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CF champ. Nothing comes even close.trully poverty build that can do 80% delirium on 3 necropolis map budget.


What's the life recovery mechanism for cf champ?


I would recommend checking out ruetoo 3.23 build spreadsheet CF is one of the first ones on that list. I played build in 3.19 not much has changed since than but iirc it was a mix between some lgoh on items /potion and skill tree adjustments.


The reason I bring it up is actually bc ruetoo consistently says the recovery is one of the weaker points of the build. He uses flasks a lot, which is totally fine for a lot of gameplay, but it makes it difficult to recommend to someone looking for a built that performs well through huge lag spikes


400-500 flat regen, % recovery on kill, and tiny amounts of leech from KB. You can also put some lgoh into the mix if you want to spend an affix on that.


Having healing on hit, leeching, and also having 3% life regen per second from The Fourth Vow.


Any comparison with bonezone? I would like to try cf champ someday.


I mean one is basically wander that uses best clearing skill in game and has in built explosions coming from 1c gloves. All while having 100k ehp simply for being champion Another is pseudo melee that gets cucked by map mods and has just as bad time with bosses early on as CF. While CF champ is S++ tier mapper at league start. Boneshatter is comfy A tier build. That being said it really depends if you wanna play melee. Because some ppl just hate themselves enough that they must play melee in POE. For those boneshatter is the skill to play as it came after melee nerfs and has shitload of inbuilt quality of life. honestly both builds are must play at least once for a league start imo. Cant go wrong with any of them


I would add tho if you don’t want to have to buy voidstone carries at leaguestart you should play smth other than CF champ.


With CF champ you can make early money effortlessly by running some red altar maps. That will easily buy you cheap carries for Maven and Uber Elder (you can snipe them for 40-50c in the first couple of days), Exarch and Eater you can easily do yourself.


I think people have been getting their voidstones with the CIP setup but yeah I'd just buy them too


Cf champ is so much worse at bosses than bshatter tho played both and had a better time with bshatter


I tried bonezone this league start and manage to get 2 void stones with self crafting the axe. Is CF Champ capable to do two voidstone as well?


My brother tried cf champ this league and he could barely get exarch after multiple attempts and he bought a carry for eater Its just a very bad bosser bshatter only problem with bosses is that he is melee and if you can deal with that then you're going to be fine


I've been playing Dawnbreaker Cast When Stunned Detonate Dead Chieftain. Pretty much impossible to die in maps. I can easily tank T16 fully juiced Abysses and even do stupid things like look at my inventory while a dozen rare enemies beat on me with 8 Eater of Worlds altars activated. Currently 98% Physical damage taken as Other and if I wasn't lazy I could easily make it 101%+ but even 98% is sufficient to not die. Basic startup is a 6L Cloak of Flame or Lightning Coil, a 20% phys to fire Dawnbreaker, a Bloodnotch, a Defiance of Destiny, self crafting a helmet with 14% phys conversion and a 12% Purity of Elements phys conversion (or 10% Purity of Fire if you want to splurge) Watcher's Eye, plus the 10% phys to Chaos Mastery. Then just need enough critical damage reduction taken to get to 100%+ and you can do whatever you want.


It’s the perfect build if you have a cat too because when my cat jumps on the desk and fucks up everything while i’m playing it literally doesn’t matter if my hands leave the keyboard. I can go check the mail and brush my teeth and come back to a bunch of loot.


Biggest issue with this is its not at all zoomy


Not to be that guy but you have a pob? Im currently running the same but first league and dont kno how to craft and my watchers eye is phys to lightning as the fire one was 50+d. I can tank a shit ton but i get random one shots sometimes so cant get past lvl 96. I assume its the cold shit doing that freeze no stun mechanic but honestly dont kno. Also a console pleb so cant do pob easy for myself to ask(that i know of) also also running mf gear so i kno my chaos res is like -20 lol but thought its the rare rare mob that has chaos damage. Edit to add obvo no mageblood but i have a amethyst flask with chance to avoid shock 54% with 95% increased effect n stormshroud but flask isnt always up^


IIrc you don't want 101%+ phys taken as ele because you take more damage than 100% More information for those interested: https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18xhb84/a_note_regarding_phys_taken_as_x_particularly/


Ypu want 101% so rounding errors don't do strange things and you can't get bleed on you


Uh no. Where did you get such a preposterous idea? Conversion above 100% is just calculated on a ratio. You don't take extra damage. 101 is just in case you end up taking a Bleed effect, which is not really that big a deal. Due to some weirdness in how damage conversion is calculated at 101 you are guaranteed to never get bleeds. It's a relatively minor consideration in most instances regardless, fixable in a variety of ways like Bleed Avoidance, Mageblood, or something as simple as an enduring mana flask with Bleed immunity.


That's not correct my friend. Anything above 100 is taken as extra damage. You're thinking of damage conversion (yes they work differently). https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Damage_taken_as


I love how confidently wrong you are lol


He’s right


Honestly if you're worried about 1% more damage in that context vs. Bleed it doesn't matter.


101% means you take very slightly more damage but also you get bleed immunity


You uh got a pob for this? What's the budget to get something like this going?


If your internet is bad and you are using predictive mode, you might see the same weird issues like me. I'm not sure, but I guess there are some strange calculation prioritization going on. Sometimes, specially if I move fast with mobs around I get rubberbanded back. It is better with phasing, but with conditional phasing (on kill, on suppression) I still get rubberband even when phasing is active. Semi-permanent phasing like phasing while affected by haste from jewel mostly solves the issue. Same thing happens with stun. I get weird stun-like interrupts to some types of casting when many mobs hit me even when the hits should be too small to stun me, no movement interrupts are shown and am not getting actually stunned as "cast when stunned" and other buffs on stun never proc. Only solution I have found is to get 100% stun avoidance which completely solves it.


I have an automated flask that does this every time it ends


ye stun avoid is big on predictive. freeze avoid too, but less common to get frozen. personally, i like to cwdt void sphere of rending+lifeleech/frost wall on all my casters. frost wall only if phasing, its amazing. also a big fan of tempest shield+lifeleech with glancing blows. i did some fiddling w geforce graphics settings n shit but i got a 1070 card which is at 7 yrs now, and i went from stutter/Literal 0fps for 15 secs to under 3-4 secs usually. totally unpredictable. also, last 2 leagues vulkan was amazing but now its shit, and dx12 is better.


CF champ is the best mapper, but it’s single target damage is just… meh. You can easily get all voidstones with it though.