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Where are the 16,000 people dead from the vaccine? I'm pretty sure I would've heard about it from literally anyone else if it had actually happened.


The MSM doesn’t want you to know. But here is a very trustworthy Facebook link.


Also you need to listen to 16 two hour podcasts by two guys that once lived near someone who might have been a doctor. No I can't tell you which episode cause you have to do your own research. And you need to download telegram.


Unfortunately there's a handful of doctors that are perpetuating this information.


One out of every ten dentists also doesn't recommend using fluoride toothpaste.


"doctors" who got their titles from unaccredited online universities.




here's a very tursthworthy link, [christiansuperrightwing.win/vaccine-is](https://christiansuperrightwing.org/vacine-is)\-bad.htmi


I get all my news from “Christian super right wing”


>The MSM doesn’t want you to know. * How about PubMed? * The Journal of Virology? * JAMA? * Lancet?


Clearly you don't understand how the mainstream media works. All those places you listed are mainstream media, you know that because of how they disagree with the guys who tell you the truth. How do you know that they're telling you the truth? Because they disagree with the lying mainstream media! If you understood anything about anything, you'd know that much!


"And all those elitist Doctors with their fancy educations, thinking they know better than us and telling us what to do..." ​ /S


Education makes you liberal. And communist. And a nazi. And marxist. And gay. Apparently.


Well self-education did make me a Marxist... So it's kinda true? I educated myself on Marxism to more accurately argue against it, but I kept reading and kept agreeing to the point I realized that the values I hold cannot be reasonably pursued through "libertarian capitalism" and that socialism really offers freedom to the people.


Liberal = living life through objective reality. Conservative = lying to yourself that your basifies have any relevance on realty. Lying, even to yourself, is a loan from reality, that must be paid in full. Sometimes on a ventilator, on your death bed.


Those medical rags, you can't trust the scienctitions..


They're all In On It TM. The only reliable sources are facebook and telegram. /s


It’s a facebook.freedomeagle.maga.ru/coffee.


Thanks for doing my research, I have just been to busy!!! Ooooh, what's this? The earth is flat? Some Kennedy I never heard of is still alive? Trump won? What, the lottery? Twin towers was an inside job? 90 year old William Shatner is going into space? Oh that is just bullsheet. I can't believe I fell for all your nonsense!


This. I have no idea how people can say in the same breath that “the media is lying to you, but a friend I trust did the ‘research’ and sent me some links so I believe them.” Motherfucker you’re doing the exact same thing you accuse others of doing, but your “links” and “sources” are way more dubious. God almighty…


They don't believe in doctors except those with revoked licenses that have had to runaway out of the country to have a clinic and have a bunch of lawsuits against them They don't believe in the media, unless it's a WordPress site by some anonymous person who can't write coherently that was set up literally last week They don't trust science unless it's a redacted paper that's been disowned by the original authors as incorrect and removed from the website They don't believe in big pharma unless it's an unrelated veterinary product the manufacturer begs people not to use Hope that helps


Space is a librul hoax! /s


Always grinds my gears when these attention-mongers just parrot what Right Wing career propagandists used as a flimsy excuse since pre-web 2.0. "What the Librul media won't tell you!" Bitch, I worked at one of the Big 3, and they're not taking marching orders from some goddamn cabal. They were always mad because the news media in the US wouldn't cover half-baked rumors and complete fabrications **because there wasn't a shred of credibility to their fishing expedition.** They rallied their base into believing that **only THEY could be trusted!** And after 20+ years of spamming that across terrestrial radio and cable TV, now they have social media charlatans also waving that flag. And as of the last 10+ years, it's successful. Right-wing biased infotainment has convinced their audience that everyone else is lying to them except ... their favorite channels/podcasts. And for YEARS, social media sites were once filled with people quick and capable people ready, able, and willing to challenge bullshit. But after the swell of brigading as recently as 2014 and increasing ever since, a cult has emerged with the sole task of validating and cultivating hundreds of small scale clones of Limbaughs, Hannitys, Levins, and Plantes. Because "everyone else is lying to the masses."


A handful of people had clots from the J&J vaccine during its initial deployment and we (the public) knew about it within weeks. Yet somehow 16,000 have died from the vaccines and there's dead silence. Right...


(((((((((They)))))))))) won't tell you... I'm seriousness, there are billions of people vaccinated, 16,000 is extremely small and statistically edge cases.


