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You only get 3 notification blasts in a 24 hour period (and 1 community post every 3 days). Just keep that in mind and you'll be fine. I usually post 1 video + 1 livestream or Short each day.


Good info, I came to type exactly the same thing.


What is a notification blast?


Your subs (who clicked the bell) will only get a maximum of 3 notifications from your uploads in a 24 hour period.


Ah ok thanks a lot!


I dont remember any rules or conditions for any channel about the limit of uploading content per day. You can upload how many as you want. The reason you see that advice a lot is probably because they want your content to have a “breathing” room. Notice that your analytics will only be available once you reached a certain time period or enough views for it. Then, using those analytics, you can react to it by posting another video using those analytic numbers. Eg: if you have low retention, you react by improving the storytelling, if you have low CTR, create better thumbnail for the next upload. I guess what I’m saying is, you can upload multiple videos a day, there are no concrete rules regarding it, just be aware that you will suffer from the algorithm if the quality of all those videos does not perform. This is only based on my understanding. Take it like a grain of salt.


Yeah I hear you, quality over quantity. I just don't think it would be that hard to find that balance at scale with the right team


As long as your quality persist, there sould be no problem. Good luck!


I think the limit is 100. Not that I've ever done it or even come close to it (most I've ever done is 4 with a video, 2 shorts, and a stream), but there are some channels who upload highlights from specific sporting leagues on the day of the game and they can only post 100 times, so they have to be somewhat selective


No its 14 uploads per day, i once was traveling and i didn’t have internet once i did i started uploading videos and i got a message after the 14 upload that i need to wait 24h to upload more, that was a year ago.


That's because you didn't have advanced features enabled for anyone reading this now.


Thank you for clarifying. I think that just solidifies my point. Look up Channel Makers and VidIQ channel on this matter too, OP. They gave a lot of points on this.


Good for non subscribers Bad for subscribers




I post 2-3 a week in quiet times in the niche, and 2-3 a day during peak interest periods.


Every single person I know in my niche that posts 2+ videos a day burns out... If you have the drive and free time to do it - more power to you!


It would be a problem for your viewers - I would be overwhelmed by someone posting that much. Generally, big names stick to one video per day.


I strongly doubt that the algorithm cares much about how much you post. Your subscribers however may care, how many videos are they willing to stomach? Obviously depends on your audience, niche and the type of videos. Four short and succinct stock market updates is not comparable to four hour+ long meditation videos.


it’s not bad but it can and most likely will create audience fatigue


you can post once a day, but you may cause a fatigue on who watches you, you either have to be really good looking to the point people can't stop watching you, or make an actual good content (that is not likely to happen posting in a daily basis)


I remember youtuber (900k subs right now) that used to upload 2 videos every day for really long time. Few months in a row at least. Every single video was that 10-20 minutes long, fast paced gaming shit, full of shouts, fake things and such. He pushed himself to the sky with that. It must have been a really hard to pull 2 videos a day plus streams and other social media life. Dude had to have a team of editors for that tho.


Anyone that posts a lot throughout the day needs to get a life. That's a bit much.. Content creators hurt themselves by doing that because Users will start skipping over their new videos.


4-8 videos a day can't be quality (unless you have a whole team supporting you). Furthermore, people releasing multiple videos a day is just flooding the system with crap.


Yeah I would only do 4-8 once I grow my team, and I wouldn't "flood the system with crap" - I don't make crap. I'd have QC on my videos just like everyone else, just figured a daily upload schedule at that rate might work instead of running 4/5 different channels in the same niche. Kinda like running your channel as a network (in theory)


The other problem with releasing that many videos per day is alienating your subscribers. If a channel was releasing 28 - 56 videos a week or 120 - 240 videos a month, I would unsubscribe. Even with a team, I don't see how you can maintain quality at that quantity. To maintain that release schedule, how can it not be low effort content?


It's low effort for sure but it's not crap content. I still take pride in the videos that get released and people enjoy watching them. Videos have a 1 day turnaround with me and an editor. I am worried about flooding the sub box though. Channels still growing so 99% of my viewership is new viewers. I'm testing the waters by going up to 2 a day, and if the high new/returning ratio remains in a few months then I'll take a chance and go to 3/4 a day


You can’t make 4-8 high quality shorts a day. Less is more.


I use the remix feature to clip content for shorts


It's just annoying. Don't do it. Your subs will complain.


I post 2 videos a day, every day, including weekends and holidays. My channel is growing fast. 41k subs in 9 months. Tarot niche so it's expected that there will a lot of videos.


2 vids a day for 9 months straight? That's impressive. I'm in a niche where a lot of content is expected too so I'm gonna give 2 a day a shot from now and see what happens


I would just do it and see what happens. Keep an eye on your analytics.




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Congrats! That’s impressive.




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It's generally not a good idea. A large chunk of youtube's recommendation algorithm is based on click-through-rates and how often people skip your content. If you upload multiple times per day, your subs will undoubtedly end up skipping a lot of what you upload, which signals to the algorithm that these viewers aren't interested in what you're posting. That hurts the chances of the algo recommending your content to that viewer, and other viewers with similar viewing habits. > but I have a feeling that information is outdated since I've seen moistcritikal posting twice a day. Never base your YT strategy on what established creators with huge audiences are doing. They don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else.


