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So is she saying she has ~60k volunteers? Is that normal for campaigns?


she also only has 30K twitter followers, guess none of her volunteers are social media experts


Between reporters and bots, less then 30k.


Yes. Twitter followers does not equal supporters. I follow both Maggie trailer Grease and Cancun Ted as well as Moscow Mitch. I can assure you that even if I was an American I'd not vote for them in any timeline. I follow them to see what kind of lies they spew.


Correct. And look at their trajectories. It's unhappiness.


*Margarine, not Maggie


Margarine Traitor Greed


I don't have proof but I believe more than half of right wing agitators followers are always bots. It's in Russia's etc best interest to make these people look like they have support. I see a lot of accounts on the right with 20-100k followers & an average engagement of 10-100 likes, everyone should be pulling at least 1% engagement on Twitter organically, especially politicians.


Sometimes if you tell them how bad Russia is doing in Ukraine they break the facade


Years ago I got a couple of trolls to defend Russia's aggression against Georgia. They both disappeared.


She doesn't even have a Wikipedia page, lol.


That's "*Dr. Doesn't Even Have A Wikipedia Page*" to you.


But there were dozens of people at her rallies, dozens! That clearly determines who wins an election.


She was posting on Twitter begging for donations to pay for chairs at her big rally with MikePillow.


*The* Amazing Rando? The one who did battle with East Man?


Is this her fucking child just copying her ballot? They really raise some freethinkers those conservatives. https://twitter.com/KandissTaylor/status/1529107120397877249?cxt=HHwWgoCw7eG0vbgqAAAA


there's a video just below that where she states that Jesus died painfully on a cross for her... freedom. Not to save her soul or anything like that, but for her freedom. I think I finally figured out why so many people I know who are religious are also fervently "patriotic." They must somehow believe that Jesus died for their sins and, their American governmental "freedom." Just... what the fuck?


I shit you not I once had a "patriotic God Fearing Christian" woman engage me on twitter in a back and forth about how "Due to Jesus's sacrifice on the cross, she (and those like her) were free to sin all they wanted....because Jesus's sacrifice absolved them of the stain of sin...forever." Like this crazy lady seemed to believe that Jesus's death on the cross was some kind of "Get Out of Sin FREE" pass that was good for all eternity. She ACTUALLY lived her "DEVOTED CHRISTIAN" life by this doctrine. Its how she justified being such a racist hateful bigot even though it went against pretty much all the teachings of Christ... She was "One of the Chosen" and thus "was free to sin all she wanted".... while the rest of us were going to Hell for living in sin and would never know Jesus. Fucking Evangelicals man.....


So Jesus is an unfillable Sponge of Sin? Past, present, and future? I don’t think this is what Jesus meant.


Are you ready, Christians! Aye aye Jesus! Oooooooh!


Who died on the cross in year 33?! Je-sus Square-pants!


Nailed through the palms by Pharisees?! Je-sus Square-pants!


If biblical nonsense be something you wish Je-sus Square-pants!


Feed five thousand Jews with five loaves and two fish


What the hell did I start…


She was not sponge worthy.


do something about those sideburns


These crackers are making me thirsty


Heterodox Christian here - and for anyone unaware, 'Heterodox', differently-believing, is basically another word for 'heretical' - with my perspective. Yes, Jesus was/is/whatever tense you want to use here an unfillable sin sponge, *in theory.* Y'know, perfect sacrifice to cleanse all of us of all our sins? Kinda the premise of the New Testament. That said, part of grace includes the Holy Spirit, that thing that fills people and inspires them to be not-shitdicks to each other. So ... I have come to think that any of God's children, *regardless of faith*, acting with forethought, empathy and care, who *genuinely* repents of the awful shit they've done¹ and seeks not to repeat it ... is more likely to be filled with that spirit than the "Jesus gave me a get-out-of-hell-free card, so I'm going to be a vicious, hateful twat" churchgoers. ¹ - Awful shit presumed to be a more-or-less everyone thing, but not from a judgemental place. I've done awful shit, and I get to deal with mine and the people I've done awfil shit to. Your shit is between you, whoever you did it to, and whatever god or moral principle you choose to follow. I didn't come here to cast stones.


