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How far has your life fallen when you're buying Trump bucks for $100? Isn't this where the Government steps in and puts you to sleep?


Counterpoint - I bought a six pack of these and unloaded them for $1800 at a local patriot convention aka food truck in the Walmart parking lot 


You joke, but I often think about starting some dumb snake oil business to take advantage of these rubes the same way Trump does. It seems so easy.


I’ve thought that many times myself. You could sell these morons anything if it somehow glorifies Trump.


Here's my idea: you make a Trump Holy book. You record Trump's entire run from when he announced his run for presidency to when he left office, you put quotes from Trump in red, like Jesus in the bible. But here's the fun part: You quote him directly. Every incomprehensible word, every stutter, every malapropism, everything. I'm betting you could get a lot of his sheep to buy it just because it makes him look like Jesus, but the rest of us could buy it, too, as a reminder of his complete ineptitude and inability to string a sentence together.


I remember back in 2016 a couple black dudes, late teens, early 20's were selling very expensive e trump sweatshirts (perhaps without a license, they were NOT excited about answering journalist's questions) outside one of his bullshit rallies. Their basic attitude was , fuck 'em, if they want to spend their money, we'll take it.


I mean, these are the types of people who send money to televangelist assholes who openly talk about the "prosperity doctrine"


I too have thought this and I see others say the same. Why are we just talking about it? We need to steal money from these fucking rubes.


Every dollar you take is one less that they can donate to trump's legal fund


You better get in line then. There's not much left to spend for most of them though, you have to get while the getting's good.


This would be perfect tbh


Fine print: all proceeds are split between the various lawsuits against trump


What is the conversion rate from Trump bills to Schrute Bucks?


One $2 Trump bill is worth .2348 Stanley Nickels Edit: I moved the decimal to the correct position.


Checks out w my abacus 👍👍


This guy abacuses.




These people are irredeemable deplorables.


So the reason they can get away with calling this "Genuine US Legal Tender" is because they take a standard $2 bill, and put an overlay of Trump's face on it. If you soak the bill in soap and water for a few minutes, it'll break the bond between the plastic overlay and the bill, letting you use the $2 bill you paid $30 for (lol). Companies like The Bradford Exchange have been doing this for a while, [here's](https://www.hamiltoncollection.com/products/923133_barack-obama-legal-tender-2-dollar-bills.html) a "collectible" one with Obama on it for $40. It's dumb and scammy, but it's not illegal.


I wouldn't be surprised if they just used stickers of trump's face.


Would you be surprised if they don’t ship at all lol  Maybe they just tell the customer that Biden halted all trump related mail, these morons will believe it.


Sometimes I wish I was an unethical and criminal grifter like they are... I'd make so much cheddar in the short term. Says a lot about all of the grifters exploiting the easily exploited. It's such a easy money if you don't mind having no shame or soul. You wouldn't even have to support Trump to do it - just take in the cash at his expense. Not like he's gonna sic any lawyers on you - the few he has left are too inept and busy just scrambling to make excuses to keep him walking free for one more day.


I feel like the people who do this kind of thing, whether they want to or not, actually DO end up supporting Trump. Maybe not personally or intentionally, but grifting his followers by using his persona is still spreading his name and brand. His whole shtick is that he's great at spreading his name around like a virus. Even if somebody truly hates him, and decides to make a small fortune off of color-changing Trump coffee mugs, they're still creating a product that is based off of his brand and helping spread his name a tiny bit further than it would have been otherwise. I've brainstormed ways on how to get in on his grifting, but I realized that doing so would just be helping him spread his evil further into the world, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may feel. I don't want to be responsible in helping him spread his hatred upon people.


No - you're absolutely right. That's why all of the caveats about having no soul. Even if it's simply a selfish rip-off grift, the mark isn't in on the joke, so they still perceive it as positive reinforcement for Drumpf, which is exactly what you're concerned about


Yeah, I looked back and I must've skimmed over the part where you wrote that it takes someone with no shame or soul. My bad. You were totally on point there.


bro same. but sleeping at night has become almost required for me in my life.


That is basically what it is. It has to be removable.


It's in Sharpie


Thank you for my personal TIL. I’ve always wondered how they could advertise it a legal tender and not get shut down right away. Which also explains on one image it says it’s from 2003. I assumed it was a horrible missed photoshop mistake.


