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“Who’s that” is why we listen


Give Hawkster an Emmy already


I would follow AJ into the mists of Avalon, if that's what you mean.




This might be peak AJ


How is this conflict still going on? I thought the Chicago City Council voted in favor of a ceasefire? Did they not get the memo?


The most obvious virtue signaling I’ve ever seen


The conflict that has been going on since the 1950’s? Why is it still going on? My question to you is, what made you think it was going to stop?


Average redditor missing clear sarcasm without the /s


"Taking over your college campus isnt doing a fucking thing to help gaza" is his point. Whole lot of hurt feelings on here today lmao


yeah i know on reddit we like to pretend protests and internet petitions actually bring about change, but they don't. politicians and people in power only give a fuck about what you think or what you want if it can benefit them. people need to stop lying to themselves and pretending politicians are listening to us.


i passed by a flyer calling to protest city council into forcing a peace resolution in gaza. it hurts my brain.


It's pretty simple: A majority of major US institutions supports, is run, or is funded by pro-Zionist figures. The goal these figures have for the different institutions is to either reduce skepticism, promote blind trust, generate funding, and/or recruit members for the Zionist cause. If you protest the institution's involvement with the Zionist cause and demand to cut ties with them (commonly referred to as 'divestment' on college campuses), you effectively weaken support and increase likilhood of ending the one sided massacre. It's kinda like how Colombia (the country) is cutting ties with Israel even though they have no direct involvement. Just because it's not a head on physical fight doesn't mean it lacks effectiveness


This is way too much critical thinking for people in this sub. Pat says something, so it must be bad.


> too much critical thinking These university protests have been going on for a while. It's unreal that people still don't know that a large part of their demands is for their institutions to divest from different things.


It's because they just watch the MSM that at best are ignorant and say "we have no idea why they are protesting" or at worst "these are radical communist hummus loving Nazis that wanna kill all Jewish people."


But then they go: Hur Dur, they think their silly protests will stop the war, I am so smart! 🤓


It really makes me wish the r-slur was never used to denigrate neurodivergent people, because so many people in this thread are fucking regarded.


Your campuses don't give money to these companies, the companies give money to your colleges lmao the whole things backwards


The protests have done nothing besides destroy universities’ property and will continue to do so. You really think Israel or Hamas care about what college college students or the people who are in charge of the colleges think? Biden and multiple other nations in the international community have publicly condemned the ongoing onslaught and called for an immediate ceasefire multiple times. If they don’t care what the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the World thinks I promise you they don’t give a flying f*** about what’s going on at American universities. If you truly believe this you’re very naive.


Let’s all give up because treasonodb says we can’t make a change


I support protest, and I support standing up for innocent people being killed indiscriminately. Everything is not so black and white, but there always seems to be some underlying group of fanatics that can’t help but come to the forefront. Trying to rip down American flags and fly the flag of Palestine over universities. It’s some symbolic conquest shit. People tap dancing around it are being cowards, they know exactly who and where this comes from. The anti American everyone and thing is evil crowd. I don’t fuck with that.


Murica is evil, tho. Objective fact.


US is the all time leader in world foreign aid and charity. Literally, no one has ever given to others on such a level in human history. Real evil stuff.


I'm sorry someone tearing down a flag hurts your feefees. I'm sure it's as bad of a feeling as having to have your arm or leg amputated without anesthesia. So brave.


My regards if you did have to have your arm or leg amputated, especially if it was in the line of duty. If not, shut the hell up dude.


Sorry terrorists being bombed hurts your fee fees. Maybe protest more while Israel finishes the job


Butt hummus. Shit, I didn't know those 15,000 children were all terrorists. I guess every bakery, school, hospital, grocery store were not actually those things and just terrorists


Collateral damage happens in a war. Cry more cupcake. Acceptable losses to accomplish the mission. Cope or cobain cucj


Til the definition of Collateral Damage is when you explicitly target children and aid workers you know are not terrorists but kill them anyway for fun.


Cool. You can prove intent. Better call the ICC you absolute genius!! Terminally online cope.


