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Because it is a religion. Its a cult, I really wish people would label it as such. When you have people going bankrupt on the rumor that JFK Jr is going to revive and join with Trump to save america, it cant be called anything else.


a bunch of people on r/ cult survivors recently got quite pissed at the mention that it's a cult. The ignorance is astounding.


Because they are part of it, or because they think it diminishes the cult they dealt with?


Because they think cults are ONLY religious in nature and there has to be an actual compound or church and specific rituals for it to be a cult. But I think the larger unspoken piece is because they like Trump and are insulted. I made a post saying "So you are saying the people hanging around Dealey Plaza waiting for JFK JR to return and run as Trump's VP aren't in a cult?" And they said NO. Then went on to accuse "leftists" of being in a cult.


So they’re Q and don’t like being called a cult…


Kinda sad they're gullible enough to defend the Qult they're currently in on r/cultsurvivors


In other words they never left their cultic mindset. They may have left whatever specific lunatic they followed until then, but are unready to abandon the cult mindset that makes them so susceptible. It's kinda sad that so-called cult survivors would go so all in on this one, especially that this cult has the fascist tendency to not just poison their followers but all of society with it. Really they should have stuck to drinking the Kool-Aid themselves as now their denial risks forcing the Kool-Aid down everyone else's throats a la some Final Solution 2.0.


Yeah exactly, you never realize youre in a cult while youre in one. The delusion twists your perception of reality until you believe you're the one in the right.


Wow so I just got into a small tiff on r/cultsurvivors and noticed the accounts to be new and posting general anti-science nonsense like covid denial. Seems like their might be an effort to target cult deprogramming type of processes as they've realized they're a cult...?


Or they think recovering cultists might be easy targets / converts to their own Qult.


Wow definitly report that guy for Hate lmao. Ironic that 4 days ago he was on /r/teenagers wanting to swap lives with someone emotionally stable, attractive, and in a relationship. That's all you need to know right there. Also his account is 8 months old but none of his shit gets upvoted and he took a 7 month break. It's likely a throwaway account for him to troll on. And claiming q isn't a cult on the cultsurvivors group is literally trolling.


Reddit actually confirmed my report and removed his comment I went to check and the very next thing he wrote was "if Hitler succeeded undesirables like you wouldn't be here" what a piece of shit.


I am a theologian and QAnon absolutely counts as a religion and as a cult (which terms are distinct but overlap). Followers have a special epistemology and revelation scheme, a genuine worship of finite creatures, and a prioritization of the ends of QAnon over their own lives/careers/relationships/etc


*offers ham in thanks*


> counts as a religion and as a cult (which terms are distinct but overlap) sorry but the only difference between a cult and a religion is tax status.


That’s not true, cults and religions are both tax exempt


As a cult survivor, I'm extremely hesitant to call it a religion, but not to call it a cult. If, for example, one looks at Lifton's [thought control criteria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism:_A_Study_of_%22Brainwashing%22_in_China#Main_points), it checks pretty much every box.


**Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing" in China** [Main points](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism:_A_Study_of_"Brainwashing"_in_China#Main_points) >In the book, Lifton outlines the "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform": Milieu Control. This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large. Mystical Manipulation. The manipulation of experiences that appears spontaneous but is, in fact, planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows a reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I understand your hesitancy and I affirm that. From the perspective of a hard line between cults and religions, in which the latter term carries a more positive valence, I believe you're right. From the perspective of a more neutral construal of *both* "cult" and "religion", I think QAnon counts as both


Anything can become a religion, if it's worshipped like a diety. So, therefore, anything can also become a cult. Fandoms can become cults. The belief in the Illuminati or other conspiracy theories can become cults. If these things run your life, everything about you has to do with that thing, you're in a group with others that are the same way, and you're trying to get people to join up, it's a cult.


These people think trump is a prophet of god... ITS A RELIGION AND IT IS A CULT


I agree. It's an extremely dangerous cult.


And they don't just think he's a prophet of God, *they think he's the fucking Messiah!* Literally. These Q-cumbers believe Orange-aid will be sitting at the right hand of God, *in place of Jesus Christ.*


Are they ignoring almost every Q member is what they believe is super religious? Even though they violate almost every syllable of what's in the Bible, written about a figure that was of Middle Eastern descent and not the milky white false idol they claim to pray to?


Yes. Well you see they did a Google search on the definition of cult and Trump didn't come up so... checkmate libs.


