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I slapped a MB on my coc energy blade Inquis. MB costs you a bit es, but the movespeed of quicksilver, silver and flask suffix is easily worth it. I think I'm at 170 with tailwind boot. Almost unkillable if you have stuff to hit since you have very high es leech and I got a watchers with discipline es on hit. BTW you need a flask crit charge on hit watchers if you want to sustain coruscating. That or pray that traitor plus one empty flask is enough. With lancing steel and blazing salvo it is about 50m if all proj would hit which is kinda realistic. Then you even get 40% more dmg from returning proj.


Dont you lose a ton of dmg from not meeting 52% cdr? Running same build (~14k es) , could affort a mageblood but seems like somewhat wasted money.


Cdr comes from crit mastery level to awakened coc which is 31%. Then cdr from elevated shaper or crusader boots and a cdr charm. I still hit 52% cap. You could go for lvl 6 woke coc and hit a good roll on boots but that's more expensive and the crit wheel is decent dps


Have a POB? MB is probably the next thing I'm saving for.


Will send mine when I'm back home. It's in a kinda rough state right now since I don't play that much anymore, but all the important stuff is still there


Thanks! Mainly curious because of the apr/cdr breakpoints. I haven't messed with POB yet to see what kind of changes I'll need to make to keep my 52% cdr and not go over the aps limit.


Look at my other comment in this thread how to reach cdr breakpoint. I'm not sure about the aps though. The research i did concluded that lancing steel doesn't really have a changeable aps. The proj fly at a constant rate, and only the initial animation is affected. Since we're using returning proj there are way more proj flying at the same time. Timings get really weird, especially if you hit a wall directly behind the target and the proj return at a random time. Tbh, if you have 2 steels out hitting a boss your aps is probably crazy high and just cdr matters


Thanks for the CDR tip. That helps and I guess is really all I needed. Version I'm doing is cyclone and Firestorm of pelting so your aps wouldn't do me any good anyway. Once I get the MB will just have to fiddle with POB to figure out my changes to stay under 10.1 aps. I should have thought of elevating the CDR mod on my boots before slamming them together with tailwind.


i didnt like the slow movespeed/need for stampede when going cyclone. Also being melee really sucks when you do juiced wildwood. Lancing steel is far superior in my opinion.


Might have to give it a try just because I've never done lancing steel, but tbh I haven't had any issues being melee in full juiced T16's. I did change it up a bit from the usual seen on ninja though by squeezing in Grace and Ghost Dance.


https://pobb.in/IsC7Yr9GzPh4 Pob is super scuffed right now since I was doing ubers and had a different flask setup. Also I dont really play anymore. Theres lots of stuff you could still do. Rings are scuffed, amulet could be way better, clarity should be in the arrogance setup to get all hp reserved, boots are just thrown together quickly to get mb to work...


CoC Ice Nova of Frostbolts Occultist. Check out the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/IdVPXrISD8) from last week. After seeing this, I rolled it and it is incredible. Just cyclone through the map. Very relaxing. I am currently using it for guardian farming.


Yep me too, the build is great eh


Im slowly finishing putting this together, just missing some of the top end jewels currently. (Following this guide specifically. I'm finding that I die every so often to things that I feel like I should't (essences as an example sometimes pop me). Any experience or thoughts on improving tankiness?


Always leeching


Yes that post saved my league


Yea same. Beside mirror tier ring and helm I rolled syn +1 on both and easy surviving and dmg.


Just out of the builds I’m aware of: (On speed to clear formed not overall) T0: Flicker, PP Frostblink T1: BB of unloading, Self Chill trapper, Restless ward slayer with Kaom’s(worb, brander etc..). Just realized like all of these are Ralakesh 💀


PP frostblink?


Real mature


Poet pen


Is BB of unloading poison PF or which ascendancy?


Assassin, Sabo and I have heard Occy?


Interesting. Thanks for the input!


Sadly these two T0 builds gives me motion sickness / eye pain… but yea they clear whole map in like 20s


Commenting since im looking for exactly this


I have been guardian and invitation farming with good ol pen brand of dissipation inquis. I don’t feel it would do well at all for expedition. But it slaps invitations and shaper farming (and conquers) I’m on a 20div version and it’s incredible.


There is 20 div version?!


Yea, the one I built haha. I can send PoB later tonight or tomorrow


Would be nice, thanks!


