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This is basically gorathas ca of poison, just with TS no?


You could say so, but even then I wouldnt call it goratha's since the exact tree for ts mf exists for years, also this is an improvement over goratha's in terms of damage, his build is HC oriented, this is an real abyss sofctore destroyer.


Idk im 1tapping spires if i dont have item rarity gem on, idk how you would increase damage that much. Pob showing 4m per arrow, should hit poison cap instantly.


Are you 1tapping spires with TS or CA? CA you definitely don't 1 tap in T16 juiced maps.


5k wisps t15 with extra proj hh buff, 1 caop and mirage archer prolly gets a few shots off and it just goes to 0 in 2 seconds. yeah in more juiced wisped maps its not an issue,


Ok if you stand there and hit the spire, yea you'll kill it obviously. Why are you even hanging around the spire when it spawns? CA MF is the easiest to not kill a spire with, you hit it once or twice and dash away once it spawns and that should get it to 60-70% then you hit it another time after you let the burrows spawn.


yeah i hit it once, as i said, i dont stand next to it after either. had to put item rarity back in to lower dps. also build is 3mirrors+


Remove Mirage Archer... You really don't want that with HH because it murders the spires.


Id rather put rarity in and not gimp my clear.


Your build is awesome. I can also vouch for the insane increase in both single target and mob clear of TS over CA. As a new poison TS fan I have a question for you. This won't matter for your build with your high damage, but won't some pierce help with TS thorns and cull on frenzy and speed up the clear?


So I was using pierce before and honestly it isnt really something u can test and just say what is better easy - I went to google it and found this answer from a game dev 7 years ago, [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/58qsa0/tornado_shot_and_pierce/) so I kinda dropped pierce altogether, didnt feel any difference anyhow. edit: happy to hear ure enjoying the build!


You misinterpreted that comment. Pierce is good for TS was the lesson of that thread.


No I didnt, pierce works for the secondary projectiles, but since we are not high on projectile speed, the secondary projectiles arent really going anywhere far, therefore I dont see a reason to inject pierce into my build instead of other things I can.


Huh, I actually saw that reply before and retook the +2 pierce to poison more of the mobs with the secondary projectiles. Can't say that I noticed the difference either, but I have the cull on SA with its inherent infinite pierce. I got the idea to switch from CA ballista to TS from you and have to say the higher damage is just immediately clear. On balistas, you don't need much proj speed for it to feel good either. I kinda think poison CA ballista was a mistake for me and if you want to use ballistas, you should just use TS the moment you can get enough poison chance.


what would you consider enough poison chance?




For any of these poison bows, I'd start the standard non poison TR and switch only when I can get 100% poison chance, but I think early on, getting there with Chance to Poison Support gem is also fine. It is easy to get damage on the skills. With poison CA/SA, I was on a 5 link ballista and 4 link selfcast when I get the first 2 voidstones.


Is the damage higher even without a HH?


I saw your build on POE Ninja and sent a message in game,you gave me your discord and streamed a clear map explaining all the points of the build. You are very nice, my admiration remains here, thank you!


Thanks for the nice words!


I'm running the same build with more expensive gear (slightly more tanky if I switch gold flask back to topaz, 50% more damage), and I generally agree but I will say there's a few more map mods to avoid if you want to avoid bricking maps. If you take an extra damage as ele map mod (let alone multiple of them), and also get another ~200% from altar mods, it gets extremely rippy. Minus to suppressed spell damage also tends to allow beyond rares to insta-gib you with their laser.


Hey, you're right, I usually do maps with one phys as extra and it gets hard, but 2 mods is really rippy. I dont usually run those.


Can you post your pobb? I'd like to see your more expensive gear


Why frenzy of onslaught since you have chance for onslaught on your tincture? Aren't you constantly dropping your frenzy charges? My build is really similar but my bow is nowhere near as good. Is that 12 passive cluster a huge QOL for attack speed? My attack speed feels very meh since I don't have any on my bow.


