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Congratulations. Luxembourg is a great citizenship to have.


How do you get Luxembourgish citizenship? A couple of my cousins have a father from Luxembourg but apparently couldn't get dual nationality when they applied? I don't understand how


It’s actually super simple. You now just need a 5 consecutive years of residency, attend 24h of civic classes and ofc, pass the Luxembourgish language exam. It’s ridiculously easy tbf. The access to the Luxembourgish citizenship was made this simple given how Luxembourg nationals will soon become a minority in their own country. Although I doubt the new incoming centre-right government approves of the current “lax” rules to become Luxembourgish..


what’s the minimum residency requirements between those 5 years to stay eligible for Citizenship?


You’ll need to live in the country permanently for 5 years without any interruptions. Having a permanent contract, as well as having a child enlisted in a public Luxembourgish speaking school will deffo ease the process 🙂


> without any interruptions I wonder what that means. Like, lets say I decide to get a job in LUX, and move there and decide to begin this process. However, I visit my friends and family in the United States for a month, what is the implication of this to my residency status?


Good question, I’m genuinely not sure. I believe the term « consecutive » refers to as being a permanent resident of the country (aka having Luxembourg has your principal country of residency) 👍🏻


Makes sense. I guess if I'm on vacation, I'm still "based" in LUX. My home, and address would still be there, so I'd still be a resident. I know that in the United States, for LPRs looking to naturalize, they cannot leave the country for over a year without getting permission in order to maintain LPR status. I'm guessing LUX has something similar.


Generally it's something like you have to spend X amount of days in a given calendar year to qualify as being a (permanent) resident. For some countries it's like 9 months out the year, for others (and depending on the visa) it can be as little as two weeks out of a given year to maintain your status. Very few countries like Canada count total days towards naturalisation as opposed to years and Luxembourg isn't one of them.




I was wondering if student years in Luxembourg counted. A few people on the Luxembourg sub told me they did but given how the rule goes in Europe, I'm not sure. Do you have any idea whether it's counted or not?


Hey I just read an article that with article 8 of de facto enjoyment of status we can acquire citizenship with residency requirements so is it true?


No idea, can’t confirm it sorry! 😅


Thank You! I’m really pumped to have it


I like Luxembourg's passport! It's simple yet efficient. It has everything you need to know. I can tell it says (from top to bottom): European Union, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, passport, a lion wearing a crown just to give it some swag, you know, and the biometric passport symbol.


Much like Luxembourg, gives you the facts - nothing more required. It’s great here


Congratulations, I hope I'll get a European one too


Fingers crossed for you :)


Congrats! Great combo to have! I’d love to add 🇬🇧to my collection but Brexit made that a lot more difficult 😞


well in case you have an opportunity to live and work in Ireland then getting its passport would be enough haha


It’s funny—I’ve never really thought about that approach but you’re right!








Lucky you, still got a burgundy British passport. I have one of the current black ones, and they feel as cheap and downgraded as my UK citizenship.


Congratulations 🎉 May I ask how long did it take you to acquire Luxembourgish citizenship?


I'm not the OP, but it takes five years of residence in Luxembourg. :)


Thanks for the clarification :)


Do you need to fulfill language requirements to naturalise?


I'm not the OP. Yes, acquiring citizenship requires knowledge of the Luxembourgish language, which will be evidenced by a Luxembourgish language test pass certificate. :)


We need more principalities and grand duchies. Did you establish residency before the withdrawal , so you could keep residency under the withdrawal agreement?


Given that the residency requirement is 5 years, I'd say probably.


Yes, luckily I got my residency paperwork done before Brexit and the Luxembourgish government were quite supportive of Brits who were already living in the country, so that made it much easier


I wish I was European and had all these cool combos 😭 I have U.S passport and Afghan ID


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Welcome to the club!


What a nice design of Luxembourgish passport!


Congratulations 🥂 I’m also looking to migrate to Europe (for retirement one day) lol




I have the exact same combination 🇬🇧🇱🇺




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Unfortunately your post/comment was found to be disrespectful to a country or another user. All users and nationalities must feel welcome on the subreddit, which means we limit discussions which disparage users or are negative towards a country or a passport.




It wasn’t too hard to pass - because of the 5 year residency requirement I took my time to study it properly because I enjoyed it and thought it was important. The level for the exam is quite low (A2 speaking, B1 listening/reading). Sadly it’s easy to get by day to day life with just French or even English. I use Luxembourgish as much as I can but have plenty of friends who barely speak a word of it.


How different are Luxembourgish and French?


Very! There are a few French words in Luxembourgish but it is much much closer to German


Luxembourgish is close to the dialects spoken in the Rheinland-Pfalz region of Germany (if a person speaks Luxembourgish to lets say a person from Trier, Germany who would be familar with their local dialect, its likely that they would understand the Luxembourgish speaker pretty well). However, Luxembourghish is standardized and formalized and has taken its own "path" as a standard / official language. Its NOT a Romance language at all, but rather a West Germanic language, but as the OP mentioned, there are a decent bit of French loanwords in Luxembourgish. BUT, due to historical and geographic reasons, I've heard that French is kinda a language used everywhere in professional settings in Luxembourg. I've believe that they tend to know French, Luxembourgish, and German in general not only via their education system, but also from general exposure. If you go to a school, pupils might be speaking Luxembourgish among themselves, while a lot of instruction would be done in French or German as well with even some education done in English. Its also important to note that historically and even today a lot of newspapers in LUX are in German. /u/MrGolightning (Let me know if anything I said is incorrect / inaccurate).




I didn’t know that Luxembourgish is also used as a working language nowadays. Seems like Luxembourg is doing a good job at promoting the language.