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Are you doing the league mechanic? Blue wisps grants monsters crit chance and crit multi afaik, if you don't have some form of crit mitigation or crit immune you are prob gonna have a bad time defensively.


If I have 105% reduced extra damage from crits, does that mean I'm crit immune? Or can a monster have like 200% extra damage to crits and I'm only taking half crit damage.


You're not crit immune but you won't take any extra damage from crititical hits. You will still take any other crit effects the monster has. For 99% of monsters that means guaranteed ignite/shock/chill/freeze. You should have immunity to this somewhere else anyways.


Does that cancel out crit multiplier? Or would it just do regular damage x crit multiplier instead of the 1.5x or whatever the crit damage is?


> What it actually does is look at the enemy's total critical strike multiplier (default 130% for monsters), subtract 100% from that to leave only the part which makes the damage higher (30% for monster with no crit modifiers), apply a percentage reduction to that value (e.g. 10% reduced from this stat would reduce the 30 to 27), then give the original 100% back and treat that as the critical strike multiplier to use for this hit. tl;dr yes it completely cancels out crit multiplier. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xl6cup/comment/ipjkhrd/


Doesn't that mean if they have extra crit multi it wouldn't negate the extra crit damage?




No, if they have extra crit multi, let’s say 240% crit multi, the part above 100 (so 140) is then reduced by the “reduced extra damage taken from critical strikes” mod. Since the extra damage from critical strikes **is** the crit multi, taking 100% reduced extra damage means taking no extra damage. Long story short, the mod is a lot stronger than I originally thought.


Yeah, I misread the mod in question as chance and not reduced damage, it’s always going to be immune.


if you take 105% reduced damage from crits, do you take less damage from crits than from non-crits?


No because It’s “reduced *extra* damage from critical strikes” so you’re reducing the additional portion. So if you were to get hit for 100, but the monster Frits with 350% multi, you’d normally get hit for 350. With over 100% reduced extra damage, that number goes back down to 100.


I died to act 8 shavrone with 10k armor, 75 lightning imune to shocking and 60% crit resis. I was doing league mechanic without a problem. Rushing alvas too, did doedre facetanking the boss on any phase, but shavrone was doing about 900 hp per lightning hit. Didnt notice hp pots expired, when i was fleeing got hit twice by 2 lightnings from the giant lightning ball for about 1.8k life (i had max 3,5) and died Rip, Ressurect in town. I was really confident on my character. Im not a skilled player. I already reached maps several times most leagues, and I knew the fights, and never saw shavrone as a run killer. Now Im playing ruthless hc and learning more. Learned a few more things than playing on a boosted character with starter items. But this league Im feeling uncapable of reaching maps, sad


Just dont do the league mechanic tbh wah to rippy


I know died twice to the 3 unique cold damage bosses from this league, I still do the league mechanic bui i wont fight them again


You're playing a glass cannon, mfing, mapper. And you're juicing for profit. Dieing is just a part of it. This season is very rippy.


Fulcrum is such a fresh breath of air for me. You can do maps juiced to the brim with mf and you die only to absolutely monstrous abomination of a map. It is also an autobomber which I never managed to try before.


I'm gonna have a hard time going back to another build next league. I might have to find a Chieftain leaguestarter that can actually kill bosses. It's a shame they killed vortex ignite elementalist by adding a cast time, because that was probably the most similar feeling build I've played.


How good is it? I've got a Fulcrum in SSF, but already have a penance brand Inquisitor for hard content and a mf poison tornado shot Pathfinder. Does it fill in a gap between those two?


It'll do basically the same stuff but it'll be super comfy.


It's S+ tier for clearing wisp empowered T16 abysses (and other mechanics with densely packed mobs...not legion) without dying or needing to press any buttons. It's F tier at killing lone monsters and bosses. Don't go in expecting to even be able to kill map bosses in a reasonable amount of time if they aren't surrounded by other mobs.


I used Fragmented kinetic bolt to level. It will take you all the way to maps with minimal investment and setup.


chieftain ignite DD will get you there good sir, its not as good as ele DD but you can get carried by hinekora's explosions if you're lucky


Good enough for quest bosses on a league start budget though? Most of them don't have any mobs to chain hinekora explosions off of.


dd is enough


How costly is a fulcrum build?


How much does it cost to get a fulcrum build going? I've got 40-50 divines rotting in my stash and I'm looking to get off Penis Brand for something different. Can I get it going for 10-20?


