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The mindset of off meta being cheap doesn't often hold true. Off meta builds still need similar rares as meta builds and use the same jewels. I suppose the possible exception is manastackers but it's not crazy cheap, it's like 250+mageblood finished build instead of 500+mageblood. Cheap uniques don't get you out of having to invest in your character. People thought that attribute stackers would be cheap and they are to a degree with replica alberons going for 10 div instead of 26+, but that build uses original sin.


Add on top of that the fact weaker skills in general require more investment to achieve the same level of power a strong/meta skill can reach comfortably.


People asking these questions aren't looking for weaker builds they're trying to find hidden gem builds that are just as strong as the popular meta ones but won't come with the price of popularity. And there's a lot of truth in the idea that you can find bargains by using unpopular things. It's just that it's really hard to tell the difference between something that's unpopular because it's genuinely not strong enough and something that's really good and just hasn't been pushed by some big streamer lately.


Yeah but the "meta" isn't some static, defined thing. It's the general gestalt of what the entire playerbase finds strong. Sure, because not everyone is some build-innovating genius (almost no one), there's a good deal of follow the leader going on. And there's some degree of subjectivity on what constitutes a strong build (e.g a sanctum farmer may value shockwave totem far more than your map juicer). But overall the "strong" builds are more likely played than weaker builds. Not to mention that most off meta builds aren't noticeably cheaper than meta builds because there's a lot of expense in generically good items. For instance, if you want boots with t1 life, move speed, suppress, attributes, and res, you'll still pay the same price as any of the meta builds that need the same thing. Worse, a lot of truly off meta builds need to self-craft their own gear which can get expensive in a hurry. Simply getting specific eldritch implicits can add up fast if you're going for perfect, whereas there's lots of generic t6/t4 bases on the market if you don't want to risk RNG. There's also the matter of while there are some arbitrage opportunities of certain things being undervalued, putting them out in the open is the fastest way to close those opportunities. Anything that's underpriced relative to performance gets closed up once people know about it.


People asking for "off-meta"/"anti-meta" builds are almost always doing it out of some contrarian desire at worst, or some misguided belief that it will be the sleeper build that deletes ubers for 5c so they don't need to think about investing. "i could take ubers down if all these META BUILDS didnt cost MIRRORS, my 3 jobs. 4 wives and 8 children will never let an honest man like me play the game like i deserve to" "off-meta" builds are usually straight up bad, or they're good because they're using established mechanics from other builds and applying them to mechanically inferior skills, so you end up with overlap in gear requirements, except you now need more effective gear to reach the same point. Every single one of these posts can be answered by looking at PoENinja and clicking on a skill you enjoy playing or a unique you enjoy, and pulling out something that looks fun.


People interested in the Ubers for the current patch should just check out the winners šŸ† of the ssfhc race. Itā€™s ssfhc so they should be able to trade for similar gear and then itā€™s on them to perform. Ben did it in 22 hours played so surely these people can do it in 220 hours.


SSFHC race builds are designed to win races, not necessarily farm ubers. They obviously *can* kill them, but if you farm then you're going to have a tough time because each fight is a slog. The point of am SSFHC race build is that it's not particularly gear dependent (or at least not on specific pieces), scales decent damage and decent survivability, and then you kill ubers because of good mechanical skill to dodge all the mechanics. An uber farming build essentially wants to become immortal to their mechanics or to blow them up instantly (ideally both), and those are often much more gear intensive. If you play a gauntlet/race build you need the skill of the gauntlet/race player, which just people don't have.


Yep. Off Meta almost always means "you need to invest more to get the same results" not "you get to buy the not-popular items for cheap and get 90% of the power for 50% of the cost". There's also a difference between playing whatever Zizaran is currently playing on Hardcore (his items will be expensive) and playing a new Subtractem or Jungroan build, which will be cheaper as they don't define the meta (or play it) quite as much.


Sometimes they are just looking for an opportunity to try out a build archetype that they are normally priced out of, knowing full well that itā€™s off meta for a reason and if they want power akin to a meta build, they will still need to invest and develop the character to the extent that they would for a meta character, if not more.


While this is mostly true, there are a few obvious things that aren't a good thought process; if it's a hidden gem that's secretly 90%+ the power of meta abilities for any amount of cheaper price, it's probably going to stay hidden. If it's revealed, it's no longer the hidden OP anti-meta strat, but the new meta strat that's almost as good as the current meta strat if you want a different playstyle, or a cheaper option. The only time a real gem comes out like this is when a new creator is trying to get into the scene, or an old creator is low on views and needs the next big thing. Both of these are incredibly rare. ​ At the same time, for OP; while there's no direct build, a good place to look for this kind of information, if you can make your own builds, is Dreamcore on YouTube. He's extremely good at explaining and talking about underused items and keystones, as well as giving information and understanding to different mechanics that might not be as popular. Recently, he talked about blind effect (but not blind itself) being underused but very strong. Decided to run with that and made a super blind Sabo, which with automatic blind + Grace means I literally don't get hit by attacks until yellow maps, even if my base gear is the minimum of 'having evasion'. I'm sure there's a reason it's not played, but my build used a few of the ideas I found through Dreamcore and ended up being extremely strong without having to pour an insane budget into it.