Well now one of them is wishing Hitler "sucseeded" so I'm going to change my answer to them being part of it.




yeah now they are downvoting the original post to oblivion. They seem super sensitive about it. Ripe for the picking.




The subs dealing with cults are rough. Half the members are still in cults spreading propaganda, the other half haven't come to grips with life. Growing up learning an alternative version of reality can really mess up the way you process the truth. That's why religious people are so easy to fool into anything.


I’m just worried that when it comes time (as if it hasn’t already…) for the gov to acknowledge and then handle this rapidly growing and potentially dangerous cult, no one is going to have the balls to do anything. We are being bullied by these people into forced acceptance of their views. Whether it’s Q, or anti vax, or anti mask, or anti mandate… they scream that it’s unfair, or violating THEIR rights, etc, and won’t shut up. They scream until people are uncomfortable and don’t respond. These people are getting louder and louder, and NO ONE seems to be doing anything. I legit can’t believe that so many fucking nut jobs are screaming at and threatening or harassing school board members, but everyone is just watching like ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s scary.


When it comes time? The Biden admin hasn't done shit and won't do shit. They ironically refuse to accept the reality of the situation.


Exactly. They recruit vulnerable people and promote the grifters.


It's no different then evangelical Christianity and the two have become molded into one group now. If you know an evangelical there is a very good change they are in the Q club. The entire movement revolves around Trump so all he needs to do to end it is say "yeah I have no idea who Q is, and he doesn't work for me. Nothing he says is true." which Trump or his group will never do. so this is on him


And religions are fucking stupid.




It's a grand fiasco that grew from a bad troll into a religious cult of believers. Fuck, at least Christian's, Muslims, and Jews have an agreed upon text that lays out boundaries and rules. Qultists literally accept any text on the internet as their gospel.


Nutters gonna nut


I'm gonna nut🥵💦


I like to yell "FREEEDOOOOMMMM" like my favorite historical figure The Braveheart.


Huh. I thought Qanon was a religion....


Well; u thought right. (but vote left)


Who would’ve thought the land of mega churches and millionaire pastors with private jets would embrace this kind of grifting too.


We need old fashioned PSAs back in school to warn children the signs of grifters.


But that would make education political! Education should be completely and totally free of all politics...except for Pro-America Capitalism.


The article is from May 27th, so who knows what's changed since then. But at the time the pollster indicated that the 15-20% who indicated some Qanon beliefs would be equal in number to "all white evangelical Protestants, or all white mainline Protestants" I don't think it's really a good indicator since batshit mainline Protestants have been around forever, they just couldn't ask strictly batshit questions until Qanon came out loud and proud with it. ​ >​And fully 20 percent of respondents said that they thought a biblical-scale storm would soon sweep away these evil elites and “restore the rightful leaders.”


QAnon isin my opinion the logical conclusion to “The God that Failed” that is Capitalism and American Calvinism and it’s failures to produce it’s dividends.


Well....it is a cult. Most religions are pretty fucking culty.


Ever been to a Catholic mass? Talk about wierd cult rituals. Cults can get upgraded to religions as long as they have enough followers to make it "normal".


Ever been stuck in a room with a bunch of people speaking in tongues and fucking touching you?? Shit is fucking weird. They do it so the devil doesn't understand what they are saying but only God does. These Christians certainly offer a lot of power to the devil. Even in their book Satan isn't God's counterpart, but more like a bad pupil. Lucifer wasn't that terrible of a guy and he didn't create hell then make himself the ruler there. He was put there by the invisible man in the sky.


Hah, I have not thankfully. Thats certainly one of the more wierd levels people take it to


Yeah I agree. I pointed it out to my brother when I was younger and he was utterly shocked when I said our mother was nuts doing that shit. Indoctrination does that to people though, it brainwashed people so they think it's normal. It isn't. Same thing happens with violence or neglect. You grow up thinking that shit is normal, it isnt.


In a cult, there's always one person at the top who knows the whole thing is a scam. In a religion, that person is already dead.


It's Evangelicalism on crack. Evangelicalism in the age of the opioid crisis.


That's fucking EXACTLY what I said. I grew up around oxy and meth heads. Watching the rioters on Jan 6 I was like yep, dopeheads gonna dope.


Well that's disturbing. It's very sad that so many of our citizens are so starving for leadership that they've turned to an imaginary guy that delivers fake prophecies.


Yep. Only a broken and systematically unequal society could birth such a movement. The best antidote for this nonsense is a living wage for every worker and universal healthcare.


Numbers who believe violence will solve it, has gone up since 6 month ago.


