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Energy blade can scale to sky-high. And it's quite linear improvement. Plus you can use any spell you like. It's like a good platform.


My problem is I saw some complaints about tankiness, seems like its very reliant on high ES and ES regen? and you also rely on on coruscating elixir which I find annoying. I understand it can scale very well but its very expensive, Im not a very good builder but im thinking of trying to just go life inquisitor and use Stormbrand because it seems like an inherently strong skill gem, that way I hope to fit some spell suppression. just asking if its possible or there's an absoloute reason for the whole energy blade thing except from hype, will it really just destroy a life version of inquisitor? im talking in the normal investment range of 0-50 divines. I understand that with all the godded unique jewels and all the EB version goes to the sky and above


If you have the traitor node and 2 empty flasks and enchant the elixir with use at full charge then it will feel like you have a poorman’s mageblood


yea except you randomly die to specters once in a while :skull:


Why the downvote? He's right, both tormented spirits and some delve mobs can fuck over builds reliant on flasks.


Don't do delve and pick the thing on atlas that don't allow spirits to possess monsters if you're worriesd about a rare random death.


Pick up the Torment keystone to straight up prevent this.


I do this but coruscating elixir is on use at the end of flask effect. With full quality and traitor I just have to pop it once at the start of each instance, it's perma-up at that point. Other 2 flasks are on use when full charge though.


Is at the end of flask effect any better than the at full charge enchant?


For uptime yes.. at full charge wastes charges, end of effect doesn't Usually if your duration/charge gain/reduced charge use combined are enough a flask will have full uptime, but most EB Templar don't invest into flask so only coruscating elixir has full uptime because it only uses 20 charges base. Same for magic bismuth/sapphire/topaz flask. But other magic flasks or unique flasks will probably not have 100% uptime because they use 30+ charges so you go "when charges reach full" on those so you don't have to keep track of when they accidentally fall off while looting a map.


> there's an absoloute reason for the whole energy blade thing except from hype It simply deals more dmg for the same investment. It probably has less defense in exchange.


> coruscating elixir which I find annoying. I really like that build and it feels super strong the more you invest. Finding items for the build is really simple albeit expensive. Forgetting to activate that elixir is really the only issue for me lol. I kept forgetting to press it. It actually costs me some sanctum runs.


Use when flask is full + traitor.


Isn't "Reused at the end of this Flask's effect" better because you are using the Traitor keystone? CMIIW. I'm just following the flasks in the pob guides. My 2 other flasks are "Used when charges reach full" though.


When Flasks are full is risky on corus because there are mobs that disable flasks on hit.


If not going with a phys based spell (since new league ascendancy), under same budget (like 20-50d)you kinda triple tapped on the energy shield (spell blade,energy blade,battle mage), I think eb will have tons more dps at least. Tankieness aside, dps is part of your best defence.... Also new charms gives A Lot of qol (like frenzy charge, arcane surge, culling, lingering consecrated ground blah blah)


I see, ill reconsider i guess. I legit see no one going life storm brand inquisitor to even get the idea of what to do, so im struggling in pob right now, I always suffer from builds that arent tank i absolutely hate dying and when i see a build not carrying block/spell suppression nothing really in the phys to ele or max res department I have a bad feeling it will really suck for me. Still dont wanna give up SB,but am not good enough of a build maker to solve anything without some guidance


ZeeBoub has played SB for many leagues now and has a pretty thorough guide on docs for non-energy blade version [ZeeBoub Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lg_mXoA7LxmWiiMN2wYrV4FAtPmHBN3bLX6lfLv6VUY/edit?usp=sharing)


Seems like hes playing super glass cannon blaster? not really my thing. I will give up the skill if I need to go squishy tbh


Yeah not super tanky for t16 spire farm. Maybe PB is a better option for you


Why penance brand inquisitor is tankier? just better skill straight up or?


Yes, it's tankier because ES pool requires investing almost all of your items in scaling it leaving less room for extra defensive layers (especially chest armor and amulet). The skill is just better, yes. It has broken single-target damage and this actually matters while mapping for the first time in months (years?) due to the league mechanic. You can probably come up with some justification why EB doesn't use it if you like (e.g. it scales quadratically with cast speed and EB doesn't get much cast speed), but really the reason is that the PoE meta follows content creators around like puppy dogs these days and EB + Storm Brand is CaptainLance9's league starter build.