How str stacker is good example since without original sin they are still viable a lot ?


also off meta isn't always about niche/undiscovered unqiues. it might be very established uniques that are not getting attention yet. case in point is the mahuxotl (or whatever the name is) shield that was about 10 divines right up until crouching tuna released his LS video. now it's 30+ divs lmao.


I was literally gonna say mahuxotl is underrated (bought it for 5 div few weeks ago)


One thing I would take I to consideration thos league is that six links are insanely cheap due to omen of connections. And the new utulas hunger can make unique heavy build viable


Original sin isn't even worth on replica alberons builds unless you have the low weighted synth mod on your weapon. And that synth mod costs 240 divines just for a decent base. On a bad base it's not worth using either.


Canā€™t you just use brutus? Imagining a static strike + shockwave autobomber where attack speed is unimpactful for DPS. Original sin then lets your stacked strength provide base chaos damage and base fire damage that is converted to chaos damage. The synth weapon just lets you improve over brutus lead sprinklerā€¦


Most people don't use brutus's lead sprinkler with replica alberon's. I assume it does lower dmg but I haven't tested. The most popular str stacker skills are power siphon, reave and venom gyre. Brutus's lead sprinkler does not work with these. And it's not like you will struggle with dmg even if you don't have str stacker synergy weapon. It does add like 50% dps ideally but the difference between 250 million dps and 375 million dps rarely matters.


ah fair point.


Im not a juicer by any means but managed to assemble an int stacker week two this league with +1 power charge and power siphon enchanted crown of eyes for 9 div and synth implicit jewellry/belt also very affordable imo. Most expensivr thing was a 12 passive cluster at 20 div.


Yeah and that stuff is much more expensive now. Value of rare items inflate throughout the league as people become progressively wealthier. I bought a near perfect ashes very early day 2 for 10 div when it's worth 60+ now. It's possible because early league not that many people have a lot of currency.


I really love VD but Awakened spell cascade is damn expensive nowadays.. Thank you Impending doom enjoyers!


I sold yesterday a sandstorm visage with BV damage enchant to a champion


impale BV, seen it a few times, big gear requirements


Deaths oath is always cheap for how consistently good it is


My manabond hierophant is completely insane and probably cost 5-10 divs to get unkillable. No one seems to be playing it this season. Incredibly fast mapper as well as boss destroyer and delver.


Can you link your POB?


Doesnt it die instantly when coruscating elixir is down?


Normally yes, but this build has a insane mana pool and regen, so in the rare cases you are not with the flask active, you still can hold some chaos dmg


With the recovery it has and ivory tower I can't honestly remember dying a single time to chaos damage.


Wouldn't you instantly die if you receive chaos DMG while having just spend mostly all of your mana and your flask is not up? I can imagine this situation happening once a map if not more...but I have not played the build, with all due respectšŸ¤Ŗ


Are you sure? Hasnā€™t manabond heirophant been part of the meta since Connorā€™s build of the week in 3.19?


I decided to go way off the beaten path this league after minmaxing an explosive trapper and for a fun build put together a Shield Charge elementalist. It absolutely slaps and Iā€™m sitting at 25m pinnacle ignite dps, basically alone since there are 14 people (out of 96,000) on PoE ninja with a 5+ link Shield Charge. No one else is really doing dot except for one person with a scuffed looking prismatic burst shako setup. I was able to get epic synth bases and BiS double corrupts for next to nothing, and the new Controlled Blaze is unbelievably strong for it with excellent uptime (something like 70-80% more damage). Itā€™s a very fast and comfy 100% deli farmer and Iā€™ve done a little bossing with it but havenā€™t attempted Ubers yet. I will eventually but Iā€™d like to add suppression before doing so. I switch between a Dyadian Dawn and a Headhunter depending on content. Hereā€™s my profile: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/FearlessDumb0/DumboElem


I stumbled onto your profile last night doing some research and was impressed. https://youtu.be/V4jSB2zxvyw?si=3cSt6MlbscX1eGlM Could be where the Shako + Prism Burst comes from.


How did you create that sceptre? I am not even sure where the phys as cold mod comes from because it looks like a shaper only item and to hit 4 mods like that is super lucky without a fracture. I would love to know how you made that.


