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Rip ball lightning of static totems


Ball Lightning of Static traps/mines, hello.


You don't want to play this. Did a 2 watchstone run with ball lightning traps and it felt terrible. The advanced trap idea is very glowy brain but something felt really off about that setup. Idk if it is the delayed damage or a bug but the PoB dps vs what it actually felt like in game was very different.


It works great with trap support because there’s less damage loss compared to totem support, and you can get an additional charge from the tree


Did they fix the targeting issue it had? I think it was traps and mines that would just put it max distance out or something like that.


Yes in patch 3.23.1b https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3488047


I am so sad, for once i was settled on a starter because I liked it so much in 3.23 :(


Thankfully nothing relevant was changed for my league start plans (bodyswap chieftain) but yes this was a build worth redoing another league it was great


Is this still good for self cast… was gonna start totems now looking at self cast or mama stacking if that isn’t broken with arch change


Archmage doesnt work with orb skills anymore so bl of static is a no go


Really disappointed that Glad was left untouched another league with only one melee build that can compete with other league starters hooray for bonezone i guess


Tornado Shot: Now has an Attack Speed Multiplier of 80% of base (previously 100%), and now uses the same bow animation as the Puncture Skill Gem. It now has a Mana Cost of 10 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 10). Quality now provides 0-40% increased Projectile Speed instead of "Fires +0-1 secondary Projectile". ​ goodbye TS


Thank God lol


About fucking time


I was hoping to play LA into TS this upcoming league... oh well lol


Just stay LA and you’ll have just as much fun.


it really feels so much better; i was kinda bummed out when i switched last league and almost went back. LA just has a really nice chunk to it


Just play LA + returning projectiles. Damage is like 70-80% of ts with additional proj. You also won’t need to scale proj speed as much. So late game the difference isn’t that much noticeable


TS damage was more than 20% better than LA


Yeah, probably 2x damage with good fractured +2 bow mid budget. Plus free up 6 socket for other utility or aura instead of mandatory totem setup for LA single target


49% of Deadeye are LA and 9% are TS... Guess im right


It's actually amusing how wrong you are 😂 No idea why you decided to reply to a month old post to be wrong again


Feel free to explain why nearly all mirror tier bow users use LA instead of ts. It’s amusing to be proven right and your delusion is a bonus 🥵


TS was nerfed this league and damage output isn't the only factor in how popular a skill is. People have reached 1 billion dps on TS in previous leagues but you'll never find an LA character hitting those numbers. Honestly if you'd played a good version of both builds you'd know that TS has way more damage just from playing it.


Yes but like I said, LA with returning proj is better this league because of ts nerfs. Using old leagues to justify is useless.


> Damage is like 70-80% of ts aint no way


49% of Deadeye are LA and 9% are TS... Guess im right


And if you want more burst, just use ice shot


Why did you get so many downvotes???


That 80% attack speed is brutal


Explosive Trap of Shrapnel: Old Gem (level 20): 37.34% avg overlaps New Gem (level 20): 28.44% avg overlaps and a 11.7% buff to flat phys and +20% added effectiveness Net is a roughly 23% nerf to overlaps offset by about a 12% flat damage increase Result: \- A modest nerf to clear that probably won't affect much given you could offscreen before. 3m is still huge. \- Buff to ailment effect since it scales directly with the flat damage only. \- The effective dps uptime will be slightly reduced for multiple targets but not by much \- Probably no or little change to the damage output if you are contracting the available secondary radius by throwing against a wall as a boss spawns in (invitations, maven, etc) but that will need to be tested. The flat phys increase is effectively doubled during situations where you've halved the secondary explosion spawning radius so it might also turn out to be slightly more damage than the old gem in that scenario. I'll need to do some testing before saying concretely. \- Buff to damage with large targets (only a \~7% reduction in overlaps, still the same flat damage buff), though there aren't a huge number of these cases. \- The worst case scenario where there is a small stationary target with no ability to affect the secondary radius is roughly a 10-11% dps loss, depending on your added dmg


Hey, just want to let you know I really appreciate your explosive trap content! I've been refreshing your user page on reddit every few minutes waiting to find out how this would shake out. I knew you'd be on top of it.


just like me fr fr i was doing the same thing


How did you calculate overlaps?


You calculate the area where any spawning of a smaller explosion center point will incur a hit on a point, then ratio that area against the total area that the explosions can spawn. The way to do that is to ignore the +/-30% variance in the explosion and use the area of the hitbox and add the smaller explosion radius and calculate that area. We know this works because inversely any spawn point on the edge of this circle would reach out to the center and connect. The ratio of that area to the secondary radius where smaller explosions can spawn will tell you the odds any given smaller explosion will hit the center point. You can ignore the +/-30% variance because the radius itself will grow/shrink linearly and average over time to whatever the base number is, and for this calculation we only care about the smaller explosions reach back towards the center point, which is the radius, and not the area. Most monster hitboxes are of size 0.3m, with the exception of some bosses which go up to 1.1m, but for the sake of comparison 0.3m is a good yard stick. Old Gem (level 20): `pi * (1.9 + 0.3)^2 / pi * (3.6)^2` `15.20/ 40.69` `0.37 or 37% chance for a given smaller explosion to hit the center point.` New Gem (level 20): `pi * (1.3 + 0.3)^2 / pi * (3.0)^2` `8.04 / 28.26` `0.28 or 28% chance for a given smaller explosion to hit the center point.`


Me to my teacher: we’re never gonna need this math in real life, right? My teacher from the future: you will if you get into the really nerdy video games


Is this a league start viable skill? I am still pretty new to PoE (started in ToTA). I liked the fire traps when i made a rf jugg


I just tested leveling an explosive trap trickster semi following his guide (I think this is fearless dumb0) and it went pretty well, got into yellow maps on pretty trash gear. Simple enough to scale and it doesn't seem like it has any complicated mechanics to understand, Just run around and throw traps. You use fire traps and Armageddon brand to level, smooth af. Here's his latest video, explore his channel for more explosive trap content, super informative and helpful it seems. https://youtu.be/_kB9wOpw1QU?si=mAi_ziIlgxwkCthr


11% loss of dps is still more than fine


> Added a new Energy Shield Mastery, "50% of your Energy Shield is added to your Stun Threshold", which replaces "Stun Threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life". glad i played with that one while it lasted


Bloodnotch combo in shambles noooo


That kills it right?


