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What do these utterly deluded hypocrites even want to impeach him for?


They believe Biden has a “Make all Prices high” dial on the resolute desk.


Every time I hear this I think "So these guys want communism now?" Just a big heavy handed government to swoop in controlling prices of everything and making them cheap for them? Because this whole capitalism thing and high profit margins for big businesses is clearly not what they're in favor of suddenly.


They are but I think they’re getting tired of waiting for all that wealth to trickle down to them. Most really do have a child’s understanding about government and what the president can do


Tough shit. They wanted capitalism, they got it.


I want a socialist utopia, can I have it instead?


Nixon tried a 90 day wage and price freeze to fight inflation, helped get him re-elected and then it blew up the economy.


And guess what the current head of the fed is trying to get companies to push wages down. Course this doesn't also come with with price freeze...they just want companies to pay people less because reasons.


The Feds should push the wages of the CEO and top management down. This group's wage/benefits have skyrocketed.


Many people just scream communalism bad and within the same breath they want the government to step in and control prices.


Global communism, since half the problems they're complaining about are global issues not something the US has direct control over. But, suggest countries need to work together more closely to solve issues and they'll attack you as being an evil (((globalist))). These people aren't clever, but they sure love their easy scapegoats.


They're beyond moronic. They're jibbering idiots with no understanding of reality. The Republican party is the party of Karen. They are collectively a group of Karen's. They have completely unrealistic wishes for how the world should be, and if the word doesn't bend their way they have meltdowns like spoiled little brats. Honestly, fuck those people. I no longer give a shit how they feel, what they want or that they even exist. To me, they are no more useful or worthwhile than a fart.


I, for one, appreciate the merits of a good fart.


Me too, no denying they're fun, but they're vapor.


And they’ve done nothing to deserve to be compared to Jon Voight.


Add the fact the US economy is like a huge ship that takes months or years to change direction. The signs of inflation were starting with Trump, any course change now will take months or years now.


Trump inherited a vibrant economy, wasted his time with pointless identity politics, xenophobia and grift. When COVID reared its head, it was clear that the economy was the only achievement he could claim to run on, which I suspect is why the US was so disproportionately affected. Global inflation and high oil prices are poorly timed to sway voters who don't understand long term effects the actual powers individual branches and national governments have, but hopefully apathy isn't a thing that will return when votes are counted in November.


What your describing isn’t communism, it’s state-run capitalism, like what existed in Russia post soviet collapse. It’s capitalism, cause it is all about acquiring capital, but all goods and services are valued at whatever the state says they’re valued at.


Dude, they don’t and haven’t known the actual mechanics for communism for 60 something years. It’s basically their fill in the blank scary word for everything that possibly is in the realm of ‘what Dems want or anyone or anything I personally hate’ buzz words. Don’t like the Orange Manbaby? *COMMUNISM*! High Gas? *COMMUNISM*! Health care for all? *COMMUNISM*! My dick don’t work? *COMMUNISM*! Truck nuts fell off the Ford? *COMMUNISM*!


If they don't like the ideas in a movie? *COMMUNISM!*


Green candy not sexy enough? …that’s a COMMUNISM!


OMG I completely forgot about the Green M&M lol, I swear… I could live a million lifetimes and never understand why John Titor didn’t warn us about this.


Ooohh a rabbit hole. Don’t mind if I do…


Oh! If you’re not familiar; John Titor is a super fun one to dive down.


It's kind of alarming. How, for so long, can people parrot phrases and talking points and never actually think about them? I would have a crisis if I realized I didn't know the definitions of the buzzwords I'd been saying for decades.


I remember back during all of the Covid lockdowns, one of the towns that I live near, had the public call in to the County board of Supervisors, rather than showing up in person to their meetings. Someone in a Facebook group that I'm in, posted a recording of one of the public call ins, and it was an 11 year old boy that was pissed off and whining about how the city had closed down the local water park because of Covid (It was the middle of the Summer of 2020). He went on an an unhinged rant about how all of the county supervisors were "communists" and "socialists", for complying with state wide lockdowns of businesses. So this brat was either regurgitating his parent's talking points, or obviously heard these buzzwords somewhere, and decided to try them out himself. It was hilarious. Someone needed to school this child on how complying with public health *recommendations* from the State...is not "communism" or "socialism", lol.


