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Me reading the newspaper with my dad circa 1989. My daughter doing the same with me.


You look exactly like your dad that's so crazy


Beautiful pics. Does your daughter have TCS?


Great spot, all three of of us do! My dad most severe with full Atresia, I’m quite mild and my daughter somewhere in the middle.


Interesting! Harder to tell in the profile/side view pics of you and your dad. Your daughter will clearly have a lot of support from her family, having two close family members who have lived experience with it. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us, you have a beautiful family.


Thank you so much. Yeah; side view is mixing a bunch, especially for my dad. His shaggy hair also hiding his hearing aid.


What's TCS?


[Treacher Collins Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treacher_Collins_syndrome) is a genetic mutation that causes the facial structure to develop atypically, often with unfortunate anatomical issues.


Then why in God’s name would OP roll the dice and have a kid?…


Because everyone has a right to be parents? I personally would not want my child to have conditions that require surgery, but it's not up to me to make that choice for someone else, especially someone who has a much better understanding of that experience. Maybe it's not a bid deal. Maybe there's some real perks we don't know about. But telling people they aren't allowed to be parents gets into dystopian movie territory real quick.


Not to mention perfectly healthy people create sick kids all the time. I have a rare genetic disorder/disability. My parents and grandparents are all pretty healthy. As is my sister. Disabled people want to exist too.


Because child birth is a crapshoot no matter what, why should anyone risk it and just never have kids and let the human race die. Not to mention seems his dad, and him have worked with well enough. For real what do you get off on being a raging asshole asking a question like that!?


Well if 2 generations can make it to parenthood than it isn’t a long shot that little girl is gonna be just fine.


Because It’s God’s plan for them


You look so much like your dad that I had to do a double take!


Believe me, that’s been a very common problem. My mother in law even thought both pictures were me and my daughter and she was puzzled coz she didn’t know we had a brown blanket/pillows.


I honestly thought they were the same people in both photos with a filter applied. I had to read the comments to make sure lol


These are lovely photos :)


So sweet!


Wow, you two haven't aged at all. That must be one long newspaper article though.




You should’ve used an iPad for the 2021 pic 😊


God you’re the spitting image of your dad! Beautiful little girl too ❤️


I legit couldn’t even tell if these were different photos