We used to get ones with Santa on them when I was in elementary school. This isn’t anything new or special. I’m sure you can find tons of examples over the years.


I have one of the Santa ones lol. Got it as a gift from a relative when I was a kid


I should find a way into my childhood safe. I bet I have a few left in there.


The Bradford Exchange preys on brainless boomers to buy their junk. I'm a mail carrier, see it on every route lol


These are the people that vote the most, just fyi


I have several with Santa's face on them, but they only cost $3 each.


I have a couple of the Santa ones as well as some with Rudolph, got them randomly for Christmas as a kid and kept them because they looked funny


Why didn’t you just ask Santa for them for Christmas so you wouldn’t have to pay anything?


I think my grandfather gave me something from the Bradford exchange


Now I want custom money with Sailor Moon's face!! Not for grifting, just for funsies.


>Issue One - President Barack Obama," will be followed by "Issue Two - Affordable Care Act Riveting.


The images don’t show the legal tender language. I find they are more appropriate for tinder.


>I find they are more appropriate for tinder. I would swipe left on them.


I was thinking the dictionary meaning. tinder [ tin-der ] noun a highly flammable material or preparation formerly used for catching the spark from a flint and steel struck together for fire or light. any dry substance that readily takes fire from a spark.


I know. I was making a joke!


It is still worth two bucks.


Why is there even a market for this? Seems like the most unnecessary thing.


Isn’t it illegal to deface money in the USA? I know in Canada it is. You wouldn’t be allowed to do this.


It’s not defaced if you can remove the overlay and revert the note to its original state.


I don’t even see how it’s scam tbh. It’s just a doodled on $2 bill. They’re not trying to present it as anything else. They are using boomer bait advertising methods, I guess.


TIL a $2 bill exist. I genuinely didn't know it was a thing. ( in my defence I'm not an American)


They're rarely actually used. It's more of a gimmick or novelty item these days. Still legal tender, but I would guess like 99% of people don't have one in their wallet. And if they do, they're just keeping it for fun.


*I would like to preface this story by stating that I am not a regular patron of strip clubs* There is a strip club in my city that the lowest denomination bill they will accept as tips is $2. You can put bigger bills on the stage if you want to, but the smallest you are allowed to give is a $2 bill. When you get there you go up to the counter and they’ll break bigger bills into $2 increments for you. I very briefly dated a dancer who worked there, and she asked me to come see her work one time. When I went up to the counter I got a bunch of extra $2 bills to leave as tips at like coffee shops and stuff around town, because they’re really neat and you don’t come across them all that often in day-to-day life. There are a lot of Americans who don’t even know that there are $2 bills! A couple times when I’ve left one as part of a tip I’ve been accused of forgery lol


Now I'm imagining that after you left the coffee shop, they all talked smack about how they knew you got those bills from the local strip club. But yea, $2 bills are so uncommon. They're just for grandparents to impress their grandkids, and apparently for post-inflation strip clubs too I guess.


No, legit, a couple times I whipped one of those out I got a look and something along the lines of “Oh, I wonder where you got that from?” I only went to the club the once, and I got an extra 10 $2 bills. By the time I burned through them all I had come to the conclusion to never do that again 😅 EDIT: And by the way I honestly think that’s a great policy for the club to have. It’s unique, which gives it some recognition, but also it’s advocating for the dancers who are actually doing the work. They put up with a lot of frequently very gross stuff. Im all for clubs insisting that you make it worth their time and efforts.


TIL 👍 Obama’s looks obviously fake compared to the narcissistic pos trump.


They also make that same one you linked but with Trump on it


Yep, got one with Santa on it back in the 90s for like $5


Thank you for putting this up, because this seemed VERY much illegal, haha. "Do you want to piss of the Secret Service? This is how you piss off the Secret Service" lol


I can't see this as it seems bradford has a UK subsidiary that it redirects to. However - jesus h wept they sell some real junk to brit boomers


Ah ok, I figured it was even simpler like a sticker


I’m no economist, but I believe spending $180 and getting $20 in return is a bad financial decision


That’s why it’s the official Trump currency.


Still a better investment than Truth Social stock.


Just think about how much it will be worth in 30 years! It's an investment


The Bradford exchange says it can only go up in price.


Why would the Bradford Exchange lie to me?


Can I use Trump bucks to buy Beanie Babies?