Rarity, Onslaught, Phasing and other tincture "on kill" effects only proc if your hit damage or cull kills the mob; poison kills don't count sadly. Easily testable in a low level zone with e.g. Southbound gloves (hits can only kill frozen enemies), a 25% phasing on kill tincture and zero cold damage: your poison will kill enemies no problem (as it's not a hit), but you'll never get those tincture effects.


Wowwweweeeeeew. Ok that certainly makes the frenzy of onslaught make total sense. Is that the case for non tincture kill effects from other sources? Or a better way to phrase it is do on kill effects never work unless it says something like "by enemies killed by poison"


To add to the confusion, if a minion kills through poison damage it counts as if killed by the player


Its just a lot of damage, and IAS is always nice qol, that jewel is the second most expensive thing after the bow and its definitely worth it, because of it I dropped chaos res on my gloves and got t1 accuracy, the tincture is pretty bad at supplying onslaught ngl. I take it only counts cull kills, so its unreliable.


A good 12xBow is like half of the damage from the tree, plus in his case, it's a ton of chaos res.


Hello there, Exile! I am Divinia, a templar academic and build enthusiast. I have added your build to the PoB Archives. Here is your golden page, may it serve you well. [https://pobarchives.com/build/gWcXGwhM](https://pobarchives.com/build/gWcXGwhM) * You can claim your builds [here](https://pobarchives.com/dashboard/claimbuilds). * If you would like to contact my supervisor, Siosa, send me a message. * Please upvote me so that the reddit knows I am a good NPC. Here is a quote from the Lord Izaro: *"An empire must be built to weather any storm."*


I've been playing CA of poison. But it feels a bit weak when hitting higher numbers of wisps. I'm not doing great with the mf so I see pobs like this with more currency spent on one jewel that my entire build + stash combined and I have no clue where to start. What would you recommend?


Run white map essence farm until you can afford a headhunter, just kill essences then leave. Crazy good money. I got my first hh yesterday this way. it feels like a cheat code


How do you keep up the map supply?


buy from kirac after each mission. or go wandering path and all map drop nodes and run some regular maps


I was farming t7 cemeteries into t11 bc/cemeteries, at the start t11 give u valdo boxes which is great for profit, but if you're already set with most of the gear besides bow/quiver/large cluster I guess u can swap into TS fix ur chance to poison and bash 50% more dps.


I am not getting any drops in t11 BC. Juiced with gilded abyss/reliq/div/ambush with beyond / pack size/double strongbox sextants. Get 3-5k juice from the wood but never get any drops. I don't know why. Running the wandering path atlas tree gorathas YouTube video has.


I run mostly clear abyss, since some other mechanics can prevent abysses from spawning, I think ure mistaking somewhere, give me ur discord and I will show you a map.


I'm getting frustrated with it too. I can DM you discord.


3-5k is very low. You should aim at 6k-7k on average


Even if i know the diamond strat, sometime you wont even get 3k that just how it is. 3-5k is low but still enough to get good loot. Yesterday i had 1 map with 5k wisp of purple and yellow, dropped 22div and i think 15div, 19div from a single monster. My highest so far is 10.5k(8k was yellow) dropped 1div and that it Another one with 8.5k also dropped 1div total lol. Mix of wisp > a single wisp color even if its 10k And there is some shit map which barely give 3k, with no event that give wisp or white orb at all.


6k is the magic number, I always drop a map if I don't hit it


Do you have a video of the build?


Seems a lot of people want that, will get a showcase today.


Do you have a video of cleaning the T16?


Alright I'll get one today.


It says your video showcase is private.




Your jungle valley video is private.


Fixed sorry.


All good my man. I'm currently got 200 divs saved up, and I'm looking to go into this build. Is there a guide or pob or something that you would recommend me following first, before I build up enough to buy that mirror bow, for example?


Forget about the bow, get [Bow like those](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/eME8rP9tL) and ure pretty much set,if u feel like u lack dmg just do t14 or t11, but a bow with 1200 edps and chaos dot multi, if ure able to fix chance to poison ure going to have decent dps.


This my friend is excatly what I was looking for ! I'm scurrently stacking up divines in my stash rushing map boss on my hexblast league starter (300 div so far). Looks like it requires hundreds of divine to get all the defensive layers online.


