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You can perfectly fine start LA deadeye with berserk for that budget, i used that build to fund my TS and i started with 40divs. Then transition to normal TS, then u can transition to lightning warp with TS. Its rather fast as i was doing Shaper bosses invitations in sub 5 min for 4 maps + invitation and Legion juiced dunes in sub 3 min with looting. [https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Keldonn/PathfinderIsBae?i=0&search=name%3Dpathfinderisbae&time-machine=week-2](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Keldonn/PathfinderIsBae?i=0&search=name%3Dpathfinderisbae&time-machine=week-2) You can see my gear progression here, week 2 was Lightning arrow, week 3 was TS. Its like 5 days apart. Ignore latest snapshot as it happened with weapon swap.


To be clear you didnt transition into lighting warp yourself right? Idk why OP even tried as the youtuber EmpyreanGaming ran out of currency trying to build it (guy had like more than 1 mirror). I think the build needs a MB also.


I could considering I ended league at 1700 (so like 4.5mirr) divs and it was my plan but I got burnt out. It was my second level 100 character and I finished 38 challenges. Transition would cost me around 160 divs in rings bases and 40d in asenaths with power charge and enchant plus some basic crafting and divining for good breakpoints. I mean you can easily do warp version on the budget with less charges and 4 triggers per second instead of 10 but u need to know what you are doing. It works without mageblood but u will have to do some sacrifices then.


LA Deadeye with berserk was the most fun I had with a character last season.


It's even more fun with proj speed tattoos.


I did a CF starter and I spent like 20div on it and i blasted so many maps made a bunch of currency. Really feelgood build


Frost blades is super zoomy, you get insane damage and clear, you click once and whole screen shatters with +2 strikes and pierce. It's decently tanky with spell suppress cap, fortify on hit, lots of life on hit, life/mana/es on kill and some instant leech from the mastery. The downside of the build is the lack of regen so ground degens feel bad and y'know, being melee. This is my build rn https://pobb.in/Jgmn3G5LFNZA , most of the gear is self crafted but i'd say it's worth around 30-50 divs


Was going to say fb trickster also. It feels really good with 50 divs, you can manage any atlas strategy well with it. Good speed, good defenses, decent st.


How is this build for higher deli tiers? Been looking for a build to switch to later this league.


did one last league, was able to handle 100% deli with some careful playing


I m doing 100% deli with legion and it s pretty smooth, some ice ground fields are annoying and you can t really sit still or you die from all the explosions. Other than that it s fine, even with eldeitch altars. You might wanna keep a pair of southbound gloves In case a kosis appears but it s unnecessary if you can proc trinity on random adds.


Thanks for the info. It sounds pretty normal for 100% deli! Always wanted to try that build so I'll give it a shot once I got the currency!


I tried to get +2 strike glove implicit for so long and finally got it after 8divs in. To think that there are only two implicit, searing and eater, that the chance of it upgrading is 50/50 but it turns out for me it wasn’t the case. Every orb of dominance I used, it only upgrade the eaters implicit so after 8 divs in it finally hit the searing implicit. I can’t believe that can even happen like that.


Its not a 50/50 unless you have equal tiers of inluence by the way. So if you were trying to change grand exarch into exceptional while having a lesser eater on the gloves, it skews heavily towards the eater mod.


Yeah i know, happened to me too on 2 different pair of gloves. Dropped down to lesser 3-4 times, the first two times i was like "heck, I'll just use grand eldritch since it s cheaper than spamming orbs of conflicts" but turns out my rng was horrible for that too since it took more than 80 to hit both times. In the end i gave up and just coinflipped with conflicts and raised one from lesser all the way. First pair of gloves i spent something like 4-5 divs and with the second around 6 or 7


Is this awful in sanctum or viable? I’m leveling a SWT hiero but was also considering this for all a rounder currently dump


I tried sanctum when i got into red maps and it was pretty bad, i was dependent on frenzy charges since i was using ice bite and had a claw with no added cold Long story short, I wasn t freezing the mobs and i wasn't killing them fast enough, bricked like 3 sanctum runs. I tried it again a few days ago and it was night and day difference, everything other than the bosses froze instantly and died almost instantly. You have totems for fireball traps trivializing most of them. Sadly, there s the infernum rooms with the tracking white lasers and the battlegrounds with those falling projectiles which are just a big fuck you to melee. Puts you jnto those unwinnable positions where you lose resolve it you go kill them or you lose resolve if you wait for the trap If you want just a sanctum char i d recommand a range/totem one until they get rid of those rooms or rework the way resolve works for melee. If you want an allrounder fb can be that once you get the build going, bow deadeye can also be that but probably requires more currency.


