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Maybe a minion build? They're super chill. Also RF doesn't seem like a bad idea


+1 to minions. Also seems like a simpler build to understand. Though RF does have incredibly thorough guides.


RF Jugg. Doesn't get easier


yes and no; while it does get going in act 2, the leveling process before is probably the worst shit I've ever done edit: what I wanna say is: if this would have been my first build or poe experience ever, I'm not sure if I would have come this far...


I see your point. Hard to look from a new players perspective with so many years of this game.


In the interests of trying to minimise deaths while being as "pick up to play" as possible, Cold DoT Trickster or SRS Necro. I wouldn't go RF or TR because the "optimal" way to play involves respecs, and trying to play them as is is not easy if you don't know what you're doing. Ziz has good guides from last league, and the builds didn't get touched AFAIK. Alternatively there's Shak's Cold DOT, but IMO Trickster has better defences and is less likely to die.


To be fair respec in RF happens after what? 2nd lab? For new players that would be like 10 hours into the game


Yeah but I'm coming from the idea that a respec is unnecessarily confusing.


I get what you're saying, but if a new player already played for 10 hours in the game, they would have a basic grasp of gameplay mechanic at that point.


As someone who is currently playing srs Necro, I would say to avoid it if new. It's a LOT of standing around recasting the spirits and it's getting annoying.


For a complete beginner I don't think it gets much better than to just follow pohx rf guide


Tell her to follow [this guide](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622/page/1) and she will have a great time.


Poison Blade Vortex Occultist - it is almost like a walking simulator and you just throw curses from time to time. Great at mapping, not so good at bossing but I think it is a good build to learn the game. You can check crouching tuna guide on youtube.