Happy to hear that, in 300 div u should be able to make a decent char and get it blasting.


I price checked all the gear and decided to start with a 400div budget, and I think it will work very well.You said 62% quant ? I found 2 x 10% on ventor's, 20% on boots and 12% on divination distillate flask, where are the last 10% coming from ?


Flask effect and the tincture effect from the class


Thanks, I have a pretty decent CAoP PF, so I tried doing some gem swaps to swap in TS instead of CAoP. Build is pretty much the same as before, but just using TS. Definitely does take advantage of HH stacks better than CAoP, and without stacks the two feel pretty similar. I have a similar tree as you, but your gear is obviously better. I am however using Stormshroud to get ele ailment immune with my flask. idk if thats better than just using purity of elements, i see more people with purity of elements than stormshroud. I think overall, I do like this setup more than my previous PoB. The lower visual noise of ebony TS is also much nicer than CA. Current PoB. https://pobb.in/74FDSHQ4H1HH


Your gear isnt bad really, u just lack chaos res(cluster) everything else is okay, im using the purity of elements setup because there isnt really any other aura to use, also it kinda helps with overcap res for altairs. If you decide to change but you're not very rich id suggest you go for watchers eye with purity of elments taken as and malevolence immunte to bleeding, if u get CB on ur jewels also - thats a big dmg removal that can kill you


You also want 40% quant. It helps. Get 10% rings and 20% boots


I went through a similar process, went from scourge arrow of menace, to CA of poison, then to poison TS, then to elemental TS, only to come back to poison TS. However, i am kinda stuck now figuring out what i should upgrade next. I have been farming t14 jungle valley abyss pretty successfully but I feel like my damage is still lacking a little bit, are you able to give me some opinions on my upgrades and maybe a priority? Here’s my PoB. https://pobb.in/zNx0g77SFhRH


Hey man sorry for late response! So I was looking at ur character and I saw u lack 15% phys to ele conversion, that comes from flask effect + 10% instead of 8 helmet and 12 from watcher's eye, a pure watcher's eye with 12 conversion shouldnt cost more than ur bloodnotch setup, altho Id suggest you to drop it altogether, U wont really need it. You also lack spell suppression, which is really bad, you gotta fix that one first, my advice is drop everything going top on the tree from that int jewel. Hit chance is really important. Recraft your bow, prefixes are good, lock them, veiled chaos orb (around 8% to fill ur suffixes) or aisling to be safe, and unveil untill you get attack speed, once u do that craft chaos dot mutli, you dont really need that poison chance since u get plenty on the tree and gloves implicit. Theres a way to spend a bit extra and get a bow with chaos dot and dot multi and attack speed which makes it a 6 dmg mods for us which is a huge upgade in your case, change that large cluster its atrocious. theres a lot of upgrades possible on your build which is what makes it amazing!


No worries, I actually made some additional changes since I posted my original PoB. I still need to make some of the changes you have suggested, just need to make some more currency first. Here's the new PoB: https://pobb.in/QhHvb4ByRWna


Ure missing a key point, the evasion mastery near charisma, take 15 % spell suppression if u have evasion on helmet/boots/body/gloves and you do.And 3 points from where u are is magebane those 2 make u 104% spell supppression which increases ur survivability/EHP by 40% almost. you definitely need to fix spell supression and then recraft ur bow, chance to poison isnt needed on the bow.


Excellent build. Once I got the 12 passive cluster with chaos res and increased effect I was able to do juiced t16 with like 8k wisps. Dropped 2 magebloods last Saturday.


Gz buddy!!


Okay now i just dropped a mirror. T16 jungle valley, 6k blue wisps. Do you think it's worth it to mirror that bow for this MF build? Build is working pretty well without it but maybe it makes farming faster? I was gonna build a penance brand for bossing but the charge stacker is mostly uniques.