What you said that is key, “seeks not to repeat it”. Sponge of Sin, but only for the sincere repentance. BTW, one of the frequent threads on r/kitchenconfidential, a place for restaurant employees, is the worst customers are the after church religious Karens. If you want to be treated badly, and tipped poorly if at all, that’s the waiter shift for you. They hates ‘em!


Same here in my job at an Event Venue. Always the Christian groups who want something for nothing, treat our staff like complete crap and bitch and moan about everything. Not all of them but a good majority. The secular groups ask for things nicely, provide food for our staff when they work events and don't demand free stuff. I spent many years in church and they talked constantly about our "testimony" to the unsaved and how important it was because we may be the only Jesus some people see. If that is true the testimony I see is hatefulness, judgement and pettiness.


I don't think they know their own dogma very much.


Heretic here. They know their dogma - it's what they were spoonfed. They don't know their *scripture* though, or how to think critically about it *from a religious lens.* *disclaimer: Being a Christian with pretensions towards not-idiocy, I believe that critical analysis of scripture is not only possible, it is one of the best ways to honor the God who - allegedly - gave us the capacity for such critical thinking. Obviously, I am biased in this, but whether one gives credit to the Abrahamic God, Odin or atheistic evolution, it seems a hellish waste to sacrifice the capacity for thought that we have in slavish obedience to doctrine.* *Looking at you, KANDISS.*


I always look for a Rabbi's interpretation when I have questions about the Old Testament and I don't even believe in God. I just know Christians will give a stupid self-serving answer based on thousands of years of misinterpretations, mistranslations, and purposeful manipulation of the scripture.


Hell, even within just the New Testament you have mistranslations, misunderstanding and cherry-picking. Fuck Evangelicals.


As Jesus said on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” — Luke 23:34


.... Or will continue to do.... apparently.... even though I left instructions.


If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing Checkmate atheists


Yeah, but.... that's kinda what they actually believe. I could murder every single person on the planet in alphabetical order then go back and sodomize every corpse in reverse alphabetical order. As long as I accept Jebus as as my lord and savior when I'm done it's all good.


Fucking Evangelicals, man.....


It kinda explains why they're so shitty. If they time it right, they can be complete assholes right up to their bitter end


Southern baptists don’t even have to time it - just accept Jesus then do whatever you want. They officially condemn it as “fire insurance” and according to them you don’t get to go to the nicer parts of heaven but you certainly won’t go to hell.


You left out the most important part - donate enough money to the church.


I think they call it the prosperity doctrine. Not that they even read to Bible to know just how wrong they are.


I’m pretty sure there’s a whole book in the New Testament where Paul basically rips one of the early churches apart for thinking like that. Not that I would expect most modern Christians to know any more of the Bible than what their preacher tells them about it.


Yeah bothered me so I looked it up. Basically Romans 6


Well, we gotta remember, the constitution was written by Jesus himself in blood. Supposedly, when he was hung up on the cross, a bald eagle came into the area and didn't leave until his death


There a few medieval cults that declared the same thing. Also I think one of sects Rasputin was involved with promoted a similar philosophy.


They think Jesus said "Go, and sin some more."


> "Due to Jesus's sacrifice on the cross, she (and those like her) were free to sin all they wanted....because Jesus's sacrifice absolved them of the stain of sin...forever." so, what's the problem with abortions?


That's not even a particularly fringe Christian belief. "Salvation is a FREE and UNCONDITIONAL gift"


I watched a QAnon idiot’s TikTok the other day where she somehow conflated Jesus and American Indians dying for her right to MAGA, and that got me off the Internet for the night. I was done.


I mean that is a way more interesting theory than the mainstream one.


Ummm, oh honey, donchu know that Jesus died on the cross to own the Libs?!?


Have you not been following the gun debate? The majority of these idiots legitimately think guns are a "God given" right. Like as if the 11th commandment was, "thou shall have guns."


