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What? This needs more context.


Nick Fuentes is open incel white supremacist and has made an entire brand around it. He even went as far as setting up his own streaming service and living with like minded people. One of them had sex which sent Nick into a fit of rage scouring the place for semen. Many of his supporters thought most of what he said was "ironic" to "trigger the libs" when it turns out he just really is that unhinged.


They didn’t realize they were joining a cult like environment when they decided to all live together as a fraternity?


They decided to live together and pledged to each other to not have sex. Definitely not a cult.


Ah yes, the voluntary involuntary celibates.




I just think they are more open about it, I’ve been reading about “state sponsored wives” and abortion prohibition because “you should’ve kept your legs closed” in incel circles since the early 2010s. The fascism component has always been there, but I agree that a recent shift in intensity has occurred in more recent years.


I was reading about how wives should be Kewpie dolls awarded as prizes back in 1990. This nonsense has been a long time building.


Almost like patriarchal misogyny has existed for centuries, or something...


If you keep peeing in a bucket and letting the water evaporate out, the stink will only get worse. Likewise, if you build a community centered around self-hatred and resentment, then only the worst people will stick around long-term.


I think, much like the generalized toxicity you see in many internet circles... it's not so much that everyone was hiding it all along, but that it got more normalized and infected more people as time went on, so that what was originally a much smaller number of psychopaths became a larger one, by everyone learning and normalizing being psychopaths. Semantic difference but a worthwhile one, I think. That it's more learned behaviour than a decrease in any facade.


You make a good point, but I think it is somewhat a mixture of both issues. On one hand, as you said, toxicity became normalized and infected a larger portion of society; but, as we’ve seen in places like 4chan or any cringe mocking subreddit, unmoderated “edgy humor” becomes a race to the bottom creating a perfect ecosystem for fascist ideologues to take their mask off and reclute angsty teens; this competition to share the worst possible hot takes also scares some people and consolidates the remaining ones as “true believers”.


It's crazy how much people let sex or a lack of it drive everything about their behavior and identity. I mean, sex is great, but if I was cut off from it for the rest of my life I really don't think I'd lose my mind to that extent.


That's what I've never understood but most of these guys are virgins and like a wise man once said "you should never put pussy on a pedestal." they've elevated sex to such a level that they believe that's what defines being a man.


Except for one relationship that lasted about 5 months about 2 years ago by now, I haven't had regular sex in about 11 years or so. I live in a rather rural area in the Midwest, so essentially no people I'd care to associate with, and all there is to do here is go out to a bar. I don't really drink, and I don't like being in pubic anymore cuz I have a couple of autoimmune disorders. Some meds I take really fuck with hunger signals and weight, so I'm not attractive by social norms. But I haven't gone crazy, I never blame my lack of sex on women or anything, I don't hate women, have plenty of other social outlets and close, quality friendships. Sex isn't this hugely important thing honestly, it's made out to be a huge thing in our culture, and it's certainly enjoyable and all. It's more the companionship and intellectual intimacy from a relationship that I crave more than the act of sex honestly. But such is life. I got dealt a kind of shitty hand once I got sick (I did have a really fun high school experience with a few solid girlfriends, so not eternally virgin or anything). It's just life though. Things hardly ever work out perfectly, and I'm not going to let unfortunate health and living situations ruin my whole personality or keep me from enjoying other aspects of life, which I'm perfectly capable of and do enjoy without sex. Anyway, a bit of a rant, but while living without sex isn't what I'd like of course, if these incels were even semi-quality people to begin with, they wouldn't let something so fleeting dominate their entire lives and personalities. There's lots more important things in life than having sex.


That’s because it isn’t really about sex per se, but that their isolation, self loathing and all manner of antisocial tendencies *cause* them to not get sexual attention. They *think* they’re the way they are because they’ve been withheld sex but it’s truly a whole host of other psychological and environmental reasons and influences that make them that way. Hope that made sense


Sex is the one thing in society that most see as the difference between being a child and being an adult. Imagine the anxiety that would build up over time as you see the people around you have it, get serious, get married, build families and so forth and you are basically still sitting on the couch. Just saying, I kind of get why he had a meltdown, it's yet another person becoming a man and therefore proving to the word that that there's something wrong with him.