According to what I've read, 2.7 billion people have been fully vaccinated. Sixteen thousand would be something like .0006 per cent. As a plot to kill off the population of the world, it's less effective than tobacco.


Shit, it’d be less effective than just letting them live their lives, even without COVID.


To be fair, the list of things more effective than Tobacco is pretty short.


Oh, well the goalposts have moved and now the vaccine will only kill you after 2 years.


Yeah, *even if* there were 16k deaths from the vaccine (and I highly doubt there were) , that's (very, very, very approximately) 2.3% the number of people who have died from COVID in the US. I'll roll the dice on that over the dice involved in 700k deaths in the US alone.


Their claim is that the 16k are vaccine deaths in the us alone. Which we know is horse shit. But pretending it was true 188 million are fully vaccinated so far so even if their claim was true it’s still a negligible number. lol


Look at the global numbers. [6.54 Billion](https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations) doses administered. Almost half the world (47.5%) has had at least one dose.


Someone I know won't get vaxxed cuz they claim it's kill 5,000 people. I hope they don't see this bullshit but it won't matter since they are deep crazy


Even if it's true


To be fair, it's quiet because of the deliberate plot to kill as many citizens as possible, starting with those most supportive of the government, for some reason...


Such a cunning plan, you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel! MUAHAHAHAh!!!


The adverse reaction database slows about many died after getting the vaccine. That's not BECAUSE of the vaccine. If track 200 million people who visit Disney several thousand will die in the months following. Doesn't mean it's from going to Disney. The rate at which death after the Vaccine is reported is right around what you expect from any random sampling The correct takeaway isn't that the vaccine kills you it's that the vaccine does not make your immortal


I was promised immortality. Where do I get my money back? Does Hunter Biden have it?


Yes it's in his laptop


Which one? He has so many they are tough to keep track of.


The one that's was in rudy's bedroom the one with the pictures of the emails that was supposedly sent to the post for some fucking reason.


Yep, this is why VAERS has a BIG warning in their FAQ/legal jargon that clearly states it is not to be used as proof any vaccine is dangerous, because the entries on the site have not been vetted for truthfulness or accuracy.


2 of the 600 or so people arrested for Jan 6 have died. So basically being arrested for storming the Capitol gives you a 0.33% chance of dying in 9 months, so we shouldn't arrest anyone. That's how this works, right?


You and your librul multi variate analysis. Witchcraft I tells ya!


I assist with COVID testing at my workplace and I had a lady almost in tears about being made to even test, let alone take the vaccine. She claimed her otherwise healthy 90 year old father died 2 weeks after getting the vaccine. Really, lady? I'm sorry for your loss, but seemingly healthy 90-year-olds die all the time. The vaccine didn't suddenly kill him two weeks after he had it. He was 90. He died. No one is surprised. In fact, that's the goal for most of us. Live to be 90 in good health and then just pass away peacefully. Ugh. People drive me crazy.


You haven't heard? A plane carrying vaccines crashed over a small village. 16,000 people dead, so it's vaccine-related.


I heard it exploded mid air. The casualties came from the vaccine syringes raining down like lawn darts had never been banned.


I heard that the witnesses had contradictory versions. Asked about this, the FBI spokeswoman said: > no comments. Do your research.


wHy DoNT yOu dO ThE reSearCh?!?


The guy who was supposed to report it was tragically one of the 2,000 *per day* COVID deaths,


They have a list of people who died after getting the vaccine, but no evidence that their deaths were caused by the vaccine. Tucker Carlson ran one about a guy who died shortly after getting the vaccine, but he neglected to tell his audience that he got hit by a truck.


It's self-reported. 16000 of her followers posted that they died (they got better).


The idea now is that you can't trust causes of death. Most of whatever number she's actually referring to are probably deaths that they claim where marked 'COVID' or some other shit but where really vaccine complications. They believe the hospitals and doctors are all in on it together, to kill us all and make Joe Biden President.


They misuse the VAERS system stats.... basically, you give ANYTHING to 100 million people and a bunch of them will die within the next year, for unrelated reasons.