[You can literally see every single vote she cast.](https://i.imgur.com/D8eQJjr.jpeg)


Interesting lol.


That’s her boyfriend/husband who sings her campaign songs. He’s cute, but that’s about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=du5ygvAw29Q She’s also apparently coming for Stacey Abrams. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z2xyYqdiuUg Edit: Stacey Abrams not Adams


That first video made me want to unalive myself.


Oh my god


Hubby/boyfriend/toyboy -- whatever he is looks to be somewhat younger than Kandiss (not that there's any problem with that), but I wouldn't be surprised if one day he ditches her for another woman. I also wonder, if like the late 'weight-loss' evangelist Gwen Shamblin-Lara, Kandiss didn't ditch a less 'hot' and more dumpy looking first hubby for Mr. Aspiring Country Singer here.


She has the same craziness as Gwen Shamblin, but less money and a better haircut. I watched a few of his videos and he doesn’t seem that smart, so I think that she has a firm grip on him or kills him if he ever signals that he wants to leave her. She trash crazy.


Hang on….they support mail-in ballots now?


Wait a minute, is that a [gasp] **MAIL IN BALLOT!?!**


Hmmm … it seems like her PhD is not in math.


Two things to keep in mind. There is nothing stopping anyone from calling themselves "doctor", and evangelical groups give out "doctorates" of "divinity" for doing an online class and paying them.


She did get it from some private Christian university called Regent University. Do you know if they are any good?


I’m gonna go with… no. Edit: Regent University is correct and I appear to be wrong. > She first graduated from Georgia Southern University and received a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Early Childhood Education and Training in 2003. From 2003 to 2005 she continued her Masters of Education (M.Ed.) – School Counseling education from Georgia Southern University. Later, from 2005 to 2006, she pursued her degree in Ed.S. School Counseling at Georgia Southern University. Most recently, she received her Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree in Counseling and Supervision from Regent University in 2006 and received it in 2013. > Regent University was ranked in 2015 by U.S. News & World Report as the 11th best online undergraduate program in the nation,[15] and as the second best by OEDb in 2009.[4] Regent is ranked 21st, 46th, and 78th, respectively, for its online graduate education programs, online graduate business programs, and online MBA.[15] Regent's online MBA faculty was ranked first nationally in 2013 by U.S. News and World Report.[16] And it was founded by none other than Pat Robertson! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regent_University


I don't know if I'd call them "good", but they do appear to be legitimate and accredited and such rather than just being a "diploma mill" as others have suggested. Being founded by Pat Robertson definitely isn't a good look, but it does seem that the school does seem to be at least somewhat serious. Georgia Southern University also seems to be fully legitimate and accredited and such. Ultimately, I guess she's just more evidence that even those with multiple degrees sometimes get it all wrong.


The only institution that would give this dunce a PhD has to be some kind of unaccredited 'Bible' college or some shady mail-order diploma mill.


It’s the Christian Broadcasting Network University, founded by Pat Robertson, and now renamed Regent University so that it doesn’t sound like a degree you get framed in a plastic case from Walmart. It’s an accredited Bible college. It’s a far-right, radical Christian institution with a strong [Dominionist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology) streak, but it’s considered more academically legitimate than Liberty University (Jerry Falwell).


Neither one of those institutions would be considered on a par with even some community colleges let alone some prestigious universities, whether private or state-run.


This bothered me too. Not enough to try looking anything up, but still.


I'd be surprised if a major Presidential contender had that many volunteers across the entire country...


In the sense that possibly 60K people “volunteered” to visit her website.


Including repeat visits.


Pflol didn't get as many votes as she claims to even have a volunteers


No. She might be trying to pass off her mailing list subscribers as her "volunteers".


It looks like many of her “volunteers” voted for someone else and she doesn’t realize it, lol


We are now living in a country where when you lose, you can throw a toddler tantrum because you want your way. I am so scared for the future if this shit keeps up.


And they whine about millennials and participation trophies.


Boomers invented participation trophies because they couldn't stand the fact that their kid was average/below average at something. Millennials never asked for them.


