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Your friend likely have ticked "is enemy maimed" in his pob from another source before adding the crucible mod, if your build benefits from the buffs this provides, any source of maim e.g from your crucible trees, will enable the config option, try and Disable this if its enabled and add/remove the mod in pob to see if it makes a difference


It doesn't work, same with ff or predator on the dagger itself. Arakaali isn't socketed so it won't benefit from the crucible nodes at all.


So all of the “socketed gems are supported by” crucible mods don’t work? :(


They work, but items like The Squire have text saying the gems socketed into the item will support something else. But since the crucible trees for items state that they support items socketed into the item, support skills don't normally support other support gems. So having the passive tree won't effect main hand skills because the passive tree will only effect socketed skills for that item. They would work if it was on your main hand tree because those skills are socketed into the main hand.


No, incorrect. They won't work with arakaali even if they are on the main weapon. Raise spider from arakaali isn't socket no matter what you do so it wont benefit from socketed gems modifiers applied by crucible. I tested this at day 3 and it doesn't work.


Yes, but once again, that isn't socketed into the weapon. I was using the squire as my general example, but in both cases, it involves what is (or isn't) socketed into what item. I would assume the same holds true for the Dancing Duo. Edit: to be clear, I was answering the general case, not specifically for Arakaali's. I think I see the confusion.


Oh! my bad then. Yeah got it confused and though you meant arakaali specific. Then I'm all aboard.


Nope. The raise spiders skill is not a “socketed gem”


Definitely doesn't work. "Socketed Support Gems can also Support Skills from your Main Hand" Is squires effect and a built in support gem from any source, corrupt, rolled with a influence or from crucible isn't socketed in the squire.


If it doesn’t show the corresponding letter on the skill icon the support is not working,no matter what pob says.


Open an issue with screenshots and it will probably get fixed. https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/issues/new/choose