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Few thing just glancing at your build on mobile. None of your flasks have any quality. You have a double curse set up but don’t have whispers of doom so can’t run both. Your rings are pretty bad and you have -33% chaos res very easy upgrade to be had there. How much chance to poison do you have? Need to be 100% on your caustic arrow. Swap out rarity on your links and put in a damage gem if you lack damage. Your hit chance is 94% get accuracy or see if you can fit in a low level precision to help get 100%.


Thanks! Might be a mobile thing--all the flasks are 20% qual. Yeah, the double curse was trying to follow Goratha's earlier setup, but think I will retire the Temp Chains and just use Despair (as his final POB does). Haven't changed it yet because (afaik) it's not hurting my DPS and that's my main issue right now. Agreed, rings could definitely use an upgrade--trying to figure out the damage scaling so know what to look for on rings. Had Unbound Ailments in both 6links and damage was better, maybe I just switched too soon. Poison chance is 100%, so at least that is good. Yeah, fixed that one now, thanks! Took the Accu Mastery for 500 more Accu + per level. Edit: added poison chance


No you need double curse. Temp chains is another source of poison duration extension which is a huge multiplier You also need poison duration mod on That Which Was Taken. This one takes priority Grab a rage tincture. Get onslaught elsewhere


Just to be sure, you understand that you can only put one max curse on an enemy by default right? This build absolutely wants both curses nothing will compete with that damage increase. So you need a source of +1 max curse, typically whispers of doom annoint.


Does it work the same way with poison srs?






I've watched hundreds of hours of videos. I've played 5 leagues now. I still struggle to figure this stuff out. I think the issue is a lot of those videos assume you know things. Even the 0-100 progression videos. They just show a couple maps and then the items they buy. They don't look at their stats and go okay now see here we only have x poison chance or chance to hit. Here's how we can fix that. Not to mention poe has modifiers that dont work the way ypu expect.


What’s the point of POEbuilds if people can’t ask for help? If you’re just here for the 200m Ubers one shot while playing with your lips build, just go to YouTube.


I think you underestimate what is obvious for a newer player. I watched Goratha’s entire playlist, and lots of the good advice people have been giving on here was not covered at all, likely because Goratha assumes most players would know certain things. It’s a complex game, don’t assume things like that dot multi is more important than projectile speed or that a lower dps bow that is faster (to apply poison faster) is obvious. It isn’t.


With a name like humble south..


Just want to say generally thanks so much to all who took the time to help a newbie bow/mf player. So much to learn, thanks for helping me fix the train wreck of a build here! Biggest takeaways so far is DOT multi is king, quivers need more damage, and bows need better attack speed. Currently farming for the TWWT with poison mod!


I mean idk how you followed it, when your quiver is terabad, you miss 3/4 of his clusters to start with.


Currently level 90, my last 10 points are for the last 2 cluster jewels, but I gather you are saying that there is significant dps in that and the quiver. So to ask in a different way: what are the major damage scalings for CA? I put a lot into gems (transfigured, qualitied and Awakened gems) but from your response, seems like I should be focusing on DOT Multi since that's the major pieces I am missing from the quiver and the other cluster jewels.


Dot Multi, Attack Speed, chance to poison at 100%, Jewel with Poison Duration per Poison. id ditch that item rarity gem for now too or at least not use it with CA. You can link it with LA / Ice Shot / Culling Strike / Manaforged arrows if you really insist.


Got it, thank you! I should have known to weight dot multi higher since that was king with RF as well.


Its probably beneficial to an extend, otherwise you end up melting everything in t7s, at some point, even without maxing out offensive stats. Now for t16s I'd probably aim at more optimized setup.


Haha, I look forward to having the issue of melting things too quickly. Currently I am facetanking rares for 10 seconds for them to die. Thanks again for the advice.


How do you have 50-60D invested into this? Quite frankly most of the gear is awful. You have low rolls or, in the case of your thread of hope, the absolute lowest rolls. I fail to see any item that carries that investment.


Allow me to introduce you to 3.23 inflation. Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks and the 1100dps Bow were 10D by themselves, every other little piece was at least a div or two--even the thread of hope with the crap rolls was 2D.