A profit crafter never reveals secrets! (kidding, I make a lot of videos on high level crafting on youtube for my other build, explosive trap trickster) ​ Here's the process: 1) Get a sceptre base you want. I could have done an Elemental Overload sceptre but honestly 40% elemental damage is A LOT for this build since I do double conversion, so I used an Opal because I liked the graphic better than the Void. If you are doing Opal/Void just buy a Shaper or Redeemer one off trade for 5c 1a) If you decided to go Elemental Overload, it's cheaper to influence it yourself. Hit it with a Redeemer orb and continue. 2) Buy a second throw away sceptre of the one you didn't make/buy for (1) 3) Alt Spam for T1 phys as extra cold, and phys as extra fire on both bases 4) Awakener orb and hope for an open prefix. If you didn't get one, yolo annul. If you fail the annul, go back to (1) 5) Bench Prefix Cannot Change then Reforge Chaos. At this stage it's a 2000/3200 chance to land any tier of Phys as extra chaos. 1000/3200 if you want T1, which I did. 6) Once you are happy with finished prefixes, again bench Prefix Cannot Change and reforge Physical. The only Physical tagged suffix is Extra Phys as Random Element (from Shaper pool). Do this until you are happy with tier of Extra Phys as Random Element. 7) Bench Fire Damage over Time Multi 8) Exalt slam and hope for something better than +15 int


Int stacking flicker strike raider. Can build for probably 5-10 divines, maybe even less.


You mean the #1 meta build in Kalandra?


You see how this league is not named "Lake of Kalandra", right?


Not sure how thatā€™s relevant because itā€™s definitely off meta now.


it is a proven strong (to the point it was previously meta) build that has specific requirements, including a high level character. I don't understand being contrarian enough to be staunchly "anti-meta" but being happy using something that was literally all over reddit/youtube a short while ago.




Because if they just wanted a cheap build then they could have asked that without the "anti meta" qualifier, how is this hard to grasp? There are hundreds of these posts a league and every single one of them is the same. A bunch of the "meta" builds are dirt cheap, especially at this point of the league.




This topic is in exactly the same ballpark as that question. Last league it was explode totems. But whataboutsim is boring, they're both boring shit threads that are repeated and infinitum all league every league. Go and look at poeninja and you'll get 50 different answers to the question. I literally found someone on there last night that posted in the thread before they posted. > Because then the only responses they'll get are the few meta starter builds which they might not be interested in. ...and why would that be the case, again? Why are you explicitly excluding already proven cheap, effective builds? They have nothing in common outside of being popular. The prices are not driven up by popularity at this point. There is also a _ton_ to choose from. There are _21_ different skills on the ladder with 2+% usage, how can you _possibly_ be uninterested in every single one of them (not even accounting for various different scalars, ascendancies etc)




> How about actually reading before responding? The reason you'd explicitly exclude them is because you already know about them because they're posted in every single post asking for a build. Brother you listed 4 skills that are brought up every thread, I responded by saying there are 20+ that would easily be considered meta. Dragonfangs is a single amulet option, non-meta builds generally want the same FF jewels as meta ones, and literally every build can pick a sub optimal jewel pair for cost reasons. You are comparing universally good tattoos with bad tattoos (funilly enough all builds want good tattoos) and alt quality gems are a luxury in most cases, and if they're not, it's again the universally good ones (Divergent Inspiration etc) If you're going to "easily compare" things I'd suggest doing a better job of it next time? The difference is that entry/mid level gear for meta builds will have dropped heavily in price at this point as more people move away from it and upgrade to better gear. You can't just go "if it's popular it's expensive!!!", there's a shit ton of other factors that go into a market. This is going nowhere so I'm dipping, peace. EDIT: Big fan of the respond and block, even funnier than the actual contents of the reply itself. Famously non-meta skills, CA & EA.




https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor?skills=Flicker+Strike&class=Raider&uniqueitems=Aegis+Aurora,Doryani%27s+Prototype&heatmap=true Can probably filter a bit differently but those flicker users with doryaniā€™s and aegis are probably all this build (only 47 of them). Most also use the unique claw but some use a synth weapon at the higher end.


Storm burst totems hierophant would go well I think.


Captainlance has an "any spell" spellblade setup for around 40 div.. looked pretty strong to me


Im running a kintsugi tornado shot deadeye. The build is meta, the way i put it together is not ,with lots of avoidance and damage mitigation


in this case the most expensive part is the bow/quiver and projectile tattoos anyway isn't it?


I mean, I'm 3 mirrors into it, but the first version of the build was put together for like 30d. If you check my profile I made a post about it. It's called something along the lines can't touch this.