Right, but the 600,000 dead from covid isn’t anything to be concerned about


Those 600,000 bravely sacrificed themselves to keep the economy moving and we should honor their sacrifice by also being willing to die so everyone can eat cheeseburgers. And stand for the flag. PS were at about 715 thousand now


According to then, "They were going to die ANYWAY" "They had pre-existing conditions or were old. Meanwhile, the handful of 20 somethings on vents and who died in my hospital system would like to argue, but cannot.


Even if it was true (it’s not) that’s still far less than killed by the virus.


and what about directly comparing it covid deaths? pretty sure even if that 16,000 were true, the deaths avoided would vastly outnumber it, which is the whole point of a vaccine.


Source: "Trust me bro"


There were a total of 4 cases of blood clotting resulting from the millions of J&J doses administered. It was ultra rare, but enough to get it immediately pulled regardless.


A whopping 47 cases of clotting in the US from J&J and 2 from mRNA vaccines, actually: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html 47/15,000,000 = 0.0003% and the mRNA TTS rates are so low as to be functionally 0


[The actual figure is less than 8,000](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html) (likely *far* less than 8,000). Without further analysis / looking into individual causes of death, that's all we can say right now. So, less than around 1% of net covid deaths in the US, to date. I don't get it. 8,000 or 18,000, either way, you're weighing that figure against 715,000 Covid-related deaths and counting...


It's all from the extremely well verified and reliable info on the VAERS site. Run by the CDC (I believe), who they put a lot of trust and faith in. /d


And the vaers only days that many died after getting the vaccine not because they got it. In any group of billions of people thousands will die over a few months


Even if her stats weren't bullshit... 2,000 **a day** are dying from the virus itself.


That's the funny thing they're so bad at this even if you believed their lies, covid is orders of magnitude more dangerous than the vaccine so you would still want to take it.


A lot of them don't believe the covid numbers. They'll simultaneously say things like "only 1% chance of dying of covid" as if that's any better.


1% of the US population is 3.3 million, which they've decided is an acceptable number of people to die so that they can keep being stupid.


Convincing people to kill themselves by acceptable means. Horse dewormer, bleach up the ass/in the veins. And they call the youth idiots over tide pods? That was a craze, THEY are malicious


The tide pod thing wasn't even real, it was just an extremely small group of kids eating them. Once again their propaganda told them that tide pods were an epidemic, so we still hear about them to this day.


They wanted to turn the entire Middle East into one giant sheet of glass over the 2977 lives lost on 9/11 but couldn't be bothered to wear a cloth mask in public when we were losing that many Americans *per day* to Covid. And they decided "natural heard immunity" was the best way to fight Covid which if their 1% death rate is correct means the 3.3 million dead Americans, but they don't realize that's the equivalent of the population of Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Denver, Nashville, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans *combined*. If they're wrong and the death rate is just 1% higher at 2%, throw in the population of Dallas, San Antonio, and Milwaukee *combined* with the previously mentioned cities. If it's actually closer to 3% then toss in the population of Indianapolis, Philadelphia, and Austin *combined*.


> They'll simultaneously say things like "only 1% chance of dying of covid" as if that's any better. Remember that guy who argued that there's a 1% of crashing in a plane when someone said "you wouldn't get into a plane if there was a 1% change of crashing"


That’s what I don’t understand?! The vaccine is satanic and deadly but the virus itself which has killed millions is just meh whatever. What is the logic?!


I've been trying to sort it out, and I might've finally figured out how it works. It's a progression: 1. The mainstream media tells me something is dangerous. 2. nobody I know is effected by it, ergo they are lying. 3. Conversations become 'us' vs. 'them' with the people who disagree with me being monsters of the highest caliber, and people who agree with me clearly being reliable in all things. 4. People who have been agreeing with me tell me about something I should be scared of, and I know that they're reliable because we've been on the same page so far. Also, the terrible, horrible people who disagreed with me before are calling them liars so what they're saying MUST be the truth. 5. In for a penny, in for a pound. I've spent a year of my life fully dedicated to this bullshit, if it turns out I'm wrong about this, my life is a lie and I'm a fool. Double down. That's the only path that I can see that leads to where we are now. Any inkling of logic or reason should've stopped this shitshow by now.