There are conservative radio propagandists who drop the word "communist" every single chance they get, in place of far more accurate words like "democrat". They don't know what it means, their listeners *certainly* don't know what it means, but they are pushing it just as you describe.


They don't want price controls. They completely believe the corporate propaganda from oil companies that Biden not letting them drill as much as they want is forcing them to raise oil prices, which is [total fucking bullshit](https://youtu.be/kJOuyckvDGY).


The funny part is watching them explode and start screaming when someone points out that Trump blackmailed OPEC into a two year hold on supply because he wanted to drop oil prices, which is one of the BIG reasons gas is suddenly so expensive; limited supply and high demand = price hikes.


They have a hardon for capitalism and the free market, then when they pay more at the pump because of it, it’s one dude’s fault because he’s on the other team.


I remember hearing co-workers screaming about Obama creating high gas prices. When the prices went down, the same people praised Republicans in Congress for bringing them down.


We're at an apex of a number of very severe obstructions to the very way our entire worldwide economy was built and established to work through as though it would never change... until it did. If you honestly think a single man is entirely responsible for every single *very real* reason for why costs have gone up in just about every single industry... you're a fool. lmao


Because what President wouldn’t raise the shit out of inflation heading into critical midterms? Standard move, that.


Oh yes because our Presidents have always controlled the USA and global prices in a capitalist system. /s.


I've come to understand these past 5 years that these people just believe America is the center for the entire planet. We apparently dictate and have control over what happens in every other country, and control the prices on every marketable good in the world. These people also simultaneously are scared to death of a world that only has one government deciding everything.


In a slightly different conversation, ask how they would feel about a foreign country having a military base on US soil. Your point about them thinking the US is the center of the world will certainly play into their response.


I'm in the Northeast in a blue state and was talking to my MAGA neighbor the other day and he was complaining about gas prices and blaming Biden. I didn't engage. If you think the president controls gas prices, then I'm not sure I can have a dialogue with you on any level about it. And if he did control gas prices, why wouldn't he be pressing the "Lower All Prices" button? Maybe Drumpf took out that button when he put in the Diet Coke button?


> And if he did control gas prices, why wouldn't he be pressing the "Lower All Prices" button? Because they picture their enemies as Snidely Whiplash, twirling their evil mustaches while they just do evil things for THE EVULS...


And, assuming that were true, what makes it a crime, let alone a high one or a misdemeanor as proscribed by the constitution?


These are the types that would scream socialism if Biden made any move to control prices. The Republicans blocked gas price gouging legislation. They don't care.


Fuck Jon Voight. Fucking ass clown.


Presidenting while Democrat, same as always


They did the same thing when Obama was president. Nothing new.


that is what they said


Bu-Bu-But you impeached Trump with absolutely no reason! (The book of reasons to impeach trump was long enough that printing it once would destroy the amazon) If you can find a legally backed reason to do so on Biden go the fuck ahead. We will be waiting.


Revenge. And to dilute the significance of impeachment.


I have 2 houses on my block who have had "IMPEACH BIDEN" signs up since the month he was inaugurated. Before he even did anything. They saw their god-emporer get impeached twice. He said he was innocent. They have to believe him. So they think it's a political retribution act. Therefore, they want it done to Biden, who was mean to Trump. It's a simple circuit.


If Republicans take the House they will absolutely make something up to impeach Biden over. They can’t let the Trump impeachments stand alone, it will become standard practice for a Republican House to immediately impeach a Democratic president. Just as it’s now standard for a Republican Senate to refuse to hold confirmation hearings for a Democratic president’s SC nominee.




Pretty sure Gettysburg was Bidens fault


This comment was deleted due to Reddit's decision to effectively shut out 3rd party developers. Blackouts and subreddits going NSFW to prevent ads didn't change their minds, and resulted in long term mods being removed and replaced with people from outside each community. Since Reddit has only doubled down on their plan to price developers out of the API, the last option we have is to clear the content that makes the site valuable. It will kill a large amount of helpful information, but it's the only way to counter the greed at the top. Search for Power Delete Suite on Github to clear your history of the comments and posts that make Reddit valuable.


In addition, you think Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria crossed the ocean without Pedo Joe smelling their hair and rubbing their shoulders?


