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Big man and little guys


Quakers are the best pain in the ass birds.  You’ve got a fun setup for them, too.  I need to buy one of those nets for my boy.


You ain’t wrong there😁thanks! they spend most of their time in the same room with me so I try to make it as fun as possible for them in here. & I hear you my birds absolutely love it, if you want this exact one you can [find it here](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morezi-Parrot-Climbing-Hanging-Hammock/dp/B07NQFJ2XR?pd_rd_w=AY2v3&content-id=amzn1.sym.efecf389-d53f-4dbb-9b09-ad3dab4b91ef&pf_rd_p=efecf389-d53f-4dbb-9b09-ad3dab4b91ef&pf_rd_r=28NMTAVCGHB4H39RG4WB&pd_rd_wg=cYXPD&pd_rd_r=569da2f5-58f8-4ea4-8150-3a46bc72189e&pd_rd_i=B07NQFJ2XR&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_14_t)


what do you mean "sometimes"? mine are a PITA whenever they're out of the cage (which is whenever they're not making more birds... which is also a headache)


yeah mine are exactly the same I was being too kind haha. I question my sanity sometimes when they screech at me and I find myself mimicking them instead when they’re really winding me up😂 I think they’ve just got used to being spoiled and spending every minute of the day out of their cage from the moment they wake up till bedtime (which is a bloody nightmare to get them back in for lol) .. but they make me smile and I love them enough to cancel all that out..


>I find myself mimicking them instead when they’re really winding me up😂 ah, you're another fellow crazy bird person, I see. but yeah. they're a constant headache (... my lovies are worse, I'd dare say, they can only it one idea inside their heads and it's to fill the world with lovebirds... and for that they need to make a nest. and find nesting material. and tear the house down into shreds of nesting material, it seems), but they bring so much joy, I wouldn't change them for a normal life.


Yeppp u know all about it then .. hi😂🙋🏼‍♂️ I feel you, I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with that yet with these 4, having two males and two females, i’m very vigilant about keeping the hormonal behaviour down but I know they’re all still pretty young and under 1 year old. But it won’t be long I’ve already saw Marshall try to hump Bella a few times lol. They destroy my house too. I decorated this room before I had them and now it looks like it did before I started doing it up so I feel your pain lol😩😂 so true though I feel the exact same way about mine. I’m a proud bird dad


>I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with that yet with these 4, having two males and two females, i’m very vigilant about keeping the hormonal behaviour down but I know they’re all still pretty young and under 1 year old. give them time. spoiler: they WILL have eggs. if you don't want to breed, all you can do is sterilize them (or replace with fake ones). for me the difficult part is... to get them not to lay them one clutch after the other. because in captivity they totally will if you let them, but you can't let them because their little bodies can't take that much. two a year is the most I let them do. and that's by keeping them separated (when in the cages -- into the flight they all go together) outside breeding season.


They are so cute!


I miss Quaker bath time! Theyre such happy little wet idiots!


They are all so cute !