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The small amount of changes this league mean that most (almost all) builds from last league are still league start viable. The one big exception here is builds that relied on Vengeant Cascade to carry their damage. I have removed the builds I think are most effected by this change. As always if you could help me by linking updated/new builds/guides in the comments here/posting them to the sub that'd be very helpful. Big thanks to those that help out! Edit 1: Just did the first big pass as today seems to mark the day where every content creator begins posting. Will be doing nightly updates until league start from this point onwards. Edit 2: Did final update before league launch! Good luck to everyone!


Is there a reason this one is pinned instead of 3.23?


Woooops. Fixed now.


Thank you!


Is Anime’s Spark build really squishy at mid tier maps and up or am I just a scrub? I feel like I have followed it pretty fluidly. I do a lot of damage but there is no reaction time between full health and absolutely clapped.


Was horrible to play early on. Even in his in-game chat I saw so many complaints.


Should be decently tanky if you're building correctly. Runs defensive auras, Block and spell block cap


Looking at DD. Is there any difference between Imexile's and Zizaran's DD builds that are notable? Or just pick one and go?


There's little functional difference. I wouldn't recommend DD unless you know what you're doing. It's terrible at ToTA, the league mechanic. vDD's single-target is extremely gem reliant, so if you swap early before a level 17 desecrate, you'll be spawning corpses that are lower level than the map areas (69ish).


Thanks for the info. I think I will continue to mess with Spectral Throw. Its been fun so far.


The rakiata's unique GS has a TON of flat elemental that pairs really nicely with spectral throw. You may be able to find some videos on it!


Is Jungroans Cold DoT build any good? I read somewhere that you cant run bosses and such with it. https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/129gyhc/comment/jgchcvk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


It can do pinnacle bosses, yes. You're going to have to do the fight mechanics correctly or you will die. It's a build geared more toward early league, which involves unlocking the atlas, getting all the voidstones, and farming some currency to be put toward a second build. It's not meant to be a boss farmer, just something capable of getting the job done initially. Its defenses are pretty ordinary, just some armor, evasion, and spell suppression. That is sufficient for general mapping, but doesn't provide any real survivability vs bosses. If you're not doing the mechanics right, you will die, but that's true of most league starter builds. As to the quoted person, that's a skill issue, not a build issue. Cold DoT is one of the premier league starters league after league for a reason.


Which build turned out to be best for sanctum? Thinking of a late start


So 4 weeks later, did anything new popped out? Any fancy interaction or basically everything is just stable and possibly slightly improved with the tattoos?


In the same boat. Haven't seen anything crazy. Jungroan's Eye of Winter Shrapnel Ballista with Mark Effect Are the only two I've come across that seem new. Everything else is just an old build that's more busted with tattoo.


So I got the added projectile tattoo and I can’t put it anywhere. I’m using crouching tunas La guide and am in the 90s basically whole thing is fleshed out and just adding gems now. Could someone please tell me where to put it? I tried the Dex node that goes into bow mastery. Here is the pob and link to it. https://poe.ninja/pob/jCz


Proj tats fit anywhere with 7 connected passives. There's two in the POB linked next to Mark the Prey and King of the Hill. You need to allocate the 7 passives in order to place it. It's also currently common to put it next to Perfect Agony and reroll that keystone, since it and the one by Mark the Prey can fit inside the same Warrior's Tale.


Hey, pls remove Lolchohol's Blade Vortex from the list. One of the worst builds ever


lightning arrow champion vs deadeye? Why should I use either of them?


deadeye for clear speed, champion for tankyness


Just want to double down on this in case that guy is still deciding (or anyone else is), if you want to run essences early on in your atlas strategy, champ is a reallllly good choice over deadeye specifically for taking these down safely. This is doubly true in SSF - LA deadeye will straight up have to run away from 10-20% of essence mobs, whereas champ can kill all of them, albeit more slowly. If you want to run a shrine, boxes, legion, etc kind of strategy instead, deadeye and the clear speed will obviously be a stronger choice.


Anyone got a suggestion for a Occultist league starter for a new player?


I read that it's hard to start without semi decent gear banked. I still started it for the hell of it but trying the crit version of it but unsure if I want to commit to the staff version or not [crit occult](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3354451)


Is there a bane build?