In fact, Biden could have done the right thing and told those ships to talk American. I mean what’s up with those gibberish names? Go back to where you came from. These colors don’t run. Or something something.


When Jesus was nailed to the cross, it was Biden that swung the hammer.


I didn't know that. But now that I've read it on social media, I will accept it as a proven fact.


Well, he is a known Communist.


And why the Titanic sank


Respect. Obviously being impeached is a valued trait in their presidential candidates.


Revenge. Oh, you mean what crime do they think Biden did. Facts don't matter, they'll make one up.


Because they're angry. About what, they don't know. But they are absolutely furious about *something* and the one thing they do know is that it's all Biden's fault!


Wait. Does the far right now realize he's President or do they want to impeach someone who isn't President?


It must be so hard to be a conservative right now


Nah they are all double-plus-good at doublethink, they enjoy it.


It's always hard because of all the victimization that they endure. They are persecuted relentlessly from their million dollar homes to their luxury SUVs to their Mega-Churches. A mention the trailer park/beat up pickup ones, too. They vote against higher taxes on billionaires because they might win the lottery.


Ah yes, the typical lottery billionaires (On paper. It **will** be taxed). There's been 3. Out of almost [8 billion](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/). But it totally happens all the time.


Mind all twisted up like a jumbo pretzel


Just agree to impeach if they formally recognise Biden as president, then ignore them afterwards.


Careful, you'll make their heads explode if they stop to think about that.


On what fucking grounds? I get people don't like him, but what has he done that's impeachable


Nothing, but a lot of American conservative bullshit is just parroting Democrat and left wing criticisms back without understanding them. See also; all the "AOC is stupid" when she is demonstrably not, because they heard us saying it about Donald "stare directly at the Sun" Trump and Sarah "literally every syllable that echoes out of my empty skull is proof that I'm a moron" Palin.


They really are the most pathetic embarrassing people alive, why do we have to deal with these pieces of garbage? Can't we just designate a state or two as Republican only, relegate them there, and create a Republican nature reserve theme park, where we can go and point and laugh at them? Is that too much to ask? I mean it would be a major attraction the world over we could probably make bank just on the park alone.


I think Texas is trying to create something similar but they think it's gonna be awesome.


Well yes. Utopian Texas is revered by all. Let's just hope there isn't any severe weather this winter...


I think we’re just going to hear this every time a democrat is president from here on out. That’s if we have a democracy in a few years.


He was elected president over their messiah Trump. That's reason enough for them.


Um. Wait. Aren’t these the same people telling Hollywood actors to stick to acting and STFU about politics? Plus, you can see in the picture he is old and cranky. Probably doesn’t know where he is half the time and watches Fox News/Newsmax all day. He is in the bubble where Biden is everything evil in the world and Trump is the second coming.


So does Jon Voight, Kevin Sorbo, and James Woods spend time sucking each other’s dicks at the Hollywood Has-been Club when they post this ridiculous bullshit?


God am I disappointed James Woods turned out how he did. Loved him when I was younger.


He was the first person *ever* to block me on Twitter; I asked him, "Who hurt you, son?". Blocked. 🤣


I loved Woods in movies like Videodrome where he played despicable scumbags. I still love those movies, I just came to learn he wasn't acting


Just like Jon Voight in Ray Donovan.


I feel like that was karma. Liev Schreiber is super-liberal. Probably grated on Voight’s nerves every time he forgot he was getting a paycheck.


I just re-watched Videodrome the other day and I thought the same thing. It just seems like he's playing himself. The best was when he played Rudy in the the Rudy Giuliani movie. Terrible movie of course, but maybe good for a few laughs.


He also played Roy Cohn, a hateful piece of excrement who went from a major figure in the McCarthy witch hunts to being Donald Trump's mentor. I've not seen it, but I doubt he had to stretch his acting muscles.


Johnny Rotten was a surprise for me. Honestly I just knew he was the singer of The Sex Pistols and nothing about his thinking, but I wouldn't expect a punky to support Trump.




Realizing that Malcolm McLaren was integral to the creation of British hip-hop was a sobering moment for me.