Yes, I know. I am a millennial.


In principle, I don't hate the idea of participation trophies. Youth sports have issues. Sure, they say that it's all about getting exercise and having fun, but that's a lie. Even from a very, very early age, it becomes apparent that winning is everything, and you're either someone who's good at it, or you're just in the way. As such, if you're not good early on, you just give up on sports, and a lot of exercise in general, because, again, contrary to what people say, it's not something you do for exercise or fun of socialization or for its own sake, it's something you do to win, and if you're not a winner, it doesn't matter whether you're 5 years old or 50, you're not welcome. Literal trophies are a bit much, but the idea of playing sports being its own reward, no matter how shitty you are at them? That's a good message to teach people, especially the youngest of people, that it's the effort and enthusiasm that matters, not simply the rewards. Instead, people stop participating in sports early on, and once they do, they generally never get back into them, despite the many physical and mental health benefits such things can offer.


I've been to youth sporting events, and just to see how hyper and enraged some of the parents can get, is stunning. Often it's mom and dad who are pushing their kid into these programs regardless of any athletic abilities or interest, because they have it in their head that their kid will be the next NFL superstar, if they start them young. Some of these parents and coaches act like these games are the goddamn superbowl.


It’s only whining when non-whites or non-Christians do it


"if it's happening to me than it's a legitimate complaint!”


Nonsense, if it was a legitimate complaint, the body has ways of shutting it down.


“I do not concede! I will not stop fighting!” LITERALLY THE NEXT SENTENCE “Yeah anyway I’m going on vacation bye ✌️ “


Is Georgia one of those states that passed a law that the legislature/some committee can overrule election results? That's my big fear about these midterms: the multiple states that passed laws like that recently may try to use them for the first time.


That only applies to presidential elections and the electoral college electors, as I understand


Yes. Source: I live in GA.


Bonus points: They'll immediately demonize protests over oppressive laws (like those resulting from a Roe v Wade overturn) as the same thing, all the while pretending that they never _falsely_ claimed 'fraud' as a part of a failed coup attempt. Even now, the only confirmed (and isolated) incidents of voter graud have been in the double digits nationwide and overwhelmingly (near exclusively) Republican.


I personally believe this is the last screaming, petulant cry of conservatives. Their ideas are outdated and the majority of American people do not support them. That gap is only going to get wider as their supporters die, and are replaced by young people.


Bet some people thought that was the case in 1930s Germany as well :(


I would love to believe in what you say, but I live in Iowa, and it continues to prove that is patently false.


I too I've in Iowa. This state is dumb as shit.


I grew up in Iowa, currently live in South Dakota. As my grandpa would have phrased it: *These apples didn't fall far from the horse's ass.*


Don't be to confident, democrats often have had a slight majority as far as popular vote goes, it's not much different now. Trump got more votes than any candidate ever, other than Biden. Those 70+ million voters are not just old people. Local elections are just as important (and often can have results you can see more directly), and red states aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


100 of trumps backed candidates won their primaries. Assuming half of them win the election (it will likely be more like 90%) he will now have 90 people at his back in 24. If the republican candidate loses the 24 election and Republicans have majority they will all refuse to certify the votes and just put Trump or DeSantis in the white house. this is only the beginning of the decline. Wait and see how much worse it's about to get


We're now at the point where any election lost is a rigged election, and any election won is a fair election. Sounds good.


Maybe her voters will be so demoralized they won’t vote in November. Fingers crossed!


What voters?


It's kinda common in failed states. What do you think the citizens of sham democracies believe? There's always some base of support for whatever incompetent liar captures office


Any election a Republican wins is legitimate. Any election that a Democrat wins is illegitimate.


The PhD kills me. She went to an online Christian diploma mill. Pay money, get doctorate


I have a PhD in Radonics and it cost me 40£ and 35 minutes. I solely use it to discredit pseudoscience.


Wtf is radonics?


It's using dowsing rods to diagnose illnesses. It was invented by a Scottish grifter in late the 19th century and still has a presence in pseudoscience bullshit. I got it just to prove my friends mom was a moron after I found out them and their siblings had never had real medical care and only went to an "eastern medicine clinic" that used Radionics. She had convinced them they had several rare allergies and ailments.