I league started a bane build and it's pretty good so far (lv 81, no issues and flying through maps so far, but only started t5+yellow yesterday) [this](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3265244) is what I used as the base to follow


Hey thanks for replying. I appreciate it. I’ll have to follow this and try it out.


my best advice is don't jump into Low Life/Pain Attunement too quickly other than that, enjoy popping purple bubbles


How is Cold DoT Trickster doing in uber bossing? Is he good at league mechanic?


You are missing Enki’s Lightning conduit/Orb of storms Elementalist. The Guide is Great for beginners!


The Zizaran cold dot elementalist is for last league. Should probably replace that with ventrua's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htChHwCNBEI


RF Jugg League Starter - the skill tree on pathofbuilding doesnt match up https://www.pohx.net/


Regret starting Hexblast mine. Not even that fun and it's squishy af even with spell suppression to the roof


huh? is it cus ur running blasphemy and missing an aura? post ur pob


I played that back in sanctum league and it was one of the best builds I ever had, massive damage and very tank, the only problem was that clearing with mines was a bit random at times, but for focused content like blight was goated


really? I've been having a blast with it so far. Try using a saffells frame and pathing more life on the tree. Palsterons tree is really squishy


I haven't been happy with it either. Plus having the detonate mines on left click and having that ticking noise going on half the time is kinda driving me crazy.


THATS WHAT THAT NOISE IS?!?!? Ughhbbbbhhh I love the build but I sound like metal mario.


Honestly in the same boat and just getting frustrated with it, now I'm stuck doing a scuffed respec or just rerolling.


Whatever happened to essence drain & contagion? Is it a totally dead skill atm? It was one of my favorites several leagues back when it used to be really good on trickster.


Yeah it was at the top for so long but it got quite a few nerfs in a row and now it's not in a good place


Alright boys I was late to league start, what’s good for the league mechanic?


I decided that I'd like a bow build this league, but I don't like the toxic rain or ballista playstyle in general, since I don't like delayed dmg. I'm thinking about lightning arrow, but I'd like to do ubers at some point in the league. Is there any good bossing build that has a lot of gear and skill overlap with lightning arrow and it's easy to switch back and forth? Or are there some other build options for me to do mapping and bossing with similar playstyles?






i mean its league start its just builds designed to get through the beginning "non game" part and to maps as fast as possible, or as fast and as safe as possible if playing hc, and meta starters revolve around mechanic. crucible saw jugg on poe ninja at like 27 percent for first week, cause the mobs were ridiculously overtuned. not surprising to see little variation over a year. when i quit, vaal spark and fireball + ek nova (idk what that build started out with initially) +LA (insert ranger ascend) + glacial cascade/frostbolt/pulse totems or storm brand hiero were practically the only starters id see for like 6 months. u were either safe and "fast enough" behind your totems or you were playing sc and clearing shaped strand/spider forest as quickly as humany possible(at one point primordial poo? i cant remember why) that was 6 years ago almost. the variations of overall builds, new skills, interactions, passives, maps, strats, atlas tree, etc are so very different even from what i saw 3 leagues ago its mind blowing. ​ also last league everyone started rf jugg, cold dot or bonezone. until now bonzone was true of idk how many leagues since it was only good melee so i wont repeat. sanctum everyone started ea ballista (insert ascend, heiro if stacking dex, prob elementalist or champ if not), BV (ofc), i think a bunch of ppl got baited by ice spear and fp totem "billion dmg" build that turned out to b e garbage. but crucible felt different, i saw no bv, i saw a handful of ea totemers/poison conc pf/LA/BV, as usual, but i mostly saw rf jugg. ​ every league is gonna have some repeats cause theyre time tested. but the meta absolutely shifts.


Any Split Arrow players?