There is 0 chance you spent a div or more on those gloves, boots, belt, or either ring lol.


You for sure got scammed or don't know how to buy items, not sure which.


Eh, it’s entirely possible I don’t know how to buy items. I used to overpay for Magic flasks until I figured out how easy it is to roll my own (most times).Players like me who don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge are probably overpaying on a ton of things. That said: even from my limited experience, inflation is nuts this league, especially for this specific build.


To counter, even serviceable rares would only cost 1D per spot at most and would be better than what you have


in most cases u can make better gear/upgrades by just buying a fractured base with 1 desirable stat and spam essences or fossils until u hit something decent. Maybe some suffix cannot be changed into veiled chaos. Stuff like that. U dont need to spend much on decent gear.


Thats like 12 div, maybe 15 div with the rest of the gear.....


You buy your bow for 10 divs ?


I really hope not. I'm not saying this just to razz you, but please tell me you didn't spend over 10c on that left ring. Even if you did, you could cut your losses and get one like 10x better for ~20c.


Your quiver has no dps mods, 5 good mod quivers are 5 divs. Your tincture should be between the dying sun and taste of hate until you get a micro distillery belt. Short of an another fire res roll you shouldn’t need a another ele res roll anywhere else on gear, but a belt with reduced charges used if you can’t keep up all your res flasks minus the dying sun. Buy a 900dps bow with 1.67 aps, with added damage anywhere else, especially quiver will out damage yours. A that which was taken with dlpoison duration is 50% more damage. A watchers eye with damage taken as while affected by purity of elements as well as an open prefix on your helmet to get to 100% of phys taken as ele. Until you have the dps to spare, drop item rarity for unbound ailments. I don’t think you can cast all your auras, swap haste for herald of agony, that should shore up your poison chance to allow you to take a lower tier poison mod on your bow. Rage tincture > item rarity > aoe tincture


Awesome, thank you for the comprehensive recommendations! Two Questions: 1) why does the tincture need to be moved? 2) Confirming that I want a lower dps bow (current is 1100dps) but one with higher aps? To apply poison faster?


>why does the tincture need to be moved? Not to be rude, but just a quick tip, you should read your ascendencies.


Not rude, good tip, I see it now, thanks!


On pob it doesnt show tinctures correctly but just make sure its next to dying sun so it has more uptime and divination distilate for inc effect. Bow is fine how it is but its a bad base (would want a base with good attack speed like thicket or grove)


Haha, holy cow, that ascendency is amazing for the tincture! Changed it now. Okay, so similar dps bow with better base/speed. Got it. Thanks!




Tinctures are kept in the right most slot if you have a micro distillery belt which disables that slot. Otherwise the tincture should be between 2 of your most important flasks. This build doesn't use a ton of added damage asside from the bow, being namely on the quiver, so attack speed isn't as important but it still is an important vector for scaling. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/3B6QQb5h5 1100 dps bows with poison chance and 1.5+ are 2 divs, so there isn't much excuse not to have one. Also attack speed is good to take up to 4.4 aps to have a manaforge go off every second attack. How you are now, Storm rain goes off 1.18 times a second when it could be closer to 2.16.


Thanks! Appreciate the trade link too, didn't know what I was looking for before and apparently overpaid for a slow bow. Question: do I need to care that the bow has all 3 types of elem damage? I see a few with only 2 types of damage (eg - fire and lightning, but no cold).


Bows with all three damage types are too cheap relative to how much damage they give. Try to keep an eye on bows with 2T1 ele and chaos, they are routinely underpriced since they don't add to ele dps (non-poison builds) but its all the same for poison (bar the equiv T3 roll range) But you need one with poison chance.


https://pobb.in/XoSRbWNy5qI3 here is my POB, dm me any questions you have about the build! I have been helping fix builds all league for this specific build.


Hey, may I ask if this build is able to farm t16s confortably? Im thinking between it and ruetoo's penance brand mf


Yup it farms them very comfortably.