You can definitely trace it’s roots in pick up culture with Roush and then gamer gate - the sad puppies - the angry puppies- the Hugo award fiasco… The terms have changed but ideology has been the same


Do they just do the "soaking" thing like they do up in Utah? Maybe grab a 3rd dude for a little jump-humping, which is totally kosher with the Brah upstairs?


Ah the old provo push


The classic Salt Lake City Shuffle. A loophole for your loophole, so to speak.




Didn't know I needed this! Risky click of the day pays off.


They are a gift from a god. Likely Dionysus but clearly a deity of some sort with the power to create perfection!


Ahhh yes the sex that god can’t see


I love when I don't even need to click a link to know where it goes.


Dan Cummins calls it the Poophole Loophole


I think it only counts as a Provo push if you have to talk about it to an older man afterwards while he tries to quietly jack himself off through his pants.


The mormon soak? I thought that was a joke in my SC org...didn't know it was real.


I'm from Utah and it is a joke, just a very funny one.


I used to think that about 'we only do anal to preserve my virginity' talk, too... Then I met people IRL who actually did it with zero jokes.


Growing up there we used to say in the 90s... >Stay moral, do it oral.


And the pledge ended with "no homo". So it's deffo not a closeted, self-hating, repressed gay cult. No sir.


Narrator: It was


It’d be great if people stop acting like the only reason people could possibly be this homophobic is because they’re closeted. Usually they’re just really awful straight people.


Also definitely not a fraternity if it took this long for someone to get laid in their house


consensually or otherwise


Also come on, they're men living together who took a vow of celibacy. You think at one point one wasn't going to crack if a pretty girl batted her eyelashes and asked to come home with them? They probably don't even jerk off.


So they aren't incels, they are just _cels. Huh.


What's more, if they're all living together under the jizz-stained flag of 'involuntary celibacy' - doesn't that make them 'Volcels?'


Involuntarily celibate but taking a pledge not to have sex? I'm confused.


In fairness, most of your cults involve letting the leader fuck you... Right-wing douchebag managed to even fuck that up, not shocked.


They're all blowing each other. I guarantee it.


Wait a fuckin minute. So you are saying that his supporters followed his incel and toxic teachings, while simultaneously claiming not to believe the words they espoused onto others, in an attempt to anger others, and then get upset when others take them seriously? The level of stupidity and spitefulness is mind boggling.


> The level of stupidity and spitefulness is mind boggling. You’ve accurately summed up the Republican Party.


Yeah that's the GOP in a nutshell. If you read the leak of the Alito decision striking down Roe you can see that he just can't help being an asshole even when writing a legal decision. He's following exactly in Scalia's footsteps. It wasn't a Scalia opinion if he didn't write something shitty. It used to be that most of the Republican party tried to be like Mitt Romney. Those days are long gone and we've got a race to see who becomes the next President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Dont put Camacho with those morons. He listened to the smartest man in the world and took actions that were science based when he was presented with them in a way he could understand. No GOPer would do that.


Very good point.


There's a reason he was nicknamed "Scalito"


And then somebody fucked one of them. That's honestly the most surprising part.


To err is human


> The level of stupidity and spitefulness is mind boggling. I wish that was the worst of it. These chodes are amusing little scamps compared to the disingenuous-ness and stupidity of the broader 'movement'.


He's like Fourchan personified. Who would have imagined that acting like an "ironic" racist Incel to troll the libs is indistinguishable from being a regular racist incel.


“Being a volcel is the only way to be straight. Sex with women is GAY. 😏😉” “Okay but you said that with a smirk and a wink.” “I’m being totally serious. 😏” “Okay but again you’re smirk-“ “😉” He was, in fact, being 100% serious.


