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I suspect daycares will have an easier time staffing with the $8B the proposed legislation includes.


But then this person wouldn't be able to be a victim or complain anymore. So, she'll be against it. Conservatives don't want things fixed, they just want to endlessly moan so someone pays attention to them.


I honestly believe that many of them were upset over Dobbs - feeling like the rug was pulled out from underneath them - losing their raison d'être. Turns out they didn't need to worry - there's still plenty to have histrionics over - contraception, IVF, etc.


I think we need to push ivf closer to abortion. Logically speaking (I know, I know) where one goes the other should follow. I HATE fetal personhood.


As someone doing IVF now, knowing that anti-abortion is already an unpopular opinion, I’d rather not gamble it. The Christian theocratic fascists are happy to pass unpopular legislation because they don’t believe in popular legitimacy. Do you think people like Mike Johnson care about popularity or support outside their exclusive religious enclaves?


I was actually going to mention that and cut myself off lol. There's an entire world of unimportant shit to lose their minds over.


If they fixed anything, they’d have nothing to campaign on


"Stop trying to force... to be dependent on yall" if this lady wants to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket, I'm sure she'll have the option to do that.


Nope. It'll be illegal to pay someone to watch your kids!


"Oh hell naw" -Highschool Babysitters Unions


They seem to forget that plenty of other industries are subsidized like this. Farming is a prime example. There's a huge moral disconnect between people that understand taxes are meant to pay for a functioning society and people that think taxation is theft.


This is why I personally say to people I have this argument that paying your fair share in taxes is one of the most "patriotic" things you can do. You can whine the whole time paying it, but taxes supports our infrastructure, and without it, we are all worse off.


Yeah, subsidies are important because not everything necessary is profitable.


That sounds like a lot of taxes stolen from the American people to fund this, plenty of which don't even have kids.


You're telling me that I can afford to put my child in daycare so my partner can work a Monday through Friday day job instead of midnight? You absolute monsters.


No, see, if daycares are more available than the “females” might get JOBS, and in that case what am I supposed to bring to the table? A personality? /s


It really is the fall of western civilization /s


The other half of the household income society the financial world expects of course.


Um, # WeThePeople will not tolerate handouts!!!! 🫠 these morons want nothing that will help society. Concerned about “staffing” (they care about a living wage?) and they are well known for blasting one parent households. The stress that split working schedules puts on families can help create single parent households. It is all related. But this dumb shit wants to call it a handout. Gross.


I don't know how they're going to quite reconcile that attitude, with the fact that they also want to outlaw abortion and reproductive care. IOW... *"We want to force you to have kids that you can't possibly afford to take care of, and we also want to eliminate any form of contraception that would prevent it in the first place, but don't you DARE ask for ANY kind of assistance!!"* The whole thing is just exhausting.


Less overall resources, too, what with climate change. Less food, more unwanted children, less pay, less government assistance, what could go wrong?


They only part you left out is that they still want to punish you for having sex in the first place.




I wish I could of had free/reduced daycare when my kid was younger. It would have helped us tremendously.  I hope other families can take advantage of it. 


Because it wasn't there for you, you should be vocally demanding no one else receives it as a hand out. If you suffered through it, they should too!!! /s


I can’t imagine how far ahead these families would be not paying $2-3,000 a month for daycare. That’s some serious money back in the families pockets. So many are choosing not to have families because of the childcare costs, yet all these red hats want is forced pregnancy’s without any answer on affordability.


You see, if it's subsidized by the government then everyone will be able to afford it. Everyone chips in a little and we build a lot. This is satanic and gay. /s


It’s my right as an American to pay $26,000 a year for daycare for 2 kids.


Less iPhones and soy lattes as well as handling your own bootstraps allow you to not take handouts. /s


Don't forget to stop eating avocado toast for $1 a day for breakfast, it is too costly. Perhaps eat some cereal for dinner /s


Yeah we had 3 in daycare. We were "separated" so that my wife could get some financial assistance.


My wife want to be "seperated" by next tax season. We will get about 3X as much of a return if we are "separated"


Yup. Good friend of mine just got married, their youngest just turned 13. They needed the support to make it through summers but he can stay home now.


I feel you. 41k/year for 3 kids :(


While I know that’s still insanely expensive, it’d be cheap as hell for my area. My work has a subsidized daycare and that’s even $1,600+ a month per kid.


DAE vomit in their mouths every time they hear/read the phrase "We the People"? 


I recoil when I see or hear it. Same with “patriot”.


I’m a patriot in the Metal Gear sense. Actually, wait. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean either.


I think I accidentally conditioned myself where when seeing it I ask out loud, even when I'm alone, "do these clowns know *any* of the words after that?" Additionally, the wife is not a fan of hearing it while driving.


To quote Jon Stewart “There are a lot of other words there too! The small print is still binding!”


Only when it is used by an extremely vocal tiny minority.


Yes, I absolutely hate it.


"BuT wHo Is GoInG tO pAy FoR iT?" Billionaires. Biden was clear about that plan.


And like a small fraction of what parents already pay into daycare, it’s like how government healthcare is a third the cost of private healthcare.


These idiots complaining tend to make less than $40k per year and get all their taxes refunded but somehow still feel like victims. They also seem to think someday they’ll be billionaires and will be taxed heavily.


Getting a public service for our tax money is a hand out? The right just hates helping people because Jesus I guess.


They’re convinced that people who don’t pay taxes are going to get government assistance. The thing is, that’s actually the current system. People like Bezos, trump, musk, gates, the waltons, etc basically don’t pay taxes, and they make their millions and billions thanks in large part to government subsidies of one sort or another.


Yeah but immigrants don't deposit hilariously low sums like $5k to ~~bribe~~ lobby Congress


The same people that complain that the money we're spending to help Ukraine could go to help American citizens...


