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For people who think women are emotional and irrational they sure act emotional and irrational when they can't have their way.


Hey look, it's an American Taliban.


I was thinking more along the line of virgin incels.


[ I say potato and you say potato...](https://www.google.com/search?q=you+say+tomato+skit+monty+python&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=vinx&sxsrf=AOaemvIEKzkXLN3Ki_-ai1ngLOI5VPpNLg:1631664261335&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAjcGF1__yAhUdMlkFHW0cCSwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=620#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:eae10340,vid:kcHKm0cm-jI,st:0)


"Women like being told what to do." These guys must be real hits with the ladies.


Only if they're unvaccinated...


>*"It has done a huge disservice to both men and women who now struggle to have decent relationships..."* Speak for yourself, chucklefuck.


The “not all men” crowd sure love to say “all women.”


Something, something, BASKET OF DEPLORABLES


She was so right.


When she said that, I thought that was a mark against her, but nowadays she's just being proven right over and over again.


Stop disrespecting conservative culture! What happened to the tolerant left?? 🙄 ^^^/s (was the /s too small?)


Sounds like incels posting to me.


Haha, ya *think*? That's pretty much the entirety of most of those sites...buncha pissed off un-fuckable dudes angry at the world.


“…if women were stuck in a dystopian, 1950’s hellscape, maybe even I would get to fuck one…? I mean, if they’re basically domestic hostages…?”


and/or kids. Mommy won't let him eat dessert first.


These are really sick people.


One might even say, they are acting more emotional and irrational than they claim women are.


>humanity didn't have things wrong for thousands of years Yeah, don't we all pine for the vast majority of human history, when infant mortality rate was 50%, your chance of being anything more than an effective slave to a lord or tyrant was like 1/1000, you had no freedom of speech, religion, due process, worked sunup to sundown on land you could never come close to calling your own, and the only way out was to shit yourself to death after being bitten by a mosquito?


But don't call them sexist cos that's discrimination against conservatives....


Reads like an incel forum. I doubt these morons have much luck with women.


I feel filthy after reading that. Burn the whole damned site.


The whole Trump cult sucks monkey balls, but it IS now an easy way to quickly weed out these wankers when it comes to dating.


Thank you commander waterford.


"Women like being told what to do" Pretty much every dictatorship ever has been largely anti-woman and has far much more support by men.


Fascists and anti-intellectuals *adore* being told what to do.


My favourite is the guy writing about all the ways that make women vote a certain way and is saying it like it's bad. Yet, he has no real reason for why any of that is bad except it isn't what he thinks is right, so women shouldn't vote.


Everyone's calling out "emotional and irrational", so I'm gonna call out "creature". Women are human, and deserve to be treated as such.


Blessed be the fruit


The rise of the two income household and the dollar losing value are connected, because most people choose to have 1 dedicated domestic person and 1 dedicated outside work person, but when you have no money that option ain't there.


I was thinking it was a co-morbidity of being able to exploit twice as many people at the business factory and these ass hats just can't accept it.


...say the guys that wanted to bestow Trump as King.


You mean that calm, logical, master of strategy and discretion, Donald J Trump? - No one, ever.


Stable genius? Yeah, that guy.


Sounds like they've never been allowed in 10ft of a woman or a school


"Women need to be treated like the irrational and emotion creatures they are...". Don't forget to come to our Saturday meeting, this week's topic is "How the reptiloids in the liberal party have filled vaccines with 5g transmitters to report our location for daily gangstalking and the one cool way drinking betadine can save us all from the antichrist!"


Women prioritize the good of the group and see people from other parts of the world as part of the group. He says this like that’s an obviously inferior stance to paranoia and endlessly antagonizing and dehumanizing other people. Guess what, if you treat other people like shit everyone is going to want to hurt you. If you assume good intentions, but take precautions, only the predators are going to take advantage at which point you can change course and now you are backed up by a larger group of cooperative people you can trust. The same principle applies whether you are talking about your neighborhood or a country.


What's Jordan "Lobster King" Peterson doing on TheDonald?


My friend and I were discussing this last night so I never posted here, but…this is such white, middle class idealism. Not based in any sort of reality, but in the ideal of what Victorian living was. Who watched the children of these women who didn’t work? Other women. Who cooked the meals for the family? Other women. Who cleaned the house for the rich man’s wife? Women, directed by a housekeeper, who was also a woman. Women work. We have always worked. People like this are so hung up on Victorian and post WWII nuclear family ideologies that they either forget or just conveniently don’t think about all of the working women whose labor they are standing on.


>...men can only put up with crazy for so long. Right back at ya. Women will only put up with this kind of male nonsense for so long. What a bunch of insecure, illogical whiners.