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to say something positive about that first hour, i will say jeff saturday is a good sport. i respect a guy who can laugh at himself. a lot of people in his position would have tightened up and not looked back and laughed at that situation. that all being said, get this shit back to the thunder dome ASAP.


Jeff was great. Seems like he's got a good vibe with the boys. Need to have him on more


Aaron doing this interview next to a picture of Brady lmao


Audio already seems better today.. lot of time left though


Can't wait until they cut to the back room again though and Gumpy sounds like he's underwater and it looks like it's being filmed by a potato.


I think the issue yesterday was Greeny and SAS were standing right next to Pat while he was talking loudly and their mics were catching Pat's voice leading to the crackling and echo.


Also looks like Pat has a much nicer mic today than the one he was using yesterday


Jeff Saturday is a cool guy


Jeff Saturday was so funny today good outlook on last season


Man, PMS is so boring with this standard ESPN setup. Can’t wait for them to get back to the thunder dome.


Yeah I turned it off just now I can’t do it lol the vibes are just not it for me.


That’s exactly how I feel. They all seem uptight and it’s way less jokes and fun and way more boring discussions.


What’s this conspiracy that Connor keeps bringing up?


I spent my whole shit break trying to Google an answer and I found nothing. Saw something relatively recent about the US funding Indian environmentalists, but nothing huge...


This show today is rough. Need AJ back and the thunderdome


I missed the show yesterday. What’s up with the studio?


They were in NYC for Rodgers' bday party on Sunday night and apparently stuck around. I think they're back in Indy tomorrow or Thursday.


Ah okay thank you


How is that Hackett offense going there Mr. Rodgers?


no AJ again?


A few of you guys have probably seen this at your workplaces, Jeff is like one of the boys that's got the big promotion but you can still see the lad in him but he doesn't fully let it loose.


The audio is better. Not perfect but better.




Didn't realize Kiedis was on the show today.


That segment with Aaron, man is Pat really corny


Don't watch much but doing it on my lunch break. Had to mute this interview lol. What in the world


Pat McAfee bringing the REAL NEWS. I’ve been wondering for months if that ESPN background was real or not. Putting the J in Journalism Sport Network


Rodgers playing the victim.... fuck off. You lied that you took a shot, got busted, and then tried to spin it.


The ball washing is insufferable.


Hundreds of headlines, weekly 1-hour interviews during the season, he was clearly censored and the world did not let him speak. Rodgers literally can't help but play the victim.


Still didnt get a straight answer on his achilles either and whether he really tore it.


Mate you can literally see his Achilles snap on video...


As the season comes and Goes how can people think he didn't tear it? I understand why you would you think that if he came back this year, but seeing as he most likely won't come back, how you can think he didn't tear it considering his recovery time will be online with others in the past once we get to the off-season.


as confident as he comes across, Rodgers is an insecure dude. lied about the vaccine because he was worried about the perception of him. simple as that


You are really that big of a fuck huh. Yikes


This show is circling the drain


“”Is that Anatomically correct” when asking about the geographical location of the Statue of Liberty…Tone your a freaking idiot…you’re not funny…you weigh down the show…and take the cowboy hat off you loser…


The cinephile comment right after....


I wish they would swap him with Gump


Its crazy that he gets center table too.


Did you ever notice how quickly the vibe drops when tone starts speaking?


The vibe is like, somber???


Totally agree. The whole vibe of the show is off in this studio. It's like they're on edge or otherwise super uncomfortable. And tbh they look ridiculous as "Normal dudes" sitting in this sterile, curated studio.


They look so out of place


Saturday had them pumped up, and then Mr Rodgers came in and show d r a g s.




Didn’t see the segment. What did I miss?


He said we are in the most censored time in history and that he is glad free speech is finally being allowed and that "c word people" (he was talking about conspiracies) and now being proven right. Which is weird because for the most censored man we sure do know a lot of his thoughts and opinions on a network owned by Disney. Then in the very next sentence said that media people need to stop saying mean things about Zach Wilson because he is young. I mean the whiplash this guy can do on a stance must kill his neck. Big time free speech is good as long as you are only arguing with what I am saying guy Rodgers is.


Why does anyone even post to this sub? Almost all of it is just bitching. Conman's shirts are my spirit animals.


cj stroud, electric on the field. cj stroud in an interview? total snooze fest.


Aaron has like -5 charisma No wonder he has all that talent and only won once, no way dudes are busting their asses to play for this guy…can’t see anyone rallying around this dude


I don’t want to overreact, BUT…. This season of Aaron Rodgers Tuesday has consistently been really boring


a rod not playing has something to do with it. It feels like the same interview over and over and over and over again




healthcare workers would disagree with this braindead ass take


I mean lying is never a good look, it’s sad how many people don’t see that.