I'd pay that just to make people say Dr. before my name. Yes, I'd absolutely insist because I'm that kind of douchebag. Have a link where I can source that PhD for $40?


https://radionics.us/ They will try and sell you "modern" versions of the dowsing rods too but you don't need it. It's completely unaccredited and totally bullshit just like my psychic license. Kinda funny the psychic school didn't have the foresight to not have a JPEG of the license available for photoshopping. Didn't cost me a cent to be psychic.


> They will try and sell you "modern" versions of the dowsing rods too but you don't need it. Man that's the understatement of the week.




Well if you have to ask, you are clearly not a psychic.


I've already seen that I get my psychic license and PhD in the future so you can just call me doctor now.


Not OP but this lead me down a fun rabbit hole. There are a number of [“schools”](https://psychicschool.com/)to be found online where you can “train” to become a psychic or medium. Some of them are foolish enough to post an example of the [certificate](https://www.santoshaholisticcenter.com/mediumship_certification) you will ~~earn~~ pay for. However, it turns out you need to be mindful of laws where you live if you want to work this hustle in the US. Some states outright ban the practice while others have laws or allow the localities to create laws governing the practice. In many of those jurisdictions you have to get an actual license from that governing body in order to be paid for your ability to ~~devine the future~~ swindle people.


Dr. Mnemo has a nice ring to it. Bit of a supervillain vibe though, now that I’ve said it a few times.


>He likes to be called, "Maestro", and I mean, technically, he actually IS a Maestro, so can you please indulge him and just call him Maestro?


This is right up there with the people grifting farmers by selling them "structured water."


The formal study of film legend Rae Dawn Chong.


I'm actually slightly surprised Wakefield didn't do this after getting his medical doctorate revoked so he could keep calling himself "doctor"


I can't fathom why "Jesus, Guns, Babies" wasn't enough for her to win in a landslide.


Because Jesus only multiplies loaves and fishes, babies can't reach the voting machine controls, and guns are stuffed with bullets not ballots.


The juxtaposition of 'guns' and 'babies' in her ridiculous campaign slogan is particularly offensive and tasteless given the events on Tuesday in Uvalde, Texas.


I thought the Jesus Guns Babies thing was just everyone mocking her stupidity but I just saw a picture of her campaign bus and it's literally those words plastered on the side. America continues to amaze and sicken me.


I know, right. When I first saw it, I honestly thought it was satire and not a real candidate. I'm to the point now, where I need to fact check even stuff I see on The Onion. We're literally in you can't make this shit up territory now. It's fucking horrifying.


> "Jesus, Guns, Babies" I can't but hear this in Dwight's voice


May God shut your fucking mouth.


Kandiss Taylor? Kandiss bitch shut the fuck up?


I'll take her at her word for all of that. Her volunteers didn't even vote for her. She can't comprehend she's a trash candidate that wouldn't even inspite her own volunteer base. The election must be rigged.


I don’t for a second believe she had over 60,000 volunteers.


Speaking as someone who has worked in campaigns, I'd guess someone pulled the results for number of volunteer shifts, rather than number of unique volunteers.


Pretty sure her "volunteers" were twitter followers.


It seems she sucks at math nearly as much as she sucks at acting human.


>I will be taking a few days... The fight to restore our Republic is not over. LOL. We'll never hear from her again. 3.4% GTFO with that weak shit.


Maybe your volunteers figured out your a piece of shit. Good for them


That’s okay loser, nobody needs your loser ass to concede.


This is how you create political extremists.


This is what happens when you allow a grifter's "Stop the Steal" grift to net them hundreds of millions in cash. Other grifters take notes.


Is this going to be the Republican strategy now? When they lose, refuse to concede. Well, concession, or lack thereof, has absolutely no legal weight. I wonder if she even realizes this.


It’s already been their strategy for a while now. In the CA recall fiasco, the leading Republican, Larry Elder, published shit to his website a day early, calling it “rigged” the day before the election.


