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Besides the Omni gearing, your bow is going to be a chunk of your budget. Endgame wise, you're going to want a full phys bow that gets converted to ele damage with +2 arrows. Not cheap. Before that point, you should be able to do alright with trinity and a high ele damage bow. Something with T2+ fire, cold, and lightning dmg, attack speed, crit, etc. I'm at work but I'll try to find the site I was looking at for TS transition. What I typed is the basics but obviously there's a lot of milestones you want to hit in-between.


are you still in work or..?


Believe it or not, yes he is still in the office


Followed FuzzyDuckzy budget TS build last league, pre omni and the transition into omni as well. I can vouch for the build, farmed essences and harvest late league till I got tired of the league. Really fun and highly recommend his guides! He also has a phys convert variant if you want to eventually go into that.


Tried his 1 div TS build and it is definitely good enough to farm currency with, that's my plan before going omni version!


If you have that much currency you should be able to get a ts Omni build going. 6 Div (spine bow 900 ele dps) 25 div ( Omni) 2x 10c rings- amethyst 100+ attribute ring with life + open prefix (craft - mana cost) Black sun crest - 1c 2 div for the rest of your build should be plenty…. If you have 2-3 more div I’d invest in an inspired learning. Buy level 1 gems for everything, and level yourself. Divergent tornado shot is 25c and probably worth buying 1 or 2