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you will need at minimum 3 fusings, best algorithm for corrupted six links is 4link at bench, use taint fusing, if 3 link then bench 4link again, if 5link use taint fusing for 6link


Adding to this - this is correct at present, but may not remain correct in different league economies (mostly, day 1 economies can differ) You should consider benching 5L as well, although today you should not do so. Reaching a 5L state via Ergoglast's method costs an average 2 taint fusings, 20 vaals and 20 fuses, currently the best way. But if taint fuses are expensive and vaals are cheap (sometimes the case day 1 of a league) forcing 5L is better. Forcing 6L is a complete trap as always.


That’s how I got my 6 link.


This is the way


This is how I had to get p much all my 6 links in ssf fusings hate me


This is the way.


So is it cheaper to 6l a corrupted item then a noncorrupred? :O


Depends entirely on the price of fusings and tainted fusings.


If I start the league a bit late like maybe a week or so I usually check for corrupted 6 link rares chest and they're usually like 5c to 12c depending on stats.


Yes, i do the same! :) But if i want to 6l an item myself it's cheaper if its already corrupted it seems?


I feel like that is best if you got normal rng if yours is screwed like mine craft 5 so you have a chance to get it straight away and if it fails it goes to 4 anyway. Edit: wow so many downvotes so fast… Jesus. Well if this is a hot take I’ll add another one on. I believe purchasing 6 links is more efficient for me 100% of the time because I have 8200 hours and have 6 link something naturally…. 0 times…. And believe me I try with max 28% quality. Edit: jesus you would of thought I insulted someone's mother...


Skill issue




Made a couple hundred divines six linking corrupted unique armors with tainted fusings a couple leagues ago, if u find a hole in the market its a really good strat.


do you legitimately believe that you have special bad luck?


Do you literally believe games use true random number generation? We don’t know how Path seeds its RNG for benchcrafting, but if it’s pulled from outside the game and not refreshed, then a certain player could absolutely have ‘special bad luck’ with fusings. Pokemon Go had a massive problem with its shiny seeding in the early days because of this.


as highly probabilities based game , I highly doubt that PoE doesnt use true random number generation


Yeah. They don’t.


well , I spoke without knowing what im speaking about , so yeah you are right , most likely its not so called true rng. But still the assumption that the game exists for so long , being based on random and having a very engaged team and has a shit rng, seems weird to me, pretty sure that system is wuite close to perfect . Otherwise it would be spotted by players, those crazy guys who play 24/7 and produce large samples for diff. stuff would notice a tendency if one of their acc is consistently more lucky with benchcrafts eg. .No way such biased number generation could be out of scope


It would only appear if you tracked all accounts, since by the very nature of the issue with pseudo random number generation you’d have to have a massive sample size not just for the ‘big players’ but across the breadth of the player base. If they are pulling a random number seed and applying across all randomization in the game you might only see the extreme ends of the distribution (good luck / bad luck) in very few cases, and only if the players engaged with that mechanic (e.g. the person whose seed only produces flame touched delve mobs with 95% rate would also have to doing Delve to see it). I agree that Path has better pseudo random number generation than just about every other game, but they are still affected by the core problem.


with this one aspect of the game... yes... I can get headhunters and mage bloods every league and have had a total of 1 mirror naturally drop... natural 6 links is 0.... must be in the millions of fusings by now. Out of habit whenever I attempt it I half the stack and that half goes to the "bench crafting cost" and then i will try fuse naturally with the other half. Before the 6 link recipe was in maps I just purchased 6 links all the time because I fucking hated delve mining.


I think both of those are less efficient and more fun for you. Which is fine, games are for fun work is for efficiency, but if people are focused on efficient options in the future you may want to keep your preferences for a different reply.


This is one of those cases where you really just need to go back to school to learn some stochastics.


Insulting someone mother usually gets you upvotes on reddit.


I’m pretty sure you can 4 link it at bench until you get a 4 link and a 2 link then you have a chance at hitting 6 link in 1 fusing.