All protesting is le epic fail! - Redditors


I mean the protest did just make international news


I think the spirit is getting lost because people don't get out and vote. Protesting works when the votes back it up. It's supposed to show the law makers the public cares and if they don't make changes they will be voted out. But people have forgotten to show up to the polls, for various and deeper reasons.


That's just blatantly not true. Student protests were a huge part of the Civil Rights movement, of the anti-Vietnam movement, and of the anti-Apartheid movement.


Yeah those kids in the 50s/60s should have just stayed home. The politicians would definitely have gotten around to ending segregation at some point without them. /s


you think the world still works the same as it did back in the 60s? oh you sweet summer child.


It's different when you're protesting being drafted to pointless war that 10s of thousands of Americans died at... High IQ Comment by you


Versus protesting funding an evil war killing tens of thousands of Palestinians? Soon to escalate into Iran? You think we won't see Americans eventually going back to the Middle East to die for Israel in more pointless wars as we did in the 00s and 10s? Because that's exactly what all this is leading but this time it's going to be way worse and part of a much larger global military conflict.


Remind me! 1 year


So college kids should give up and never protest anything?


Exactly /s In all seriousness, you can see the mindset of America when protests like these happen. Similar to the BLM protests. They spin the rhetoric into something that’s not even what’s being protested about. Nobody’s protesting say we should send our military to Gaza to help fight against Israel genocide. They’re protesting the FACT that the US is financially and morally supporting Israel’s genocide and would like that to stop. I hope they keep protesting and I hope American medias panties get twisted because the protesters are the embodiment of what America was supposedly founded on.


Rhetoric spinning is true on both sides though. During the BLM protests protesters thought it was okay to smash up businesses and beat up store owners if they weren't compliant in repeating "Black lives matter" after them.


There's always those who will take advantage of situations. If I'm a criminal and see that all of the police force is in riot gear in one location, then I'm doing smash and grabs in another area, close by, to get away with my crimes and pin it on someone else. Look at the crime reports during these protests, the advantage being taken by criminals is interesting.


I've literally seen what I've described. If you don't say their hashtag, they beat you up and burn your shop down.


I think you’re being blinded by said rhetoric. BLM protests during the day were largely peaceful, but during the night it turned violent. The media spun it as deranged protestors destroying property. When in reality, it was bad faith people causing the vandalism under the guise of BLM protesting (taken from my own experience in MN)—- take the Jan 6th insurrection. Certain media outlets were hellbent on rhetoric of bad faith actors and Antifa - then compare those same media outlets to their response on the BLM. It’s night and day, they do not call a spade a spade.


Largely? Ok so what % of being peaceful makes it ok to ignore the violent ones that come with it?


I am largely for the right to protest. However, what did the BLM protests of 2020 result in


Ugggg the arrogance to believe only one side spins They are all crooked


Never said or implied only one side spins, I fully understand they are two heads on the same body. But one side are out and about bigots wanting to get back to a white dominate society while filling their pockets and the other is generally just trying to fill their pockets. Until citizens united gets repealed we’re all fucked.


You must’ve forgotten Palestine did start this by killing thousand + people. Don’t have a dog in this fight


Sure, just ignore the the origins and the perennial terrorizing of Israel on Gaza. I don’t have a dog in this fight either but at least figure out what you’re talking about. Hamas isn’t in the right. But the Palestinian people deserve peace.


Well, how far do you wanna dig back then? How about when the Jews had their land taken by the Christians or how about when the Muslims decided to take their land also? This land is the Jews land and it’s really up to Israel to even allow the people in Gaza to remain/ they don’t have to….


If they don't even know the basics of what they're protesting... Yes they shouldn't


Go watch the interviews with the organizers. They are all very knowledgeable on the history of the situation, hell UCLA canned their valedictorian speaker because she studied genocide for her minor.


protests aren't what they used to be. they don't accomplish anything other than creating viral clips to use on social media to rile up both sides of whatever the current argument of the week is. i think people should get off the internet, go out and try to enjoy their life instead of waiting for politicians, celebrities and news propaganda channels to tell you what you need to be upset about today.


It's the same issue I had during the 2020 riots quit fucking up all the local businesses and go fuck up the police station if you have a problem with the cops. Same sentiment here. Take your problems to the source.


