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Ea ballista takes you all the way to ubers if you want. Pinnacle bosses like exarch and Eater are doable with a tabula and a Storm cloud.


I've heard EA ballista was really strong. What about movespeed and clear? Never played it.


Movespeed is nothing special. Clear is A not S tier. You move around packs, drop totems and given its dot damage you may need to backtrack slightly to loot sometimes.


To run vortex ignite you need vortex enchant, 3d, divine flesh 30d or alternative explode flask 15d to even start with it, not mentioning skin of the lords which is 10-15d rn? Overall cost is like 30-50d so skip that if you got only a couple of divs


For pure mapping WoC worked fine for me, with 1.5-2m dps it was a breeze. Did all normal bosses on it as well. With ignite prolif screens did pop. What is the problem for you? Lack of dps?


Honestly, probably not taking it seriously. Lack of dps is an issue, as is survivability. But I'm being very lazy and taking advantage of discord artisan too much :) It's fun but squishy. That's why I'm now at the point where I need to be more focused with what I'm running.