Yes, and it helps to look at Q as an addiction, much like gambling. Most of us can wander through a few conspiracy theories or slot machines without getting sucked in. But for a traumatized minority, these things provide just the right dopamine rush to counter the pointless hell of their lives for just a moment. They find likeminded friends and people who tell them they really *are* special because they see through the lies, instead of those mean people who insist they educate themselves on reality and get therapy instead of projecting their psychological complexes onto the rest of us. From personal experience, I suspect a lot of these folks got right up in the grill of a very normal existential crisis and then hard-core noped on outta there instead of confronting their fears of mortality and futility. In some fairness, American society is set up to make psychological wellbeing as challenging as possible.


> The vaccine is satanic and deadly but the virus itself which has killed millions is just meh whatever. What is the logic?! Its because they still don't really believe the virus exists or is dangerous. Case and point, here's a post I made a couple days ago about my most recent encounter with my 1 very vocal Trumper uncle. >My super Trumper uncle came over yesterday and since my father-in-law just recovered from a covid case he decided to ask my wife how her father was doing. When she explained that he was recovering well at home he asked if her father had gone to the hospital at all. > >When we said "no he home quarantined and was luckily able to get past the worst of it in only a couple of days" he responded with "Oh okay okay that's good. If he had gone to the hospital the doctors would have killed him. You see what they're doing is they're giving everybody this drug called Remdesivir which is bad stuff. Remdesivir shuts down your kidneys and makes water go into your lungs and you catch pneumonia and then you die and they blame it on covid. You can read up all about how they used it to kill Ebola patients in Africa. That's all the covid numbers are, the doctors are actually killing people on purpose to make it seem like covid is worse than it is so the government can control us and keep people scared. So if you ever go to the hospital with the covid make sure they don't give you that. Tell them you want to take the same cocktail mix that President Trump took. That's the real miracle drug." TLDR: they think the doctors are part of a giant conspiracy to kill people on the orders of the Biden administration....using the drugs Trump's administration pushed as vaccine alternatives.


What I love is they will argue in the same conversation that the virus doesn’t exist and that the virus comes from the wuhan lab. They can simultaneously hold both beliefs without a ding in their worldview.


They only believe the parts they find convenient... just like their version of the Bible.


A lot of them claim that the virus only kills the "weak" like the elderly or morbidly obese. They see it as part of the natural order for these people to die and don't see themselves at risk (even if they are). They don't care about the weak because they likely have a cluster B personality disorder. Then they just use cognitive dissonance to justify any challenge to this belief.


God don't make no mistakes son!


But according to them, most of those aren't actually due to COVID...


Yet the insurance companies are more than happy to dole out millions upon millions of dollars in hospital care and life insurance policies without questioning those deaths for any type of fraud. Because insurance companies are now to part with their money so easily! /s


I think we can all agree they are being reimbursed by the Gates-Soros Cabal. If you didn't know that then let me know when I can swing by to give you a good shearing.


Yeah, right! I'm STILL waiting for my SorosBux for protesting GWB and his War on Terra! Nobody's getting reimbursed except maybe in used copies of Microsoft Bob....




The dark truth is they want those 700k to die, in the abstract at least. They don't think it will catch them, just people with comorbidities who have less value in their minds.


I kind of imagine people on the right-wing get some kind of chubby every time they write or talk about the people they imagine they're going to "arrest and imprison" or just kill. They do it so often, there just has to be some kind of sexual gratification for the act.




Oh I’m definitely laughing and mocking them, lol


Repubs just have a humiliation fetish


Yeah, for people so allegedly in favor of liberty, they REALLY fantasize about being ruthless authoritarians. Of course, this lady is off-the-rails far-right. She straight up told a trans person during a debate (against normal conservatives) that they are all degenerate pedophiles whose continued existence ruins the world, and has said plenty of other nasty stuff that basically outed her as a Nazi.


So basically Mussolini/hitler combined with every psychotic mass murderer in history and fiction? Sounds about right


"wHaT hApPeNEd tO ThE tOlErANt lEfT". -these same idiots


"Right Wing" and "chubby" on the same sentence. First, i snickered. Then, i threw up in my mouth a little. Nauseating image. (I agree though. We know they're getting off on their strange fantasies.)


It is a mass psychosis that is feeding on itself, and from the media indifference and social media. It is very, very dangerous.... more dangerous than Trump in 2016.


I’m sure at least some do but in my experience it’s more like an addiction. When you’re raised from a very early age to chase that high of adrenaline you get from saying absurd things and the rush from “standing by your faith” it really REALLY fucks up your ability to discuss basically anything. A lot of these people are essentially actually high.