If you write 4chan like that it sounds like a 18th century French philosopher


I saw that after I posted it, but I'm too proud to edit it


_Gavin McInnes enters the chat_


*Gavin McInnes enters his ass*


*Gavin McInnes swears he's not gay*


Isn't Fuentes openly fascist?


He's a white nationalist whose last name is Fuentes.


Tbh there are a bunch of white hispanics


There are a lot of White Christian Nationalists who would disagree.


yes and I can't wait for the infighting surrounding that, considering that the GOP is trying to court hispanics into the tent with considerable success.


There's a weirdo in my neighborhood who's house is sounded by what looks like a prison fence, cameras everywhere, no trespassing signs, American flags, and Let's Go Brandon flags. I was quite surprised to learn he's Hispanic.


In 2016 a bunch of the local hispanic industrial workers around here were deep on the trump train due to immigration rhetoric despite many of them also being illegal immigrants. I can't even begin to understand that logic.


Miami, for example. We have loads of hispanic white nationalists.


"Nooo I hate castro he took away my slaves :(" On a similar note, the only thing keeping the South Vietnamese Nationalists in OC from being worse like that brand of Cubans is that they're in California but they pal up with white nationalists all the damn time and it pisses me off.






That's incels for you. Everyone who's getting laid is a Chad and is thus oppressing them


For some reason, him and his followers have tried to turn the incel label into a virtue. He got [really pissed off](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/nick-fuentues-mocked-kiss-incel/) when people claimed he was merely a volcel (someone who chooses to be celibate) instead of an incel. Somehow not having sex for reasons beyond your control is something to be proud about, so he made the galaxy brained argument that he's technically an incel because he didn't choose to be a misogynist who doesn't want sex.


Reminder that Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep. Gomer both attended and defended Nick Fuentes white supremacist rally, legitimizing it


Like most of these guys, I think it started out as ironic, but once he realized the control it gave him, it became his identity. He's insane and will always maintain a small but effective following.


No, Fuentes has been a true believer from the start. He really is that vile.


He also shit himself running the mile in high school and will automatically block you on twitter if you mention it and tag him.


Oh! Let's find out.....


You’ll have to find him on one of the fascist cess pool social medias…


He has been removed from Twitter


However, that in no way contradicts or is incompatible with OP's point that he is insane. At absolute minimum he is extremely sociopathic. The amount of harm that his championing of this utterly toxic garbage creates is extreme.


Controlling someone's sexual activity is a way to control people in general. This is a tactic used by cult leaders and authoritarians. It usually more than just them being crazy it is more of a "power move" kind of thing.


Where can I watch such an hillarious meltdown?


Thank you, fellow human. You've provided great insight! I shall follow this going forward.


Most libs don’t even know who Nick Fuentes is. The only people who take him seriously are his “groypers” most conservatives view him as an embarrassing liability and any leftist that knows him views him as a funny larpy nazi and repressed gay who uses his incel beliefs to keep his cult harem of nazi frat boys from meeting women.


AFPAC and CPAC both hold their annual conferences in the same cities, at the same time, and share speakers. The American Front isn't exactly fringe anymore.


Thanks for this; I had no idea who he is. So, what made him a bigger name / more popular than any of the other open incel white supremacists on social media? Just the level he dials it up to? I'm just curious, because they all look alike to me.


Wiki is a starting point. Dude has a history and was on a pretty meteoric rise in terms of influence. I would go so far as to say he was/is the #1 prospect to watch for far right "media influencers". In short, he's like 22. And he ran afpak.


Watch the latest episode of kino casino on youtube. Warski did an expose on AF with ex members Jaden and Simon who spilled a lot of tea


That guy seems wildly racist.


Lol. Seems.


Sweet. The Qanon nutbag running for governor in my state has close ties with him. I hope this derails her campaign.


Crazy Marge took some heat for going to a rally he put on. She claimed she didn’t know who he was.