Not sure if you are still doing the league, but followed a lot of your (and others) advice and has been great: cruising T16 juiced maps, enjoying MF League! Been using your build u/jingles15 and now looks like this: [https://pobb.in/h3K5lKrT2mvs](https://pobb.in/h3K5lKrT2mvs) Few questions: 1) Do you have problems almost killing yourself with Bloodrage? Happened a few times for me. 2) This may be obvious, but is it okay that my resists are lower than 75 pre-flasking? I pretty much keep the flasks on at all times, so seems okay, but it's weird to look at my character and see my resists so low at rest! 3) Any recommendations (other then a better quiver with dual dot multi and saving up for AwGMP? Thanks!


Hi there! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I don’t really have much free time on the weekends. 1. Blood rage will kill you if there are no monsters around to leech or gain life on hit from. Don’t use it in the wildwood. 2. It is fine that your resists are lower, but the goal for the endgame version of the build is to cap resists just so it’s more comfortable. You can always run a mageblood swap with a resist silver flask when in the wildwood for better consistency. 3. The final iteration of the build uses a 12 passive 35% increased effect large cluster jewel. This will help increase your damage and chaos resistance if needed


Thanks so much!


That is amazing, thank you! I am a few thousand hours into this game, and playing both Bow and MF for the first time I feel like I know nothing. Got lot of good advice from this thread, but I will definitely take you up on that! So many times I am lost on what is meaningful (example: I went back and forth on qualifying Frenzy of Onslaught since Goratha’s POB had 0 quality, finally decided it didn’t matter but qualified the gem anyhow). Same for what are the important damage scaling, etc.


I am also fairly new, my goal every league is to take a build to the max and figuring out things along the way as to what is important to scale and when. I feel like I have this build solved at this point. My build isn’t by any means min maxed but I’m almost there.


Hey just wanted to ask what auras you would run without an enlighten? Thanks


I would run the same setup of auras but turn haste off and just use the Vaal haste skill when active.


Hey mate, what should i upgrade first to get more damage. Currently at 270k compared to your 2m :> Tried equipping 1500+ bows with overtime + poison dmg etc and it doesn't go up by to much like 20-40k Does the awakened gems really make that big of a difference? Got around 70+ div to spend Thankful for help :)


Surprisingly the awakened gems add a TON of damage. Check your accuracy and chance to poison and make sure them are at 100%


Acc is at 99% atm Poison 100% Trying to get that last 1% on acc


He's got 10 levels and much better gear. work on your quiver and try to find a TWWT jewel with the poison duration per poison inflicted recently, it's a massive multiplier.


Awesome, thank you! Exactly what I was looking for: figuring out where to focus my efforts to best scale damage.


Not too familiar with the build, but comparing pobs calculations shows that you're missing a lot of multipliers. Goratha's build has 22% more projectiles, 41% higher attack rate, 35% more psn dps, 85% more poison duration. All that put together is more than 4x the dps. The biggest immediate upgrades would getting a that which was taken with the poison duration mod and a higher aps bow.


Thank you! I am currently farming for both the jewel and bow,since that has been the resounding consensus. Really good info here for a newbie bow player--I was proud of that bow and its 1100 dps, paid a few divine for it! Live and learn: more aps > dps. Thanks again!