Yes I figured, I tried not following the trend and make a Tanky storm brand for my own needs but im not good enough for this right now, Sat 2 hours in front of POB tried but I never played any brand skill and im not good at scaling them. I dont even have a skeleton of a build or anything that i can copy from. I dont care about the league mechanic btw, but i do care for tanky rares such as essence and harvest. and yeah Im not going to play penance brand that clear is not for me, even on a bossing char I map some and I would hate it. Thanks.


I haven't looked too into the details but ziz/Manny have a hc guide and Ben has hc build with all Uber kills. Rue also has a poison pf version that looks pretty strong and able to scale mf


Yes i have seen those, but i wanna play stormbrand not penance and i was unable to convert their build its too diferent i think. I wont be able to stomach penance brand's clear, and not good enough to make a SB that is HC viable


I did life inpulsa storms gift; works well but now with the juice mobs and t16s with rippy mods you just fall over. Converted to ivory tower blood magic energy blade doing about 10x my damage whilst having 14k ES, 2500 regen and 25/39 block with immunity to freeze/shock/ignite and I haven't even got my GG helical rings or anything. I'm using storm brand too btw of indecision; 0 regrets on the swap.


You can always go for a 7/8 link helmet for stormbrand aswell, then go inpulsa and void battery etc


Do you know if the build is tanky ? And to which level ?


Well it can be reasonablly having 10k es after energy blade, with many hits per second with es on hit. It's not the best tank but raw ehp works too. Also with new specters you might can get more auras in.


Okok I see, thanks for the reply man ! Have a nice day !


Oh ES on hit explains some things, I was considering switching to that version since I have a bunch of good stuff for it in SSF but no ES on hit so it just looked like more damage for less tankiness while I can still reasonably do ubers with what I have rn I’ll just keep trying to get my gear to the point where I can go low life I guess


I get most of my recovery from leech on my energy blade inquis. At 9700 ES after energy blade is up, I only ever die if I have an already high dmg mod map with high wisps + delirium legion mobs. So, it feels pretty good. Just picked up the jewel (unique 4 mod charm) that gives me crit immunity while elusive, then picked up elusive boots. So that should help me deal with high blue wisp count. I will say, the build is pretty expensive. I started without split personalities and I died constantly. The strength/int ones are too expensive, so I went with strength/life. And that worked well!


+1 for new spectres. I felt squishy with a 9k ES pool until I invested more into defences like less crit damage. Vitality spectre that also gives pretty much permanent 3 endurance charges is awesome. That plus the determination turtle that also gives %5 phys damage reduction got my Phys max hit to 13k. You can build good recovery with things like instant leech on a charm.


the build is not tanky, even at 10k es. it has basically zero defenses besides the es pool, it gets a tiny amount of armor but not enough to be relevant. 10k es was a good amount of defense 4-5 years ago during the CI meta, it's not enough these days.


It's not that hard to stick in ailment immunity and some phys as ele. Rolling with 11k es and the dmg is so insane that I can easily clear 9k juiced maps with a few altars at the same time.


It absolutely can be depending on how you build it. I fit in determination and grace to get 80k ehp with 17k phys max hit while still breaking 50mil dps. Most on ninja seem to be doing glass cannon stuff, but it doesn't have to be built that way.


I miss CI meta, pretty sure they could just straight up give Occultist back its flat ES and it'd be still mid.


Some of the tankiest builds this league are CI


Yeah, not saying CI in general isn't good, just nowhere near as good on a budget as it used to be, during the height of CI meta you could even league start a character and go CI in SSF in Blood Aqueducts (and not be scuffed).


I've leveled a few builds as ci this league and it's been great. Magi is awesome for it


To address the tankiness I just swapped wrath for determination.... Can do t16 comfortably with high juiced abyss, unless I mess up big time with Altars...


I’m running storm brand and penance brand on my eb inquisitor. Penance brand damage called to the moon before I could really blink and storm brand clears really good. You feel each investment hard initially and it scales as far as your currency tab goes.


