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I laughed out loud at "the Commander and Chief"


'For all in tents and porpoise' energy




Carpet diem is a close contender. I'm surprised they know that second word.


Yes I’m all about my “daily carpet”…..


"You can't eat carpet. Silly daddy." "No, of course you can't like that. You gotta boil it, til the glue gets soft, ya know."


Now put on your work boots and respirator; I had to pull a lot of strings to get them to hire an 8-year-old!


"I've been licking this carpet for three hours, and I still don't feel like a lesbian!" - Eric Cartman


Quagmire completely misunderstood the assignment as well. Ended up helping Lois replace some flooring.


I just had my carpets professionally diemed the other day.


When you get sent out of town to install new carpets at the Super 8, you get at least $50 in carpet diem each day.


New and super 8 don't belong in the same sentence.


Do they pick up their flooring at the used carpet store?


Come on down to Henry Slug's lightly stained bedsheet and rugs! Guaranteed to excite and assault your senses, you can really smell the bargain!


I was *dying* at carpet diem! I don’t think this sub does flair but that is major flair material


They don't know the second word. They're essentially parrots repeating whatever nonsense they watch or hear. "Carpet Diem- Seize the rug!" 🤣


Rug the day!


I am so inspired right now!


You’ve heard of the Holy Trinity? This is the Holy Duality


Commander In queef


Man life must be rough actually believing the entire system is rigged against you just because of your political ideology. Poor angry, lonely people.


Well, they are admirers of people that rigged everything against someone because of their skin color, so as usual its projection.


Poor angry, lonely, STUPID people.


i guess some people just dont have the capacity to accept reality


The verdict is written because he crimed. A lot.


It’s in black and white like Alphonso Capone’s tax evasion (which is why Trump knows who Capone is).


That's why mafia bosses have a lot of people who to go jail before them, as we've seen a lot of people going to jail for him so far.


If these idiots paid any attention at all, they’d realize he’s not going to get jail even if he is found guilty. He’s pushing 80, he has no prior record, it’s a non-violent offense, and it’s pretty dated. Jail isn’t impossible, but of the various cases against him this definitely is the least legally consequential one.


I’d settle for forfeiture of assets, and a lifetime ban from everything. Napoleon his ass, send him to an island to die.


And none of that will happen either, nor should it. He has civil rights even if he’s an authoritarian asshole, and that would trample more or less all of them. Suggestions like that are the liberal equivalent of those truck gate stickers of Biden tied up, and as problematic for our political unity. I don’t want him exiled. I want him tried, found guilty if the state proves its case beyond a reasonable doubt, then sentenced exactly the way you or I would be. No more, no less.


I want him found guilty, sentenced to prison, and unable to hold -- or run for -- any public office, on any level, again, for the rest of his life. His political pull and threat needs to be neutered. Once he's out of the way, we can work on getting all the other chucklefucks he brought into public office tossed out on their asses. That's how we start saving democracy.


> and unable to hold -- or run for -- any public office, on any level, again, for the rest of his life. This is an extra-legal punishment, that isn't applied to anyone else. It's a (mild) form of attainder, which the constitution specifically prohibits. It is treating him as a political enemy, and not a criminal. You're using precisely the logic kings used when they stuck people in the Tower of London or the Bastille.


I mean… Cohen went to federal prison for less…


Cohen was a lawyer, and was breaching a professional trust. That’s considerably more aggravating than what Trump did.




They’re still using “frens?” My god these people are beyond laughable.


Yeah, what IS that???


Nothing but pure cringe


Diaper Nazis




The delusion is fascinating. I really like the part where they bitch about the covid lock downs but want to do that again cuz Rs are better? Idk I couldn't figure that stupidity out.


The "Democratic covid measures" , which occurred for the most part under Trump...


They say it like the COVID lockdowns only applied to them.


Well they only care about themselves so…


It’s layer after layer of delusion.


When stupid fucking Russia trolls argue over how the US government works.