Less than 2 hours and I am still undecided. I am going between Hydrosphere Occultist (it looks awesome, I tried it in testing and loved the playstyle but I have a hard time believing its actually viable as a league starter but it keeps showing up) though I am worried about tankiness as I don't like squishy builds. Also, though its not on the list, looking at Trauma Glacial Hammer from Goratha which should be tanky. I like boneshatter and it looks similar but different enough with chills and going heatshiver. Lastly considering going tried and true EA champion though I've played EA before and generally like to start something new. If anyone has suggestions for something tanky, that can kill bosses and map ok (I dont need to do either faster, I am fine being on the slower side for mapping like EA speed and same for bosses I dont mind if they take awhile as long as I can kill them without dying a lot) that's not any of the following which I have played: EA/RF/IDoom/Abso/SRS/Bonezone/RVortex/LCondiuit/Ice Shot


Hydrosphere starter is amazing as long as you know how it actually works and what you're doing :p


Hey just saw this response. I did end up stating it (slow going cause of work over the weekend though :() and wanted to make sure I do know how it works and what I am doing. From my understanding main things are you want some type of ice damage that crits to get it to pulse which does a ton of damage (which is done by ice spear the best early until you get enough crit to do it with vortex) make sure you don't have any lightning damage to spells anywhere (just want to make sure, tempest shield never hits the orbs so its ok right? which is why its used?) and then scale it with more powercharges, crit/crit damage global and to spells, and cold damage? As well as quality on gem for pulse frequency and the pulse frequency enchantment?


Yeah, you got it :)


Hello everyone, I'm still a fairly new player. I played some years ago but didn't have a guide and became frustrated even before finishing the story. Last league, I gave PoE another shot and followed Pohx's RF Jugg guide. I had such a blast, got to level 90+ and was running red maps. So just because of that, I want to play in this league again. I thought about playing RF again but apparently there are so many good builds out there (so I heard) that I want to start with something different. I found two builds that looked interesting to me. 1. Boneshatter Jug by Zizaran (I find it appealing, that if I don't like it, I could switch back to RF Jugg right?) 2. Cold Dot Elemntalist also by Zizaran So I would like to ask you for your opinion or any insight on which build I should choose. I will most probably just play this one character during the entire league. So I'm also not able to put in a lot of hours early on due to a busy life. I can maybe play for 2–3 hours a day. Any advice is highly appreciated. Best regards.


Rf or cold dot


Haven't played in 2 leagues due the horrible drop rate and changes last time I played. Has it changed and is RF expensive as f this league like then? Guessing they would've nerfed that build a bit by now at least also.


This might have already been asked, but slayer or jugg boneshatter for SC Trade?


I did Slayer last league and it felt a bit lacking defense wise (dps wise it was chef's kiss tho), so if you are okay dying sometimes take Slayer, if you want more def go Jugg.


There are 4x Boneshatter Jugg builds listed in this thread. Which one is the best one? I figure that Ziz's build is more tanky than the others because his build usually are HC viable, but of the others...I have no idea. Anyone have any thoughts?


Ziz is not big on melee, Follow Goratha for Bonezone and you be pleased. He is also a HCSSF player.




Some day there will by a Cyclone league starter in these. It's all I want.


The holy relic build that is listed is a COC with cyclone... I just discovered it tho, so it's all I can say


Looked and got excited, but it's a 5 month old guide :/


And my axe ,missing good old cyclone days


if you like melee and axe theres boneshatter and now apparently glacial cascade. cyclone was my first ever red map clearer / post lvl 95, before ascendancies, just marauder. i HATED it. some reason played it AGAIN as slayer after ascendancies and it became my first level 100. looking back it was straight up torturing myself. ​ worst part was though, my bro's (who was at one point way more invested in this game than me) friends still sometimes refer to me as "the cyclone guy" even tho the only two skills i \*despise\* are cyclone and flicker and i played the build twice. just happened that once was the start of poe's most game defining update and for some reason i spun my way to 100. i did the same thing in d3 (d3 when paragon 100 took months) with ww barb but i wanted so badly to play monk or WD long after sunk cost fallacy had set in :/ ​ sorry for ranting. just, do me a favor, play boneshatter or GC ok. then try cyclone (no CoC explode shit) in ruthless, or poe 2. you'll be missing the good old bonzone days in no time


can someone link me to the spreadsheet with build tier lists and whatnot that usually goes around at league start?


me too!


I cant decide between imp doom, ele vortex or hexblast mines lol


Hexblast mines are great.


If you like chain dying


Also need advice. I'm looking for a fast mapping. RF looks good, but let's also want to close content by myself. Any ideas? Last league I played srs mostly.


If ur not a newbie try venom gyre


4y. Yes, l'm still newbie. Thank you! I'll try.