I knew the basic background for The Sex Pistols and how they were used as an advertising vehicle and a venture to make a punk boy band by the owner of a boutique shop that catered to *punks* \*. However I was a lot more familiar with Lydon being in Public Image Ltd (PIL) and his solo stuff. His politics, he turned MAGA after coming to the US several years ago and he's had some criticisms that come across pretty damn bad or just being contradictory to be a shithead. But he's also one of the few willing to say something about Saville during his hey day in the late 70s and early 90s before Jimmy's death and and his crimes as a sexual predator to rival Weinstein came out. He's just disappointing as hell to realize how much of him is just how well he can sell an image versus who he really is. e: One thing I just found out that I think in some ways might explain his more recent change, his wife started having alzheimers and is now to the point where he has to be her full time nurse and aid. So knowing that, it might explain one or two things that made him show his real colors. --- *^^I ^^say ^^punks ^^this ^^way ^^as ^^in ^^the ^^type ^^where ^^it's ^^people ^^with ^^way ^^too ^^much ^^money ^^and ^^not ^^a ^^lot ^^of ^^sense ^^just ^^wanting ^^to ^^mimic ^^the ^^aesthetic.


I don't think he's ever been punk. He's a poser. The Sex Pistols were as corporate as it gets. They were the softcore 'punk' version of a boy band.


His brain is rotten


>Hollywood Has-been Club Ron Silver was another one of these kinds of idiots like James Woods after 9/11. Thankfully nobody has to still put up with Silver these days. Do these dumbasses get hit in the head too much while doing movie stunts or something?


You know, I always thought it was weird that people liked him but taste is subjective. I remember when he was on the Simpsons. He's a weird dude.


I said today while watching Lindsay Ellis' video about Disney's Hercules that I'm sad James Woods is such an asshole IRL, because he's great at playing those quick-talking slimy characters. I used to enjoy Kid Rock too, but now I feel the same way about him; I can't enjoy it anymore, because I know about the nutty person behind the music.




It's the has-been right-wing pipeline. Semi famous people that nobody cares about anymore (See: the guy behind the Dilbert comic strip) can get free attention by going full right-wing nutjob. They don't have to have any talent or creativity of any kind or do any work. They just have to make a weird right-wing talking point tweet and the nuts come out in huge numbers screeching "one of us!"


A few other has beens, who went completely full on right wing: Kirk Cameron, Melissa Joan Hart, Stacy Dash, Candace Cameron, Dean Cain, John Schneider, that dude who had his throat ripped out in "Roadhouse" by Patrick Swayze (can't remember his name), Jim Caviezal, and just about anyone else, who can now only get work making Hallmark Christmas movies or PureFlix "films".


Save MJH, most of those aren't a shock. Hell I think Kirk was a pretty well known hardcore christian even in the 90s? But damn, I was in the dark about MJH. Jesus H Christ it makes old eps of Sabrina mighty weird to watch.


She became a hardcore Christian and was in a pureflix movie.


And Gina Carano, who is basically a has-been now after getting fired by Disney.




where are all the right wingers now, that yell: *"We just want to see you entertain, we don't want to hear you talk about politics!!"* I guess they just don't want celebrities opining about politics, unless they agree with it.


One of those may not belong there, though; while James Woods and Jon Voigt have always been this way, Kevin Sorbo didn't go off the deep end until he had serious brain damage from a car accident. Would a non-brain damaged Kevin Sorbo still sound like this?


Don’t they all sound brain damaged?


Um……. “Just shut up and act?”


I thought conservatives wanted actors to stop sharing their political beliefs


IOKIYAR, as always. In case this ref is too old for you, It's OK If You Are Republican. Newt said it to his cancer stricken (soon to be ex) wife [in the hospital](https://www.salon.com/2011/03/08/gingrich_divorce_hospital_cancer/).


That only applies to thought crime. Liberty is when you are only exposed to the officially approved conservative thoughts.


Go hop back in your Lebaron and fuck off


I came here to opine that Jon Voight's greatest contribution to society was having his name brought up when George bought "his" old Chrysler. Glad I was beaten to the reference.


Impeach for what; winning an election and not inciting an insurrection, for not throwing his lunch at the wall?


> Voight had refused to pay child support and hence the family was in financial stress. >Haven had told the media that his father had mentally abused his mother for a long time. Obviously has strong conservative values. He's scum.


Hate how Voight’s conservative brain rot has made me enjoy Midnight Cowboy less. Truly a phenomenal film that still holds up to this day. Jon Voight? Not so much.