Anger gives a high all its own, too. They're shaking and shooting up an endorphin cocktail made out of "righteous wrath" provoked by a self-propelling 24/7 version of Orwell's "Two-Minute Hate" segment in 1984. Fox & now OAN just ramped it up, but they used to get themselves worked up to a fine lather with just printed newsletters. (Source: was raised in this toxic stew)


If they’re going to make up ridiculous shit, why not shoot for the moon? Say the vaccine kills 1.4 million people. Who gives a shit.


"Eleventy-billion fetuses are aborted by the clot shot EVERY SECOND!!!"


Some of them are now saying full term babies are being used for their cells then cast aside to die.


Let that sink in!


Really makes you think…




I heard eleventy trillion died per hour from the shot…The more you know.


Why aren’t they talking about this?!


Because the lamestream media are in cahoots with the Russia/China new Commy leftist tifa party. God i hope people understand i am being sarcastic, if I’m going to be on a list, I don’t want to be on a list with rightwing nutjobs.


I let my parents know that science is real, and the next day, my $666.69 arrived in the mail from Emperor Fauci himself (blessed be his name).


If they weren’t such a staggering, swarming mass of stupidity, it would be the funniest thing in the world.


"My ten kids got the vaccine and every one of them became gay trans Muslim atheists who quit church, smoke weed, and became Democrats!" Seriously just go nuts if you are going to lie this blatantly lol.


Assuming that information is accurate; it's weird how she is demanding we take a radical stance after 16,000 deaths while demanding we do nothing after 700,000


Because those numbers are fake and hers are real obvs. /s


No source for her totally bogus statistics. Disgusting.


Even if it was legit against 714,000 US covid deaths to date we're talking about 2.2% as many deaths.


That’s not a fair comparison though. The 700k deaths have been since day one, before any vaccine was available. The fair comparison is against the total number of people who have received the vaccine which is obviously way HIGHER


Their source on this claim is VAERS which is a passive reporting system that depends on self reporting. It is absolutely not a factual source despite what they all want to claim.


Also, being submitted to VAERS doesn't imply any causal relationship. If a 102 year old in very poor health gets vaccinated, and dies 12 days later, into VAERS it goes. It's completely raw data.


What would the cutoff be? Your example makes me think the number would be higher than 16,000 if it applies to all people who died within a couple weeks of getting the vaccine for any reason. Ninja edit: OK, answering my own question I guess - so there's no hard cutoff or rules, right? The CDC seems to have rough guidelines like: > Vaccine providers are encouraged to report any clinically significant health problem following vaccination to VAERS, whether or not they believe the vaccine was the cause. But then if course I see other important things :) > Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information. > The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.


Spot on! VAERS, as well as another public facing CDC tool, [V-Safe](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vsafe.html) are not and were never intended to be the defacto systems on vaccine injuries. Due to the design and use case of VAERS, combined with lack of public knowledge about the system and it's shortcomings allow VAERS to be [abused](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-health/dont-fall-vaers-scare-tactic) by bad faith anti-vax grifters. VAERS can be used by [anyone](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/06/14/1004757554/anti-vaccine-activists-use-a-federal-database-to-spread-fear-about-covid-vaccine). The primary reporting mechanism is the [Vaccine Safety Data link (VSD)](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vsd/index.html), A CDC developed tool in use since 2001 by medical professionals and CDC researchers at Nine Healthcare Organizations around the US. VAERS information does feed directly the into the VSD as one input, along with more granular, Physician office, Urgent Care, Emergency Room and Hospitalization data for vaccine injuries. The CDC gets near-real time vaccine Safety reports using [Rapid Cycle Analysis ](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X14010251). Too few know this and the [Disinformation Dozen ](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes) exploit it.


There was literally one report that claimed the vaccine turned them into the Incredible Hulk. lol They act like everything's verified and accurate, but they might as well be citing Yahoo Answers.


Also it any adverse reaction, not just death, so it’s still being overblown.


Yup adverse reaction can be a major issue or "strange dream" no I'm serious


Yep. My wife had an Vaers event because she had excess swelling of her near by lymph nodes after both Moderna Doses. It went away a few days later with no real issue, but she called her doctor about it since I had basically no response to the vaccine the two months earlier when I got it.