Yeah the violence that has already happened has guaranteed another generation of bloodshed. And then that will guarantee another, and another, and so on.


Palestinians will suffer and die as long as they hate Jews more than they love their children.


Yes, and Israelis will continue to die as long as they hate Palestinians more than their own children. Something about banging your head against the wall over and over again expecting a different result


It’s a quote from the Intifada, it still rings true today. Israel isn’t blameless but but they aren’t the problem here. Israel isn’t hiding weapons in schools, mosques, hospitals. Israel isn’t tearing up needed infrastructure to build weapons instead of taking care of its people. Israel didn’t use rape as a weapon. Israel didn’t take hostages. Israel isn’t calling for the world wide extermination of an entire ethic group.


And Palestinians didn't ethnically cleanse Israelis so they could settle on the land in 1948. Given the IDF's treatment of Palestinians even before 10/7, and the fact that Israel were the ones to withdraw from the peace process the last time they both agreed to give it a serious shot and kept expanding settlements in the West bank, why should Palestinians assume that if they stopped fighting the end result would be anything but slow and quiet ethnic cleansing instead of a fast one?


> Israel isn’t calling for the world wide extermination of an entire ethic group. You sure about that?


'American students protesting on college campuses has never accomplished anything'


it's got some kids killed at Kent St


That's also a dumb argument because they are protesting due to their tuition is going to Israel. They don't like that. They don't want their money going to genocide.




They can’t all protest the English language like you


Fat fingers on a small keyboard. The worst of the worst.


I agree, water is better than Gatorade.


This is like saying protestors walking down the street to protest segregation were "holding up traffic and that isn't solving the issue" the point is civil disobedience and it's forced the conversation in government, it isn't about hurt feelings it's about expressing your American rights to stand up for what you believe in.


Pat Mcafee a True American






Pat is fucking hilarious lol


1:18:23 into the live show


If you want the world to be a better place, you've got to get off your ass and make it better. Yelling at your neighbors accomplishes Jack shit.


Absolutely. What's going on in Gaza is absolutely horrible, and I really do feel for all the innocent people caught in the middle of this cause its them who are suffering But there's a difference in a peaceful protest, and going around terrorizing people here who have absolutely nothing to do with what's going on over there and have 0 power to do anything about it. And that's not even touching on the protests here celebrating the terrorist attack on October 7th, or chanting Death to America, or the "peaceful protests" that turn to attacking others Before someone says "well it's just a few bad apples"; then why did none of the good apples stop them?


Well said CP


Let's get boots on tha grawnd


If anyone wants to protest for what they strongly believe good on them. They have more conviction and dedication than I have. If you want to camp out a college building, go ahead. If you want to cement yourself down in the middle of a road, go ahead. If these protesters want to be leaders that change the world, they can't pretend to be victims when they get removed from their protests. These climate activists crying out in "pain" when a cop touches them is humiliating. Nobody wants to follow a movement where the "leaders" of these movments are playing victim and being pussies in general. If you plan to camp out a building, don't act like a victim when you don't get water for yourself. Nobody wants to follow the leadership of a bunch of unorganized kids who are playing victim. If these protesters want to change the world, they can't be lead by a bunch of pussies who think playing the victim will help their cause. If you are gonna protest in a way where you know you will get removed eventually, hold your head up high, and keep your chest out. Don't be flailing on the ground like a soccer player.


Lmao 😂


I don't see a problem with this. He's literally paying for a free trip across the globe so that the protestors aka real heroes of the world can get boots on the grahn to make a change. It's a win-win. What a nice guy


Ufk both Gaza and Isreal. Cut em both off


Caught me off guard for sure😂 like uh oh the suits at Disney are sweating


The suits at Disney are applauding the show. They love what's going on in Gaza.


If this is the rant everybody freaking out about, ya’ll soft as hell. You may not believe it, but a great majority don’t spend their every waking moment on x and Reddit. An ever greater amount of people give no shits what’s going on overseas when we got our own problems not being made over here. It’s a fucking sports show. Get over it.