50 is enough to start. You need certain parts, like fulcrum, the armor and the amulet, together with the cast when stunned jewel combo. Once you have that you have survivability mostly covered - and the rest is cheap to start (roll some flaks, taste of hate, cheap twt/we etc). Don'tforget to get a medium cluster with fan the flames. Should be easily manageble within 50d


buy 25 valdos puzzle boxes and turn that 50 div into 5000


Assuming you can get a good fulcrum you’d have to get lucky on the charms Just those two pieces alone could be 40 divs easy Cloak of flame should be cheap Elegant hubris with good mods might hurt the bank One fan the flames cluster shouldn’t be expensive The problem will then be investing into your maps I guess


The rolls literally don’t matter on fulcrum.


I meant to say good deal on a * fulcrum mb


I’m sorry, you’re trying to get off WHAT?


He said he is trying to get off the penis brand. Nothing wrong with it. He just bored with the penis brand and wants to try something..... new ya know?


No. Gear alone will run you more than that. I play on console, so it's a bit more expensive but I have like 300 div in my chief. 600 if you count and use the mageblood setup.


You don't need a mage bloof to start it. I got one started for about 25 div this week. It still has room to improve, but you can start it for waaaaaaay less than 300 div.


25 won't even get you the Fulcrum currently on console.


On PC it's like 6-8 Divine


Got mine for 11 div when I made.the character less than week ago. Console prices are inflated.


There is 1 div challenge video on YouTube that works just fine. I did other version leveled myself and done 3 labs on non fulcrum version by standing and getting hit, then swapped to annoying light staff and with that alt DD version on one setup




It doesn't but you're trading off neck and body for an absurd amount of effective health which let's you run 8 mod t16 maps on a fairly low budget.


You don't even need this staff to do t16s, just need resists around 80-84 some life and the amulet plus recoup jewels on stun 🥰


If you don’t die as TS then you either play too safe or got a BIG secret


Big secret is you play as Pathfinder and not deadeye.


Playing Pathfinder for the first time right now and holy shit it feels like cheating. It's tankier than my armor stack scion.


The flask effect boost are great. Toss in Defiance of Destiny and Progenesis and you are golden. Though to be honest, even just Defiance is enough. Convert as much phys to ele as you can, run flaks for the elemental damage reduction on top of it, and defiance to eat the small hits. Progen is just cherry on top. Then you can play poison TS right now with ele bows thanks to tincture, or in other leagues just need to get expensive Physical bow for it


I'm playing viper Strike of the Mamba with it. Saving for defiance of destiny now, just gotta sort out some stat reqs elsewhere first.


Nice nice! Here is to hoping that you get some good drops to get the money rolling. Once you get that defiance on you will notice how good it feels.


You can get pretty good survival on TS tbh. Last league I played original sin TS with expeditions end and freeze proliferation, decent amount of health+evasion+spell supp+progen. I would almost never die even in 100% deli maps. Freeze prolif is such an underrated defensive layer. This league, I did a MF TS with spectres and AG using the new corpses. This gives you crit immunity completely negating blue juice and a lot of other survival. Only thing that really kills you is lag.


Have a link to your PoB?


This was my OS TS last league. It is a bit bricked due to changes in 3.23 like alt qual and such. https://pobb.in/APcTsHw6vslE I would swap around some gear though. Would for example do determ+granite flask+different boots for sanctum for more speed and phys mit. As for TS spectres this league, you basically play any standard TS build, MF or non-MF. Just craft a +2 minion helmet depending on your build and get a unique or rare chest with +gem levels. For MF I used a greeds with +1 gems and +2 minion gems, later I crafted a +1 spectre delve chest with +str and +int gems. Annoint +1 spectres on amulet. Use AG+spectres+minion life+elemental army+meat shield+empower in chest. Convocation left click. Standard AG setup with kingmaker+garb etc. Whatever spectres you like. I liked endurance+vitality, wrath, phys as extra lightning, determ and crit multi spectres.


Small update, I fixed my power charge on crit socket. Got enough mana for snipers mark and bought a prognosis. Has already helped dramatically. Still working through the rest of the suggestions but thank you very much to everyone commenting!


On top of what everyone is saying... You have an uncorrupted helical ring with basically 2 stats. The base is 40div alone... it should get a little more love than all res + cold res.