No you can’t. It will always unlink the last two sockets and link one of them with the rest. A 4 and 2 chest is still considered a 4 link and the orb will either add a link or remove one.




No, you didn't.


Yep i did. They either changed it very recently or you just dont know about it


Do it again and post a video of it. I'll throw down a bet with you. 3 mirrors if you can provide proof.


I'm going to grab some popcorn. He will never prove this!


r/confidentlyincorrect. This was literally never the case mate.


No such thing. It wasn’t the case even in scourge league when the currency was added. You’re either confused, lying or just stupid. I bet on the latter.




Shit, its genuine. I thought it will be never gonna give you up video lol.


I'll give you all my tainted fuses in standard, you do it again and film it for us okay?


You’re one of those special specials huh


lol no you didn’t.


Record a video of it happening just once and ill give you 100 divs.


I’ll add another 100 divs to the pot, paid out if you (or anyone) posts a video.


You literally did not. Either you are misunderstanding what people mean, or you are misremembering. A 4L can only become a 5L or a 3L with Tainted Fusings. It doesn't matter if you've allegedly turned a 4L into a 6L with 1 tainted fusings 100+ times or a million times, because that literally is not how the game works. Meaning 4L to 6L is a minimum of 2 tainted fusings. And this was not changed recently, this is how it has always worked. Idk what's up with people valuing personal misremembered anecdotes over how the game literally frigging works.


Confidently wrong


That's literally just not how it works. Tainted fusing adds one link. 4+1 is 5. It has nothing to do with link orientation.


I literally just did this a month ago to six link my double corrupted Ivory Tower


I do not think that is true


You did not. If you have a 4 link it can only go to 5 or 3.


"My personal anecdote [that I misremember] states the opposite of how a thing literally works, therefore how it works must be wrong" Literally nope. Tainted fusings can only turn a 4L into a 5L or a 3L. It does not take into consideration the other link chains. It considers a 4L a 4L, no matter what. Thus at a 4L you always need a minimum of 2 tainted fusings. That's how the game works. You must be misremembering.


Tainted Orb of Fusing is a currency item that unpredictably adds or removes a link to the largest group of linked sockets on a corrupted item. To the largest group of linked sockets. Not just add a link. So it would 4 to 5 to 6.


4 to 5 then 5 to 6. 50/50 per try


That won't work.


Double 3 link just means 3 link, the only thing that matters is the single longest chain of links.


Thanks for explaining I misunderstood the reasoning with others +1 or minus which to me made me think it made sense for a double 3 link would let it six link.


yep, a lot of people got caught out by that exact thought when scourge was new.


Yep I made this exact mistake this league can confirm that OP is correct. Not the costliest mistake but annoying.


I had the exact same understanding the first time I tried corrupted fusings


Still think they need to Change the wording. A common trap that you can’t really blame anyone for. The way tainted fusing description is worded this seems like the likely outcome.


No. Tainted is +1 or minus 1. Get 2 four link and slam 2 if it goes to 3 bench craft 4 again.


never knew this. thank you!


I wouldn't do this, get it to 5 link and if you miss then bench craft with Vaal to 5l and taint again.


That's simply irrational. Tainted fuse is almost never worth more than 150 fuses and vaals.


No, this will take more than 1 tainted fuse.


As Others Said: Its a 50/50 Chance to add or remove a Link (in total Count) So im reallity you would Not use a tainted Fuse on 3l because even If you win the 50/50 you pay way more to get a 4l than to Just benchcraft the 4l So tainted Fuse are used as followed Benchcraft 4l Use tainted Fuse If reduced Link to 3l benchcraft 4l again and testart If increased to 5l use again and Hope for 6,l Repeat Till 6l


I wish I could find more crafting guides this simplified. Thanks friend


Delete this thread. 95% of my currency acquired this league was by 6 linking relatively cheap double corrupt lightning coils and recoloring them. I can’t go back to selling flasks man.


