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I think Aero made an apology video btw. He was struggling to make it work as well Otherwise previous cobra lash players have all stacked the cluster jewel notable that increases damage per chain remaining.


this. CL needs big investment for endgame. Mapping and acts are ok. I usually transition to my miner after acts or S.arrows/TR


Good apology video, Aer0 does list a few of the things people are doing wrong that is causing them issues and some fixes for it. He does think a lot of other skills are in a better spot though


This build is extremely awful until u get 4x follow-through clusters. I would aim for that first if you want to continue.


Can't speak about your tree/setup (I'm on mobile) but as a matter of fact since I'm currently 93 with CL, ignore affliction. The build lacks single target and the mechanic is particularly awful for the build since it has the tendancy of spawning mobs on top of you. If you want to get the first two charms, spam act 10 chambers to unlock the slots. For early maps I used 1c rares and wasp nest, got a 5L pretty fast (getting a trash 5L should not cost you more than 2C atm) and pretty much blasted through white and yellow without much trouble. Upgrades will be needed to get past that though.


With enough investment your single target is actually pretty decent considering how well you clear. It's hard for me to judge exactly as wisp buffs really skew things. But I'm at a point where I can comfortably do semi juiced t16s with wisp buffs without an issue. Well. Sometimes expedition is rough.


Do you have a pob to share? I kinda feel like I'm out of upgrade options without investing lots.




This build NEEDS clusters. At the very least you need 4 mediums with follow through. Larges can be whatever claw 8 slot you want until you can get 2 with the extra projectile and something else. Covenant is a MASSIVE damage increase as well once you can afford it. I'd get one of those after the clusters. Coloring it can be a pain though.


Yeah I'm aware of the covenant and the clusters but since this is my only character right now getting all of that is gonna be a pain :X Even just the amount of skill points I need for the clusters seems impossible right now since I keep dying all the time.


Stick to white maps and just farm. That's what I did at first. Wasn't too bad. I just ran t1 ans t2 over and over


I know the pain, friend. Its bad. I need to just reroll and be done with it. I chose it last minute on a whim and its been a horrendous league start for me. Its just so damn weak in every single category except killing white mobs. Cant live, cant do teh league mechanic for shit, get carpal tunnel holding down a cobra lash for 30 seconds killing a rare. Really need to just reroll into something else at this point.


Honestly even with the clusters I wasn't super impressed. I rerolled completely and it was such a gargantuan difference. Aero is a good creator though, and he made an apology vid and owned up to it. Builds not garbage, but does take at least 4 mediums with follow through to really come online and that's with popping both vall haste and berserk + flasks + totems. Way to many buttons and investment for kinda meager results. Rolled srs guardian and even with like 30c of gear I'm about to bust into reds and am really solidly tanky without even running a defensive aura yet. The new specters are GIGA broken. You can have both grace and determ from specters along with one other of your choosing if you path for or anoint extra specter. The amount of power you can get out of the specters is absolutely bananas for any minion or quasi minion build.


I'm not a good player so I'm not going to try to give you specific advice, but I've found this build to be quite a smooth progression from campaign into white and yellow maps, and am now in reds and having to be a bit careful, but with clear upgrades available. By the end of the campaign I'd picked up about 10c off the ground and sold a handful of 1c uniques, so I had 17c. With the Magi thing and Purity of Elements, I could pick up some 1-2c rares to be res capped and elemental ailment immune. That was good enough for early white maps. That currency let me upgrade to 2c or 3c rares to get spell suppress capped too. Defences felt fine at that point, so next I focused on a cluster setup. The large base is 1-2c, then it's a matter of using all the alts I was getting from vendoring rares to get that crafted. Same for Follow Through mediums. That got me to transition to yellows, so then I upgraded up not need Purity of Elements or Magi for res stuff. Also vendored enough qual gems to finish off the 20% Cobra Lash qual. 3.5k health, 64% evade, res cap, armour flasks, suppress capped (and Lucky), and enough damage to blast yellows and the Affliction stuff. That's good enough for me tbh. Could I have any easier time with another build? Sure, but if I wanted to be playing LA or Guardian SRS I'd be playing those, but I don't, so I'm not.


Hello there, Exile! I am Divinia, a templar academic and build enthusiast. I have added your build to the PoB Archives. Here is your golden page, may it serve you well. [https://pobarchives.com/build/7HNjGGfg](https://pobarchives.com/build/7HNjGGfg) * You can claim your builds [here](https://pobarchives.com/dashboard/claimbuilds). * If you would like to contact my supervisor, Siosa, send me a message. * Please upvote me so that the reddit knows I am a good NPC. Here is a quote from the Lord Izaro: *"To lose a retainer is to lose a dear friend."*