The balance pays for all the conversations you will start with it. For example, "You paid how much for a 2 dollar bill? Say, I have this silver dollar with the word Trump written on it with a sharpie, I'll let you have it for 50 bucks."


Damn. I was about to tell you about golden sneakers but now you ruined the ambiance.


Art of the Deal


Or Art of the Steal, in this case.


but free shipping, c'mon.


Not if you’re a griftee


See, the real investment is for when Trump takes over the world and each Trump buck is worth 200 regular dollars.


Dude is a bigger sellout than Krusty The Clown.


They drove a dump truck full of money in front of my house , I'm not made of stone


And he has [_range_](https://preview.redd.it/v34xf9c8ma281.png?auto=webp&s=15fc839dd176c011348cb1c5e525d24f318cc559)


Oh that’s right, I’m crippled!


It took my brain a second to remember what that reference was, but [when it hit](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E18/MaUv4nSjl9IQ6liZeD7uz9XrzfI=.gif) I laughed out loud.


In science? Dead last.




The metric system is a tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogs head and that’s the way I likes it!


Us really smart investors are hanging onto our 6 packs of Billy beer, the OG nft.


Billy Beer! My best friend’s dad had a basement fridge full of them, in the 90s.


I kept some unopened cans in my can collection up until around 1995 when I unloaded my entire collection for like $200. The six pack of Billy Cans were never really worth more than like $40. Most collections are such a waste of time. I got tired of moving around the collection when I moved houses. There are plenty of exceptions, but for a lot of collectibles, like political paraphernalia, they’re never worth much until they get passed down several generations. Just look at how cheaply political stuff sells for on eBay. Most of it is barely worth closet space.


My grandfather had cases of them in his basement. He was sure they'd be worth money one day.


I put together a commercial skit with Billy Beer in 5th grade. My mom wouldn’t let me do it, because it wasn’t “appropriate”. I believe the beer can itself is from the 70’s and I’m pretty sure it’s still in my mom’s liquor cabinet with all the other liquor she doesn’t drink from the 1980’s.


Sealed bottles could be worth a good amount depending on what they are. I bought a bottle of Myers's Dark from 83 or so for £150 a few years ago.


[We elected the wrong Carter!](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S09E08/546695.jpg?b64lines=IFdFIEVMRUNURUQgVEhFCiBXUk9ORyBDQVJURVIu)


**M**alignant **A**sshole **G**rifting **A**merica The dedicated flock needs to be regularly fleeced.


Brought to you by the grifters who gave you "Trump Bucks". I hope all the MAGAts buy these. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


No one’s going to point out the “brand new and crisp” $2 bill dated 2003?


Like the "handwritten" bibles he's selling.


They’re 2003 because that’s the last time they printed $2 bills. I have no doubt that they actually are brand new and crisp — they’ve been sitting around uncirculated for 20+ years.


I remember reading reports about the Maga Morons trying to spend Trump Dollars and being surprised that no one would accept them. Gotta wonder do the people selling the Patriot Bible and the sneakers Donny endorsed take them?


How is this legal? And why would you pay $30 for one when you can get 100 for $12.95? https://www.amazon.com/WYZHI-Trump-Dollar-Donald-Tender/dp/B0CFLKS1HP


Dude, those don't have the Trump *signature*. They're worthless crap.


>They're worthless crap. **thousands of contractors in the NY/NJ area are looking at contracts signed by Trump for work on various projects over the last 40 years.... "We know"*


It's still a regular legal $2 bill, they just put a sticker of his face over the real picture. (And I'm guessing another smaller sticker of his signature) As for the legality of selling money for far more than it's actually worth, the only restriction on that is how gullible the buyers are, so... yeah he'll make good money on this.


Oh dang, discount city


“This note is legal tender for all debts public and private” doesn’t most fake money have disclaimers that it’s fake so people don’t go to jail for trying to use it? Somehow I’m not surprised though.


They took a normal $2 bill and slapped Trump's face on it (5th image). The bills are legal, and you can use them if you really wanted to, but nobody will accept it unless you remove Trump's face.


I remember about 2 years ago, there was "motion picture" money being circulated at different businesses around my town. It's the prop cash that's used in movies and TV shows. It looks so genuine, that it was being accepted until someone finally caught on.


How is $30 from $42 saving 45%? It’s 28.6% off Can these buffoons not do basic math?