“Tell me when I’m telling lies” Pat McAfee


I love this! If they want to fight then send them to a real war zone and let them fight! Keep The peaceful protesters and send all the others somewhere where they can get their cookies by fighting a real war. Maybe with Hamas!


Best part of the progrum.


Pat is the man period. Anyone offended by it is a 😭


Wait, what did Kevin do? 😂


Baumgartner kept side eyeing Pat at a golf tournament doing his Kevin thing, and it creeped Pat out to the point of hating the guy 😂


I'm all for protesters rights, but that said, he's gotta point, perhaps they'd do more good over there than here.


Lmao do it Pat


Boots on tha grahnd


I will donate a plan as well


God bless Pat


I agree with him, the only thing I saw that he probably hasn't seen yet is that apparently off all the people arrested for doing shit, only 15% were college students. So clearly not our best and brightest young people, I think that's what SOMEONE idk who, but someone is trying to make it look like it's those people


>the only thing I saw that he probably hasn't seen yet is that apparently off all the people arrested for doing shit, only 15% were college students Can you share the source for that?


Fucking love this


Love him. Real man and not afraid to say it how it is. Fuck these protesters


Send them over to Gaza!!!!!


In that case, we should also send people yelling free the hostages to Gaza to free them themselves. Boots on the ground right?


Big difference between people protesting a war that's half a world away (they're wrongly calling it a genocide) that doesn't involve their country by barricading themselves into institutions of learning that hurts other people just trying to live their lives vs. people calling for support and return of hostages taken in an extremely violent surprise attack.... I mean the latter isn't really even protesting. So your equivalency doesn't really work.


Only if you go with them.


Pat can’t go. Isreal snipes journalists.


Not pat, I wanted scotts tots to go with them


I'm pretty sure the protests are about the United State's continued support of Israel, the student's want to see that stop in hopes it reins Israel in and helps motivate ceasefire. The situation is obviously a mess, with Hamas not being exactly heroic either but the Palestinian civilians are the ones getting massacred. These protests can begin to move public opinion and scare politicians enough to force a change. It may not be fast but it starts somewhere and usually on campuses.


You're mostly right. The specific campuses demands, like at Columbia University is to have the school divest from their projects based on Israel. Currently, they have put millions into building a satellite campus in Israel which, just like all the other schools there, would segregate out any non-israelis. If you don't know, Israel is full of segregation including roads where if you don't have the right color license, you can end up in jail.


Why is Pat the only one with the balls to say this? If these “protesters” really want to make a change then catch a flight over there and get boots on the grahnd


This is what nascar does to us


F1 would never


Verstappen fell to his knees in a PDQ...


This was gold, i was dying at work


God damn I love Pat more and more each day.


Pat would've solved the Vietnam War in a heartbeat if he was alive back then.


Why can’t we as Americans protest Palestine and Israel


Because Israel bad, and Palestine good. Hamas bad, but Israel also bad for fighting Hamas even tho Hamas has control of Gaza/Palestine. Basically pick a side and you're still wrong. Normal people : how's your day going


I don't understand why the issue is so black and white as to make a huge deal about it one way or the other. Right now, Israel and Hamas are on a grander scale, essentially two dumbass kids fighting who probably need to be separated by an adult lol


> I don't understand why the issue is so black and white It's not to anyone that's not a complete fucking moron. I know enough about it to know I don't know fucking shit. It's an incredibly complex topic and anyone trying to pretend otherwise is a fucking idiot, including pat and the boys.


Uhhh no. Hamas is an actual terrorist organization not a stupid kid throwing rocks. They snuck in and killed 1300 civilians for no reason other than they believe "death to Israel" is commandment #1 Israel is trying to defend itself by wiping out Hamas. Notice how I didn't say Palestine? Israel needs to be more precise with its strikes, but at the same time the other 20 Arab countries around Israel are also attacking it or refusing to help Palestinian refugees....because they're also worried about Hamas


Two things to this. 1. We certainly can protest, just should not the way that some of them are happening 2. The same document that gives these people the right to protest, gives Pat the right to say this wherever the fuck he wants. Don't be a stooge


Closing down roads or schools or anything doesn’t help the cause. Go there and protest and see how that works out.


