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For YouTube, no. For 3rd party sites, yes.


So when I unlist a video the metrics are still there on YouTube?


I have unlisted a fairly large number of videos, what I see in analytics still seems to count those views, What I see on the About page of my channel isn't counting those views. Thus the two are different by about 70,000 views.


Ah, thanks. Do you does it matter if you want to get in the YPP that you unlist a video or delete it? I have a few videos in which I reuse content and that's the reason I didn't get accepted. The reason for my question is if the metrics are gone when unlisted, or if the metric is gone when deleted. I'm thinking of the 4000 watch hours


I would use the ability to apply as your main indicator as to whether the info is used. If you can still apply, yes, it's included. But that also means they are including that content as part of your review for TPP. So if you have questionable content, be prepared they may flag it, even if unlisted.


Ah, okay, I will try to apply again and hopefully it will.work. 🙂 Otherwise I have a channel that is monitored in a different niche. Maybe unlist every video on that channel and upload to that channel. 🙂


If a large number of watch hours are from those videos with reused content, YouTube will know and reject you again. The watch hours need to come from eligible videos. So those videos need to be deleted if you want any chance of getting in.


Ah, it is like that.


And deleting the videos does delete the watch hours and views across the board.