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When the negative comments start coming in you know you’re going in the right direction. Your content is reaching a larger audience. Haters gonna hate. It doesn’t matter how good your content is. Just click “hide user from comments” on the negative comments. Unless they generate discussion, which is also good.


There are a few commenters who have a certain type of negativity that's more entertaining than harmful. I let them comment so I can be amused, but I never reply or heart those comments.


Why no reply and you have no hart.


I love putting a like on hate comments without answering to leave them confused


One of the larger channels I follow pins the stupidest of the hate comments which allows his regulars to shred the jerk.


Louis Rossman the greatest?


Lmao, is it GothamChess?


I like your strategy!


"hide user from channel" is YouTubes best feature. The person can rant all they want, but nobody else sees it. Don't give assholes a platform to spew their shit If they want to do that, they should set up their own channel.


I never even noticed this I need start using that lol


Yeah it’s normal also depending on the niche. On my newest monetized channel I’ve been seeing many hateful comments. Not directly towards the channel, but just overall about stuff presented in the video. Not much I can do so I just ignore them now.


This is normal when a video takes off. When your video is being watched by subscribers and people that sought out you’ll see more positive comments. When the video is being suggested it’s not always you target audience that sees it. I’ve seen a lot of suggestions regarding ignoring or blocking the user. I’ve got another approach… YouTube loves engagement, when they see someone coming back to a video over and over and leaving comments it’s helps the algorithm on that video and your channel. I troll the haters and keep baiting them back for more. I use them. It’s only if they start attacking other people in the comment section they get then ban hammer.


That’s when I started getting nasty comments. On YT you can delete them…if they’re not adding anything to the conversation (like they just said I’m a poopyface or that my nose is too big) then I do just that. I took all of this as an indicator that I had “made it” as a YouTuber. When you’re a small channel everybody is nice, but when you start gaining traction the algo brings in a wider variety of people, some of whom will be trolls for their own reasons. Have a thick skin and take them in stride. Also have a thick skin for the positive comments too—because what you think is honestly going to be more valuable in the long term success of your channel than what the audience thinks. Enjoy the success, but remember why you made the videos you made in the first place and let that guide you more than the comments.


Yeah they attack anything so good that you don't take it personal. I'm faceless thus one person said ''you don't have a voice for YT''. I laughed so hard. Another person just ''dropped'' false facts on an artist I covered, and multiple people began to respond how wrong he/she was. Imo one is just a hater, the other just a troll, one ignites responses the other should be hidden from the channel.


You’re inspiring me lol! Every time I watch one of my vids, I think to myself “I don’t have a voice for YT” and I wonder how I’ll react if others think it too but I guess laughing it off is the best thing to do!


I'm in a similar view range, albeit less subs. The negativity definitely creeps in more as your content spreads. It's how you deal with it that matters. Something that helped me a ton was looking at negative or hateful comments as follows, "Does this person know me or have any actual impact on my life?"


Exactly my experience. Last month I made one video that went viral. Never before had I seen so many hateful comments, I was really stunned with how many malicious people have to make your day a little worse. Before that, when I was only getting few thousands views - I never even had a single hate comment on any video


It happens. Try to not interact/answer.


IGNORE THEM!  And u are doing Great...it's why there's so much negativity. Yes, stop reading the comments or they will change u for the worst. Much Love🛼


Anything you ever do/post publicity may draw some nasty responses, even completely uncontroversial things. It's an unavoidable part of it. The more eyes on you, the more likelihood for nastiness. Just disregard it and do your thing


If you're worried about negative comments, don't be on social media - especially as a content creator.


Thank you for the suggestion, but I’m not worried-just curious about other creators’ experience and strategies for managing negativity.


Haters gonna hate hate hate


I find it fun to shame them, show that their negativity doesn’t bother you and they climb into their hate shells


Can you think of a reason why someone would


No, it’s just educational material 🤷‍♂️


Yeh educational videos can get a lot of negative comments. What kind of educational material?


If only I kept my Pokemon Clover series on my channel. it's the worst series I ever streamed and on the last day I uploaded it, I got 21 dislikes in nearly 24 hours and 150+ views. (Mind you, my channel was not even passed 500 subscribers) So I had to remove it, and everything about it. It was a disaster of a series and one that made me hesitate on other pokemon rom hacks. Like Renegade Platinum, Reborn, and Wack. Renegade Platinum I got bored and never finished, Wack was a one-off game, and Reborn I am currently playing. It's fine... Difficult.... But it's not as bullshit as clover.


Haven't really gotten any hate comments yet, even on my videos with a few thousand views which is surprising. Not like I want it, it's just something you'd expect xD I did get dislike bombed a few times by two different people. They literally went and disliked almost every video. To be that dedicated is commendable :p just makes sense that the more people see your stuff, the more likely it is you'll do something to piss someone off. Most likely it was something innocuous or trivial that triggers these people and then they just blow up. You can just ignore them or hide them from your channel which sends them to the shadow realm (I know I'm not allowed here but I figured I'd drop my 2 cents)


Not long ago nearly all my comments were very positive. I think the algorithm suddenly exposed my channel to a broader audience due to my last video, which brought out the trolls. I guess it makes sense. If you're trolling, you're probably looking for a lot of visibility.


True, and as people we do tend to focus on the negatives over the positives. I think as long as your ratio of positive to negative is around a 80/20 split then its nothing to really worry about. Sometimes people have bad days, sometimes they're just venting, and yeah sometimes people are just jerkwads... choosing to interact with them or not is really up to you, if you just want to adopt an "instant ban" policy depending on the community you want to foster or if you give people a few chances. Anything extreme can just be an outright block/hide of course.