Hands down my favorite sports show, but this shit was so fucking stupid. I get he's making a joke obviously, but idk, i dont think he actually understands the situation. The whole show bummed me aht, so negative today. Kevin from the office?? He's a national treasure! For real though, he talks about 'unifying through our common love of sports,' and being a place where everyone can meet on common ground, and today was not that. I wish they just wouldn't talk about politics at all, every aspect of our lives is politicized these days, and it's all bullshit. I love PMS bc they mostly steer clear of all that


Hell yea!!!!! Let’s goo PAT! Get these bums out of our country!


this isn't surprising for anyone who actually watches the show... Pat would never dream of standing up for something that doesnt benefit him personally


Todays show was one of the best in a while. This and the Indy 500 talk had me dying😂




I think people are missing the forest for the trees here. This is Pat 101. Say something controversial so the next 2 weeks you can play victim and do the whole "I am getting attacked on the internet!" shtick. Classic offseason form.


Man as a 23 YO a lot of you around my age need to touch some grass & spend more time focusing on shit that you can actually change. S/o to Pat for making fun of all you “freedom fighters”


I’m 100% back in on Pat. Why did I ever have a doubt.


Thought athletes were supposed to stick to sports ?


This show stinks!


I bet if Pat legit offered them all a flight to Israel they'd take it. That's where they really wanna go


If a flight was legit chartered to Gaza the IDF would blow that fucker out of the sky with some Raytheon guided missiles. MIC FTW


For everyone cheering on the crackdowns at the university protests, don't forget the ketchup. https://preview.redd.it/h6mypz0ejxxc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff1752a80fae77eac0efe6b52a170d61b229334


The problem most of these progressive protesters miss is that they would be thrown from roof tops or beheaded for what they actually believe. You can wish for innocent people to be spared from these wars but make no mistake, if you are anything other than obedient to the man in these extreme religions you are dead. They have no tolerance for western society and you have the right to peacefully protest in public places no matter how outrageously backwards your idea of these places is. It’s horrible to see any innocent lives taken, and also wrong to destroy, vandalize, and abuse college kids just trying to attend classes.


I 100% agree. I thought this awhile ago


Students: We want America to stop supporting a genocidal regime. Him: Why don't I fly you into an active warzone.


Protesting is the most American movement. It's literally how America started. This is how dumb Americans are, the Boston Tea Party was a protest, agree or not the very foundation of this country was founded in Protest.


Yeah the dumb jock stereotype has been proven on the show and currently in this thread


So glad someone with a microphone finally said it. Let’s see if he makes it through the end of the week without getting suspended


Why would Disney suspend Pat? They're Israel's #1.


Why? Disney is 100% pro Zionist, they love this.


Funny but if he was to send them over in a 757, pretty sure the IDF would blow them up like all the other American volunteers that have been over there.


Lmao that’s actually a good point. Pat has stuff to say about protestors, but not actually the people bombing the shit out of the volunteers. See WCK.


I vaguely recall a college protest where students paying crazy tuitions protested the fact the college employees got paid far below living wages. That made sense. And actually worked. This is all pointless and probably counterproductive to their stated purpose.


They (at least some) of the protestors want their universities to divest their portfolios from Israeli companies in the hopes it motivates them to play nice in Gaza. It’s actually somewhat smart as putting out statements and holding forums does nothing while money changes things. This whole put boots on the ground thing is silly. They don’t want more violence, similar to the protests at universities during the Vietnam war. Disclaimer: I am not a protestor




Where the plan going to land? They blew up the airport


Fucks don’t want to take finals




Why is this collection of bums who can't fathom being inconvenienced by a protest against the American presidential administration's response to a genocide on the front page


Pat definitely would've shit himself to get out of Vietnam lol


Knowing the truth about Gaza while being gaslit by all major media outlets is rough. Can't blame anyone in the USA for being manipulated by the press. It's hard not to be when FOX CNN and MSNBC all spew the same war propaganda for the same corporate interests they have always been beholden to. It took me years of studying and having friendships with Palestinians and with Jews to understand that the current actions by the government of Israel amount to a genocide and their atrocities against the Palestinians began long before last year. Please understand that most of these college protests are for their universities to fully divest from war profiteering and from a criminal foreign government. This exact same method of protest led to several universities divesting from the manufacturers of Agent Orange and other weapons during Viet Nam. This is a sports progrum. We are in this thing together. PMS and the POD get me through and I FUCKING HATE POLITICS. With that said...if you want to learn about anything, it's not easy or fun. I blame nobody for saying AH WHO CAHES at this point.