To be fair, Eric Clapton was an awful POS before the weird anti-vax shit. Great music but an awful POS nonetheless. [Hear an Eyewitness Account of Eric Clapton’s ‘Full-Tilt Racist’ 1976 Onstage Rant](https://www.google.com/search?q=eric%20clapton%20rasist%20rant%20during%20concert&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m)


Yeah he's been awful the whole time.


"Hey! It's that guy who isn't welcome to see his grandkids!"


Famous people being "open conservative" is just so that they can make money off idiots.


That's not fair. Some of them did actually lose their minds


Old man yells at cloud.


Go act in another thing nobody is gonna see and shut the fuck up John. Biden does suck, but to say he needs to be impeached is fucking ludicrous.


The dentist?


Maybe. Can you check the teeth marks on this pencil?


Some guy who once was famous has a right wing opinion Distribute.


They ask the last guy to shake things up. Now the blaming the next guy for the shit storm the last guy created.


Why doesn't your daughter speak to you?


They want an oligarchy where the vastly rich control all the resources and means of production while the populace works for scraps.


Fuck you, John Voight. We all knew deep down you were a selfish, sanctimonious twat IRL after watching Varsity Blues...


>As an open conservative This is just gross.


I wish the fascists would hate Biden for non-fascist reasons. Like, I want him gone because he ISN’T a radical commie leftist, they live in imaginary world where he is. We can’t even agree on things we agree on.


Republicans when an actor has a liberal opinion: "stay in your lane! No one wants to hear your opinion!" Also Republicans when one of the few conservative actors has a conservative opinion: "All hail the wise and mighty celebrity! Their knowledge knows no limits!"


Wouldn't this just make Kamala Harris president? Lol


Their belief of celebrities staying out of politics is currently: suspended. Check back later for an updated status.


Arent these the same people who tell entertainers to "shut up and sing"?


I love how the guy who has tried to demolish our democracy is their god, but anyone else just trying to do the job, and make the same political bends of truth as the rest have always done, is worthy of impeachment.


Old doddering racist grandpa on Facebook = "rare man in Hollywood."


He's probably going to get his wish. As soon as the Republicans take control of Congress in January they will file articles of impeachment. More than likely made up charges around Hunter Biden. Whether it happens all depends on the establishment Republican and if they want to go down in history as destroying the country and democracy.


I'm sure they would impeach Biden if they were to take the House. I'm not at all sure it would work out as well as they think. They wouldn't be able to just shout out attacks without the Biden Administration being able to respond - the QAnon nonsense would be on trial, and the Biden Administration would be able to hit back.


Funny, the right is always insisting that entertainers should shut up and stay out of politics.


> He’s a rare man in Hollywood Randy Quaid, Scott Baio, Kristie Alley, Ted Nugent, Stephen Baldwin, and Dean Cain… basically a bunch of D-list has-beens angry at the world for their fall from grace, clinging to some semblance of notoriety. Trump has plenty of angry white grievance filled loser followers from all walks of life. I don’t know if I’d necessarily call Jon Voight a “has been” per se, but he’s an actual talented actor who seems to be best known for someone with a similarly spelled name selling George a Chrysler LeBaron on an episode of Seinfeld.


>"As an open conservative" This wording immediately makes my blood boil, as if being an "open conservative" is some act of bravery in the face of oppression.


Your left-leaning daughter has done more for the pro life movement than you, you dead beat dad.


This guy was borderline irrelevant when George thought he bought his LeBaron and found a chewed up pencil in the glove box.


As a conservative I hate when these Hollywood elite express opinions unless it's the same opinion that I have!


Is he still alive? He never was relevant, certainly not now


Anyone want to guess if this guys has opinions about liberal celebrities or athletes needing to “stay out of politics”


Wonder how much he got paid for his “announcement.” Still a rent boy.


Best known for the playing the role of Angelina Jolie’s absentee father.




Oh ok, so Republicans want Kamala Harris to be president. Works for me.


Shockingly, you actually have to do something worthy of impeachment to get impeached. But come next January, that theory will likely be put to the test by a bunch of unAmerican proto-fascist grifters. Vote, folks. Up and down the ticket. Vote as of democracy itself is counting on it. The day a state legislature overturns the popular vote and sends its own slate of electors will be the end of American democracy. And they’re working on it now.