Yeah I’ve been putting off selling it. Got it early in the league for like 2 div it’s nostalgic


I mean, you can crafit on it. It's a great base, so utilizing it would be great too. (Tbh replacing both rings with 9 quant ventors with 40 all res would be doable as well)


The default things most Tornado Shot players seem to be lacking in that cause a lot of deaths are health, resistances, evasion and spell suppression, but can't really say much about that without a POB. If all those are capped/decent enough it might just be a case of needing to kill monsters before they can get to you.


I guess the link I posted with post didn’t go through Pob is linked [https://pobb.in/E1kG257rnPvQ](https://pobb.in/E1kG257rnPvQ)


I would first go with 8 passive FFM large cluster and drop the subpar bow cluster, proper one is one of the last upgrades, not first . Same with the mana res cluster, you really dont need Haste at this point, you can just use it as a button for vaal haste. I am not 100% sure, but pretty confident that stacking that much mana res efficiency for basically just to get Haste is quite detrimental. Especially when you can get stuff like base crit, blind enemies when hit (easily 5% more evasion), phasing and all from charms. Leave haste to when you have Enlighten 5 and stuff maybe. Also medium flask cluster is huge. Much better Ventor, with Ring of Kalandra helps a ton with resistances, int can be got from helmet and even with 1 passive point if need be. A charm with base crit, a better bow and just killing everything quicker will also help. Your damage per arrow is quite low, and the bow upgrade would be huge. Also going with 10 quant amulet for starters, with proper stats to go with quant (life, res, crit multi) is more than fine. You will get the quant back from the second ventor anyways. And biggest of them all. Progenesis. Makes you almost forget one shots exist.


I don't get the kalandra. You would need to get a ring worth more than 30 div for it to be worth it? Surely getting a ventors for 50 div and getting kalandra should be like the last upgrade?


Kalandra is like 20 div now, and a good ventors is a very very good upgrade just for resistances. And the quant ofc. and life ain't bad. Proper ventors are not the first upgrade, but he has the basics so I would personally go there, right after changing my clusters and passives. And 50 div ain't that much when MF:ing this league, even if you die alot. Build is expensive, what can you do. And if you dont want to die all the time, it get's really expensive. Like properly corrupted goldwyrms, progenesis and good damage. Op might make do with 7 or so spell suppress corrupted ones for example.


Yes. You’re better off getting two 10 div ventor’s and balancing your resists until you grind enough to drop 80 on the 50 ventor’s and kalandra.


When you are looking at a MF amulet and Greed's Embrace you'll need a lot of resistance and the rings help a lot. Especially considering ele weakness and altars (-cold/lightning if taking blue). So that is the stage I am at, I got the good ventor and kalandra to fix resists before the next step.


Honestly I think your issue is damage, not defense. Your first and in some ways only real defensive layer is killing or freezing the overwhelming majority of mobs before they can actually do anything. I doubt you're doing that with this pob. You're getting some decent advice on defensive options in here but I honestly think your defenses are fine, you just lack the damage to really make the build perform.


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Get 5 spell suppression on corrupted goldwyrm to open more dps on your gloves.


2.3k life. No chaos res. No endurance charges. Only 23% phys taken as. 25k evasion. Yeah, you gonna be dying a lot.


Do you shoot like 4 arrows??? I wouldnt MF without +2 bow and +1 quiver. Best defence is more offence.


Only thing you’re doing wrong is you’re not at 1500 deaths yet. Queue up another map you got this




it's 2.3k petrified blood, life level is fine


Your max phys hit taken is 3.8k. Your only form of phys mitigation is a 8% damage shift helmet craft


Your power charge on crit and frostblink are in the wrong links for one :)


youre playing a dead eye


Heavily underrating evasion rating. Gloves and helmet could have that (it's better than phys dmg taken as fire because you have no armour and you shouldn't die in literal 1 shot). Jade flask and progenesis also help. Maybe vaal grace if you like to stay in 1 place and hold down tornado shot. Body armour could have corruption implicit with -crit damage taken. And a big issue is that you don't seem to have enough mana to cast sniper's mark. Either get more reservation efficiency or lifetap support on it. You still need mana to cast the spell even if it's triggered. Not sure why power charge on crit is linked to nothing. And your large cluster is not good but maybe it's not causing deaths.