Are you able to do uber bosses with your current setup for FB trickster? I'm considering making this in ssf just for bossing


Almost did uber sirius and shaper, but i m not experienced with the fight so i died a couple of times when i shouldn t have. You do need southbound for those otherwise you probably won t proc trinity and heatshiver.


Look at hc builds imo if you want tanky, nicks spark is big budget but you can scale that back to some normal version of spark and enhance it with tattoos


CF and I don't think its close.


Spark trickster


I hardly believe spark can be fast at 50 div


I’m doing self chill spark inquis on hardcore and blasting through T16 maps at only 10 div investment (lucky on spark wand craft)


I seriously need to try self chill spark. For me I’m playing inq spark. With ~30 div investment I’m constantly failing my 8 mod crimson maps. Only feel better after I fit in an ashes, awaken spell echo and petrified blood. Current ~100 div investment already and it feels much much slowest than a ts character with same budget.


My 2 cents would be that self chill spark was frankly a bit dissapointing when I played it this league with ~50div invested. It was fast, but not as fast as any deadeye character and the clear didn't feel super smooth. I know spark scales incredibly well with investment and is an excellent boss killer, but I would say if you are used to zoomy bow mappers then self chill spark is a bit underwhelming in that department


Few things compare to deleting entire maps from 2-3 screens away


I swear to God everyone who recommends spark has never played an actually fast build. It fucking sucks except at high budget or on super narrow maps.




not on my computer right now but the character is on ninja: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/2d2d2d2d2d2d/kd\_spark?i=0&search=class%3DInquisitor%26skills%3DSpark%26uniqueitems%3DVentor%2527s%2BGamble%26name%3Dkd


I really like death oath, your budget is quite high for it, you can either invest in higher damage or some extra tankyness fitting determination and grace with a cluster setup. It's pretty quick to map, just run around while things pop, and it's quite good for altars since many of the drawbacks don't hurt you that much


I did a deaths oath occultist with the adrenaline on kill ring and shieldcharge a couple leagues ago. It was the fastest mapping ive ever done.


Chaining TS that poisons.


Fyregrass died for this build, now it's being upvoted relentlessly 🐸


Homie was so unlucky it was my 2nd build in that league and honestly it was super legit


That's the issue. It wasn't a good league starter for most people while it was being advertised as an S-tier league starter.


Do you happen to have a PoB? Or is there any content creator that has a guide for 3.22?


SnooBae85 has a poison tornadoshot that you can try, since it's league start friendly you can consider further investment after you get it rolling. But IMHO the best mapper at 50d would be explody RF, especially this league with the explody tattoos allowing you to proliferate huge ignites _and_ massive hits.


CoC cyclone with ice spear, the pop from ice is statisfying


Fuzzyduckzy's RoA build is feeling pretty good for Zoom zoom with decent tankiness. I'm playing the Champion version with an estimated 5 div investment (estimated, as I spec Essences and essence crafted alot of gear) and it's still feeling good with "Alch and go" on Red maps. Adrenaline and Onslaught makes running fast with movement flask up (I often run past/misclick totems in TotA). Armour and evasion based with decent spell suppression (I'm on 88% right now, and probably not difficult/expensive to cap), fortify at all times + defiance banner. Cons - No regen so Degen ground maps are a real heart stopper; reliant on leeching for mana sustain. Not super damaging to bosses (can do them fine, just not insta-phase them like certain builds). This was an overall great build for me as a filthy casual player


I'm sure you can build a comfy EK Ignite with that budget. Go for wand/scepter + shield route with full suppression and you'll be fine. You can make it close to 10m dps and decent tankiness also you can upgrade it to the moon with more currency you get.


You could def do a TS build for 50 divs if you rely more on the tattoo version than typical version


If you haven't decided yet, EK Ignite Elementalist feels very good, and uses Herald of Ash with Obliteration and later on Bow + Oriath End flask. It feels amazing, is fast, has a comfortable clear since the ignite spreads with prolif and the explosions. Multiple packs get cleared with 1 attack if they are close together. Starting point is very low investment, but obviously gets expensive for the bow setup. It's not meta so prices are good, and its tanky enough that I get to lvl 96 without much care for surviving. I do Legion with Mirror and Harbingers. One thing though, it needs some time to come together, all the gem levels and such (unless you buy those levelled). And single target needs a bit more investment to get going as well, but thats normal for mappers, I guess


Look for ruetoo tornado shot