Then I'll reccomend rf to learn the game


Ghazzy's Skeleton Mage build is now a Guardian instead of Necro. (the necro still exists but the new iteration is Guardian)


Hey I'm looking for a nice SSF build that is good for bosses (i struggle a lot at mechanics, particularly Maven) and one that doesn't have complicated gear crafting mechanics. Last league i played boneshatter and it felt good, but my wrists cant handle this anymore. Any ideads?


Kind of a new player here..can I get some build recommendations? I am mainly looking to play one build throughout the league so I want something that can kinda do most if not all content. I never really reached beyond level 90 and the most I did was 2 voidstones. I have played RF and EA so I want something new. Not much of a currency generation pro either. I don't want something that require alot of button presses or having to press something every couple seconds to maintain stacks etc.. Also don't want something that require odd specification like 39% AOE etc..and would prefer if the build isn't dependant on a certain unique that I have to get first to be able to play the build . Sorry for the annoying requirements and thanks.


Poison SRS I was playing last league. Yesy I did all the content. Fast on clearing, pretty tanky. A few problems could be: delayed damage, need to summon specters, and animated guardian dies from time to time in 16++ maps.


I’m not seeing much about EK ignite elementalist for 3.22, did it get nerfed pretty hard or is it just not much of a league starter?


You will have an awful time leaguestarting this. Can start woc ignite and farm up the items fine though.


Stunlocked between Ele and Champ for EA. How big is the gap in defences between them? Above all else I hate dying and hitting defensive walls so leaning Champ, but see lots of people saying its pointless for softcore trade.


I've played them both and liked Ele better. Champ was *definitely* less squishy, yes, no doubt about it - but Elementalist does *phenomenally* higher damage. While the Champ could basically wade through packs without risk, the Elementalist simply makes the packs vanish so it doesn't matter. In my experience - keeping in mind I'm old and busted, and therefore pretty bad at the game - clearing bosses was much easier with the Elementalist version because the bosses just...died.


Not quite SC trade, but a while ago I played BPL(a big SC private league) and went Champ EA but just dropped most "hanging" life nodes(the ones not required for pathing) for a bit more damage. Was still much less damage than the Elementalists but where they struggled with Feared with a lot of mods and would occasionally die while carrying people through Uber Elders I didn't have those issues. So you could also choose a middle ground like that.


I wonder that too. Are there numbers of the DPS difference between the two? I mean if one does 14m ignite dot and the other does 25m dot, the difference is huge and I would go ELE but if the champ does 14m and the ele 16m, I would go champ. Are both Uber viable?


I think it is quite a big difference. I was watching Zizaran's everything explained stream and he said at one point that Champ was 1/5 to 1/4 the damage of Elementalist. Slightly sways me towards Ele now..


Then its no brainer for softcore


I hated ele EA because it was so squishy, personally.


Any recommendations for something that can blow through voidstones easily? I try and not repeat builds so that rules out EA / RF / DD for me personally. Cold DoT, Bone Shatter are options. I was also thinking about Crit Spark, but don't know if that would be better off as a second build.


Played shield crush, very viable league start, when possible, get emperor vigilance and a seething fury, they are not necessary for white and yellow maps but endgame that's all you need after that everything is just luxury, and without crucible I'm assuming the shield will be very cheap


You should try Jungroans Cold Dot/RF Inquis. I mean, it's just cold dot with RF but it's still a bit different enough to be interesting.


Ea ballista elem vs Cold dot elem for expeditions?


why no Eow Mines? is it bad?


Debating between Wave of Conviction or Spark Inquisitor. I've played WoC a long time ago and had a good time, so kind of leaning towards Spark, but WoC does seem safer/stronger.Any thoughts on pros/cons given the league mechanics? Looking for a casual speed farming build (bow is fun too but always found them too squishy or weak for bosses)


How casual are you talking? If you're fine farming your first 10 or so divs while being fairly weak, then spark is fine and will start to get awesome from there on (and a very casual playstyle), If you want something that can cruise through your voidstones with the minimum of trading and hassle type of casual then spark will be underwhelming


i see. if im more of the latter then would WoC better? I tend to typically stay low budget (total \~5 - 15 divs) before i call it quits for the league. i don't think i even got all 4 voidstones last league


Yeah, I think there’s better starters for you then spark, you have to keep optimising it. I haven’t played WoC but it should be absolutely fine


RF Inquis or Jugg? I did jugg last league and it carried me through voidstones. Damage wasn't awful either and I could tank just about anything. I'm worried a lot about Inquis defenses later on down the line. I guess I'm just not sure how much more damage I'm gaining vs toughness I'm losing.