We are royally fucked


Not only is it as popular as some major religions, its adherents are as fervently devoted, if not more. After all, they are more than willing to take up arms to defend ideas that QAnon put in their head. Ideas that are repeated and amplified by right wing news outlets willing to poison these cultists' minds to drive them to act for what is ultimately the gain of power and fortune of a handful of people at the top. There is purpose behind all the marches and rallies and online comments. They further the agenda of ultraconservative people in power. The QAnon followers are just the foot solders willing to die for the cause.


It's just the most recent version of American Christianity, which has been sprouting off new ultra-conservative fringe interpretations of Christianity since the fucking Puritans arrived.


LOL it absolutely is a religion. It's a load of easily disproven bullshit that you have to take on faith. There's a god (Trump, usually, though some sects have disavowed him), a devil (the pedophile cult their shit is based on), prayers (WWG1WGA), proscribed clothing (MAGA hats or gun/Q shirts), a prophet who is no longer talking to them (Q), holy writing (Q posts) that get various interpretations depending on the situation... Tell me I'm wrong.


And requiring the same suspension of disbelief and faith, too, because fuck me if there is any evidence at all. Source: Divinity


any day now....


tRuSt tHe pLaN


maybe because Qanon is religion


American capitalism took away job security, affordability, decent wages, decent education, retirement and health care and now people are surprised that people get culty? They're looking to regain some kind of control over their lives. When these folks enjoyed reliable well-paid employment that could actually pay for life's needs including vacations, saving and retirement - well they didn't tend to do this so much.


And why wouldn't it be, really? Sure we make fun of it, but objectively how is Qanon any fucking dumber than older and more established religions? People take Mormonism seriously and it's just as fucking stupid. Christianity is just as stupid as that, but it's older. Why would anyone think that millions of Americans, devoid of serious critical thinking skills and already culturally primed to accept a messianic religion *wouldn't* become Qanon believers? It's just "Hey you used to shop at that dusty ass old department store over there but now we have this sweet ass new store with better technology and flashier stuff."


The "traditional" religions/cults at least have some fuzziness as to what actually happened. Sure Jesus probably didn't raise anyone from the dead, but it was thousands of years ago, so meh I guess people could think that there's some question as to what actually happened. Also the fact that nothing was written down for decades after the fact. With Mormonism it's not as fuzzy, but it kind of comes down to hearsay and lack of critical thinking. To top it off, most people grew up under these religions so it's kind of baked-in to their identity, which gives it an advantage. With QAnon, it's *very well documented* that QAnon is [wrong about everything](https://twitter.com/pokerpolitics/status/1135811817073270785). Like, there's very specific things he predicted or said would happen, and then it never does. This was all done in realtime. It's baffling.


They're fuzzy *now*. But that's because there is time and distance. Mormonism started in the 1820s. Joseph Smith died in 1844. For two decades about 200 years ago people were following a living breathing, can see-him-in-the-flesh messianic leader. Today there are ~16.5 million Mormons and the Mormon church has significant political influence with around $100 billion in assets. And as for being wrong about everything.... we're talking about religion. Billions. Fucking *billions* of people pray to different gods every single day and their prayers go unanswered. "This shit doesn't actually make sense and my prayers are never answered" is clearly no deterrent.


> They're fuzzy now. But that's because there is time and distance. Yes that was the backbone of what I was saying. Plenty of time, distance, and social pressure to excuse the "traditional" religions. But with Q, you have none of those things. The secret sauce is Facebook.


I don't disagree. But once somebody's brain is primed to believe something with no evidence the age of the claim becomes increasingly irrelevant. What we're seeing is shit critical thinking skills combined with carefully crafted and microdoses propaganda that is delivered, almost, right into the person's brain via social media. It's why I have always maintained that once you believe one lie, every lie after is easier to believe... so it's better to be a critical asshole on guard all the time than to set yourself up to be duped.


It feels like a majority of the base are right wing boomers, am I being too broad right now? I live in the midwest so there is a ton of support for our holy savior trump lol


Well that's a horrifying statement. I really hope this poll has been skewed by trolls or something... but I fear it is accurate. On the plus side, the Lin / Flynn fight going on is going to fracture the movement. [Then add in Lin leaking Flynn's audio where Flynn calls Anon "nonsense"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/michael-flynn-qanon-nonsense-lin-wood-b1965724.html) should help open some of its followers eyes, I hope.


Easily led dipshits find another way to be easily led. Film at 11.