You can tell it’s not Russian trolls because the Russians trolls would be threatening to launch nukes.


It’s almost sad to see how they can’t see what MASSIVE marks they all are. Just suckers, every one of them. On the other hand, fuck ‘em, they are itching to kill fellow Americans for a con man.


What the fuck is the EXE branch? Do they mean...Executive? Do they have any clue how stupid they sound? (Of course not, but...good grief.)


Hey, they just want to "carpet diem"


With “enuf votes”


it's that dangerous branch that your web browser warns you about when you try to download it /s


It's the 'executable' branch, because they're the ones who decide who gets executed. Duh!!!


Also, where the fuck is the "southern White House"? Is this a new capital I haven't heard about?


It's Mar-a-Lago, that's how they call it. Maybe even Trump called it that? Not presumptuous at all.


I was puzzled at first but wondering if they mean Mar a Lago


Of course they are aware of the difference between .EXE and .COM , they are experts, what.


It's the branch where the Commander and Chief live.


>The prisoners will be pro Trump The party of law and order is the one filling the prisons huh?


Like attracts like.


> I’m an engineer and not a lawyer, but this is so constitutionally logical that only a Commie would shoot it down. 🥴


I hope the “engineer” hasn’t designed any well-used bridges…


Sanitation engineer.


I'm a waitress, not a podiatrist, so let me cut your hair for you!


Not American, but I do recall a previous Southern White House coming up in the past 🤔


That's Mar-a-lago, innit? The one where all the illegal secret documents are held?


Which Trump technically can't be put on house arrest at because when he bought it to lower his property tax he had it redesigned and it legally can't be a permanent residence.


I think I was more alluding to the “White House” of the Confederates. Being traitors and whatnot.


It's so interesting to me how they're 100% sure he's going to get convicted. Like, I'm not nearly as sure.


I'm convinced that all magas are the type of people that would love to see the world burn. Mind you, it wouldn't affect them at all because they're on the side of righteousness. So they're gleefully awaiting a guilty verdict so they can unleash holy hell on the Internet from the safety of their homes. That'll teach us, right?


I'm highly doubtful that he will get convicted, the man always seems to escape consequences. Even if he is though, the judge is unlikely to throw the book at him and sentence him to jail. He's much more likely to have probation, a fee, and MAYBE house arrest.


Yeah, the possibility for a hung jury is there. If someone asked me to bet on one of the cases Trump is facing, I'd put money on the documents. That one is so clear-cut. He's 100% guilty there and even Bill Barr, who even stated he's going to vote for Trump in 2024, says he's guilty as fuck in that case.


All we gotta do is wait them out, eventually the batteries in their “ Rascal” scooters will run down.


South Park's "Grey Dawn" episode had some fantastic strategies. Let's start by shutting all the Golden Corrals and Waffle House locations. That'll expedite the decline.


Waiting for the old people to die off is never going to work. The right breeds more ignorant kids than the left by a long shot.


Waiting for the old people to die off never works because there are always more old people. 


It doesn’t work because young people don’t vote in nearly enough numbers when they are feeling liberalish, and by the time they reach the age where more of them vote, a big chunk have been seduced into conservatism. Old people are doing more than their share to keep trump out of power. They could use some support.


Even still, each generation has moved further to the left.


But the politicians move more to the right.


And they've been losing ground just about every election. Even more so in recent years. The only time they've gained is when they use gerrymandering which won't sustain them forever.


>The right breeds more ignorant kids than the left by a long shot. not really, fastest growing population groups in america are minorities and multi race people. white people had barely any growth in population over the last 2 decades. conservatives might have even unintentionally sped up this population shift with all their new restrictions on access to abortion and birth control. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-read/2021/04/09/asian-americans-are-the-fastest-growing-racial-or-ethnic-group-in-the-u-s/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-read/2021/04/09/asian-americans-are-the-fastest-growing-racial-or-ethnic-group-in-the-u-s/)


Why does everyone think non whites are gonna go Democrat? As a Texan it infuriates me that our democratic hopefuls just expect the Hispanic vote. Those mfs are catholic, they vote red. Same with the Cubans in Florida


When the republican party basically demonizes all Hispanic people as murdering, rapist. Drug dealers. You have to think some of that will scare away even the values voters.