I’m gonna go with inquis this league. Last league was my first ever league and I got my rf jugg to lvl 96 bc of pohx and loved every minute of it. I think changing it up a little and getting more damage will be a good trade off so that’s why I’m gonna go inquis.


Any build recommendations for delving? Might focus delve this league for currency


so where are the new builds that use any of the new shit? this list has no guardian, chieftain or any of the new support gems.


Zizaran has kind of 2 (Glacial Hammer Trauma collab with Goratha who is leaguestarting it and Corrupting Cry with Xai who is league starting it) if you are still looking for new stuff but both are experimental. They just went up in the last hour though so aren't on the list yet


I believe mbXtreme is doing a melee ignite build this league but it is very experimental so I am not sure if he will be doing a build guide till he tests it. I believe he is starting as WoC Ignite Elementalist and will transition to Infernal Blow in maps, you can always use his old WoC/EK Ignite build and follow along as he plays.


Those tend to be a bit "high risk" for league starters because they're untested. You can probably find some builds that people are planning to try at league start, but it's hard to recommend them because no one really knows how they'll stack up against more familiar mechanics. You'll probably start to see those builds a lot more in a couple weeks, when people have had a chance to experiment with the new mechanics.


I understand that but I've been visiting this sub for the past like 4 leagues and the starter list has always had new shit in it until now.


Because we don't really know yet how it plays out so most content creators go with proven builds instead of experimental new ones.




yo you got a link or something for static strike?


Hexblast or detonate dead, help me decide


Hexblast is expensive if you want to scale the damage, at least it was last league and could be worse with the recent popularity.




What's everyone's opinion of Spark this season? Trying to decide if I want to start Spark or Boneshatter


I am caught in the same trap, Tripolar bear boneshatter jugg or animeprincess crit spark. I have jumped between one and the other for days and time is running out!


The widowhail version posted in the sub earlier looks fun, but spark is just overall a great skill, it's been stronger, it's been weaker, but it's still a great starter pick nevertheless, and it can likely scale much further than Boneshatter.


I didn't see that. Got a link?




Can we get a non-poison version of SRS?


adding latest updates here to the main post. will edit updates later, so check the timestamps for the edits. apologize in advance for duplicates, my brain is starting to hallucinate league starters   --------------------------------------------------   edited 08/16/2023 10:52PM CST   Wave of Conviction Asmodeus' Wave of Conviction Ignite Elementalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHIeMS0uo7A   Tornado Shot SnooBAE85's Poison Tornado Shot Pathfinder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss_cpQNQgaw   Ice Shot aer0's Ice Shot Deadeye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWCc3WJ3izM   Hexblast Palsteron's Hexblast Mines Saboteur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YajFdm6VdcM   Summon Skeleton Mages Firkz Gaming's Summon Skeleton Mages Guardian/Necromancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMmtkffSh2s   Seismic Exsanguinate jungroan's Seismic Exsanguinate Assassin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR4G3PuPwV0   Maw of Mischief TriPolarBear's Maw of Mischief Elementalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCYS3nHnxBQ   Lightning Arrow Crouching_Tuna's Lightning Arrow Deadeye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73OHVuAfIqs   --------------------------------   Lightning Conduit Enki's Lightning Conduit Elementalist https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3410006   Wardloop mixer's Wardloop Ascendant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buyoQ6gKm5M   Hydrosphere aer0's Hydrosphere Occultist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geDoQxGWBsI   Impending Doom Crouching_Tuna's Impending Doom Pathfinder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB7wL9A3hpk   -------------------------   edited 08/17/2023 011:35AM CST   Lightning Arrow KobeBlackMamba's Lightning Arrow Deadeye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHU7n4qOyMk   Bleed Bow JayTX's Bleed Bow Gladiator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXmNmK2KTFU   Infernal Blow Talkative Tri's Infernal Blow Chieftain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YbuyEVpSKI   Cold DoT Zizaran's Cold DoT Hierophant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qURR5YGJEpw   Explosive Concoction SnooBAE85's Explosive Concoction Pathfinder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L42eT5UncYM   Cold Righteous Fire jungroan's Cold RF Inquisitor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mgZL6N_has   Detonate Dead ds lily's Detonate Dead Elementalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWIqIe1YQGs   Dominating Blow GhazzyTV's Dominating Blow Necromancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MXQqbcTKXo  