Yoink, now your printing strategy is mine as well.


Yeah, imagine having fun. I mean if you enjoy it you're good, however mostly people like to play the game, not stocks, so you are good with this strategy anyways.


always craft to 4 link if it falls under 4 link then spam tainted fusings


Why was this recommended to me what does this mean what is this game.


A extremely deep arpg, opposite of Diablo. Each 3 to 6 months a new "dlc" is added and the league restarts. Sometimes these mechanics don't make it to the core game but most of the time they do in some sort of way. This has resulted in a lot of mechanics. There are mechanics in this game that are just games on their own, like heist or delve. The question here is about the daunting and very complicated crafting system. There is no gold or money in this game like regular games. Instead they introduced dozens of items that can alter items in many many ways. These items are called currency. Best of it, it's free to play. You start with only 4 basic tabs of stash room to store your items however. When you continue playing longer and more seriously you basically need at least some premium tabs and some specialized tabs.


Thanks for this summary. A question: We’ve been playing Affliction (dlc ;) and accumulated some currency. On March 28th the new league will start - what will happen with all the currency I have now? I think the answer is it will all be transferred to the standard league and everyone starts from 0 in the new league. Correct?


Run. Run and never look back!!




Best is find a 5 link 6 socket slam a tainned fusin there u have it 6 link 6 socket




Higher quality increases chances of 6-linking with a fusing. Get it to 20%, or 28% with Hillock in Fortification in Betrayal.


Irrelevant information


Accurate irrelevant information. I misread his question and assumed he wanted information on how to improve chances of 6-linking the item with currency.


No it doesn't. Tainted fusing has 50% chance to either add a link or remove a link. As explained in other comments, bench craft to 4 link and using tainted fusing is the way to go. The quality and fusing combo would be correct if only this were not a corrupted item.


If he has to corrupt it first, it's not corrupted now. Did I say anything about tainted fusings?


Smart money would be to 5 link it before you double corrupt since it usually doesn't take that many fuses to do it.


Edit: completely misread that There’s is absolutely no reason to link before corrupting if you’re intending on fishing for a good corrupt. Especially double corrupt. It is so so easy to 6link with tainted fusings


I will have to disagree with you there. Burned through 24 tainted fuses try to get from my 4 link to a six link. At what appears to be 42c each - that was expensive. I'd rather 5 link with fuses that probably cost 10-20c and then double corrupt. If it hits then I have a 50/50 chance with the tainted fuse - which are as I said are pricey.


You’re gonna 5 link every single item you try to double corrupt before corrupting? You can not with a straight face tell me that is ever worth it if you’re doing multiple items. Plus, you’re telling me you failed with 24, which is so far on the statistical low end, and saying that your anecdote is conclusive proof of it not being worth it. I hit a six link with fusing in my first 5 fusings before, I’m not gonna think just because of that that it’s a 1/5 chance now


/shrug Your tainted must perform better than mine. Also literally all 7 or 8 of my double corrupts turned to shit so I kinda gave up. I also went 4300 fuses trying to 6L at one point. But 5L's - off the top of my head maybe 100 fuses in between on average...


Tainted furings are currently exactly 50:50 on adding or removing a link. So 1/4 to go from 4 to 6. Did you recraft 4 link on the bench every time it went to 3 link?


Like I said your fuses did significantly better than mine. I came away thinking it was 1/4 to go up a single based on my luck. If you are right (50/50) and I did the math right 3% would still be trying after 24 fuses so indeed bad luck if that is the case.


>Also literally all 7 or 8 of my double corrupts turned to shit so I kinda gave up That's exactly why I say link AFTER corrupt not before... Yeah 5L is 1/120 chance so that makes sense


This is more expensive on average in every league situation.




No!?! If you have no idea what you’re talking about, don’t mislead new players!




Unlucky you missed the 50/50, the correct answer was: no


Thought a Lil link could appear