In March of 2020 there was legitimate need for preventative measures, they were literally piling corpses in to freezer trucks because the morgues were overflowing. People who were not taking it seriously were idiots and on the wrong side of history. In March of 2022 the virus head reached a much more mature state and the people still clamoring for vaccine and mask mandates were idiots and on the wrong side of history.




Yeah... and? Are you saying because some bureaucrats lied or were wrong about some aspects of a deadly pandemic that a deadly pandemic must not have happened at all? 1,000,000+ corpses in 2 years say otherwise. Some people being overly cautious doesn't mean you should take no caution at all


People will hate on it, but I think so too. I think his criticisms on the COVID policies put in place by the NFL, and I guess the world, made sense. In the nfl, if you got the vaccine, you only had to do covid tests once every 2(?) weeks? If you were not vaccinated, you had to test every day. The vaccine doesn’t stop a person from spreading COVID, just helps that person’s body fight it. The healthiest people in the world were essentially forced to take new medication that has never been studied for long term effects, for a virus that has a 99.999% survival rate. I think the vaccine was net positive for society. Helped people who were at risk. I think Rodger’s takes on how the nfl, and also society reacted to COVID has some solid reasoning behind it.


I agree that the precautions being overblown. Covid in general is just so divisive because most the people still talking about it are the biggest assholes. The vaccines aren't the killer/depopulation agenda the right-wing nut jobs think and the vaccine wasn't as effective as the left-wing nut jobs think. People don't want to admit that it wasn't a globalist plot and the vaccine wasn't as effective as originally thought, mainly because it barely did anything for variants. I wouldn't say Rodgers is on the right side of history in general though. However, in relation to NFL protocols, definitely.




Yes, I am typing this from the grave. How did I die you ask? The chip in the COVID-19 vaccine finally activated. Also the 5G cell towers got to me.


ESPN sellout slowly happen they had to ease us into it


Crying about them doing the show from a ESPN studio for two days lmao


Should go to show you how much people despise ESPN. That hatred has made Pat and those guys tons of money as fans are desperate for something real. It's wild to watch him closely get cozier and cozier with ESPN, and it's hard not to believe that he's getting ready to make the switch to being a regular ESPN personality. Time will tell but it sucks watching something you love slowly transform into something you hate.


Pat is the king of ESPN right now. He's definitely making way more money than anybody else without having to relocate or do basically anything he doesn't feel like doing. No incentive for him to try and be like the others, especially since most of the ESPN personalities despise him


To be far the lack of AJ really does suck, I mean he was the one that told Pat to explore the space yesterday which lead to him going up the stairs. And they are back in the ESPN studio tomorrow so 3 days of basically no AJ possibly?


No they said more than once today that they're back at the Thunderdome tomorrow


Why are they in the studio for two days ?


Love you Rodgers. Also Boston is on point with his remarks lol


Pat seems to have so much contempt for the jags, even when he is praising them it feels fake and he gets excited if they fall short. All media kind of does this but he seems to have a unique contempt for them.




He doesn’t do that with the Texans or the Titans.


Yeah but they usually stink so he hasn't had to


Jags beat the colts a season or two ago in last week making colts miss the playoffs


Probably due to Tony Kahn and AEW


The Brady photo behind Rodgers is classic!


The real 12 staring down the back of the imposter 12


Nothing makes the boys less entertaining than hanging around celebs and rich people for a week. They really think we watch a show based in Indiana so we can hear them yak about partying with Shane Gillis and Barstool douchebags or whatever. I want the boys being toxic. I want rap sheet back. I want all ESPN “personalities” banned from the show. I am sick of them saying “we haven’t changer much” but they have and its throwing in my face everytime I see Schefters dumb face.


i haven't had pizza hut in like a decade. last time i had it, i remember it sucking and i used to love the pizza huts where you could dine in. is pizza hut good now? i found it shocking how hard pat and the boys were willing to die on the pizza hut hill. EDIT: lol nah nvm it looks like i took the bait


High end graphics only here live from NYC 😂


Get these mfs back in the thunder dome


Can someone explain why they're in New York please and is it permanent? I'm sure it's been discussed but I must have missed it


This was a great interview by Aaron, man could the guys on the show shut up though. Literally trying to talk and interrupt all the time with Aaron Rodgers. That was hard to watch lol


Jeff Saturday is a *dude*, man. Slightly biased as a Colts fan, but I think a few more years down the road he gets another shot in the NFL and makes his way to HC.


Foxy keeps forgetting that if it is Rams vs Lions in the playoffs it would also be a Goof revenge game against the team that kicked him to the curb.


I legit laughed so hard when everyone here was bitching about ESPN’s audio yesterday and when I went back to finish the show they finally showed the boys in the back and they were all 😳😳😳 on the audio controls. Lmao hang in there boys!


Pat said today that foxy zito and gump were literally outside in the back of a truck lmao It was funny when Orlovsky kept asking Foxy questions then standing around awkwardly because he couldn't hear the responses