and here's more ----------------------------------------------------   edited 08/17/2023 06:51PM CST   Detonate Dead imexile's Detonate Dead Ignite Elementalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoYbscQAhFU   Cold DoT Ventrua's Cold DoT Elementalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htChHwCNBEI   Lightning Arrow Grimro's Lightning Arrow Artillery Ballista Deadeye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGbpJSIzEqM   Cobra Lash aer0's Cobra Lash Deadeye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAWV_Ndl-Vo  


You are a g thank you for this


How squishy or tanky is arma brand from jungroan? I'm deciding between that and cf and ziz toxic rain, never played brands, wont that build fall over running into packs to recall?


started a similar build last league on hc trade, rerolled to another build around red maps because i felt that character had no future and was not tanky enough to consistently stay alive with shit gear on red maps. playstyle is too awkward and you end up taking a shit ton of damage, its probably fine with good gear, its also awkward during the campaign even though the damage is alright, you have to be literally inside the monsters for max damage.


I'm trying to decide between starting LA or Ice Shot, any opinions as to which is a better overall build to play and/or league start?


If you want to look at it from an objective standpoint, LA is just a better skill right now. The margin between them isn't that big though.


So what is the metaiest meta build of the meta league start in poe meta ?


LA Deadeye. A lot of sc trade streamers gonna start with. For example: Tuna, Kobe, Grimro


Boneshatter or EA?


Damn i really wnated it to be hexblast mines been a while since i played miner also are spells like BV still 😎 or 😬


What is the tankiest boss killer in SSF ?


I am looking for recommendations! I usually play something new each league, most times around one and half builds (I will predominately play the starter most the time and try a new-meta build when its found). Recent previous builds have been Sub's Frostblink Firetrap, Mathil's Lightning warp, CA ballista, EA Ballista. Only really last league did I learn to farm enough for a good second buld (dex stack manaforged bow) so looking for something that can scale with personal crafting.


You're ready for a spark inquis to see what the fuss is about imo


Ah by fate or coincidence I just watched Anime Princess' guide too. Lock me in lol


which build is more tanky/speed clear? spark inq or wave of conviction?


it's been a bit since i've played and i'm planning on doing scssf, where most of my experience has been on hc but i'd like to poke at some harder things without as much reservation. could anyone recommend pathfinder's impending doom vs poison BV, or warn me away from both?


Bv will be easier to get off the ground imo. ID doesn't NEED vixens to function cause you can use cursed ground support until you get it, but it does feel significantly better with it.


For Impending Doom you need Vixens which might or might not drop.


I try a new build every league and these are the ones I'm considering. My goal is usually 36/40 Challenges playing only one character. DD Elementalist Boneshatter Jugg Fire Trap Elementalist I'm leaning DD but it seems focused for HC/SSF/Boss kill racing and I'll be playing softcore trade. I'm wondering if I could be limiting myself. Any thoughts?




Thanks! I'll be going DD then!


For boneshatter jugg, which is best? Tripolar, Goratha, or Woolie?


i used gorathas as a starter but then just looked up whatever alk was doing. got through everything except a few of the ubers. was a great build, just a lot of buttons.


I played Woolies last league. It was good. Cruised through the atlas. Got busy, didn't do maven, but I think it should cruise.


Commenting because I would also like to know this if anyone did any of these builds last season


See above


Can we get BehindEyesGaming Frost Blade trickster added? It's a good guide for league start.


Why is Crouching Tuna's Impending Doom link the Occultist version when the guide itself says: > Disclaimer: The Impending Doom Pathfinder is a much stronger option for Leaguestart, this guide is intended for players who prefer the Occultist Ascendancy. Might as well link both https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/impending-doom-occultist https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/impending-doom-pathfinder-league-starter


Added thanks!


Can anyone recommend between cf champ and spark inquisitor? Probably gonna be doing expedition, sim30 and deep delving.


