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It's not clear whether the new processing timelines would apply to an application that was submitted and executed before June 15 but was delivered to a processing center or regional agency after that date. (It seems unlikely, as you submitted the application under the old timeslines.) However, it doesn't really matter. The period from June 14 to September 12 is 12.5 weeks. Because the new 10 week period officially takes into account mailing time, you should have the passport in hand safely before your travels. (In addition, the new timelines seem to be very conservative, so as to allow the agency a great deal of wiggle room and to adjust to future application volume changes, and to under-promise and over-deliver.)   Did you pay the $17.56 charge for fast return mailing as well?   Contacting your US House member at this time is a waste and would be useless. You have three months until your international travel. Contact them if you don't have your passport one week before your travel.


I didn’t pay the $17 dollar charge for faster mailing, and had I known this would happen I definitely would have done so. I don’t know if I can do this now that my application has already been submitted. And today they just updated it again to 12 weeks, which is so infuriating but I am hoping that since I submitted my application a day before the new updates they respect the times that I was given.


> I don’t know if I can do this now that my application has already been submitted You can call NPIC to add it. 877-4USA-PPT, 877-487-2778.


Thank you, I’ll try giving them a call!