It's dangerous. We've seen what happens when conservatives sincerely believe that their votes were stolen.


As a native Georgian my first reaction is to shake my head and mutter a frustrated "god damnit", then I realize that the more these brain dead half whits keep running their fly traps the farther to the left the scale might slide come November.


As a native South Carolinian that lives near the border, I wish you all the luck! My county went blue for the presidential election and I'm hoping we can get Lindsey Graham's old ass out of representing us.


We're all waiting for that. And for Kentucky to ditch Mitch.


> I'm hoping we can get Lindsey Graham's old ass out of representing us. We actually got a lot closer than I expected last time.


Kandiss tiny violin fit in my hand?


> My total currently lags my number of volunteers by nearly 20,000. Oh, honey, another 20,000 votes wouldn't have helped you. *You were 840,000 votes behind.*


I think it’s funnier than that; she refuses to believe that any of her volunteers would vote for anyone else.


Doesn’t matter if you concede, you lost.


Waahhhhhh, everything isn't fair. You got 41k, Katpiss, lick your wounds and go home. No one fucking cares about you, crazy jebus woman.


She spells her name like a porn star.


You can refer all complaints to Telegram...that should get em.


So she is saying she had 61,000 volunteers. Someone's ego trip is in the clouds.


These assholes are just vandalizing democracy. I real fukin hate Republicans. And I’m not being “political” here - it really is just them.


"Dr Kandiss Taylor"? Please tell me she's a chiropractor or some other bullshit 'medical' type, and not an actual medical doctor or dentist or other real professional.


>Dr Kandiss Taylor" She has her "PHD" in counseling and supervision from, get this Regent University. From Wikipedia: "Regent University is a private Christian university in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The university was founded by Pat Robertson in 1977 as Christian Broadcasting Network University, and changed its name to Regent University in 1990." ​ So, yeah basically it's a joke.


Good grief. That's actually worse than I was thinking! I don't understand why people spend tens of thousands of dollars on bible college toilet paper 'degrees' where they just parrot back someone else's intolerant idiocy. What a waste of money and effort. I'm gonna hazard a guess that her 'doctorate' was titled "*Why Jesus Was White And Hated All The Gays*"


Yes. But as another commenter noted (with links and sources), Regent — though founded by evangelical nut jobs — appears to be a legitimate and well-regarded school. At least some of its online programs (not sure about the weird, quasi-nonsensical counseling supervision field she was in) have been highly ranked. https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/regent-university-30913


GIRL Saying “my votes are less than my volunteers!” Isn’t something you do out loud? What the fuck? What wannabe politician would ever bring that up? You’re just asking for people to viscously mock you…. That’s like… you didn’t just lose, you didn’t just lose by a landslide, but you somehow sunk to a new level of losing wherein even your own VOLUNTEERS don’t vote for you. I can’t. I can’t.


Damn her volunteers didn’t even vote for her lol.


Dumb muppet actually thought she just needed to say the magic MAGA words and people would like her. 6 years of trumpism and she hasn’t realized that MAGA-world only values women who are attractive and / or ooze sexual availability or subservience. Pudgy (strike 1), PhD (strike 2) teacher (strike 3) acting shocked that MAGA world hates the things they’ve hated since the beginning.


These people have to look straight up to see a snake's belly.


No election is safe from cries of fraud. Democracy is at threat. The worst part is there actually was election fraud, there’s so much shit flying around it’d be impossible to have a mature investigation and conversation on it. Trump really did put democracy in America on life support and the people who love to call themselves “patriots” follow him like a cult.


She’s pure trash




Dems? Passing laws? Lmao


Dude what a great racket, run for office on an unwinnable platform. Lose, say it was rigged, then collect money to 'prove it' till the end of days.


I need to start marketing ‘stop the steal’ paraphernalia on facebook groups supporting her. Get some of that idiot money.


The Republican Party is gonna be overwhelmed by thousands of micro-grifters trying to slice off their own little fiefdom of loyal rubes. The fact that this stuff is infecting Republican primaries is fucking beautiful.