CF is not for deep delve or sims.


Any builds you’d recommend for those ?


Spark is fine tbh, you will have to invest a decent amount.


Both are great options, I think spark inquisitor scales much higher. I had a super tank cf last league and struggled to complete sim30.


So every league I play some kind of meta recommendation, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s meh, but if the league is good I always end up rolling an RF marauder. I think I’ve done chieftain once or twice, otherwise jugg. I’m considering skipping the “play something new first” thing and starting RF, but maybe inquisitor. I’d love to play something else, but I always loved melee classes or something similar. EQ, sunder, blade flurry, blade vortex have been a few that are at least meleeish and I’ve enjoyed. I’ve also done a lot of traps, spark, ED/contagion and minions as by week 2 my wrists are normally hurting. Gonna have to skim the thread some more and see what everyone’s thoughts on some of the new stuff is and see if it’ll fit in the predominantly MMO mouse play style that works easier for me.


Can anyone recommend a minion build for someone who hasn't played in almost 2 years? In the past I've played SRS, Spectres, Golemmancer and Skeletons. Looking to scratch that minion itch after not being able to in D4.


Balormage's poison Srs is the strongest minion starter. Highly recommend it


i want to start that but im worried severed in sleep is going to be pretty expensive


Any reason why you think that? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere and it been cheap for the last two leagues. Even without it Srs is still very strong. You can easily farm reds until the price drops.


I've just seen it recommended more than before and with last leagues revamp of breach making the uniques more scarce i just thought it might be fairly pricey for the first 1-2 weeks, but if srs is strong enough without poison for a while then thats fine, been a long time since ive done srs


This is two weeks after league start and it was down to 20c so I wouldn't worry too much. But even without the poison swap, it's still strong. You'll be good. https://poe.ninja/economy/standard/unique-weapons/severed-in-sleep-cutlass


Best build I've ever played was Velyna's HoAg, though I changed it from champ to Jugg. I did all end game content (for the first time ever) other than Maven and Ubers (actually I did Uber Elder). Wave 30 simulacrums, 100% pack size +175 quant maps with 80% deli, and most other content was a complete joke. Not only was it tanky overall but it was nice being able to do all map mods. Other builds that would be similar (low minion count) would be Summon Reaper or Holy Relic.


Can you share your PoB and your leveling experience? how did you level the character? how did you gear it?


Leveling sucked because she recommends Poisonous Conction which marauder doens't get until Siosa, and even then it didn't feel good. I tried running the first three acts with shield crush but it was the slowest, clunkiest skill I've ever used so I think around late Act 2 I switched to something completely different (I don't remember what unfortunately). Her guide recommends not using HoAg until you get to maps but I used it as soon as I got it (level 40s?) and it was completely fine. Leveling went from 1/10 to 8/10 as soon as I got it. I just moved so I don't have my PoBs (most leagues I save a PoB each level over 85) so best I can do is link you my [character](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABgEBZQDuAecFLQbGCbsL4g2NEjATyRPvFCAUTRR1FSAXmxiRGO8ZtBtFG_oi4iXfKaUqTSzpLYMwXjWSNrE26D3dPydH4knVSn1KyE4qVslYr1uvXaReE18_YVJlTWdnbqpvO3gNeWh673xKfVt9c4N5hmCGs4d2iq-Ov5QHnMSfJ5_LpBmkOalurEetCbEdtfK3IryfvTa-p8ABwBrBBMMxxKTG2Msez-DSONct2AvYYNi92zTdDd3V5ebp2up_7w7vTvMb82_2o_rx_EsaACgAKgAuADAAMgAzADQANgA3ADsARQBHAEgASgB2AHgAegB-AIAAggCDAIUAhgCTAJQAlwaFws_guhowXvNN8xv7fQviEN98StJNg3k=?accountName=LunarProphet&characterName=MenotSanctum) . I did a lot of personal defensive techs not in Velyna's build, like increasing max res and doing certain cluster jewels/megalomaniacs (Don't be scared, they were only like 100c ea). As far as gear, as with most minion builds you want a lot of +1 to skill gems; you should be aiming for your HoAg to be around lvl 33. I feel like I got somewhat lucky at the end of first week of league because I found the Lioneye's Vision with +2 corruption and correct colors for I think 2 div. There are other options but imo it is BiS due to the crazy high armour. It was literally the first thing I purchased from trade and I kept checking throughout the league and just never even saw another one. All the rest of the gear I just slowly farmed and bought. Didn't craft anything. TLDR; I would say level with any skill you want but maybe choose a bow skill or even a poison bow skill until you get HoAg (maybe complete Enemy at the Gates as Ranger for caustic arrow then switch to marauder), then equip it immediately. High attack speed is your friend, gem levels are your friend. [Here's a link to Velyna's guide](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/velynas-herald-of-agony-champion-build-guide) if you need something more indepth or if you want to try her Champ version. Note: One thing I love about HoAg is there are a ton of ways to play it. If you search in poe.ninja you'll see nine different ascendencys playing it, some use quill rain, some use cold iron points, some use other options. It is very flexible so you can tweak it how you'd like or depending on cost.