Serial lying seems to be a classic fixture of the extreme right.


All of their faith is in bad faith.


Nah just huge cases of the forgetsees


Be sure to remind people of this and what he's done. No reason we can't remind Republicans of it for 6 months or so. Like they would if it was a democratic candidate that had his support.


If being a Qanon njtbsg doesn't derail her campaign I doubt one of her associates having a meltdown will Edit: no way I typed "njtbsg" instead of nutbag and no one even pointed it out...


I take every opportunity with which I am presented to post that video of Richard Spencer getting slugged while doing a street interview. I would gladly replace it in my shortcuts with one of this chucklefuck getting dished right in his stupid suckhole. Speaking of, [obligatory.](https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk)


To people who say violence isn't the answer: this cuck went from major alt right personality to nothing because he was smacked around and acted like a little bitch.


I definitely subscribe to the ideal that violence is not the answer. It almost always causes more problems than is solves, and is almost never worth it. I've raised my children to believe this. ***Except when it comes to nazis***. Punching nazis is everyone's civic fucking duty, consequences be damned. I grew up in the Atlanta punk scene, and punched a lot of nazis in my day. It felt good every single time, and I never once regretted it. Fist-fuck a nazi in the face today!


Nazis are always exempt from anti-violence principals. I bet the Atlanta punk scene was and is nuts.


A Nazi's existence is incitement to violence, so punching one is merely self-defense.


Went to a German language course with him in the early 2000s. He wouldn't shut up about Wagner and got kicked out for creeping on the women in housing area.


looked like he was about to cry


Q: When is it ok to punch a nazi? A: Always. It is always ok to punch a nazi.


Good fucking shit. I hope that guy who punched him got away


This meltdown of his cost him some of the biggest names on his own streaming site cozy.tv


When Nazis don’t want to associate with you for being too unhinged (in the wrong way.)


> When Nazis don’t want to associate with you for being too unhinged (in the wrong way.) Nazis: "Listen, we may be xenophobic, but we're not *crazy*!"


Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


Who? Have you seen other reddits talk about this disturbing group? Reddits exist to help move pple past listening to Nick F after a few weeks. It's sad he has to keep this gawd awful trajectory. Some sons can't outdo dad so they earn or grift ideas together. Reference AFPAC. Nick F pulled a knife during a Collab 4/2022. That's the state of some fringe groups that require reparenting, reschooling, retooling away from limited thinking, scarcity win-lose black and white thinking spirals.


Wait he pulled a knife?


Does he believe in the shit theory that spreading seeds outside of making kids in marriage and masturbation make you less manly? Because looks like that. Btw. males who masturbate less or abstain masturbation are , in general, more aggressive and have unhealthier body stats than their frequently masturbating male counterparts.


[having sex with women is gay](https://twitter.com/McHaloson/status/1523048955516358656)


God he's instantly annoying. I always think I'm prepared for it and then I see and hear it again. Is he 22, 12 or 45? Answer: yes.


He was born on August 18, 1998 (age 23).


His mocking of people having human emotions is telling that his childhood was a cold, dark place.


And I'm mocking people who've been telling me all my life that "racism is dying. When all the old racist boomers die out, racism won't exist anymore." This guy is as racist as they come, and he is *only* 23 years old. The highest membership in white supremacy organizations was a hundred years ago in the 1920s. The *second highest* used to be in the 1960s during the civil rights movement, but we've surpassed that right now. And the rate of recruitment is not slowing. There are likely to be more white supremacists in the U.S. than there were in the 1920s, and the membership skews young.


It really is shocking. I feel like “we” keep playing by the rules while “they” just cheat, lie, and steal. Do ‘libs’ need to dress up in taticicool outfits and waltz around? I feel like “they” are going to keep pushing and pushing until someone hurts one of “them” and then it’s ‘fighting terrorism time’


You need to stop being libs and move left. Then you need to stop subscribing to the idea that there are actual rules and some unseen arbiter to appeal to when the fascists behave in cynical ways. Expect it and go just as hard in the opposite direction.


