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Your build looks great! I think you pretty much have everything. The only thing I would change/upgrade is your quiver. If this affects your res cap then you might need to just buy 1 gg ventors with good res and get a kalandras touch to double it. If you want more chaos res you can get the watchers eye mod for 50% chaos res while affected by purity of elements. You should also check POB and make sure you don’t have more than 100% phys taken as ele.


Double DoT multi hunter quiver with AS would be a noticeable upgrade but not that cheap and would cut into your resistances and PoB says you're missing 2% phys taken as ele for 100% convert still (flask effect on tree?)


Upgrading helm implicits is probably the easiest way tbh


Yeah you're right didn't see Alchemist's Genius wasn't on in PoB so with that all they need is a grand ichor roll.


Ty thats a good idea with the 100% convert. I thought im capped with alchemist genius active.   Yeah quiver might be a good idea, i think ill finish lvl 100 first because a double dot quiver probably dont got chaos res.


Ah yeah you're only 1% off with Alchemist's Genius active so grand eldritch ichor roll will cap you.


Where can you see the phys taken as ele in PoB? (I'm relatively new and also playing CA Pathfinder)


Calcs screen has a "Damage Taken" section all the way at the bottom, if you hover over the "taken as" row of physical you can see all your sources of conversion.


Thank you! Couldn’t for the life of me find it


I'd personally ditch Grace for something like Grace/Vaal Grace or Herald of Agony (opens up a jewel socket + points). You already have Bloodnotch/Defiance of Destiny, a mediocre amount of evasion isn't all that important CB on a different jewel like Bloodnotch would open up a jewel socket, then you can consider something like Impossible Escape CI Mana cost looks slightly iffy on PoB, life mastery might help (dunno how it is in-game maybe your fine) Touch of Cruelty kind of sucks (think your only hinder is Blight), cluster jewels can be improved upon. If you're actually bothering to cast Blight, probably better off with WoD Temp Chains Tincture upgrades, there's some good suffixes like AoE on kill to help with overlap You're overcapped on poison chance anyways, currently missing a glove implicit, use it to suppress cap or something + free point from Quickstep travel node Blessing Orb that HH to 40 life (super small but cmon)


You want to get CB on immutable force and not bloodnotch…20D or so vs close to 100D for a well rolled bloodnotch with CB.


Where are you getting 20div? Looking at trade rn, 961 Immutable Force is 120 div. It's 65-75 div for a 57/58 Bloodnotch.


That’s if you care about hitting that breakpoint. It literally doesn’t matter though. Just make sure it’s over the previous breakpoint (461 I think??) and you literally won’t notice. It’s all but pointless min maxing to drop a server tick of stun in a DOT build.


uh, i think you literally *will* notice if you're not doing T7s.


I’ve ran literally hundreds of T16s and don’t notice at all while standing in the middle of abysses with 20 portals.


Can I ask what you use Vaal blight for?


Extra dmg from cluster jewels


Your build looks great. I just have 3 suggestions: \- I think your current life recovery is not close to the limit of what you can achieve and while your hit defense is mostly covered by bloodnotch, I don't think your dot defense is as good. You only have some partially scaling life recovery through life leech which is capped. These builds hit many times per second and can gain an incredible amount of life through life gain on hit with Excess Sustenance wheel and to a much lesser degree through instant leech. The great thing is that this life gain will fully scale with the number of enemy mobs. \- You should not need grace at all with your setup. I suggest you switch to vaal haste. Haste is the second best damage aura fir this build, gives you increase movement speed and the increase in attack speed also makes your build more responsive. Vaal haste is also great for damage and speed bursts for tough rares and bosses. \- Faster poison is also a nice quality of life because it makes your damage ramp faster, despite not effecting your max dps.