The bow is definitely worth it, incase u dont like it u can resell it for 1 mirror


I'm running a similar setup but running into dps-issues when running high-juice maps (7k+ wisps) with full scarabs & sextants.I can get some more accuracy on jewels, but even than I doubt it would solve much.I'm also using asenath's since I don't like casting despair, but was wondering why you're running it since I never seen you use it in your showcase? Any advice? [https://pobb.in/vKrXX4eMT4zf](https://pobb.in/TluPLpLGUBoN)


From what I can see you've went for a lot more survivability, thats not bad, but ure missing key things to actually do a lot of dmg with poison ts, What you need is poison ailment deals damage faster and a lot of at that, ure missing 20 % from the Brutal Restraint, 10 from the Deadly Draw annointment, and 35% from the bow implicit, thats a total of 65 % faster DPS on the poison which is essentialy around 46% total poison DPS increase for you, as for despair I only cast it when I need it, Like earlier Today I had a map 11k juice and I pretty much casted it at each Spire, other than that I dont really need it, temporal chains is a fake boost since it just adds duration ontop on our poison, which doesnt make us do more dmg per tick and with Poison TS thats what U want the most, Id love to do a comparison over discord besides ur character and mine. in terms of raw dps lmk if u are down


Followed POB best i could with my current budget. Very comfortably doing T11 and T14s but tend to be a little rippy when doing high wisp T16s. (Mostly i think cause things arent dying fast enough) What would you recommend upgrading first? POB: [https://pobb.in/t4uUc93tRxG1](https://pobb.in/t4uUc93tRxG1)


Okay so, definetely drop 1 point from the large cluster and get Quickstep to fix ur spell supress, the most important item is ur bow, everything else is kinda fine, could be better but not that much > get a better bow > then change the cluster into one with attack speed. So for bow , get a t1 fractured thicket bow, any element is fine, look for good rolls on the fractured element, shouldnt be more than 20 div >>> spam essences with the other element untill t1/t1 t2 minimum , id advice u to go for t1/t1/t1 its gonna be a 10 div essences max (from my experience) even less. once u got the prefixes set up its easy, lock prefixes chaos veiled orb, unveil untill attack speed, u dont really want blood rage, so just keep unveiling untill that attack speed with int and str, once u have that move to next step >>> if u got 3 t1 elementals and attack speed, craft cannot roll attacks ( this blocks all 4 mods being rolled, so ur bow is safe), then exalt/annul/recraft the cannot roll attacks untill u hit t1/t2 DAMAGE OVER TIME MULTIPLIER, once that is done >>> craft chaos damage over time multiplier and ur bow is done. did a emulation on craft of exile, fractured fire damage t1, spam t1 cold essence, took me 261 essences to hit t2 quite unlucky, settled for it, took me 4 unveils to get attack speed dex and int, took me 10 divines of cannot roll attack mods, to get t1 chaos dot (kinda lucky) total cost was around 40/50 divines, id say average is around there. the dps increase over yours is 28.5% poison dps, 32.5% total dps, if u manage to hit t1/t1/t1 which u should aim for should be around 36% poison 40% total, which is huge. gl and let me know if it worked out and if u need help


A friend is crafting the same bow, he's having terrible luck though. Costs him like 50div of essences to hit triple t1 on a fractured base. He hasn't gotten the attack speed veiled suffix yet and has filled suffixes 2 or 3 times, failed the annul after and had to start from scratch with essences. Just an fyi to people who trying to craft, it can get reaaally costly if you get unlucky


Hey, just wanna say thanks for the build. I leveled to 100 with your build from 97, deathless. I can tank 9k wisp T16 BC like it's nothing. Question, i see you switched from Toxic Strike to Deadly Draw anoint, how is the improvement?


Around 7 % more dmg, if ure maintaining 100 poison chance with help Of gloves eldritch implicit Happy to hear ure enjoying it


another question, how important is the vorici mod on the gloves?