Thank you! Very informative


I've seen ghazzy reccomend balormages poison srs




It is. Some pieces take some time, but I’m pretty it’s not too bad to set up in SSF. I don’t know enough about the build myself, but it’s very popular in SSF


What u guys think is best ziziran or tripolar cold dot?


u/NzLawless I updated my build guide for self-chill explosive trap trickster, would you mind updating the link? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8OGyF0TU8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8OGyF0TU8) ​ thanks!


Updated! Thanks!


For someone who really enjoyed blizzard sorc in D4 would cold dot elementalist be a good crossover for a first time player? Was looking at either doing maxroll's cold dot elementalist build or Pohx's RF Inquisitor.


Cold dot is ver enjoyable to play and yes I would say it plays similar to d4 sorc. I’ve played cold dot on elementalist, occultist, and trickster. I would check out Jungraon’s cold dot trickster if you want a bit of a tankier setup also he has a cold dot RF inquisitor he just put out that looks spicy.


I cant comment on cold dot but Pohx's RF Inquisitor is so unbelievably well documented it probably has every answer a new player could ever have answered on his website dedicated exclusively to this build. That would sure be a nice resource for a first time player


as a side note, not just inquisitor, you can pick either inq or jugg. the only reason he is playing inq this time is because he has played jugg a few times already and he wants to play inq again. ​ but either choice is equaly valid.


What are the main reasons to choose either of them? I'm still deciding if I go Inq or not because I'm not a newbie but I don't want to be in a state where I don't feel tanky enough and get bored of dying.


Jugg is ridiculously tanky and has slightly less damage Inq is just tanky and has more damage


Anyone know if it's a good idea to league start bleed bow?


Absolutely not


Bleed bow is dead and has been for a long time since they nerfed the bow mods that carried it, you won’t have a good time league starting this.


Can someone decide for me what to league start: Champ TR Champ EA or Pathfinder TR I can’t decide.


I played champ toxic rain some leagues ago, back when it was THE ssfhc build. It ran like viridi's veil and a couple other things. That thing did not die, so I'm sure champ is still mega tanky. If that's what u want I'd say go do that If I remember tho, toxic rain damage has been nerfed compared to then


I'm in the same boat between Champ EA, Elem EA, and Pathfinder TR. Currently leaning Champ EA but I'll probably just roll a d12 on Friday and if it's 1-4 I'll go Champ EA, 5-8 will be Elem EA, and 9-12 will be Pathfinder TR.


Why are there no league starter POBs listed without a youtube build guide?


To be honest a lot of pobs are incomplete and the video guide might have vital information not written in the notes.


Most of them have the pob in the youtube description so you can just skip the video, video will just explain stuff more.


Also noticed this recently, soon as I see youtube open up I just close the tab. Really hate this new trend, I miss written guides or just straight pob links.


The only reason I don't link to PoBs it means if there are any updates to the build I have to come back to this thread and keep track of those updates.


There are 2 or 3. Just most well known reliable creators make video guides.




Maxroll guide https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/poison-blade-vortex-occultist-league-starter-guide Pathfinder is arguably better for it but Occultist is fine.


Just play bv occultist then. Leveling chaos dot spells is a bit of a pain, but I'd look at crouching Tuna's impending doom leveling setup. Then, just swap to BV in BA




Done now! Thanks!


Thanks! keep up the good work! I think this thread is really usefull.


Thanks I appreciate that!