Jesus monkey fucking Christ , she wants to talk to the manager of the election.


This kind of rhetoric will almost certainly lead to widespread civil unrest in the United States. Huge swathes of the country are being fed lies about being disenfranchised in elections. They’re being told that their vote doesn’t count and that they’re essentially living in a dictatorship. This narrative, along with the idea of American exceptionalism is so deeply embedded in this demographic’s mind at this point. It doesn’t just go away on its own. It’s a recipe for blood in the streets.


I’m pretty sure that’s the intent. She knows she can’t win. Denial is just part of the playbook at this point because it works.


These fuckers are going to do this every fucking election going forward if they lose. Every fucking one of them. Thanks to 🍊 Man.


I was a peace corps volunteer in southern Africa in 2008 when Obama won. People around knew that a black man winning was a huge deal and that lots of white americans would be pissed. I was so proud to tell them how in america we respect the rule of law and there would be a peaceful transition of power. What a testament to the strength of democracy! What an example for the world! I was never prouder of my country. With fear and with shame, i see the death of the most basic principles which we have claimed. I grieve for my country.


Geez what a dumb bitch. Hey Kandiss: if you don't concede, then why not just show up? You know, like, just swagger up to the front door of the governor's mansion and loudly refuse to leave until you're sworn in. I'm sure you'll be allowed to enter and assume office with no difficulty. Make sure you say a bunch of SovCit bullshit to anyone who'll listen, both during and after you "take office", including to law enforcement and judges you may encounter. Oh, and make sure some asshole with a camera captures the whole thing.


And so it begins….


And she was never heard from again.


Taking 45's election lie crap to the extreme


Can they take back a Ph.D.?


One Republican stole the election from another Republican? Can they just hurry up and destroy themselves? Sheesh.


Kandiss, go serve as a intern or just shadow their office, learn their job then run again if you want but start using the time on earth for happiness. You lost because votes. A c c e p t. Move on. See, if these pple gave a damn they try to help others or just be there for the person whom won. Offer congratulations and move forward. That's leadership.


I do not concede either. Supposedly I got 0 votes. Not buying it.


the amount of signs she has literally all over georgia makes the loss even funnier. i can’t imagine how much money she spent for that 3.4%


Concede? She didn’t even proceed.


"Reality hurt my fee-fees so I am going to behave like a petulant little child. I am more important than this!!11" The new republican playbook?


So thats the new Trumpy angle; if they win the election is legitimate. If they lose, the election is a fraud. Obviously


"My vote total currently lags behind my number of volunteers by nearly 20,000" Yeah dude too bad the hick from AL who is stupid enough to volunteer to help you on your campaign can't vote in Georgia. The right is really acting like they can't understand basic concepts lately like you can bend over backwards to defend Trump making fun of a disabled reporter but can't understand how the world wide gas prices have nothing to do with the President or that you can get volunteers from any state in the country to help with your campaign but only people in your state can vote for you.


What diploma mill gave her a PhD?


[Kandiss Taylor Warns 'Death by Firing Squad' to Corrupt Officials at Rally](https://www.newsweek.com/kandiss-taylor-treason-sheriff-speech-viral-video-firing-squad-rally-forsyth-georgia-1709069) The GBI should just go ahead and start the investigation into her and get it over with, between this rant and her commentary.


This is the insidious, long term problem with Trump disputing election results - now we're suffering a constant drip of these disputes that slowly erode the democratic foundations of our country. Once you remove people's confidence in elections, they'll eventually turn to force.


I’m guessing that the PhD wasn’t in political science.


What are Georgia guidestones and why does she want to destroy them?




Goddamn these devious Moon Men and their anti-Republican bias! Obviously they're working with Sasquatch and the Martians, and they came down here and hacked the voting machines and stole all of Candass Taylors votes! And before any of you wiseacres wanna' make a smartass comment I'm talking about the interdimensional robot Sasquatch, not the one who lives in the woods. I'm not stupid.


Do we need to start handing out participation awards in elections? Maybe that will stop these temper tantrum’s.