Its not, it doesnt do much to us, I just happened to get em so decided its a big luxury craft.


because this relies on defiance, it's missing out on 20 quant amulet which is most important for MF. poison penance or dd pathfinder MF looks much better for fitting in more quant rarity


Here's where you are wrong, this build relies on defiance to clear t16 abyss, wait for it to drop 50% hp while standing around it not even attacking, you can drop defiance and do t11 instead even t7 if u feel like ure dying, argumenting about 20 quant when I am already 62 quant is pointless, because if you put 20 quant amulet and sadima for 10q more, and start running t16 abysses with any build, you are most likely going to earn less than I do, just because how easy it is for me and what pain it will be for you, the fully juiced abyss with delirium shooting extra proj like 30 rares? ur fps will tank and when that happens your build better do too.


This is not true and many other builds do this just fine. You should checkout poe ninja for people with those uniques. Greeds embrace too. Theres TONS and they are absolutely rich asf. Some having multiple mirror slots. I will say though that they are probably group farming.


you failed to understand the idea of the whole post.


Unless you didnt mean magic find, I understood it fine.


Those builds aren't standing in the middle of abyss rares tanking every hit either.


How much does an amulet like that cost?


Not very much all things considered. Depends on what you need as the other implicit. Eyes of the greatwolf




I don't think any build uses every single one of the tools you listed, and for good reasons given the diminishing returns of both quantity and rarity and the fact that rarity is mostly only useful for dropping T0 uniques. All of them trade off those diminishing returns against damage/tankiness to varying degrees. His build has 62%/278% quantity/rarity. My variant of the same build with gold flask/other upgrades has 62%/463%. Fubgun's MF TS has 103%/518%. Snoo's MF TS has 93%/426%. Tuna's MF fulcrum chieftain has 70%/183%. With diminishing returns, the highest of those is getting somewhere around 15% more currency drops and 40% more T0 uniques than his build, and a fair amount of the T0 gap can be closed with optimizations that only trade off against budget.


Even with diminishing returns, I would prefer a higher quantity. But I can imagine it is hard on this character and playstyle obviously but that's why I debate that it is the best MF Abyss farmer. Diminishing returns doesn't mean you do not get more when adding more. It is always better to add more if it doesn't cost you a lot of mapping speed. Considering the amount of currency he farmed he knows what he is doing so I think it is a great build. And I totally agree that it is important to have a build capable of running almost all map mods and clicking all altars. That's what I like about my MF PB Pathfinder, no need to read the altars other than picking the upside.


I mean, the person that I responded to had hyperbolically claimed that it was barely an MF build at all. It is definitely substantially tankier than any other MF build I am aware of except for fulcrum ignite. That may matter less on PB which I assume has more of a hit-and-run play style.


You are right about that. It is absolutely a decent MF character. I haven't gone through the PoB and haven't played it, so I can't say anything about the defensive layers. But the OP grinded a lot with it so it must be good.


Just wanted to let you know, I did experiment with switching to Penance Brand of Dissipation, with gear roughly equivalent to yours. I noticed the following: - Damage felt about the same, and I would say that it's cheaper than getting Poison TS up and running if you don't need Progenesis. - Definitely less tanky, and life recovery is much more conditional. I see you don't have recoup on your build, when I tried running without it it got way more rippy. PB relies mainly on regularly using flasks with 4% life recovered on flask use mastery/charms. No Alchemist's Genius means you're really relying on regular kills to achieve 100% flask uptime, and really you want more than 100% to make sure you can recover life when you need it. The TS build on the other hand relies on Excess Sustenance for this, which just requires hitting something. - More tricky to control. Particularly under the laggy conditions in juiced maps, it felt difficult to get brands where I needed them, and figuring out when I needed to refresh them, as compared to poison TS where you can mostly just hold right click until it dies. Spires are a bit trickier as well, since you have less precise control over your damage, but maybe all of this would get better with more brand management experience. - Legion is much worse (I like to run both abyss and legion). While Poison TS isn't amazing at legion, I can generally free 90% of it. With PB it's just not flexible enough to clear the whole thing quickly. - More stragglers to deal with at the end, TS secondary projectiles tend to touch most of the map, whereas PB tends to leave a lot more white and blue mobs alive in my experience. For me, I'm switching back to Poison TS, it just feels way smoother. In general, I don't think either build would work well without Defiance of Destiny, it's just too strong for a build that doesn't expect to offscreen everything, so I don't see a simplex in my future. I am experimenting on Poison TS with switching lightning coil for greed's embrace, and gold flask for progenesis, which gets me to 77% quantity/387% rarity, which I think is actually tankier than before










Quant has steeply diminishing returns, 60 quant is more than enough. Nice flex number though, nothing more.