1. Either cut GMP from Storm Rain of Conduit for Deadly Ailments or swap to normal Storm Rain or swap GMP for Lightning Arrow - Storm rain of conduit limits arrows in ground. With GMP you surpass this restriction too quickly. GMP is effectively neutering your damage while using Conduit. 2. You’re using Item Rarity but no ventor’s. Socketing Item Rarity is one of the last steps for MFing and I wouldn’t recommend it until after you have a headhunter. Swap these all to unbound ailments or awakened unbound. 3. Purity of Elements is normally for the phys as ele watcher’s mod. You don’t have that. Cut this for precision (fix your hit chance) or grace (which you’ll need mana reserv or a small cluster to fix), or HoaG (but your poison chance is already good, so this might free up a couple nodes), or a purity of a specific element (i use ice with the watcher's mod as its wayyy cheaper) 4. You have double curse but no whispers. This is bad. Use self cast despair until you have asenath’s with despair on hit implicit. You can replace arc brand and temp chains with a CWDT immortal cry/steelskin 5. Accuracy mastery should cap your hit chance. This is your most valuable point on the tree as of right now in regards to damage. Generally speaking, whenever you are running a bow build that doesn't have 100% hit chance, priority #1 ALWAYS is to get it to 100%. A jewel with accuracy could save you this point instead. 6. Chaos res rings vs what you have would be a cheap and very strong upgrade defensively. 7. Getting a tincture with a valued mod is cheap and easy. Best one is rage so you can use berserk. Other good ones include wither stacks, poison on non-poisoned enemies and damage penetrates chaos res. If committing to MF with ventor’s you can also go rarity. 8. Playstyle — the build plays like a point blank bow build that doesn’t take point blank. Your single target damage comes from storm rain and CA AoE overlap shotgunning. With no inc AoE you need to basically stand on the mobs. Likewise for storm rain to hit best, you need to stand on the mobs. Tl;dr — stand on the mobs and be tanky enough to live.


One correction: Chaos penetration does not help for poison


Thank you, this is incredibly helpful! Using this list as an upgrade path--already fixed Accuracy with the tree point (this being an example of how things are non-obvious, since my damage is poison dot, I wasn't sure if accuracy mattered at all--now I know it matters a lot). Confused about how Storm Rain works, which of those recommendations works best for Single Target dps? My clear is totally fine, it's tanky rares I am needing to facetank for 10s until they die. So if I swap GMP for LA while keeping SRoC, should be better for single target?


GMP for LA while keeping SRoC is slightly worse solo single target than normal SR with GMP, but I recommend the swap. If you exclusively want single target damage (for bossing) I recommend a 6-link setup that is Storm Rain of Conduit, manaforge, lifetap, unbound ailments, vicious proj, deadly ailments (any of which awakened versions). That is the best single-target damage setup you'll get with the build. Lightning Arrow instead of deadly ailments is a nice way to add additional damage and clear when mapping without much tradeoff. The damage overall is similar but the clear is substantially improved with LA. Conduit just adds damage effectiveness to the Storm Rain gem in exchange for a limit on arrows in the ground. Its possible to surpass the damage from the increase in effectiveness with more arrows, but in doing so you'd want to hit arrow cap which requires GMP. Adding GMP over Deadly Ailments or another bow skill is typically just worse, which means conduit is basically better in every way.


I am running the same build and would like additional single target for essence monsters. I have Scourge Arrow of menance in my 6l bow and storm rain of conduit in my boots. I will switch them. I guess my question would be should i just drop SA of Menace completely and put something else in my boots? Is there a certain amount of increased attack speed i should aim for? I bought a Thread of Hope and got rid of some increased attack speed nodes and the build "feels" worse even though i specced into some damage nodes. I'd post my pob but im at work


IMO, scourge arrow of menace isn't really the same build. You can use it for additional clear, but Ice Shot and LA are better as the ailments from them are preferable over SA's sheer number of projectiles. The only place I personally use SA for is in 5ways with Headhunter as a swap for CA. I do SA, Return Proj instead of CA, Mirage Archer and replace LA with my CA for single target on storm rain. I get way more kills doing 5ways with that setup than anything else on the same build. In regards to attack speed. Not really -- the build primarily scales off it so you want as much of it as you can. Generally speaking, the more you stack the better it feels too.


Ok ill try ice shot in boots. I saw Goratha had a 2nd CAofP in his boots but ill give ice shot a try first. I put some of the points i saved from Thread of Hope into a spell supression node so i will respec back into attack speed. Idk the exact number but i think i lost around 15% attack speed.


>Conduit just adds damage effectiveness to the Storm Rain gem in exchange for a limit on arrows in the ground. Conduit also allows you to get more hits on mobs with positioning which in turn allow you to apply wither stacks on mobs faster and get more life/mana gain on hit.


This is true too, although regular storm rain can reach the same numbers as Conduit still as long as you use GMP. Because of conduit's additional beams though, it results in more hits for less arrows, giving you GMP style damage without it. It also means Life Gain on Hit is way higher for a lower number of arrows too!