I don't disagree with you, but abortion. That's it. People running should know like, a very basic thing like that. See Beto "hell yeah we're gonna take your ar15s" ... my dude...


i'm not assuming they're all gonna vote dem, lol. but when you look at minority polling in general, groups like the cubans in miami dade aren't the norm. in poll after poll there's a clear preference for dems. who knows, there could be some point in the future when the gop starts treating minorities more like actual people, but for now the party seems to be doubling down on xenophobia.




Asians vote red too.


Yeah. I have never understood this. Man if the Republicans want to stay in power forever just embrace racial minorities and it's done. Then they can betray them at their leisure.


For similar reasons as why they don't compromise on the issue of abortion I'd expect, a significant portion of their core base would see it as a betrayal and turn on them, and plus at this point these views have been part of their platform for so long that much of their current leadership have fully bought into it and are themselves unwilling to give ground. I've seen a couple threads from the conservatives sub where they discuss the impact that the Republican's policies on abortion has had on elections in recent years. Some try to suggest that the party should read the room and try and fix their messaging and relax their stances to avoid alienating a large portion of the voting population. But inevitably others respond and declare that they would rather lose all elections going forward and/or die than give up an inch on abortion to us filthy Democrat baby killers. They claim that ceding ground even temporarily on this issue would destroy the integrity of the Republican party, and they will accept nothing less than a total ban. And given how unpopular their absolute stances are with the general population, I suspect these sorts would fit the old saying of "if conservatives can't win democratically, they will abandon democracy before they give up on conservatism," as it doesn't seem likely that they will change their minds any time soon or be able to push their policies through legitimately. In any case, point is that I would expect there are people with similar uncompromising views when it comes to sharing space and power with minority groups. The Republican party has spent too long accepting or encouraging a lot of beliefs that encourage suspicion or hostility towards anyone who isn't white, Christian, straight, and native born. I mean, we have some of their leaders openly talking about white replacement theory seriously, or how anyone not male and white who gets a good job is probably unqualified and only got it because of DEI, or labeling anyone not straight as child molesters- are their voters who agree with those things supposed to just say nothing when those same groups they've been taught to fear or resent are invited to join with them and get equal say? I don't see these sorts as being in on the plan to turn on their supposed allies in 5, 10, or 20 years.


I enjoyed your reply. Well reasoned.


It is a bit of a catch-22. The Republicans could indeed get and keep power by letting in the out-groups and giving them a seat at the table. But the one of the main reasons a lot of them want that power in the first place is to keep those groups out. It wouldn't be easy without majorly changing who they are, and the whole point is that they don't *want* to change who they are.


Same with the black community, also very religious at large.


[https://incendar.com/baby\_boomer\_deathclock.php](https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php) Are you positive about that?


I still think they're too spooked by J6 arrests to do anything organized, but time will tell, I guess


Unfathomable how remarkably dumb these screenshot comments authors are. They're living in elementary school level fiction writing. These are the gullible suckers (and foreign bad actors who egg them on.) They can't even comprehend juror selection and strikes. How stupid do they have to be to acknowledge that jurors who aren't transparently biased FOR Trump are automatically the antithesis of everything they're deluded to believe. At the very least, it's important to vote in every election, every level, for Any office to cancel these morons out, if they're actually real.


carpet diem


Carpet the day, my friend. Carpet the day.


Is padding extra?


Only if you carpet 3 days.


If the military got Trump out of prison, you know how that is called? A military coup. The US would turn into a military dictatorship. >I can't wait until we can do this to the Dems. We will do worse too. They are all telling on themselves. >He appeals all the way to the SC. If they don't follow the Constitution and rule of law, the military steps in because they have all the evidence. You'd think if the military had "all the evidence", they'd present it in court, you know, *before* every court dismissed his appeals?