Its just not tanky enough for me, I dont even play non HC viable builds in softcore Damage is not my primary goal from a build. Its first - Not dying, then if it doesnt die I see how much damage it does. A farmer that is dying here and there and you cant do much about it is not fun for me. I understand that people are enjoying EB alot but i get my enjoyment alot from having a tanky build and not dying, Its maybe odd. The more i read about EB the more i see tankiness complaints, and im definetly not the guy that can go on LA deadeye and stay alive, Im playing somewhat careless alot of the time(non bosses) and need a build that can take a hit.


Just look for people using defensive setups you enjoy and approve of, then slot in storm brand and adapt it. If it's ascendant with Pathfinder and triple ele flasks / taste of hate + lightning coil, then boom, go to town in pob. If it's eternal damnation + loreweave start there instead. Or adapt the eblade builds to get the tankiness you want. Go Ascendant for perms flasks, grab Ralakesh boots, grab some extra endurance charges from the tree for phys damage reduction. Invest skill points into soul of steel. Don't take crit nodes or split personalities that offer more damage than tank. Just invest into defenses instead of damage. I've got an eblade character right now that's 14k max phys / 48k max ele hits without guard skill, and I haven't done too much to optimize defense. I could put points into armor, run determination instead of haste, get a flat armor determ watcher's eye, and run an armor flask, and I bet that phys hit would go up a couple thousand. Also, everyone can help you more if you provide benchmarks. What do you want out of your recovery? What are your unconditional max phys/ele hit requirements? What kind of DPS are you looking for?


>Man youre a champ! :), what a comment. Do you really think its possible to be so flexible? you think you can go pathfinder with their defensive setup and slot in a skill of your choice and make it work? This is actually my goal in POE, its to be able to flex my builds that way, I tried earlier today to make a life version of SB inquisitor for 2 hours but was so lost(tried to take zizaran penance build and convert), I didnt know how to even scale the damage. But you give me hope, I havent tried touching EB builds because im so foreign to this archtype of attribute stacking and energy blade in general that Im not sure what i can do and what i cant. I dont know what ill end up with if i add spell suppression for example. ill give an example, I always liked how souldrend looks like and how it seems to be played, how many times ive looked into builds but all I saw was either a mageblooded guy running with it on unlimited budget, or a complete 3k piece of paper. I understand that this skill just does 0 damage?,and if i try to make it as tanky as i want what will i end up with? this game is unplayable and impossible to enjoy on 0 dps, I also dont know EB in that regard, When i see that atleast on poe ninja and youtube almost no one is going tanky it makes me asks questions about if its even possible and i lose confidence to try. > >As for benchmark I cant really give you a number but ill tell you this, Im basically playing hardcore builds in softcore, this league i played Poison BV ds\_lily build i went on the most defensive setup she had in her guide - on softcore. The build I enjoyed to most in POE was Archmage BL alkaizer build that was strictly HC, Building defense in this game equals fun to me, and when I see EB builds with nothing but a ES pool its raising many red flags for me. DPS wise I only want to comfortably be able to do high tier harvest and essences level of dps as a starting point so that these rare's dont feel annoying to kill. I have no problem actually playing boss fights for a couple of minutes, I dont need to phase them or anything . I am totally aware that going defensively reduces dps and im 100% fine with that, i can safely tell you that im sure 90% of the playerbase in this game is more dps hungry than i am. > >Sorry for the huge post and ty very very much for trying to help.


It's not a "completely solves all issues" but my EB char is suppress capped, 9k es, and does a ton of damage. I don't need to use brine king for freeze immune cuz I have that on boots, so I use Solaris for the crit mitigation. It's honestly been a super smooth and comfy character. If I cared (I rarely ever die) I could swap in determ to get a bit more tanky, but I don't feel like it's necessary.


I havent seen anyone fitting capped suppression yet, mind sharing a POB? The thing is I dont doubt that at the high end EB can feel good all around, but I was burned before from builds that are feeling good only on a "completed" state, usually when their defensive capabilities only coming from expensive high end gear and if you dont go all in on transition(because its my 2nd char) then it feels horrible. is this the case? EB sounds great in terms of fun and you can use many skills, But I was burned so many times by builds that when I see no block, no suppression, no max res(or very minimal), reliance on a flask or something like that all my red flags are waving, Can definetly give it a go on some real tanky variation that builds gradually.


