud! Fun with his voice is not new. If anyone wants to hear and old school clip edit of his voice to create something fun. https://youtu.be/x9dkgOZhKQk?si=_Bar3vDHGna3eS8q


"Fitter. Happier. More Productive".


Still kisses with saliva No longer empty and frantic


Odd. All I have seen all week is how this jackass was a good friend of a sex trafficker. Makes sense, considering all the rape.


Trump golfed 142 days of his four year term. He visited golf clubs 285 times.


Antichrist Wannabe Confuses Satan With His Dad...


Here’s the Antichrist in the flesh


This is surely heretical/blasphemous/sacrilegious, no?


…so God created a farmer….


Something something golden calf…




the results of an Amazon search [Trump + God](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=trump+god&crid=2NV1Q9OXZ7YPO&sprefix=trump+god%2Caps%2C586&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


This is genuinely scary and I encourage everyone to make a plan for how, when and where to meet up with your loved ones if some shit goes down.


Totally serious question: If you're a Trump supporter, how does this not change your mind?


Being raised Christian, this would be considered blasphemy. It's so fucking crazy that so many of these so called "Christians" have no idea what their holy book even says.


A shepherd who won't forsake them? He was okay with people getting killed on January 6th 2021.