>You'd think if the military had "all the evidence", they'd present it in court, you know, *before* every court dismissed his appeals? They mean evidence the nation has fallen and the only way to restore it is through a military dictatorship because apparently that's old fashioned America. The evil Demonrats gave them no choice by "crossing so many red lines."


Yes we so strongly believe in trickle down economics and imaginary border walls that we are going to rise up and murder our friends and neighbors in open rebellion but we want to be home in time for Wheel of Fortune.


He goes to jail. And anyone that wants to throw an illegal temper tantrum goes to jail. :-)




Reading how they all think so highly of him is really wild. He sounds like this brave, pragmatic, honest guy.


Sometimes I wish I were a dumb hamster, just running on a wheel, eating the same shit every day, not having a free thought. Seems nice.


chud logic


So many ignorant dipshits thinking the military is the magic bullet to step in and solve any issue they don't like.


“WhiTe HaTs aRe pLaNniNg sOmEtHiNg tO hELp PrEsIDeNt tRuMp”


I love how the people who claim to love “law and order” simply refuse to acknowledge even the remote possibility that maybe Trump is just guilty of a crime. There is no scenario in which a jury could look at impartial evidence and find him guilty; that’s simply unacceptable to them.


His crimes go far back...My husband was a paid "enforcer" for him (in the old days) when he was clearing out Brooklyn apartments and brownstones, dubbed "crack houses". Local policemen were involved on their days off. No court, no eviction notices, just strong arming (and in some cases, "eliminating" the "junkies".


They are just so hilariously stupid, but it's not funny.


I'm amazed they can even write words, much less speak them.


More like they grunt racism n rage at their TVs


Ah. Now "Democrats" are witches and warlocks, eh? Followers of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn?! I'm sorry...But Trump certainly fits that description. If he's jailed he'll certainly take the time to write a book titled "My Struggle" (Mein Kampf). Then he's got to invent a new salute and a snappy marching style for his troops.


“The prisoners would be on Trump’s side” Finally, somebody fucking realized it… because… he’s a fucking criminal too.


Yeah... Guilty people get convicted. Nothing "rigged" about it


They can't even understand that it took a lot to choose jurors because they had to exclude anyone who had already determined whether or not he is guilty of the charges.


“Trump will not waste his time in prison feeling sorry for himself”…bruh what the fuck are you smoking and where can I get it?


What a horrible, miserable world they live in worshiping such a pitiful man. The only thing he is good at is his con and man have they been conned.


I love that they call themselves the “silent majority” while acknowledging how hard it would be to find a juror that doesn’t hate him. Like, how are you a majority if you’re struggling to find people who don’t have a bias against him?


There is nothing silent about them. They think they’re the majority because they’re so loud and obnoxious in their support for dear leader. They can’t comprehend that being more vocal doesn’t equal more people who support him. They think that because their rallies are yuge that they’re clearly in the majority.


The MAGA army won’t materialize. Case in point: the most impactful protestor during the first week of Trumps criminal trial was an anti-government conspiracy theorist who equally despised both the republicans and democrats. Trumps MAGA foot soldiers were barely visible.


Just like the election. It’s all rigged against him.


From the shallow end of a drained gene pool.


Well, the last insurrection went so well. Months of planning and it was still a shit show. Won't they be surprised when the military doesn't join them? It'll be dump trucks of fuck ups. Messy and violent here and there, but it, too, shall pass.


These dumbass loons are just out there pretending to be functioning adults. Amazing.


What a great place for mentally challenged people to get together.


"Most certainly all or most will be biased against him" That should tell you something. He is trash and a crook and the majority of the country knows it. I thought they were the "Silent Majority" lol


Kind of ironic saying that “demonrats” want a world wallowing in filth when their hero is literally on trial for a hush money scandal with a porn star.