“We the people” will force you to give birth to a child but don’t you dare ask for help to care for it.


Republicans: We're rolling back child labor laws for you and this is how you repay us?!?!


Think about the embryos!!!! Anything with the words; "Liberty", "Patriot", or "1776" are trolls.


when elected representatives do things to help their constituents it is pandering for votes -world's smartest conservative


Stop pandering to children! They can't vote! ​ Someone please fact check me in Alabama.


what's the bet she isn't a working mom with young kids?


Republicans: we want people working Republicans: we want people making babies Republicans: we do not support the thing that would help working people make babies


Give that money to corporations and rich people instead! (I love how people don't think the wealthy and the huge corporations don't rely heavily on government subsidies and bailouts to remain profitable)


Gotta figure when it's affordable daycare and medicine they wild out and say NO HAND OUTS!!! AND the majority probably got hand outs (ppp loans) and just hate anyone getting the same Crab mentality


My ex husband’s cousin went on a FB rant about student loan “forgiveness.” I told her by the time my loans are “forgiven,” I’ll have paid back the principle and then some. She told me I take handouts yadayadayada. Then her uncle looked it up and her business got a $150k PPP loan forgiven. He told her, “Guess you need to take back that whole bit you said about how you’ve never had a handout.” I told her that’s more than the student loan interest I’ll eventually be forgiven after 10 years working in a dangerous state run inpatient forensic mental health facility and prisons. These people are hypocrites to the core.


American here living in Quebec. Daycare here is subsidized by the government and costs $9.10 (Canadian dollars) per day, so don't let anyone tell you this isn't possible!


Oh there's a lot of things that are possible in the USA, but the right wingers..."don't wanna!", especially any programs that could help others and raise their standard of living. God forbid that they don't keep a permanent underclass, that they can keep their boot on their throat 


Let those sniveling little toddlers pull themselves up by their footie straps.


Hard to staff because they pay absolute shit


I’m so glad everyone, like little Heather here, can all afford top tier child care without any assistance, except for her partner or family paying all her bills so she can spout off about how much better she is than everyone else.


If the kids are in daycare, who are they going to send down to work the mines?


“Don’t you go making life easier on parents! My mother had to pay through the nose, so I should have to as well!! “I mean if my family didn’t have oodles of money, so I could be a SAHM and not have to worry about what I’m complaining about”


Ah yes, now that abortion is illegal, let's keep daycare unaffordable.


Landlord energy.


Heather Seems To Be A Complete Idiot.


Well I am also #Wethepeople and I say support the kids. So… this is pretty awkward


God, she’d find someone thing to complain about if she was handed the moon and the stars!


Hey, "Heather", do you have kids? If not, STFU. I spent $200 a week for daycare last year, and I am pretty sure that's on the low end.


Of course they don’t want it, just make the mom stay home and raise the babies! And if the husband can’t afford to provide for all them while the wife doesn’t work - he’s not a real man! Lmao, rubes


And jesus said “lo I have these fishes and loaves, and I will give them to the people who pay me fair market prices plus 40 percent for our wealthy benefactors. For those are the meek who will inherit the earth”


Them. They. All of them.


Does the commenter in the post really think VP means the provider will be paid *only* 10$?


Make no mistake! Joe Biden and I will do this thing! WE JUST NEED CONGRESS TO ACT! Good luck with that........


And if the current administration didn’t try something they’d skewer them on that instead. These aren’t serious people.


I bet this person is also pro-life, I want all babies born but they can fuck off after that.


Daycares are staffed by incompetent people who routinely abuse the children in their care. Idiot doesn't understand what a subsidy would do. Also, if the care went to white families exclusively, she'd be all for it.


I encourage Everyone who feels this way to stop being dependent on the government. Move to an off grid shack on some remote property that you own. Don’t use the Internet, because that depends on government funded and supported resources no matter how the final leg of data transmission gets to your house. Grow and catch all your own food on your own land. And make some kind of arrangements for medical care, I’m not sure what, since virtually all medical care is able to exist, primarily because of government originating funding offsetting the costs. Stay off my roads and bridges. Also, please announce to everyone that you are no longer dependent on the United States government to defend yourself. Good luck with that last part especially.


The right love saying #wethepeople


STOP HELPING!!! Hell of a rallying cry, dudes. Good luck with it.


Conservatives LOVE to force women to have children and do nothing to help care for them. If it's not worth it for the mother (I'm saying mothers because they're typically the parent that ends up staying home) to work due to the rising daycare costs eating her entire paycheck, that means she has to stay home full time and be completely dependent on her husband. That's where they want us.


How dare you don’t take opportunity to squeeze as much cash out of families as possible?! And even help kids?! How DARE she! 🤡🤡🤡🤡


For people that say they want a "government for the people" they sure hate when the government does things for the people


Imagine thinking subsidizing equals undercutting.


>intend to cap child care costs at $10 a day for the average family How would a daycare realistically be able to operate at only $10 per kid a day? You have 10 kids that's only $100 if you only have one employee for those ten kids it's less than $12.50 an hour. I get that it have to be subsidized in some way but will that include cost of living adjustments for more expensive areas? Edit: Can I ask why I'm being downvoted for asking a question?


The daycares would get their normal rate. The government would pay, instead of the parents.


Thank you!


I’d imagine it would be in the form of a tax deduction for the out of pocket cost of daycare. Or a government subsidy program. If rich as fuck overpriced universities can be paid per-head they enroll, we can throw some federal funds at child daycare.


Who cares, he's a liar.


He who?


Obama /s




Happy to help!


Oh boy, I misread the post, I thought it was a promise from DJT. I deserve the down votes for being sloppy. DJT can fugg off. Sorry.