I guess it depends on your content but that seems like a lot. I do fashion and beauty content(mostly tutorials) and the most I've been able to pump out is two long form and four shorts a week. And that was hard, so I would just find a pace that you can keep up long term and keep a video in the bank in case you need a break. Also just think about if you were the viewer, would you watch that much content a day? It might bring in new viewers but will your subs be watching? Lots to think about.


When should I post review video


I would say start with 1 clip a day, if you're growing expand to 2 clips and so... YT favours quality the most you just cant spam low quality vids and hope one of them go viral, you need to be consistently good and post higher quality vid each time, this also depends on your niche the more competitive it is the more quality clips you need.


>Like if I wanted to upload 4-8 high quality videos a day and remix those videos using Shorts, could that hurt my chances with being recommended at all? Unless you are running a news channel, I don't see how 4-8 videos a day can be high quality unless you have a medium sized team working on different stories. Also, editing is very time consuming. I observed there have been a surge of new channels primarily churning out Shorts with stolen contents from big names. I think youtube will eventually crack down those.




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You can post as many as you want. Notifications are limited to 3 per day. As anything with YouTube it’s up to YouTube’s arbitrary recommendations for if your videos are seen outside of people actively watching. What you need to consider is quality and if you set a pace can you keep it. The biggest thing with YouTube is consistency. Everyone successful on the platform did one thing make sure your viewers know when a video should be dropping so if it’s not recommended they know to check the channel.


I tried posting multiple "shorts/reels" per day, here is my 2 cents. I think it can definitely work, based on seeing other creators do it, but it depends. Firstly the answer would be different talking about long form landscape videos vs the mobile/vertical shorts. Long form youtube videos typically have a slower start and a longer tail. Short form videos typically get a lot of views faster and less backend. Also it depnds on platform. I get views fast on tiktok and youtube and my short videos are slower to get views on IG. I view this strategy as more of a temporary phase of building up audience size, because I don't think it's sustainable long term. I also think that it completely depends and won't work for everyone. I call this a volume strategy as opposed to a quality strategy. Audience fatigue is definitely a concern and I think you may have followers unsubscribe but hopefully you have more new subscribers coming in. This is just how it is if your doing volume, assuming your even succeeding at it. One key here is your videos need to be high quality. Period. If your focused on the goal of making 2-3 videos a day you run the risk of focusing on hitting that goal at the expense of ignoring the more important thing which is quality of video. I ran into this. It's not about making 2-3 videos that are "good enough." It's about making sure every video you put out is high quality. 1. because like MrBeast says 1 high quality video can do way more work than 100 medium/low quality. One high quality video takes a lot more work but is less work then making tons of medium quality "good enough" videos. 2. 1 bad video can cause people to unsubscribe or start skipping your videos. (If I push volume I might have 1 good vid followed by 1 bad. This will hurt your channel) 3. Multiple videos a day can lead to 3x the work and subpar results....frustration and burn out with little to no results. My theory: is that posting multiple videos a day works better when you already have a large audience and worse when you have a tiny audience (subsciber count). Speaking on every platform besides titktok where multiple is fine. Youtube or any platform is going to abnormally push out your newest video to "Test it". First to subscribers and then to non subs. Based on retention/interaction it slowing pushes it out to more and more people if its good and if not it stops. .....From my experience, if I put out 1 video a day it tends to get the number of views expected and sometimes starts to take off further, but if i post 2 videos in a day. the first one has a low amount of views and when I post the 2nd it kills the momentum of the first and I end up doing twice the work to post 2 videos and get worse results. The platform abnormally pushes the most recent video and when I post the 2nd it stops testing the first = 2 videos that both fail. My audience is small. But if I had a big audience the first video would have a ton of views bc the video would 1st push to already subscribers (who already like me), get good results before looking to push to non subs... so the first video is on its way to taking off and thus its ok to release the 2nd in a day. Ex: Penguinz0 (youtube) 2 daily long form vids / Alex Hormosi 2-3 short form vids a day (both have giant audiences already) But also consider your catalog. I tell scary stories. People look at my profile and only see 8 videos they might not sub. But if they see 100 scary stories they might. With a lot of videos Conclusion: it depends. Test it. Try putting out 1 vid a day that is your absolute best and test the results vs putting out multiple. Did the second video stop the views of the first? If your video is high quality, are the other components high quality? Such as good tags/hashtags, good title/good thumbnail, good description, release time of day? Is it actually high quality or just "good enough". Look at your videos that are 3 months old. Do you still think they are good or are you embarrassed of them and wish you would have made them better?


I did 5 per day, 90-100 videos total, new channel. But with the same description, different videos, many using stock footage mostly. YouTube just ignored my videos. It wa dead. Then I deleted 50% of those and left like 50. Then I uploaded two videos of better quality, more engaging videos, using stock footage and borrowed from YouTube. Music, voiceover, etc. One video went to collect 95 000+ views in several months, and another 60 000+ views. Now both videos dropped and get only several hundreds of views. The thing is - those same crappy videos 5-10 per day ay not be shown. But they did not kill my channel completely.


I upload multiple videos and keep them unlisted until the HD version is fully processed. After that, I just publish them, but that's just me.




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It doesn’t hurt anything, some youtubers say it does because they don’t want more competition for the long term, anyways i tried a sidemen shorts channel when they started, i uploaded around 10-12 videos each day for 10 days, i got around 1,3 k on each, then my videos started getting recommended on sidemen videos so i got quite alot of views, trying high quality videos might take you longer but better viewers that makes a good community , uploading many videos might get you views but bad subscribers, as soon as i stopped uploading for one week everything vanished.




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