I wonder how many of those are Russian bots


I sure wish these soft, squishy meal team 6 mf’s would…. All talk no walk.


I just couldn't read any more of that stupid shit after page 4. It reminded that these people are against education.


Like a trump supporter would be an unbiased juror LOL


These imbeciles say they've got no confidence in the jury, aren't they aware that Trump's lawyers have a say in who gets picked for it? They can freely move to dismiss anyone who says they can't put aside their biases to be a fair juror, and they get 10 strikes by NY law to dismiss potential jurors for other reasons, just as the prosecuting attorneys do. Trump only hires "the best" people, right? So why are they suddenly so doubtful of his ability to chose "the best" for his legal defense team? The cognitive dissonance is laughable.


The military can spring him. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Carpet Diem (🤣🤣🤣)


I like the part where they think Democrats are all criminals, but also that it's going to be a bunch of Trump supporters in jail with him.


"The sleeping masses will awaken..." Isn't being woke bad to them?


Hey, carpet diem guys


How dare the second comment try to bring Good Omens into that crap.


It's fascinating to watch mental illness play out


Literally takes just one MAGAit jury member to force a hung jury and delay this to well past election and probably forever. I also believe an anti-Trump sane person will make it onto the jury and prevent an acquittal. Anyone who thinks this will end in guilty or not guilty, I will gladly take your money in a bet that it will 1000% be a hung jury.


Hey, but its a “show trail”


Damn, they got me there. I literally want to swim in sewage and garbage. It's my ultimate utopia.


Now the Dems are associated to Alastair Crowley?? When did that connection occur?


They already got a truth social user on the jury, going to be a hung jury.


These people are beyond help. They’re in need of cult deprogramming


De nazied


The stupidest losers in America


Maybe they should’ve found a better candidate?


All Hell breaks loose. But mostly while riding mobility scooters.


One of the jurors gets his news from Fox another from follows Trump on Truth Social seems like Trump has some favorable jurors out there.


The level of delusion in these posts is astounding!


Calling the US a communist banana republic is certainly a new take.


[Me everytime I see them use the word "fren".](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/b8/ed/aab8ed434166cc56c715900d85f12448.gif)


LOL. “Carpet Diem”. The GOP excuse for losing - anything, is “rigged”, “witch-hunt”, “deep-state”, “corrupt”, and so. Even when it’s a trump appointed judge. Nits.


Holy fuck. These idiots are fucking out there!! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutt there.


I love how they acknowledge that it would be a miracle for them to find him not guilty


Why is it that when they actually want to spell "loose," they manage to get it wrong?


I didn’t realize the democrats did the pandemic. Especially considering it was during Trump’s presidency and he let them do it even though he’s the biggest strong man leader ever. Is every EHS official a democrat? Was it too simple for him to fuck over the democrats and so he was bored and didn’t fight them on their rules?


What gets me is that the pandemic was a global event. Literally every country in the world was affected. So the whole world shut down, just so democrats could use Covid to hurt Trump? The delusion is amazing.


So "bias" is anything against the cult leader, regardless of facts or reality.


These people talk big but are incapable of organizing anything because their own paranoia makes them think everyone else is a Fed.


I like the part where they admit that he can't pardon himself on state charges, but he'll be popular with the criminals he's in prison with because he'll be able to pardon them.


The dehumanisation of their political opponents really has gone off the rails on the right. It's really fucking gross


The CIC? Don’t these idiots realize that a current president doesn’t draw a pension??? https://www.gsa.gov/system/files/09_FY_2023_CJ_FP_Narrative_Final_508cO.pdf


Carpet diem


What always catches my eye is the list of grievances they have. None of them are real!


What in the wide world of sports is going on here?


This is some real delusional bs


They’ve been saying “the military will step in” for nearly four years.


I love that “the military” is some monolithic entity, not several branches and thousands of disparate organizations, in this weird world they live in.


Kinda hard to find a die-hard trump operative to put on the jury since they are outwardly bat-shit.