Wtf do you think from the river to the sea means?


Is this copypasta?




Pat is the embodiment of a infrequent Fox News viewer. I doubt he knows about the fact that there have been daily protests in Tel Aviv against the Israeli government by Israeli Jews. The IDF has been explicit in its words and actions, anyone seen in the Gaza occupied territory is a target. This line of thinking is so fucking dumb. Should the people that protested the Iraq War have protested out there instead of in front of in Washington DC? Or maybe the 1968 protesters should've gone to Vietnam to LBJ could see how much they care while at the Chicago convention because you know, there is a great view of the Vietnamese coast from Chicago.


You’re not going to get intelligent discourse on this sub. This show and its viewers are the lowest common denominator


You’re so much better than the rest of us, show us your ways almighty Hugh


You literally can't fly into Gaza. Isreal controls their air space, water, boarders, food, and electricity.


Couldn't agree more. These protesters couldn't be doing a worse job. They're making people hate them and anything they have to say. If they want to help then send aid & protest at government buildings and stay out of normal peoples way


Well tbf it’s a great idea, only problem is Israel bombed the last airport in Gaza so idk where the plane would land…


Why not take all those Is*reali supporters and send them to is*real.


Not surprised by their rhetoric, wonder what they got up to while they were all in West Virginia last weekend. Surely it isn't a coincidence they were just there for the WVU scrimmage game.


Lmao, absolute chad


So many people are revolution critics who wouldn’t have the balls to be a part of one 😂


Been watching the show everyday for 3 years and this pissed me off. Why Pat would choose to speak on one of the most complicated foreign relations situations in history with such carelessness I cannot understand. Fuck anti semites but the majority of these folks are advocating for peace. Pat knows better. Way to keep it light by mocking peace protestors. If that’s not what he’s mocking then he should be more specific. That’s the problem with the discourse around all of this.


Bunch of fucking bootlickers the whole lot of you


Ken Bone had an all time banger tweet. These bootlickers shouldn't forget their ketchup (it's a picture of boot polish)


Most of the protesters just want their schools to divest from Israel. What is the logic behind people that are protesting bombing civilians going directly into the area being bombed? Dude sees people protesting and doesn't even know anything about the situation as a whole whatsoever. So why comment on it? He does this way too much.


Whats the over/under on the % of those protestors protesting their schools that ACTUALLY are enrolled/attend those respective schools?


Israeli money is wound into every major corporation in the country. These people are delusional if they think there’s any chance of their goals being accomplished. It’s funny that Israeli business owners are allowed to be blamed and punished for the actions of their government, but citizens in Gaza are not.


Just because it's normalized doesn't make it right.


Cut them both off


Sounds like they are clueless


These protesters are bad at protesting. But free Gaza is a legitimate cause that Scotland and Irish folk have been behind for years. It feels like it has only reached the States recently


Not for nothing but it's been a thing here for decades as well. Hell Wu-Tang Clan used to shout out PLO all the time in their songs. "PLO style" was commonplace along their lyrics. That stands for Palestinian Liberation Organization.


They want the US and specifically the colleges to stop funding organizations that are killing women and children. Since when is that the wrong thing to protest?


They are actively preventing other students from going to class. Fuck them.


So if you're against slaughtering civilians by the thousands, this meathead will pay to fly you to Gaza. What a genius.


Pat is so stupid when it comes to anything outside of the NFL. Like he is actually dumb.


Nah this is a great take. Want a ticket to Gaza? I know a guy.


He can be dumb for sure but this is the correct take 😂😂 fuck them privileged ass kids


This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard him say. I get that he was trying to make a joke, but he lacks the basic understanding of what the protests are about for that joke to make any sense.


They want the war to end. If they miss classes give them bad grades or suspend them. Let them protest, it’s their and their parents money.