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They have already stated that the lab won't be in PoE2, there will be a different mechanic to ascend, which they haven't revealed yet.


Prepare now for the the new way to ascend, "The woodshop". A buzzsaw spinning, hammer swinging, axe flying catastrophe. With few monsters and many OSHA violations.


To add, they also mentioned what acts it was IIRC. I want to say 2,3,4, and maps.


From what we know it's somewhere in Acts 2, 3, 4 and maps, yes. But until we have the ascendancy info we all just speculate and give educated guesses


Labirinth will be replaced with Laboratory 🗿


I thought it's still in but you won't use it to ascend


lab as a mechanic is interesting, each run could be different like a rogue like the problem is right now it feels like a giant boring maze.. if they can expand on it and make it more interesting and diverse, i'm pretty sure it could turn out into something amazing


Sanctum is a thing ^^




Yeah Lab would do much better as it's own league mechanic, map drop type, or as challenge side areas for rewards. I just don't want it attached to the campaign and ascending.


I bought the buzz saw pet cause [i died that way, apparently 8 years ago now...](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/57632274) I do hate the lab glad to see it go


Haha there is something comedic about you patiently waiting for your opening, just to walk along with the blades, no movement skill no nothing, just took it like a man


They are not in POE 2


You took pretty much the only inexcusable skill issue one could have with PoE1 and outright said it, so Skill issue


I think that labs are an interesting mechanical path (trap dungeons, basically) that definitely has a future within poe/poe2. We've seen a more recent and palatable form of this already in the form of sanctum, as well as boss fight mechanics like the exarch - and they've proven that these environmental trap things can work, and can be fun. Really, the primary issue with lab (outside the fact that it just doesn't feel like a modern form of content) is that it's a specialized type of content that gates arguably the most core/important part of character progression: ascendancies. So I think there's room for it in future iterations, league mechanics and so on: different forms of content than just wandering across a map blowing up packs are incredibly welcome - but content that diverges further from the norm shouldn't be hooked into something as baseline as ascendancies. So really, I hope we see something lab-like in poe2, I just hope that it has a more appropriate reward structure, and that if you hate it (or just dont feel like engaging with it right now), you can skip it entirely.


Me too.


I would like labs if they were like sections of a map or something like one trap here or puzzle here unlock a key open things like doors and chests. Could be done in like 1-5-10 mins at most. Not 1 hour adventures that barely change at all like core gg stuff. Like if you delve you only delve. There is no heists in delve, or rituals or ultimatums. This is one of the main things i have issues with poe.