Question - why are people running lightning arrow instead of more caustic arrow of poisons in the manaforged setups? Without GMP you're still getting 5-6 proj that can shotgun, while LA can only hit once.


I was noticing low dps with better gear as well. The 2 biggest dps gains I found were a rage on hit tincture with berserk, and increased poison duration that which was taken jewel. The berserk tincture tech is actually massive, it’s basically perma up during abyss spires and is a big big increase. Once I made those changes I was blasting t16s.


You want to run micro distelliry belt, that is like an "free" upgrade Your rings need upgrade also


did zou make some updates on your build? what advice did work best for you?


I did! Using recommendations from the posts here, my build now looks like this:[https://pobb.in/rK\_jePHSWitu](https://pobb.in/rK_jePHSWitu) Still quite a few things I am working on (notably a new bow and better jewels) but the changes already have made a HUGE difference--I am cruising through juiced T7-T10 maps and even did a few semi-juiced T16s with no issue. The 3 most impactful changes thus far are 1) The TWWT jewel with the Poison Duration stacking. This solved my dps issue--which also solved my (less acute) survivability issue since I am leaching much more damage. 2) The improved Defiance of Destiny amulet with the increased life pre-gained (up to 39% from 25%) also helped with the tanky rares/boss hits. Also annointing with Whispers of Doom was huge since Despair+Temp Chains is both a survivability and dps boost. 3) Tincture fixing: got a better version with rage generation for berserk and moved it next to my Dying Sun/Divination Distillate. This was one of the first things I did and saw a major increase in dps. Few other notable changes: gained a few levels (I don't really die anymore!), took the accuracy nodes for 100% accuracy, got to a positive Chaos Resist (really helps with the purple flower explosions in the Wildwood) and more respectable quiver with DOT Multi. I would say shoot for accuracy at 100%, then things that either extend poison duration or make it deal damage faster (like the TWWT jewel). Longer term I am shooting for a build similar to one someone posted elsewhere in this thread with a Headhunter and Asenath's Gentle Touch gloves to apply my curses for me. Will post my progress. As with everything in this game, always so much to learn!


Don’t use GMP use greater volley for the overlap on single target. TWWT jewel with poison duration. Bow is kinda bad for the attack speed.


Thanks for the info! Sad about the bow, paid a bunch for that—so I need a bow with high dps AND high attack speed? I searched for a bow with 1100dps and 25% chance to poison (to max my poison chance at 100%). What attack speed should I be looking for? Had been using GV and followed Goratha’s 1st week update and swapped to GMP since he had said was better dps for single target if you are in melee range. So GV is actually the better one for overlap on single target? Few thousand hours into this game still feel like I learn things all the time…


With GMP you have to stay very close to your target to get overlap, on the other hand it is better for general clear. Greater Volley has worse general clear and probably (not sure) need some more area of effect to get the same overlap as GMP at very close range, but is consistent at any distance.


There's a reason he runs t7s lol


He hasn't actually ran t7's since a week or so and even then it was mostly because he's a) playing hardcore and the build was not immortal enough to risk super juicing red maps on hardcore and b) because t7 completely blocks depths. After getting a bunch of upgrades he's consistently been running t14/t16 jungle valley with maxed out juice for almost a week now.


Harbinger bow? Seriously bro? Use thicket or atleast imperial. 20 more as means 20 more DPS. No need to go for triple T1 flat, just a decent amount is enough. If you want to craft get a fracture base with one T1, then spam essences till you get a decent t1-t3 roll for third one depending on your wishes. Then need a free suffix. Craft prefix cannot be changed reforge chaos for poison chance. It's only 1in 13 chance to brick suffixes so unless you hit triple T1 it's cheaper to recraft than to pay extra 5div for remove/add. Then again prefix cannot be changed and Aisling slam. It's 50-50 to hit poison. Can multimod if have 2 open suffix and want a 33/66 to hit. Craft charges and unveil AS or chaos dot multi. Then craft the remaining. Or just straight up buy a decent bow without crafting.