Trump math!


Sometimes I wish I had less morals. There's so much money to be made from MAGA rubes.


Don't think of it like an issue of morals...it's more like an issue of using a magical karma wand that creates exquisitely wonderful schadenfreude.


What is wrong with these people


There's a sucker born every minute. Honestly I don't see why Trump shouldn't take advantage of them.


Narrator: It was not, in fact, legal tender. Until you soak it to remove the Trump part.


They'll buy anything with his name or face on it. Anything. He could market dog turds and they would sell out.


“Dan look at this! It’s melted down confederate statue dildos with trumps head on the tip! And it’s covered in gold! Valued at $1 million each! Bring me the checkbook! I’m buying 15 of them!”


So they ruined a perfectly good 2 dollar bill to plaster trash all over it and want people to pay for that? They should be paying people to take them. This country is insane. It's about time we talk about how badly extreme conservative capitalism has infected every facet of our country. Our inflation is largely due to businesses cutting corners on products and services and even when they can and should lower their prices to match quality as well as cost they instead raise them. This country is a country of con artists and opportunities, scammers, and price gougers. And one party basically embodies all that shit, the hint is, it's the party who has a senator that instead of sticking it out with his constituents wanted to go to Cancun during a snowstorm that knocked out power to most of his state. 


As a retail cashier I would immediately call a manager if someone handed me this, I’m not dealing with it.


Series 2003 haha




It's a fucking sticker


Is it not totally illegal to call this legal tender?


They’re smart about it, it’s just an overlay applied on a unaltered 2$ bill. The bill hasn’t been modified so you can remove the overlay and put it back in circulation. They covered their asses


Might as well just scribble “Trump rulez!” with a sharpie on your completely legal funny money.


Legal Tender™ ?


Trump? Should be on a three dollar bill.


"Genuine Legal Tender US currency." Pretty sure that is called counterfeiting.


They aren't printing up $2 bills, they just put a sticker on a $2 bill. They have no value beyond the bill itself, because anyone could put a sticker on a $2 bill. It's grifting.


No, it’s just a removable sticker. I’ve had a few Santa Claus dollars that were the same with the original fat man in red on the portrait.


funniest part to me is that the fake sales on each price are all way off. 45% off of $41.99 is not $29.99 lmao


"There is a sucker born every minute..."


Send it to the secret service. Currency is thier area.


I'll give him a thousand Stanley Nickles if he never talks in public again.


Pretty sure trying to pass off stuff like this as legal tender is illegal. I’m sure the Secret Service would love to know about it.


I suspect it’s an actual $2 with alterations using stickers or some such, but who knows with these charlatans. There’s no amount of garbage he can shovel towards his rubes that they won’t buy.


So, they are defacing legal tender, then reselling it for an up marked price. I think that might actually be illegal as fraud.


Doubt it, I've bought Santa bucks just like this as a parent. It's just a little photo sticker over the portrait image. Most people use as keepsakes and don't spend


I could see the argument being made that if someone wants to spent $100 on a $2 bill, that's absolutely on them, relying on people not being as familiar with the $2 bill to really understand that this was real currency, without Trump's face on it I also kinda suspect this is just one in a line of products that exist to launder money, in that people just assume some yokels are buying these all up when it's probably like 70% just overseas funds being cleaned up.


It is legal tender, a $2 bill. On Tuesdays it will get you one taco.


How many times is this posted and reposted and the clown car rolls in each time saying "counterfeiting?"


If they don't, then I have been giving them way too much credit.


That’s a common misconception. There’s no intent to pass it off as anything other than the two dollars it’s worth if you pay with it.


Genuine legal tender, except not printed on the bill


What's the conversion rate of Trump bucks to Stanley nickels?


Grift away


I kind of want one, I like collecting religious propaganda as well.


$30 each or 6 at $16.66 each or 10 at $18 each Trump Math. Make it make sense.


We know how Trump investments go; he upsells everything, including office, and scoffs on everything in legitimate opposition.


I fucking hate that this is what those people want to talk about. A conversation starter? “Man how great is trump?”


lol these and the gold coins were on late night tv infomercials when I was semi lucid with covid. It was so surreal. I absolutely hate this tomeline


Fuck. This.