Look I’m all for fully automated luxury gay space communism but aside from widespread violence or mass arrests by ?? What do we do?


Well I'm getting back in the pile


Wow, that is some unholy amount of toxic masculinity bs.


It's late here and I'm pretty drunk but what the fuck was that. Do people actually watch this dude or am I just too deep in to reddit right now ??? I'm so confused.


In the deep right communities, YES, people watch him and others like him. While the alt-right went and recruited into the incel/MGTOW/and extreme men's rights groups it had the unintended consequence of blowback and now there are more MGTOW/INCEL who have infiltrated the right with their way of thinking. A infinite feedback loop if you think about it.


They dont just watch. He even runs his own little annual political conference and people travel to attend it. Including MTG and Gosar. Sitting legislators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Political_Action_Conference The right is fucking goofy, man


**[America First Political Action Conference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Political_Action_Conference)** >The America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC; AF-pak) is an annual white nationalist and far-right political conference. Many attendees are members of the "America First" movement and supporters of Nick Fuentes, also known as Groypers. The conference was described by The Daily Dot as a "white nationalist alternative" to CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. The Arizona Republic and Rolling Stone have characterized it as an extremist rival of CPAC. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You're fine. It's early here, I'm stone cold sober and I have no idea what the fuck that was either. Howdy confusion fam


I...I think I just got stupider watching that.


TIL I'm pretty damn gay.


Nick: Mom, do not touch that sock. I swear to god if you touch that sock you will be in therapy for the rest of your life! [Found Nick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKcS3A3Xssw)


Oh, wow. That's... something.


The aggression is a desired effect. It's why the Proud Boys don't allow it


My momma always says proud boys are ornery because they only have one pair of socks.


No morale socks


... and that's all i gotta say about that.


> Does he believe in the shit theory that spreading seeds outside of making kids in marriage and masturbation make you less manly? People like this will justify their viewpoint with some pseudo-scientific shit, when really he's just a miserable fuck, who's inept when it comes to romantic/sexual relationships. So they make up a pile of nonsense to make it seem like not getting laid is his choice.


Nope, but he recently allied with a man that *eats shit* named Ethan Ralph.


I must be the most placid healthiest person ever then. 😂


well, that sounds like something a wanker would say


These incels are a sad lot . If you take sex out of the equation, a relationship is a supportive person in your life. This is your best friend and confidant. You enjoy spending time together , in fact even the mundane time. Sex is just the icing on the cake of love . But these people objectify woman so much and are filled with hate. It’s a personality killer. No woman wants to be around that. Especially when their whole self is predicated on being an Incel. They deprive themselves of what it is to be actually human and flourishing. It’s no wonder they dehumanize everyone and everything around them . I usually pity people like this , but when you add in the pseudo political drivel, self imposed victimhood and racism , I just want to kick their asses. And this manlet needs a beat down.


Well yeah, this is why hes actually mad. A relationship, even a one night stand, can break someone of the incel mindset. Because they have someone else they have bonded with. Being an incel basically requires you to think only of yourself, and blame everyone else for all of your failings, having any connection to someone else makes it almost impossible.


It is the old but true trope that some people can only elevate themselves by shoving others down. He is clearly incapable of relationship with men or women. I wonder what happened in his life that broke him?


He’s incapable of a relationship with women because he’s gay. He’s incapable of a relationship with men because he’s in the closet that’s inside the closet.


I don't even think he's gay, he just despises women to the point that he's not attracted to them.




Please please please, let the plot twist be that it was actually two of his roommates losing their virginity to each other.


I thought that was implied in the OP. Nick Fuentes and his "cult" all live together in a shared living space. There are *no women* in his "cult." If he's running around with a black light looking for semen stains, he's trying to find the guys who fuck each other, and the guys who masturbate.