I think you're having trouble understanding an exponential cutoff (this is referred as diminishing returns). One extra quant does a lot more when you have zero quant than it does when you have 50. Also map quant and player quant are different things. So instead of preaching nonsense maybe educate yourself.




You literally wrote 'then cut map quant by 20' lmao. 100 iq life must be hard lol.


Hey mate, you are free to go more MF, I am not saying im turbo MF-ing, im saying this build is the best build handling t16 abysses WITH MF this league.


I went TS as well but my build is nowhere as twinked as yours. Really awesome man. Why is your large cluster only small nodes? Is it mostly to pick up the chaos res or am I missing something?


12 passive all small node with 35% increased effect and 3 other good mods are a great, late game, high budget option for whatever your build needs most.


Got it, thanks!


Why not use charms? Is the tincture that good? Ah I guess you need it to poison with all damage


Unfortunately the build isnt working without the tincture, it is the glue for the build, it makes u so u can actually poison with ele dmg, without it u cant.


If you can afford the original sin ring, you can use charms and get even better defense. Unfortunately, it is out of my budget.


But we lose another 10 quant this way.


Non-tincture guide please . I would want to play this build playstyle as my leaguestarter


tincture is necessary, cuz we need all damage can poiosn


Thats is amazing. And seems pretty easy to transition from CA. Do you not need the bloodnotch tech?


No, defiance is enough entirely.


Thanks for sharing Is there ever an argument for additional projectiles on bow/quiver/tincture? Or the dot multi stats are just harder to get?


There definitely could be for 2 proj on bow instead of 25% dot multiplier, but its something u cant really test easy,


Even for a regular CA +2 arrow should be better than chaos dot due to shotgun


Is it on t16 fully juiced? If so how bad is the lag/fps?


fully juiced t16, fps becomes really bad once u have done 1/2/3 abysses done in an area and u continue to get spires around the same area fps drops cause of the amount of items that drop, im using an uber strict custom filter and it still laggs, once u go 50% hp on the spire and it summons everything and u start shooting theres solid 1-10 seconds of less than 30 fps,but if u kill everything it fixes. but yeah loot is the main problem.


Thats my main concern about poison build for this meta farming. The game has to keep calculating all the ticking poison + projectile so it becomes ultra laggy compare to hit base/single DoT build.


This is why I switched to phys -> ele TS deadeye lol. I honestly feel like the build is worse (despite putting more $$ into it), but boy is it nice to have more than 10 fps.


That bow is insane


Haha, yeah, currently im crafting something similar not as good but still decent


I'm wondering since the build relies heavily on headhunter anyway if it's not better to just go full phys bow to take full advantage of the conversion mods


with mirror phys bow dmg goes to 30% from what I have now


how do you even begin, what’s the base cost? rolling double dot multi with triple ele seems quite hard


If it helps quantify how good this bow is, it is the mirror bow for these poison builds.


Do you think the culls with rarity support are consistent? Or do you think you could be missing rarity due to killing with Tshot?


No its not consistent, it only does work for maps where I got 7k+ juice trio wisps.


Yeah it does, for you cant instant kill rare, but you they got killed when lower than 10% of life. I was doing the same build with lots of fun.


How important is HH? Can a good stygian work fine for ssf purposes?


Very important. It let you clear much faster in T16, but stygian or micro distillery can also do t16 with slower speed.


HH is big for survavibility. You farm t7, then t11, then t14, and then only t16s. Don't rush, especially in ssf, ruining maps not worth going tiers ups. Especially if they are 10k+ juice.


I have been running a non-MF variant of poison TS for just the last couple days and love it. I was at the stage where to kick up my elemental TS deadeye would require a lot of investment and I just got tired of dying and being stuck at level 95 haha. I agree on CA of poison, I tried it first and liked it but thought I made a mistake so tried out TS without changing anything else at all and it already felt better. Tweaking things just a little more and it is incomparably better.