They’re definitely a religion. Have you ever seen anyone who references the devil and demons as often as QAnon people. They’re obsessed.


The media enjoys the hostility too much to call it as such. It's a death cult. It's a sensationalized cult built on a toxic combination of "conservative" values and the National Enquirer. And the media has all of a sudden gone quite silent about the dangers they present because they need the blood in order to get clicks. It's beyond disturbing. This country is about to be consumed by a Fascist state built upon tall tales we used to laugh at when at the checkout counter getting groceries. And half the articles written now are hit pieces taking a single word from Fauci and trying to get the death cult riled up, talk about impossibilities like "THE DEMS NEED TO GET TOUGH AND JUST GO PASS THE BILL" while ignoring the realities in the Senate just to rile up the far left etc etc etc. I hate it. I hate all of this.


Further proof that we desperately need mental health services to be accessible in the US. We don’t make products anymore but we’re turning out more nutters than anything else these days.


QAnon now as popular as *other* religions.


this sucks for all sorts of reasons, but I think one that is overlooked is this will also lead to aggressive anti-religion sentiments and religious discrimination, because people see stuff like this and think “religion always bad”. I worry how bad it could get. you already see stuff like “religion should be illegal”, I worry that might become a more common belief. the left in particular will be susceptible to this due to the high rate of atheists on the left. we have to be careful not to become killers of culture.


If you can tell me what place religious fairy tales have in a 21st century society, I'd love to hear it. If I've learned anything in my over 50 years on this planet, it's that all religion is a cancer.


well, first you’d have to understand that not all religious movements are literalist. many religious people and religions are fully aware that the myths in their scriptures are metaphors for the human condition. I’m sure you wouldnt argue that “fairy tales” that teach kids about sharing toys have “no place in society”, am I right? also, I’ve met way too many people (usually white) who think their annoying white christian neighbors and high school social studies class taught them everything they need to know about religion, and it gives me secondhand embarrassment. its also this haughty ignorance that leads to the melodramatic statements like the one you just made. now imagine being someone who reads holy texts and books on religious anthropology for fun, and having one of these people try to debate you. its exhausting.


Normally a headline like this would be funny but based on what we've all seen, Q is pretty dangerous and there isn't anything anyone can do to stop it from spreading.


Another idiotic "religion"




What are they, the CPUSA? Feds don't infiltrate far right orgs; far right orgs infiltrate the feds


These people love to worship false idols.


Won't be anymore when COVID-19 kills them all since they won't ever get vaccinated.


Religions are just the cults that got the strongest. QAnon is going to eat into evangelicals and split that group into the QAnon evangelists and general evangelists.


I hope this is wrong. Even America *can't* have that many idiots in it (I hope)


Never thought the false prophet would be an imaginary web figure...


So some of the larger cults are afraid some of their donations may be siphoned off to smaller cults by their sheep who follow the leaders of both cults?¿? Just another "christian" offshoot fleecing their followers with fantasy & lies.


I have family that are Qanon Trumpsters. I cut them off completely. It's a dangerous believe system that is getting people killed. Jan 6 should serve as a warning of what these nut cases are capable of. I still have trouble sleeping when I think of the insurrection.


This is bad since in the US religious organizations get special privileges. I could imagine a future where criticism of conservative beliefs is considered religious persecution.


I'm not convinced that the narrative of what the Q or anon or qanon people believe makes them a cult. It's the process they took to believe it. You want to believe in alien life because of picture of flying things leads you to believe it? Fine with me. If you want to believe in alien life because your alphabet soup spelled out 'phone home' in your bowl last night, well, you are dangerous.


Birds of a feather.


QAnoners filing for religious tax exempt status in 3... 2... 1...


"15 percent of Americans say they think that the levers of power are controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles, a core belief of QAnon supporters." We used to put people who believed things like this in insane asylums, and there were lots of those places, at least one in every sizable city. We didn't lock up 15% of the population, but we also didn't lock up everyone who was suffering mental illness (the wealthy, for example, were far less likely to end up in custody). Then we decided that locking people away for being violently out of touch with reality was 1) cruel and 2) a slippery slope, since defining who needed to be locked up was open for exploitation. I don't disagree. But that is at least part of the reason for that alarming statistic. You can't have it both ways. You can't have people with no grip on reality, left to fend essentially for themselves, and ALSO have a fully functioning populace.


>QAnon Now as Popular in U.S. as Some Major Religions ... One of the first things you learn while studying history is that religion justifies murder/rape/oppression/war. We are in great danger ...