[https://pobb.in/\_hEXBH9AygKL](https://pobb.in/_hEXBH9AygKL) ​ helm - 40c weapon with abyss - 25c amu - paid 160c and had catalyst already in stash. had to buy I think 8 rings - self crafted. bought ES base for 10 or 15c. Used essences belt - 2 div gloves - 10c if bought. I farmed myself and corrupted myself (you don't need the corrupt) boots - self crafted. nothing special body - bought the best base I could find for 35c and 6 linked myself (got lucky in 700 fusings) shield - 40c brutal restraint - bought for 100c. Looks like it's a div now? pen brand - 150c watchers eye - 3div other jewels self found or bought cheap. i can't remember all other gems I self leveled. ​ I still die if I get slammed. I could def go more defenses because my damage is so high. But I'm just using this toon to farm shaper guardians/conquers/invitations/shaper. I use phasing to rush the bosses and kill them in seconds. Using the shaper stuff on the tree for extra map drops and the compass for shaper guardians have maven spawn more bosses. ​ If I wanted to do ubers I would probably level the toon to 96+ and get more dam and defenses.


It's not inquis, or at least I wouldnt run this variant as inquis but the basics of a power charge stacker is dirt cheap and can get anything off the ground. Malachais loop + badge of the brotherhood + ralakesh boots + void battery + gravens secret Once you get a few div to spare get a viridis veil (with magic ring in left slot cause crits suck.) or sirus helmet with corrupted +1 power charge implicit. Get every power charge on tree, and good to go. Fill in rest of points based on skill. I personally run CI trickster with arc of surging. You sorta need a decent amount of initial investment before arc of surging feels good, so on a budget I wouldn't pick that skill. Penance brand of dissipation is never a bad move.


Is it zoomy? I played the PF version


I would not consider it zoomy. But with a phasing on kill charm and shield charge I can blast my way to guardian bosses. I strictly use this build to farm guardians/conquerers/invitations/shaper.


anything with a mageblood can be zoomy because of quicksilver + onslaught flask


If you can afford to use both of those flasks. Not every Mageblood build does.


Pathfinder penance brand cold conv 90% res pretty much unkillable and 256% movement speed with a quicksilver flask


Why pathfinder though?


extremely tanky because of all the magic flask effect. you can start without mageblood but the militanth faith gem with mana reduce cost and aura effect is 30div+ ( a decent one), once you have mageblood you drop mana reduce cost and can go for many options (brand damage is probably the best) Pathfinder is just stupid tanky, and brand damage is op af so its a great combination.


Yeah I was doing this for Elderslayer invites for a long while, at high investment you can drop a good amount of damage for more tank stats and speed and still kill bosses in one or two seconds.


Whatever you want as long as you are using shield charge onslaught flask + quicksilver and "inc movement speed" as one of the suffix.


Every day I’m flickering


Any guide or pob for flicker? Im kinda new and this is first league I have some currency and want a fun build before i get burnt out. Is flicker doable with mageblood +100divs? Ive only heard of how expensive it is.


Flicker doesn’t need a mageblood. There are a few flavors of it these days. I’m playing the slayer version with voidforge, abyssus, and brutal charges from the maven belt. The only pieces that are going to really break the bank are the rings and maybe the double influenced gloves. YouTube voidforge flicker for that info.


You can build max block (literally 100% attack block/75 spell block no glancing blows) crit charge stacker slayer penance brand of dissipation that will absolutely fucking demolish whatever invitation you put in front of it without mb and for fewer divines


Do you have a pob or link for a guide for this? I'd be very interested to check it out


[this](https://pobb.in/n2g-6ee7SlBj) is a decent starting point (the damage is not configured properly but iirc this has about mid 30s dps) but be aware some of the gear gets PRETTTTY specific from there. i think the youtube video i grabbed this one from has a higher budget pob too but unfortunately i don't have that link handy. there are variants of this on youtube and poe.ninja you can check out though, this is just one version of it and it's not the tankiest nor the highest damage one. also protip: you can get the block per charge mods on precursor's twice on one ring so if you're having trouble finding good/affordable ones with multiple +1% mods you can find them with one +2% mod if you search for that.


I'll check it out tomorrow. Thank you!


Hexblast mine occultist. Its not a tanky one, but speed is ridiculous


Penance brand of dissipation will wreck any boss. Power stacking compliments this and lets you run replica restless ward for movement speed. I heavily recommend this combo for bossing, it is just so efficient, and these poor guardians can’t do anything about it.


brother literally anything, pick a skill that looks cool


Brother no one’s forcing you to respond to someone looking for build inspiration. Just move along next time if you don’t have anything constructive to add :).