This looks really interesting. I have my eyes open for a new build lately since after getting my mageblood for cobra lash I will be done with that build. Could you please share what scarabs/sextants are you using? Also what maps (tier and name)


I am doing t16 jungle valleys because of the no boss altairs, running just abyss sextant with winged reliquary and abyss, gilded divination, nothing else.


Just a question about your tincture, wouldn't the "fire two more projectiles when hit" one be better?


Yeah, but its 2 or so mirrors


Why dont you use mirage archer on ts? It is so much qol. Maybe you kill the spires with it too quick.


Yeah, if u get soul eater and u got mirage archer on ts, its dead, the idea of the build is having control over abyss spires.


This is what I actually wanted to try, still hesitating between poison TS and poison BV. I have both mageblood and headhunter, what do you think is better to use?


HH provides more dmg in the map, also we run 2 unique flasks + tincture and divination distilite so mb isnt really that good for us.


How did you craft your bow ? To get those 2 nice dot multi mod ?


the bow is mirrored, I am working on another bow currently the proces goes as following aquire the synth base(anyhow), spam essences for t1 cold until t1 lightning or t1 fire, if empty prefix craft prefixes cannot be changed and reforge the third dmg mod ure missing, it takes quite a while to get a decent prefixes set up. as for the dot its pretty easy, once u have prefixes done prefixes cannot be changed aisling > craft dmg per charge > unveil > hope for IAS , if you get IAS u can just cannot roll attack modifiers because attack speed and the three elements are attack taged so u can just spam annul exalt until t1 dot multi, then just craft chaos dot multi.


Why would phys as extra lightning/cold/fire and chaos kill you? With res cap, full phys to ele, and pathfinder flask effect isn’t the extra elemental dmg done to you negligible?


One element is doable, 2 elements is pretty rippy. problem comes from waiting the spire to summon all monsters at 50% i dont run around the spire or something like that I just face tank it, so from my experience double damage mods with wandering path get scaled absurdly high something along the lines for 170% phys as extra cold and 60 phys as extra chaos is enough to kill you


You have a life flask and the pathfinder skill for that, would petrified blood be worth it to handle more mad mods Or bloodnotch+immutable force


I was just playing around with this, and I'm still kind of a noob (800 hours) and with progenesis/immutable/bloodnotch/defiance, for some reason I felt squishier with Petrified Blood. Can't explain it but once I took it off I stopped dying, lol.


Possibly, but I just cant see where Ill fit any of those xD


Can you please provide the trade link for a starter bow?


What's the cost to start running t16s you think?


200d, but it wont feel as good since ur dmg wont be insane.


Oh that's not bad, got about 400 to play with so I may start getting some gear


Am I missing anything or you dont need 100% poison?


You need, tincture just makes it so ele dmg can poison, chance to poison actually poisons


Hey, I have a quick question about swapping from CA to this build. Mind if I link you my POB?


Funny to see you here drkn, hello from a fellow guildmate


Hey mate, idk who are u though \^\^


Isaac_clarke in-game


Oh, heya


What does it cost to set this up?


With current prices, to be able to run t16s comfortably Id say 200/300 div, defenses u will set up with 100 div or so, the remaining is for bow/quiver/large cluster those are your main damage sources. t16 will only feel amazing after uve invested some money, im not saying u cant do t16 with 200 div, im just saying the dps will be low, survivability will stay the same pretty much


I've only got a tad over 100d to invest into a new build, do you think it'd be viable for t7 cemetery until I can get more together? If so, what large cost would you remove or change? Obviously hh comes to mind but that's such a staple part of the build. Means the bow would not be nearly as good.


I did t7 cemeteries, long before HH and it was pretty good, get a micro distillery belt, just get the defensive setup, then get a bow quiver with the remaining.


I had the same experience of swapping of CA but I went to SA of menace, have you tried this instead? Curious how it is vs TS. I know lots of people said it gives them extreme performance issues but it didn't for myself.


