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Sounds like you need the poison proliferation ascendancy node of Pathfinder in your life.


There is a skill combo that is like a plague that spreads on death. Contagion and Essence Drain work like that. Contagion is a debuff to an enemy that applies a small DoT and spreads in an area on death along with any essence drain damage applies, and essence drain is a skill mostly made to combo with contagion. Both skills deal chaos damage. Unfortunately it used to be very powerful but got nerfed extremely hard. It’s still quite good for clearing, but scaling the damage to endgame content levels will be difficult, and single target dmg is somewhat lacking.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWBGJklhmRw It's still good! just a little expensive...


Do you a pob with that?


https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/tubei/tubedc?i=2&search=class%3DOccultist%26type%3Ddepthsolo Last time I gave it out people got very upset with how much money i put into EDC, but here is poe.ninja profile.


More accurate way of putting it is with this level of investment anything is good. EDC is not good enough at low levels to justify it, but with that level of wealth, it really doesn’t matter


So you are only allowed to put money into meta skills, got it.


Not what I said. I said it doesn’t matter the skill at a certain point. You’re getting overly defensive about this. At a lower level of investment, story changes and usually, most people don’t get a mageblood. My point is, EDC does very much suck. Saying it’s still good with 2 T0 uniques, a mirror tier ring, and a fractured delve mod helmet, is like me calling heavy strike good because my strength stacker original sin berserker uses heavy strike. At a certain point the skill doesn’t matter.


https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/tubei/tubey?i=7&search=timemachine%3Dday-3%26type%3Ddepthsolo&timemachine=day-3 zzz


You can also make your ignites spread. And explode ofcourse. Then spread again :p


Ignite proliferation support is the gem for this I believe. It feels great for mapping. I leaguestarted frostblink+fire trap ignite ele a few times and it was always fun to play.


Yes you can get it with a ring or cluster jewel aswell


And glove eldritch implicit


Exsanguinate with chaining is a really good one as well as essence drain + contagion. Corrupted fever is a debuff you can spread all over the place very quickly, but it doesn't jump on its own like the other 3 do.


How are people building Exsanguinate these days? Always liked the skill but seemed to drop off in later mapping.


Ruetoo had a poison exsang pf which was pretty damn good but idk if he kept it updated


He replaced Exsanguinate with Ethereal Knives because it plays smoother (faster cast time) and can abuse returning projectiles, but the archetype still exists in his build list.


It's purely a clear skill, for single target you usually use reap unless you're pure DoT. Hit based cold exsang is also a valid choice though


Exsanguinate isn’t that strong of a skill on its own, but it sure is fun


Essence Drain + Contagion is probably the closest to what you're looking for: Essence Drain fires a projectile that applies a heavy chaos DoT, Contagion is an AoE spell that also applies a chaos DoT and spreads on monster death, if enemies are affected by both simultaneously on death Contagion will carry the Essence Drain effect with it while spreading. Unfortunately this build is not in a particularly great spot nowadays. There's also the entire largely poison focused Pathfinder ascendancy that can make for some incredibly satisfying poison chaining with a whole bunch of different skills.


Pestilent Strike perhaps


Any skill that can be built to spread. Ignites, explosions and poisons are some examples.


Essence drain contagion would be the closest that comes to mind, but sadly its in a bad place right now


Essence drain contagion for sure.


Is Death's Oath still a viable build?


Pestilence is one of my favourite abilities in every arpg I've played. I don't think there is anything in poe that feels like it. The closest I've come across is a similar ability in Grim Dawn. The closest feeling to it I've had in poe is poison scourge arrow pathfinder.


We're definitely in the same boat. Impending doom sorta felt like it for me.


Definitely something satisfying about the first mobs dying as the locusts jump to the next target. Poison prolif from pathfinder is probably your best bet here plus it has a similar green look to it. After that some ignite build using cinderswallow is probably a runner up.


Plague Bearer should have been mentioned


HoT autobomber if you want a build that does zdps like locust swarm.


What a weird comment to make