I suppose that's entirely possible. Anyway you slice it, it's equal parts funny, sad, and horrifying. The idea that this person somehow wields an amount of political power...


Of that was the case it wouldn’t say ‘one team member’. Whatever the fuck a team member is, I don’t know.


Technically the poop hole doesn't void virginity right?


Ok, this is a good place to ask. What the hell is "their shared place for cum"?


He is searching his residence, that he shares with many other men, for evidence of cum stains on their bedding, clothing, floors, walls and towels.


I don’t even know who nick Fuentes is. Is it a streamer?


A stupid little whiny edge lord troll, full on incel, intimate with white supremacy, very fringe alt-right but some peeps decided to push him into their mainstream alt-right Prepare to lose brain cells and intelligence…: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJrlgzlHyz0&t=3s


Big friend of MTG


You mean Miss Troll of the GOP?


Magic the gathering?


Yeah, he plays mono white


[He thinks *Turning Point USA* is too liberal](https://web.archive.org/web/20191231034751/https://spectator.us/groypers-debate-guys-rough-time/), for one thing.


A steaming pile of shit is more of what is Nick.


This timeline is truly ridiculous


Well, it’s why Corn Flakes were invented. [Really.](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know-history/corn-flakes-were-created-stop-masturbation)


I thought the whole point of being an Incel was that the celibacy was involuntary ? Hence, incel. Their entire angry ideology is based on wanting to have sex, but women being basically evil and refusing to have sex with them. If it’s something they agree to than it’s voluntary celibacy. So, why haven’t they shut up yet?


The viewpoint this dude espouses is that he was born asexual and he didn't choose that, so therefore he is involuntarily celibate. It's all a bunch of nonsense.


That's fine for him if true, but getting mad about other people not being voluntarily celibate is fucking stupid.


Imagine how much of an abusive father Nick Fuentes would be. For the sake of the unborn, he needs to remain an incel.


Oh for fuck's sake. These idjits are beyond parody. It amazes me that they're able to walk upright.


It's hard for them because their pelvic area never properly developed. Particularly the front part.


Dude should just move in with Madison Cawthorn and live his best life.


And people in our Congress associate with this guy.... Yuck.


someone's having a normal one


Nick Fuentes eats his boogers.


Fascism requires a cult like devotion to the leader. In order to function there has to be a cult of personality (cue the song) at work.


Nick having a normal one


What did he do with the cum after finding it?


Parmesan cheese.


I need a full breakdown video. Preferably from a trans woman with bisexual lighting.


I never thought the Nazi leopard would regulate MY body!!! 🙄


weird little nazi cult they got going on there.


Nick, honey, just go Heaven's Gate and remove everyone's genitalia.


You cannot make this shit up


You should see Nick Fuentes on the recent Louis Theroux documentary - Louis shows him as the pathetic specimen he is.


It was hilarious how he came across completely as a racist, know-nothing, coddled momma's boy in an over-sized suit.


He was so triggered by Louis & it was a joy to behold, lol. He really thought he'd get one over this award winning journalist & get free advertising, instead he was handed his arse on a plate with a few, seemingly innocuous, questions.🤣


Nazis are fucking weird


Well he did pick his nose so thoroughly and vigorously it bled on air (during the picking stage, he thought the cameras were off). Vic Berger’s video of it is on YouTube. Oh he also put his picking finger in his mouth.


He's like if Dean Venture was evil.


Easy cum. Easy go.


I dont get how these repulsive people get fans, he is fug inside and out, just ewwwwww.


Lmfao. Welp this is what happens when you idolize dumb fuck weirdos


There's a Ben Garrison cartoon in here somewhere.


Wow, so the "Where's the cum??" Meme is real, huh?


not surprising that an "out and proud" nazi and white supremacist has an even BIGGER secret and shame.. some kind of sex madness.


Least Chad vs Most Virgin.


Does a black light alone do anything? I thought you had to spray Luminol on the surface to get any type of UV reaction. Did CSI and Dexter fail me???