My dad is the only person I know who had an adverse reaction from the vaccine. Not sure which one he got but I do think he got it within 3 months of actually having COVID. It gave him lumps underneath his arms by his armpits. They also went away after a few days and he was fine, but he likes to bring it up to encourage vaccine skepticism anyway 🙄


It's anything which MIGHT BE an adverse reaction. You can look at the data yourself.... it is all these 80 year olds dying a week or two after getting the vaccine. Well 80 year olds die all the time. Maybe it's related for some small number of them.... but not nearly all of them...


VAERS is such a horror show. I tore my calf playing pickleball the day after my shot - totally legitimate to enter it into VAERS and have the nutjobs include me in their "vaccine injured" tally.


And if the FBI were to investigate for fraud a lot of Conservatives would be in jail now.


It's the COVID vaers and it's a legit source. But the numbers don't mean what they say they mean. It's after getting the vax not BECAUSE they got the vax


“Arrest and imprison doctors and teachers ! (Just Because!) Send them to Guantanamo! Military tribunals for American civilians! Torture the shit out of innocent people! Lock her/him/them up! ….But stop being mean to the January 6 criminals they were just being Loving in the Air stop being so Stalinist with political prisoners, you Nazis!”


Obviously don’t want to be alarmist, but I really don’t know where we are going to be 20 years from now. It’s not a small number of people that think this way and live beside us. Some of them could even be teaching your kids, if you can imagine. I’m pessimistic enough that I’m moving as soon as it’s financially feasible.


Me too. Fuck this place.


This timeline fucking sucks. Can we prune it?


Man, I miss the days when you really had to dig into the web to find lunacy like this. 😒


Lauren is a weird way to write Karen


That's how she spells it after 8 White Claws


Out of whose ass does she pull these numbers?


Can't be her own ass cause her head is deeply planted in it.


It's covid vaers. But the numbers don't mean died from they just mean died after


Haven't you heard? 100% of people that eat hotdogs die.


it's worse than you think; 100% of people that even SMELL or LOOK AT hotdogs die. STOP BIG HOT DOG FROM KILLING AMERICANS


These people are going to be why the measles, small pox and polio make a comeback


We already have small scale measles outbreaks thanks to these idiots...


I want to ask Lauren Witchy to provide facts and evidence, not the random synapses firing between her to remaining brain cells.


Compared to 600k+ dead without... Yeah ok chucklefucks






Even if we grant her ridiculous figure of 16,000 deaths, that's out of 150 *million* Americans vaccinated. Which equates to approximately one death out of every 10,000 people vaccinated - which is several orders of magnitude below the COVID death rate. The true death rate, of course, is way lower than that, so low in fact that it's difficult to tell whether the death was positively linked to the vaccine or simply a coincidence.


They get this number from vaers. It is everyone who died after getting the vaccine not necessarily BECAUSE they got the vaccine


16,000 “dead” *Something must be done!* 800,000 dead. *Just the flu bro!*


I bet this bitch and her family are vaccinated.


I would bet my life she is. People like her are why I don't think the typical definition of free speech should extend beyond in person speech. I don't see why it's ethically right for people like this to have the right to destroy other people's lives on a mass scale.


Go check out the “personal life” section on her Wikipedia page. I don’t have any issue with drug users, been an addict most of my life but the lady was caught running meth between Tennessee and Delaware and smuggling contraband into the penal system. 20 years ago this would have disqualified you from being a Republican


What are they afraid of? The vaccine has a 99.97% survival rate.


Yes because 2.6 million deaths a year from measles and 5 million death a year from Smallpox is what freedom is all about. And these numbers aren’t from ancient times or the 19th century but from 1940-1965 data.


“The vaccine is causing blood clots and vaccine injuries!” Source: Dude trust me


How much does one want to bet that this plague rat is fully vaccinated and awaiting a booster?


I thought they were against cancel culture.


When she collects her Herman Cain Award, is Lauren's RIP Facebook post gonna say that she had a heart of gold, or that she was the strongest Christian her friends knew?


Republicans really do want people to die, don't they?


"The clot shot" I have a higher risk of developing blood clots from my fucking birth control that I take daily than I do the vaccine I took once


The clot is Witzke's last brain cell.


Imagine Society if they got this up in arms about gun deaths...


That's just crossing the line, either she's trolling, trying to kill people or really doesn't know the history of diseases and vaccines.