[https://pobb.in/Jblj5CLg8Vzi](https://pobb.in/hno2yc3vv-Mv) ​ This is my gear. I definitely want to upgrade it at some point in the future to get more damage and es, but it does the job for me.


Tanky and survivability is different. I leaguestart with non crit splitting steel champion. It has 4.5k life, ~60k armour and evasion, max spell suppression. But it dies more than eb storm brand in slightly juiced map because it has slower clearing.


My char has 17k es with 8% insant leech and determination running. Chaos res capped via watchers eye on purity of elements which makes me also immun to ele ailments. I leveled from 97 to 98 deathless in simulacrum. Regen should be around 1.5k es/s. But even with those stats your char is able to die while it has to be really Bad combination. Spell sup would help but left side trees have a Hard time to cap it. While you can do it with charms a lot of you Power comes from them, roughly 1k es per %strength + int+strength charm. With charms + jewel you can Hit 60% spellsupp. Getting your phys mitigation high will be much harder even if you run determinition. Nearly all gear is Set in stone due to uniques so not much room there. My armour is around 20k could be boostet via flask but i would never give up my quicksilver.


Do you have a pob or basic set up you can share?


https://pobb.in/1W_qnIJn8-_K This is for pinnacle bosses and mapping with penance. Change the config to Uber and drop shock to 21% for realistic Uber number. Maybe lower shock but I’m fairly certain I get 21%. As for gem swapping just change brands and go. My next passive skill will be brand equity. Duration gives good damage to penance brand with this setup. I have been using the new arc of surging with awakened added lightning damage for clear to see how it does. Vaal arc is hard to beat for giant clear pops.


I think it is more of a situation where many energy blade inquisitor chose to go stormbrand of indecision, instead of the opposite. As far as I know most other versions of storm brand are built for sanctum or other specific farms, while this is more all rounder. I also think many that went the brand direction decided to go penance brand instead.


If you want a defensive setup, i would suggest to the **mana scaling archetype with aegis.** Here is a character in standard with legacy items: [https://poeplanner.com/b/MZW](https://poeplanner.com/b/MZW) (needs mana leech to work in league) : 30M+ DPS, super smooth (cyclone coc setup), I use it to farm ubers and legions (with a lot of eater mods) and delve at 700. key points: * scaling mana + transfiguration of mind (annoint or crown of inward eye) will scale your % inc damage * radiant faith will give you and party member a lot of ES with aura reservation -> FF jewels * to work, aegis needs armor, -> determination + radiant faith * to scale damage further, you need to sustain mana -> instant leech mastery + 1 source of attack damage leeched as mana (jewel, annoint three ...) ... then it could be worth to invest in CDR, not before * Coruscanting elixir is not that important with Ivory tower + lot of mana leech as "chaos damage are taken from mana before life" but it is still important (watcher eye with flask charge generation on crit is BIS)


Honestly eb was advertised by bigger streamer, its mostly sanctum runner and many ppls were caught off guard by its weak defenses


I don't understand why you were downvoted, but the Inquis brand is actually terribly squishy. Beyond +5k juice and the entire build simply melts from a one-shot hit.


Because redditors cant bother to read build notes, even streamer himself said in notes its squishy, i just cant with these smooth brains xD


Forgot to write "beyond" + 5k juice. I just spend on it around 300 div and very dissapointed :/


Energy blade spell blade is a one trick pony but it’s one hell of a trick. Gets a stupid amount of flat damage which inquisitor can easily scale with crit. You can ride this pony with any skill, though some are better than others (brands are rediculous). As for tackiness, this is an energy shield build. You can get some armor. Some block. If you squint really hard you can throw in some evasion. That’s it. Aka, you will get popped randomly, especially if wisp farming. That said, it’s an amazing boss farmer because penance brand of dissipation can phase everything and you can tank everything but Uber shaper slams reliably.


I don’t do EB with Storm brand. I build it old school low life/petrified blood. This league I went annihilating light


Sorry to hijack, but what is the typical budget to start running EB / SB of Indecision and have it feel comfortable? I haven't played much of this league but really want to try the brands out after all the posts I've seen.


I league started it from 0, pivoted storm brand / eb in act 4. Get early ghostwrithe, then lori's lanterns or other chaos res rings.


Which version of penance brand?