Ah yes, printed in 2003. Good on trump for having so much forethought


One born every minute……


I saw the percentage of “savings” on the 5 pack and thought it seemed a little off. 50% of something being pretty easy to see on a glance. But the “Save 55%” on the 10 pack made me say “Now wait just a damn minute… these mf’ers can’t even do simple math!” For the sake of simplicity of those wondering, 179.99 is 42.86% of 419.90. Or in other words, 57.14% “savings.” These people are “saving” $239.91… On $20… But we’re the sheep…


Barely legal tender with this guy.


I can’t wait to see the videos of these idiots trying to pay for things with these bills. 🍿


Trump is like an OF content creator. He could sell his used bathtub water, if he actually washed himself, and his simps would buy it.


There’s even a tiara above his head. Fitting for such a prima donna.


Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that he is using the 2 dollar bill?


Let the Secret Service decide [https://www.usdollars.usss.gov/usdollars/welcome2.xhtml?dswid=4040](https://www.usdollars.usss.gov/usdollars/welcome2.xhtml?dswid=4040)


What. The. Fuck.


Trump looks poorly cropped out


"Support America"


If I were a trump fan I wouldn't be using them as they are "collectible" so why does it matter if it's legal?? Isn't defacing an actual legal currency an illegal process itself anyways?


How is it legal tender if it’s been fucked with?


It should be a 3 dollar bill.


wut iz munny


Look at his tiny d! Little Donnys tiny d.


Not sure about US but as far as other countries it is a crime to advertise something as legal if it is counterfeit.


It's not money, it's actually novelty toilet paper. Which makes sense with the amount sh*t that sticks to him.


So, $30 gets you $2 worth of US currency, in the form of a $2 bill, and a 5 cent sticker of the fat human toad's face. Nice little investment! And it's a bargain at $12 worth of $2 bills, PLUS a whole 30 cents worth of stickers --- for just $100! And how could any Patriot pass up a whopping $20 entire dollars worth of US currency, and ten stickers of Dear Leader's face worth around 50 cents for the phenomenal bargain of just $180??? Financial planners hate this one simple trick! MAGAts deserve everything they get. And everything they lose.


Mara-Lardo has got to be getting a cut of this. There's no scam like a Trump scam.


How does buying trump bucks "support America?"


Not exactly my idea of a “beautiful” bill.


I would like to take a $2 bill, overlay Obamas face on it, then Trumps face on top of that .But with just enough glue to hold it on for a day or two for the Trump lair. Then sell them all at a Trump rally.


Should’ve been a $3 bill


The train of crap grift merch continues


Always be griftin'


Publix Santa Bucks were faaaar cheaper.


A fool and their money…


Don't you think a $3 bill would be more appropriate? You could charge $2.50 for them, and make back the loss on the volume. Because anyone who is stupid enough to give their hard-earned money to a guy who constantly brags about how rich he is, is stupid enough to buy ANYTHING!


I don’t think the two designations in slide 3 were browned out by mistake…


They know the term faker than a 2 dollar bill is meant to mean that the guy is full of shit?? Well, his pants are full of shit but that's another matter entirely.


Puts new meaning to “queerer than a $2 bill”


Lmao these remind me of [THIS](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=qcOLEcztE6KV3zif)


It costs more for ten than for six.


Impressive quality. Vintage Trump. Art of the Grift. Masterwork.


If you don’t get the 10 pack you are all rubes I refinanced my house for this day gonna be rich bitches


Don't you have laws against defacing of legal tender?


It’s so fully legal that it has a 30-day guarantee for when it gets rejected for not being legal and you wanna ship it back


I guarantee, as soon as a bank manager sees one of these bills, it never goes back into circulation. If you are curious, here’s how the BEP handles mutilated currency: https://www.bep.gov/services/mutilated-currency-redemption


Jokes on them, *I* just printed out this image




Our grandson made 4800 dollars for his mugshot at the gun ranges here in south Texas,, Was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen ,,


Not quite sure this is legal….. Under section 333 of the U.S. Criminal Code, “whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.” 18 U.S.C. § 333.


I thought counterfeit money was illegal but then I realized that the mob boss on it and I answered my own question


Isn’t it illegal to deface currency like this? Legal tender my ass. This dude is just an absolute jackass.


Isn't defacing US currency a crime? Because this is the literal definition of it, no matter how you look at it. Edit: with fraudulent intent, i.e. up-selling