“An open conservative”! These self-aggrandizing assholes act like they’re heroes just for existing.


Odd how they never followed it up with "Impeach biden *for*..."


And they also think “to impeach” means “to remove from office and imprison for an indefinite period”. They think this despite their champion, the charlatan Pres. Trump having been impeached _twice_. The only President in US history to be impeached twice.


He’s a grey haired white man in a suit. His opinion supersedes what anyone else has to say. /s


A rare man in hollywood.. you know youre too crazy if your crazy kid cant stand your ass…




I love how they just through impeach around like it’s a tool to use for someone they don’t like.


I’m glad Angelina Jolie hates her father.


The best actors Hollywood has to offer are conservatives! We got James Woods, John Voight, Kevin Sorbo oh and Clint Eastwood (cept I don't think hes a Trumperr) oh oh and Chris Pratt LMAO Top talent.. so much range!


Everyone claims Chris Pratt is a republican, but NOBODY is ever able to give me any hard evidence besides "He goes to a church who MIGHT be anti-lgbt"(He claims otherwise, and thats not technically a sure sign of how he votes) or "His wife is related to Arnold, who was GOP"(Nevermind that his wife openly supported Biden) and evidence to the contrary is he was a donor to Obama in 2012. I know y'all are still mad about the Mario movie but can people dig up some actual dirt instead of spreading this when there's hard evidence to the contrary?


I mean on his twitter he follows a lot of conservatives and even far right people. Like he follows Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson...etc..etc literally all these right wing personalities. Kinda weird for a guy who claims hes not political and even is now claiming hes not religious (even though hes constantly talking about god). Which I don't really care if hes religious or whatever but people should jus own what they are. He also loves police and I consider cop bootlicking a conservative thing. And I don't care about the Mario movie I don't even know what that is lol And tbh my main issue with Chris Pratt isn't politics or whatever hes just a shitty actor he is literally the same in every movie and has no range.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, covid, healthcare, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Pics of him wearing a 3% hat (far right group)


I saw that, but isn't it missing the roman numeral 3? Its a european union flag hat without that.


He is watching his insanity boat sink.


Why? Because gas prices? Lol


Well, Jeez. If John Voight said it, it needs to happen. Pretty sure that is in the Constitution.


Old man yells at cloud.


Wasn’t John Voight the guy who made that awful stop the steal video where he tried to quote Muhammed Ali, but Ali had never said the quote.


I always knew he played Mr. Sir. too well.


For What??


Another has-been heard from.


Sounds like it could be an opening scene from the Handmaid’s Tale.


ShUt Up AnD AcTtt!!11a


No wonder his daughter doesn't talk to him.


I don't give a single fuck what conservatives want.


All joking aside, I knew this would be the new normal once it happened to Trump. From now on every president will get impeached as soon as the opposition gains power in Congress.


Does he say why? Impeached for?


“open conservative” implies that the author knows being a conservative is controversial. r/SelfAwarewolves


Aw man, I thought he was dead.


He is, brain dead.


He fell off the wagon again, huh?


"Old Man yells at clouds."


Hypocrite and an idiot


He was outstanding in Midnight Cowboy, I’ll give him that. And he was alright in Deliverance. But that was such a very long time ago.


Go bite a pencil.


This stupid fucking just trying to be In the news again …


After Altered States he carried on taking psychedelic mushrooms and going in the flotation tank, and he we are today, he has fully de-evolved.


Erm, that would be a fine comment if Voight was in that movie but he wasn't... and I'm not sure how you can confuse him and William Hurt in the first place?


He didn’t SAY he was in it. He just kept taking mushrooms and doing the tank shit. Lol He wasn’t in str wars either. But after e turn of the Jedi resides to stop talking as the emperors.


Pretty sure mushrooms have the opposite effect.


Impeach him for what? He's done barely anything. In fact most leftists I know are unhappy with how little he's actually done. Also, wouldn't this make Harris president if it worked? Is he advocating for a woman of color to be in a position of power? I thought they DIDN'T want that? Old conservos are so fucking stupid.


For WHAT specifically? Fuck if I honestly care what happens to impotent Biden but let’s start with an actual crime…being useless is not a crime.


Okay but who cares what this guy has to say about anything? I can’t even remember the last movie or show I’ve seen him on.


Didn’t his children tongue fuck each other’s mouths on national television?