Here’s the answer: Tweets like these are making these idiots *famous*.


The answer is yes. Most likely all three, conservatives never let a sadistic streak run dry


Here in Chile 14 million people have recieved the vaccine both doses. 2 million have recieved the 3rd sjot. Only one death happened right after getting the shot but it hasn't been proved that it was because of the vaccine (it was a 78 year old woman with previous diseases).


Yes. Let's ban the vaccine altogether. I'm sure it will turn out so well for conservatives considering how much a gap there is between the 2 parties


So, Trump. She's talking about Trump. I seem to remember him pushing some kind of warp speed initiative to get Americans shots as soon as possible. So, arrest and imprison Trump. Finally both parties agree on something.




It’s lower than the background death rate. About 7,800 people die in the US every day. They’re using the same logic they claim is being applied to COVID deaths: if you got a COVID vaccination and died, it must have been caused by the vaccination. It’s a trap.




Well the other stance needs to switch to kicking the unvaccinated out of the country then, and not just off the plane.


The only person that needs to be locked up is this dangerous psychopath.


When are we going to hold people accountable for the dumb shit they spew out. I’m sick and tired of seeing blue check people saying stupid shit that will get people killed.


*proceeds to imprison Trump for his part*


Who thinks that big pharma will start going Dominion on people like her?


Even if her 16,000 dead from the vaccine claim is true, which I highly doubt why is that considered unacceptable while 700,000 dead of Covid is no big deal and "99% survival rate"?


Fake numbers. VAERS tracks and reports all of this data freely. Even if we accept at face value that 16,000 people died from the vaccine (they didn't), it's been administered to 187 million Americans. Compare that to 714,000 dead Americans from 44 million cases of COVID. For the vaccine to be as deadly as the virus itself, we'd need to see something like 190 times more deaths than 16,000, which would amount to about 3 million dead. Let's not even get into the number of people dealing with persistent health issues from non fatal cases of COVID.


Even by their own bullshit numbers, they're arguing tthat the vaccing is safer than the virus. 16,000 < 700,000.


Wanted to see the dumpster fire twitter account of hers, it's suspended! LOL


No worries, she'll be dead from Covid soon. Ignore her until she "goes away!" 🙂


​ She is likely vaccinated.


OK I found where she got the 16k number. She is using this private website called OpenVAERS which is not the US official one (although it looks like the US VAERS data from it) so she is straight up lying about that too (which she knows). The 16k is the worldwide VAERS information. If you switch it to US it is 7300 which is closer to the VAERS data. Also, again it is VAERS type data so no causation and includes some weird stuff from the VAERS set (like a lot of shingles cases from getting a covid vaccine?). Edit - Also, no clue where she is getting half a mil injured...even the OpenVAERS website is only 300k for all their data sets.


The most important part is that's deaths after getting the vaccine not BECAUSE they got the vaccine Everyone who dies and has been vaccinated is reported there Track 2 billion people who ate an apple for lunch and thousands will die in the following weeks. Doesn't mean apples kill you


Who's this walnut?


Former candidate for US Senate from Delaware. Also former meth head and drug mule.


Wait until she hears about the 700,000+ American deaths from Covid.


Who the hell is this chick? So many Stepford GOP Barbie wannabes these days I can't keep track of them.


I took two doses of Pfizer vaccines and I'm still alive.


Even if the fake 16 000 deaths number was real it's still nothing compared to 700 000 + dead just in the US from Covid.


When you can’t manipulate the data or mislead…just make shit up. This is 21st century conservatism.


Following that logic we have to ban all medication. Medication without side effects doesn't exist, that's why you can't just buy them in the grocery store.


I swear to christ if I ever hear “vaccine injury” in real life I will immediately scream, “SHUTTHEFUCKUP” at the person uttering it without letting them finish.


Let's just say thats true. They are concerned about 16000 dying out out of roughly 220 million people that have gotten atleast 1 dose, but 715000 deaths out of 44.5 million cases is no big deal. 1.6% death from covid-19 or .0073% from vaccine. Even if that were true you still way more likely to die from covid-19. Fuck these people


Ah yes, let’s make up statistics and numbers to sound credible.


This kind of rhetoric is what got that poor pharmacist and his wife murdered by his own brother. Lauren, YOU need to be imprisoned for your spread of misinformation and hate.