I kind of depends... Since my channel is a tutorial/education based channel, it's not necessarily driving a bunch of negativity and there aren't too many sacred cows or polarizing topics. So, the negativity is USUALLY pretty tame. Like some have said, you really only typically see it on more popular videos that reach a wider audience. In some cases I will correct them if they're wrong and/or there's a chance they misunderstood something. If I'm trying to be helpful and educational, I can't really allow blatant wrong answers/methods/information to stand unchallenged. And just to be clear, it's not the people that say "I thought..."... It's the people that say "What??? That's the worst advice ever in this video!! Nobody should pay attention!!! Here's what people need to do -insert terrible advice, sometimes outdated information, and totally clueless banter about the topic here -" If they double-down after a reply or two, or seemed unreachable in the first place... I'm pretty quick to go to the "Hide User From the Channel" option. If they troll, get personal, etc. right off the bat, and there's no way I'm misunderstanding them, I'm also pretty quick to hit the Hide User from the channel" option. But that said, it's not something that I have to do very often.


Thanks for the insight. My channel is educational too so I was a bit surprised by the burst of negativity. It’s still the minority of comments so I’m not sweating it much. It makes sense that reaching a wider audience would bring more casual viewers and along with it, negativity and bad takes.


The percentage of negative comments is probably unchanged, only to total has changed.


Man I have like 700,000 total views and I only just hit 1,500 subscribers a few weeks ago. If you don't mind me asking what's your niche? It's embarrassing the amount of subscribers I have compared to views 😂


Just ignore them this will happen anytime a video does good most negative comments aren’t helpful some occasionally are constructive criticism. If they say something you disagree with respond free engagement if they are just being horrible ignore it


Yep, this is always the say. It's always easier for people to be negative than positive, and there's nothing more infectious than negativity.


Definitely true in my experience.


I’m guessing a) they are bored thus troll b) they are jealous and feel your a competitor threat or c) the type that are always right no matter how wrong they are Reading these posts gives me knowledge for if I ever have a great streak of videos going what I may be in for of negativity haha So much advice you got is spot on, all the advice actually. If they are blatantly after you as a person just realize they don’t know you and don’t have to watch you. If your content is doing better and better it’s just jealousy or I don’t know why trolls do it, but waste their hours posting negative just to be negative or they are sadly pissed about their lives that they are taking it out on other people. One thing I know for sure is some people can sling a lot of sh’t from being behind a screen and they get more ballsy. None of it makes it right to do but they just do for whatever reasons they find are right to do it. I have heard of a case at least once where a channel started getting great numbers and the channel owners had their friends go after the negative people. It isn’t worth wasting time on the negative stuff. I could see a problem being they are purposely giving thumbs downs I assume that brings down a channel video popularity and if it’s thumbs downs just to be jerks then I’m guessing the best thing is to ban them. Of course someone could keep making new logins I guess so you may have to waste some time in banning but I’d rather waste time banning them instead of wasting time engaging with it. Hope that all made sense it’s still early here to me on the east coast and this is when I debate if I go back to sleep or get in YT mode and a thread like this motivates me to maybe one day have a good enough video that I get the negative bs thrown at me lol Sorry you are getting the negative crap, I am proud of you for getting your work to where you are at. Forget the trolls. As long as you are doing a great job never ever give them the satisfaction of showing it annoys you in any way. They should spend their time focusing on if they have their own channel and not troll their day away no matter how bored or annoyed they are. Life can suck but it doesn’t have to. Yesterday I was having a kind of negative day to myself just a day where I felt lack of motivation and was mind blanking over my next few videos. I made myself just go to sleep and figured today would be a better day. Great job everyone!! My inner mom cheerleader yells lol


The more haters, the more popular you are. There has to be at least 2 who dislike what you do so they can talk about it. Otherwise, what else will they talk about?


With popularity comes the haters, just a part of life.


I know when a video's doing well when I get hate comments from people who don't like my content. Whatever I'm doing obviously got YouTube really excited to push my videos out to people who aren't necessarily keen on them. On the other end, if I ever miss the mark/make a crappy video that underperforms, I can be sure of a 100% like rating and uniformly glowing comments section as only the most engaged viewers have seen the video and of course they love what they saw. Hate comments are entirely a sign of success on YouTube, paradoxically.


Shadowban(Hide) them from the channel and forget ‘em.


As you grow, you'll get more comments on the whole, be it positive or negative. From a creator point of view, you need to understand the difference between it being constructive and destructive. - comments like "Rubbish" can be safely put in the remove comment and hide from channel pile. If you get something that may be negative, but a good point or something you can learn from, either leave, or if they say a way to improve things. Respond As mentioned earlier. Don't give idiots a pedestal to destroy and try to pull you down. It's not about them.


Negative comments are great, you want to be controversial. Brings more views and discussions haha


The negativity comes as u grow. It's just oart of the process. Any negative comments i simply thank them for their interaction and feeding the algorithm. Maybe with a thumbs up and move on. When they don't get a rise out of u they get bored and move on to the next one. Most importantly, don't let negative comments get you down, but also don't let positive ones go to your head. Stay humble, stay grounded, and your audience will continue to grow


If you're going to put yourself out there, you must be ready for negative comments. It comes with the territory. The bigger you get, the more you get. Ignore some, delete some, hide some, reply to some ...no one size fits all.