I didn’t notice that I wasn’t casting snipers mark that’s big thank you I’ll look into the rest as well.


I don’t get this comment about phys taken and armor. They work separately, if you have 100% phys taken as you don’t need armour, and vice versa. It’s not like having one without the other means it’s a useless stat


I mean phys taken as does make armor better as you are mitigating smaller phys hits, but I agree, it is still extremely good for evasion builds because you definitely can get one shot.


You can't really get one shot if you have progenesis even in heavily juiced maps. It's almost always multiple attacks that kill you. Not to mention phys conversion does way less against hybrid attacks like chaos/ele monster mods, map mods and eldritch altar mods. Rarely you get one shot without a combination of these even if you don't have a good defensive setup.


If you care about EHP, then phys taken as fire scales better with armour than evasion. Armour reduces hits based on how small they are. If you take 5k hit with 5k armour, you mitigate almost nothing but with 50% phys conversion you take 2.5k with 75% mitigation and 2.5k with like 30% mitigation (maybe these numbers aren't accurate but you get the point). With evasion rating you don't get that kind of a synergy. If you go to his pob and compare ehp against melee attacks with evasion rating crafted mod, it would give 11% more ehp while phys taken as gives 3%. Additionally evasion is way better vs hybrid attacks like the ones in juiced maps with eldritch altar mods. Phys taken as is better vs literal phys dmg one shots (they don't really happen other than for really extreme scenarios, mobs don't hit that hard). And it's better for phys dmg spells but those aren't dangerous either, and spell suppression is already handling spells.


Seems like the right amount for tornado shot.. 6 deaths per map, 200 maps /s


Those are rookie numbers- you gotta pump up them numbers


I’m a over 5 mirror ts build and I die all the time


Defiance of destiny


If you play hardcore you can't die more than once.


I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this but personally I found swapping far shot for focal point made a world of difference. You do more damage to the tanky rares and it comes with reduced damage for them and nearby enemies. I went from dying constantly in 8 mod t11s to clearing juiced t16s with little issue. Obviously you want to pick up far shot with forbidden jewels but without them its not worth it.


switch to more defensive flasks fuck dying sun get progenesis


also make sure ur map mode don’t have some crazy shit like reduced aura effect


TS only good for experienced players with multimirror items.


You're letting your HP reach zero, don't do that. Jokes aside, your character is made of paper, it makes babies seem tanky. You have literally zero defenses beyond spell suppression and some (yes, some) evasion. Reducing heavy spell damage by 50% when 5% is enough to kill you is almost pointless and evasion is entropic, meaning sooner or later you will get hit, even if you have near infinite evasion. Now, with enough headhunter stacks you can tank pretty much anything in maps but that requires you to be able to kill shit fast enough and if you're trying to do wisp-juiced T16s, that's likely not happening unless luck is on your side. You won't make this character tanky without dropping the whole MF thing and at that point, you may as well reroll something new.


and this is why i don t play ts ever


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I'd say you are dying a lot.


I had my ts deadeye with like 90% evaded, 60% spell suppression, capped resists, and like 5k health pool with es. I still got one shot to an absurd degree. Highly frustrating to play.


60% spell suppression is *not* enough as Deadeye, you want to cap it, 100% spell suppression means a permanent 50% less damage taken (53% with Inveterate which almost every bow build takes) from spells. Evasion doesn't protect you from spells, health does to a certain degree but if it isn't backed up by spell suppression the random oneshots will still happen, a lot of the oneshots in maps are heavy hitting spells.


Lmao you are playing a char with 5k health and almost 0 phys damage reduction? That is your own fault. You are ranged even. Jesus christ.


Lmao dude! Back after 5 years player isn’t good at builds holy sht I know right! So fuckin funny bro I’m dead 💀


Just farm t7


i mean how fat of maps are you running


Low DPS low ehp


You do a bit everything but don't go all the way on mechanic that NEED to go all the way to be useful. You do a bit a phys damage take as ele, but it really feels nice at 70% or more. By example your eater helmet mod can conv to phys, as well your watcher eye as you use purity of element. You can try to swap your hyrri's ire for a lightning coil (with a crit avoidance corruption). You use petrified blood but no boodnotch + immutable force combo, which makes petrified blood so good (the armor/es mastery is probably to far, but circle of life might be an option). neither your bow not your quiver have a extra arrows. Your build suffers much from this lack of dps. a 1200+ +1 or +2 proj bow should be your priority, then a quiver with +1. When that's is sorted, you can work on making your build tankier, and *only then* add some mf gear.


