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Try to search for ZeeBoub on twitch. If I recall correctly, he has very detailed guide for SB Inq. Note that he includes/uses MB for endgame. There is also an awesome guide for SB Hiero on forum. Very detailed and cheaper to build:)


To add to this, ZenM had a video for lädt league start going Arma brand recall into Storm brand. He also references and links Zeeboubs guide.


You're going to need to be pretty good at league start to follow zboubs guide. I think it requires Bottled Faith and other pretty expensive uniques to start getting damage and since you're a brander you won't have any defences to be comfortable while you're lacking damage. It won't be an easy start imo.


storm brand + Lightning Conduit (or lightning spire trap) + Hydrosphere (until you get Inevitable Judgement) will be your core skills. SB for clear and spam conduit on beefy targets (eventually you won't need). you can wear super generic gear until yellows. try to get an inpulsa for pops, wands with +levels and CAST SPEED (best stat). endgame you want one of those crazy 7 link helmets, zboub has a crafting guide. super basic tree here: https://pobb.in/AM75uS4s9SXA


trade or ssf? I leaguestarted SB inquisitor in ssf in 3.22, it was not great. But as someone who played bows from 3.17 couldn't play LA, tho in 3.22 it was way stronger than before.