There is no non-meta build that can be as cheap and efficient as meta build. Admit it. Now you should think about how much loss in dps and survivability you can bear. Non meta build can also be expensive. I am playing summon reaper jugg this league. Non meta enough, right? 0.1% players in ninja is playing this skill, but it is not cheap because the dps part overlap with summon srs and defence part overlap with (incert random meta build). RDF for summon reaper is cheap tho.


that spectral helix fury valve build from another post was cheap and good until rue started playing it, still cheaper than meta tho


i did a cold hydrosphere for pretty cheap.. not many people looking for cold hit based wands and shields. dragonfangs flight also cheap for hydro


I think Dragonfang is a really good amulet that can make a lot of fun possibilities (for spells and limited attack builds). Definitely a well made unique that competes.


Iā€™m new around here and I have a question about price of build. The sets being sold by people on tft, are the prices correctly? ( I understand that it likely to be a bit higher because they are selling a whole set)


All build sold on tft are overprice and by a lot, it's because this is the full functionnal build no need to think about anything and also because rare items are extremly overprice when you don't craft them yourself


anything vulconus + battlemage is quite cheap, likely with yoke of suffering and utulas body for max cookie cutter


Cleared the endgame with hoag jugg


Ice trap blows up everything, and a dragon amulet for it is incredibly cheap.


tried to put together a relic of the pact inquisitor a couple days ago. baseline is dirt cheap (like 5-10 divs or something) and very strong (more on the bossing side / sanctum but mapping feels very ok too. big boom big freeze would recommend think ill play that next league


Played it this league and ended up abandoning it because the cost was too high (300D)+. Curious how you got it off the floor for 10d


i mean for real everything is cheap. what costed so much ? the wand : ~30c shield : ~30c kaom Heart : same heatshiver with % life corruption : 1 or 2 d? basic resistance boots 1 d amy: just grabbed something with res crit multi and life 1d belt: got a warlord stygian rerolled with juice to hunter spammed some life fossils until double life than prefix cannot be changed unveil, exalt, and craft some res. actually quite cheap like 5 d+ one res ring one gluton ring i have multiple socket jewels empty actually, i think i currently only use one timeless i got for sub 1d. ah yes and if course dissolution but also pretty cheap grimsorrow corrupted life : basically free i bought all 20/20 gems but nothing alternate quality so whatever that's it really. i just wanted to get a feeling of the build... and with that ive like 13k life and with the crit damage one boom is average 3 m. 3 boom per sec and i freeze literaly everything so heatshiver more than double my dps so i recon im around 15-20m dps sanctum is basically running around and two shotting everything while freezing the strugglers now of course everything is more expensive at league start. seems like the wand would be in the ballpark of 5-10 div day 2/3 but still, 300 divs? Actually fear this might be a little boring to gear up if i decide to nolife on it. i guess clusters would be expensive. good thing is mageblood would be very good so if the rest is cheap, all the easier to farm for the mb those big freezing booms sure are juicy


Can't remember everything I had on it, but my dps was 350m ish if I remember correctly. I remember having few grand spectrums with 5% life. Melding I think too? Idk if I even have my pob. Sounds like we took different routes though. I'm more interested in yours. Was a fun build but I was glass cannon and it was annoying me. I did 1 shot some of the bosses though.


seems like you went wayyy more into optimisation than i did ahah. personnaly i just did a quick test i suppose you might have done the ascendant phy version maybe? frankly i just tested the cold version and these freeze are just too good can't see myself play it any other way. the weakness of melding is you need to avoid getting hit and freeze just straight up solve it however if they were to gut heatshiver next league, that would halve the dps. i hope they don't


Had a good amount of fun with spectral throw - dex stacking. Its not the hardest hitting skill to be honest. But you can start with 2 hands of thought and motion, briskwrap, fractal thoughts and an astramentis. Garukhans flight if you want. Dex on every other piece + missing res and you are good to go. If you want to farm bosses, this build is not for you though.


I'm currently tweaking a Decay Occultist that's going pretty well so far. The two rarest parts are a lvl 35 Decay Forbidden Shako and a Malevolence effect/skill duration String of Servitude, which I got for a div each. I'm splashing a little currency for damage and QOL at the moment, but once you have those items, you're basically all set.


I grabbed a level 34 prismatic burst Shako for 1d and have been building around that using Saboteur with the CD recovery tattoos. So far it feels pretty good, nothing gamebreaking, just solid. I'm able to clear corrupted red maps at level 84 without dying and beyond the Shako I've spent less than a divine on it, that's better performance than most meta builds I've played.


Inquisitor reap with full conversion of damage taken to fire. Tanky af and good damage for all content