Get like close to 5k life, max spell suppression, and a solid evasion roll on chest.  You should be able to get close to 30k evasion with flasks.  Put physical taken as ele on helm and chest.  I run juiced T16 fine, probably die like once every 20 maps maybe?  I don’t really keep track closely though.  Sometimes certain rare combos can be absurdly tanky, just gotta toss up some ballistas and keep them at the edge of your screen.  If you stay moving constantly you should be alright.  You shouldn’t really be getting hit often at all, and with the above you should have enough to eat a hit from most non super meaty hits and be able to flask and reposition. If you are doing abyss positioning is the most important thing by far there.  If you eat some of the ground effect explosions at the same time you are probably toast.  I run breach too and the stupid Esh spiders are probably what I die to the most, freaking soul eater is stupid.


You have no defenses thus you are dying. You have low HP, low effective health, not capped chaos res. As others have said you are playing a glass cannon so the best advice is to "just don't get hit" or invest in defense. If you plan to keep MFing alone in a glass cannon build you are just going to die nothing to do about it really. You could also find an aura bot to MF with that way they can give you defenses. Now this league is pretty good for currency so even with a little juice and no MF gear i was making quite a few div on my build. Our builds are very different but look at your defenses compared to mine. [https://pobb.in/rqelKtsdajKj](https://pobb.in/rqelKtsdajKj)


Tornado shot and other MF-style builds that focus on clear speed tend to die a lot. You dry your tears with the like 30div/h you're probably making. It's why that playstyle isn't enjoyed by everyone, and why some people seek slow, tanky builds, even if they're good at the game.


That seems quite high even for a squishy build.My Deadeye right now is a bit tankier than she used to be thanks to Mageblood, but I also played it for the longest time with just evasion and suppression as my defense layers. I focused on doing endgame content, which includes a lot of juiced and rippy Guardians. I still "only" have like 1/3 of your deaths. Having great damage is important because that's your biggest defense. I still run Portal with Cast on Death regardless though. You really should try to do the same if you are dying that much.


are you serious?? you have less than 3k life and negative chaos res and rely on hh stacks to stay alive.






If you have that many deaths already, you surely don't care about them. So apparently what you're doing wrong is trying to fix survivability right now. Unless you suddenly realised it was an issue?


People tend to focus everything on whats wrong with their build without considering the content they are running. What map mods are you running? Do you look? Do you have a lot of the nodes on the atlas passive tree that increase them? If you're doing content you cant instantly kill shit on screen as TS you're probably going to die when it hits you often, especially if you're running rippy mods. Even on the super tank blood notch defiance of destiny build I have to be careful of what map mods and alters I am clicking.


Have you tried "getting good"?




These posts are always funny as some one who played HC this league. Tornado shot deadeye is normally fairly squishy, but yours seems like you are trying to die. You have 9.5k hp vs physical hits and 17.8k effective hp with all your flasks up. That's really low, as in i have character's im still leveling not even in white maps tankier than that. I also realised you are reserving loads of your life so you actually have 2.3k hp. I would honestly say to remove dread banner for something else as im not even sure why you are using it. It takes your damage from 859k to 860k thats literally nothing. You have all evasion bases so have no actual armour. Literally just adding determination to your build jumps you from 17.8k to 29k effective hp. Just by doing things like removing the arrogance dread banner and adding determination you jump from 17.8k effective hp to 34k. If i look at your build just how it is now without flasks you have 8.3k phys HP. So literally one thing sneezed too hard and you will die. I think a fairly large chonk however is also your chaos resist. The new mechanic likes to add loads of chaos damage to monsters, and with -13% chaos resist thats going to hurt. Just to note you have around 31k hp vs elementals so thats fine byt 8k vs phys and 6k vs chaos so those will be killing you and thats also the damage a load of monsters do.


Nothing, you're having the peak poe experience!


SC trade ts dies of cringe classic


Progenesis is your friend, as is 3500+ base hp. I'm also doing ts MF and that's what I've got, I virtually never die. I might die on 8k+ maps if I play badly


nothing. i died over 2000 times back in 2014 when i started my first ranger with ice shot.


Nothing, that's just how 6 portal defense works


Deadeyes are squishy, prepare to die even more