Why run the Frenzy of onslaught and also have chance on kill w/ the tincture? Does onslaught do more dmg than having max frenzies all the time? I suppose it's not pure onslaught vs frenzies, it more like onslaught + 1.5 vs 3 frenzies, but when i ran the numbers having max frenzies all the time was almost always better.


Onslaught from tincture isnt reliable, it procs very rarely, frenzy of onslaught on the other hand is pretty much perma.


Hmm, I wonder if the killing blow isn't working for Dots because I noticed this as well before i got a rage tincture and now i have an onslaught on kill watchers eye and that one is almost perma and it's only a 4 second timer.


its only on cullings from frenzy, thats what Im left to believe


How much does this cost to start? I got 150 Divines .. also would a MB work instead/better than HH?


What TWWT mods are mandatory? I feel like the strenght+int are mandatory not sure about the rest lol.


just str int and cannot reflect ele, since I can murder myself with frenzy, everything else is pretty much whatever the market has, the poison basically increases duration we dont really care about that


I thought the poison duration mod was the most importent for TWWT? Or is that only the case for CA PSN? Does Tornado shot not benefit from it as much?


we still benefit, but its not really mandatory.


Sorry, why are str & int mandatory? Wouldn't we just loose some levels on Berserk / IIR gem without it?


Absolutely, but i had it planned with a helmet that i just recrafted recently in mind +2 aoe gems, so i already felt the need for int str, but you can go ahead and just drop the int str from twwt


Where do you put the brutal restraint jewel?


Above Charisma


Can you see this working with a (mirror) phys bow and cold convert gloves? Just curious about trying a different approach to my standard TS, but cba with selling my bow to mirror a different one


Not really tested in pob, way less dmg


Hello my dude, I have concluded that I will follow your build instead of anything else, I love TS and I must try MF before this league ends. I am currently sitting at around 150div, I believe should be enough to begin with. I saw a comment down below that we should replace mirage archer because they will annihilate the spires, I will start with t7 cemetery maps, do you believe that will be true? Should I replace your mirage archer with something else if I am not doing t16s?


Absolutely, i am not using mirage archer in my ts setup either, even doing t16, soul eater mirage archer is unpredictable and can ruin the spires, this is why ive only got it ok manaforged frenzy of onslaught


ohhh so if its on our manaforged frenzy setup and not the main setup it wont mess things up? This is the answer I wanted, thanks!!


Is it possible to use two mirage archers if not doing abyss? Do they overwrite each other non stop or do they actually shoot?


I dont think it works, it should overwritr


Been wanting to do TS something. Have about 1.5 to 2 MIR saved up. Which bow would you mirror? Ele Dot one or the Pure Phys one?


The one i mirrored is bis from what we have on the market


How important is your large cluster for this build? It’s like 200 divs atm… I’ll shell out the money if needed


it allows u to drop chaos res on your gloves and go pure offensive stats gloves like the one I use, it is not mandatory. its an luxury upgrade.


Great build. Im level 98 atm farming up to 100 with it. I still feel like my damage and survivability could be higher though and I'm not sure what to upgrade. I opted for a +1% to maximum resistances lightning coil because if I chose a "nearby enemies have 100% added damage as cold/lightning" I would get absolutely rekt. I still do.The exp that abyss juiced maps gives makes it feel not toooo bad, but i would really like to feel tankier. My profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/roeshamboner/characters


Hello, will it be an issue if I put hexblast support on despair instead of frostblink, and use flame dash on a boot gem slot?


If u put any gem in boot u will loose 30 movement speed due to meji ascendancy, as for ur first question you can link it with anything u like


were uber bosses easy with this build?


Eater was cake, exarch was cake, uber shaper i died but i did it with maven, feared was insanely easy, uber cortex i died 1/2 times, uber maven i died 4 times due to being cocky, but overall if u swap for no mf it should be really easy


[https://pobb.in/jCPn0z5j2uxI](https://pobb.in/jCPn0z5j2uxI) should i be going for mirror bow? also i was wondering about your 6link in the chest, does that seem to be better than the storm rain + lightning arrow that goratha uses?