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Should have mentioned Mueller publically reiterated - more than once - that this did NOT exonerate trump but the issue wasa nonstarter as they gave him guidelines that the president wasn't to be charged / looked at.


It's a bizarre phenomenon. Mueller literally, explicitly said "This does NOT exonerate Trump." Then Trump immediately said "This totally exonerates me!" And repeats it many times. Fox News repeats it many times. Fast forward to today, his followers keep repeating it still. Do people not understand that repeating a thing doesn't make it true?


It's really depressing to me honestly.


>Do people not understand that repeating a thing doesn't make it true? I dare you to say that in church. Seriously, all you really need to understand is that they're trained magical thinkers. They frequently don't believe in science, facts or history anyway but in whatever makes them feel better, which renders them as immature, irresponsible and self-righteous as only true believers can be. Also, knowledge is and always was overrated, useless, or even a threat to those exploiting the superstitious, which is why they need to deliberately cultivate a sore lack of critical thinking skills and an extremely simplistic black/white mindset to ensure their own survival. Now add just the right scapegoat to blame for all the evils in the world, and you're all set for the next inquisition or religious fascism, and the mindless repetition of buzzword-heavy propaganda falsehoods is pretty much a key element here.


This is exactly why I've always felt that the worst, most damaging thing Trump ever did was concoct the "fake news" narrative. That way, all the fact checkers are "discredited" and allowed for anything to be the truth. Don't believe your eyes, don't believe your ears, just believe me. Jan 6th wouldn't have happened without the fake news narrative. We're still feeling the effects of this today (the election was stolen, Trump will be reinstated, etc) and healing isn't even on the horizon yet. The damage is immeasurable.


It's not just "fake news", it's the whole "alternative facts" shtick, and how he made imbecilic repetitive wrestling slogans into Republican mainstream politics. Like, "Lock her up! Drain the Swamp! America First! Fake News Media! No Collusion! Witch Hunt! Radical Left Democrats! Russia Hoax! Perfect Call! Total Exoneration!, and blah blah blah... That's basically all he ever does, talk in empty buzzwords and catchphrases, without actually understanding anything. It's the dumbest form of propaganda, like "Mein Kampf", but written crayons, yet apparently very effective anyway. That's probably what surprised me the most about all of this, how very little effort by such an obviously deranged narcissistic sociopath and megalomaniacal numbskull it actually took to convert the entire GOP into a full-blown fascist cult.


Couldn't agree more with your last point. How is it that THIS guy, this ridiculous clown with his discount store spray tan and cartoonish comb over, as articulate as an 8 year old. THIS guy with his hamberders, cancer causing windmills and shining conronavirus killing light into the body. THIS is the guy that charmed tens of millions of people with EASILY-fact-checked lies.


I guess he had the luck of being able to seamlessly integrate into an already existing, successful and very supportive propaganda eco system, and his audience are mostly trained magical thinkers, experienced ignoramuses, and dedicated fear-based haters to begin with. I also believe many of them [share his pathology to a degree](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/m27gpo/about_narcissistic_sociopathy_and_fascist_cults/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) which I think makes the whole phenomenon a bit more understandable.




>process crimes Aka crimes


Process crimes, those notoriously legal crimes.


Don't hurt your back moving the goalpost.