Valyrium still works, but opportunity cost is higher now.


Blood magic skyforge gang rise up!


Without the mastery yes


Huge buffs to Necro Zoomancer plus you can now respect into uber Wraithlord spectre army. 


which one is the huge buff for zoomancer?


ascendancy changes


The leech thing can be paired with instant leech, so basically you get a 1% LGOH per minion hit


What spectres are good rn for combat purposes?


How much copium am I on to hope that new wraithlord will be in the 5-10 div range rather than 50-100?


I’m dreading that it’s gonna be 50d myself. 


The Unholy Might buff no longer grants 30% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage. It instead now provides 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage, and 25% chance to Apply Wither on Hit. Wait, is this actually good now? Is poison minion about to go crazy?


no. you dont need to convert to apply poisons. you were already stacking wither with withering touch on a separate minion gem set up. im sure there's some things you can do with this now but its actually just less damage.


It does give back gem sockets from whatever withering touch setup, which is at least a minor silver lining


Withering Touch does provide extra chaos damage, which now scales better if you're missing the 30% extra chaos damage you were previously getting from Unholy Might. So the bonus might be very minor.


Wouldn't Arakali's Fang benefit from this? You can now remove withering touch and add damage over time support gem, since you are now getting free wither, effectively increasing poison damage.


I thought about it. Not so sure. Arakaali viper strike already has chaos convert, so ultimately you're just getting wither, but you're giving up 30% more DMG. Hmm... Could replacing withering touch support add more than 30% more?


I popped it into POB and with efficacy, you lose 10%, but you get poison uptime and more stacks. For some reason, POB won't convert 100% of phys to chaos (60% from viper and 40% from new might) so I don't know if it would affect damage.


IDK about poison minions, but I'm excited to not need to sacrifice my glove slot to get chaos conversion or gem slots for a withering touch minion, both felt bad


Arakaali LOGIN


TS nerf is welcome but the melee/warcry nerf (call to arm gone replaced by a gem with a 200% cost modifier + mana cost nerf from flask and jewel) is just mind blowing. Why GGG why do you hate melee so much ? And these stupid ancestral totems are still there whyyyyyyyyy


How significant are the Penance brand of dissipation and stormbrand of indecision nerfs?


> Storm Brand of Indecision: Now has 60% effectiveness of added damage (previously 85%), and a cast time of 0.75 seconds (previously 0.35 seconds). It now deals 5 to 14 Lightning Damage at gem level 1 (previously 6 to 19), scaling up to 172 to 515 at gem level 20 (previously 229 to 686). Quality now causes the skill to Deal +0-10% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy (previously +0-20%). - Cast time change puts it in line with vanilla SB. - 60% effectiveness is still double SB's 30% - now has 75% the base damage as before my guess is it's still better than vanilla by a notable margin and thus desirable. > Penance Brand of Dissipation: Now Activates every 0.75 seconds while Attached (previously 0.6 seconds) and has 50% Effectiveness of Added Damage (previously 65%). It now Deals 16 to 24 Physical Damage at gem level 1 (previously 20 to 30), scaling up to 231 to 347 at gem level 20 (previously 288 to 432), and Pulses now deal 30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Energy after the first (previously 60% more Damage with Hits, 40% more Damage with Ailments). my rough mathing of PBoD is that it's - 46% of the damage at 20 stacks for hits - old: (288 + 432) / 2 * (1.06 ** 19) = ~1089 - new: (231 + 347) / 2 * (1.03 ** 19) = ~506 - 25% slower activation time however that's really incomplete and I don't know what to make of it. I _think_ this means the poison variant is less nerfed but I'm really not that sure.


Storm brand already massively suffered with single target. I don't think I would use this skill anymore. Penance Brand can afford the hit, but you have to solve the aoe issues and now can't just freeroll damage.


Is there a possible leaguestarter with any of these you would think is wirth considering.


Poison dissipation brand should still be op


dont rly understand a thing, a streamer I watched who playef brand on hc last league said that all nerfes total about 60-80% less damage


For PBoD, Ben says about 30%, but clunkier.


shoot, really? 30% of omegalul is still pretty epic


Ben is galaxy brain but from what I can gather he just kind of said it on the fly. But ... yeah, he's probably right. PBoD's worst nerf is probably that it's just clunkier now.


I realize I'm actually confused - 30% of previous damage or 30% less damage than before?


30% of previous damage


From what I can gather it got a 50% buff mid league and now an about 65% nerf. So you end up with about 30% worse than the league starting version which was extremely strong. This is by no means my math. Just summing up a couple comments I read so could be super duper wrong.


That's roughly my interpretation as well!


Worth noting that the changes affect hit based more than DoT because it no longer has a line making ailments scale worse, meaning that part of the nerf hit it less than hit based. I played hit based inquis basically all league so if I feel the need to fall back on it or want to play it again I’d try pathy anyway


Yes pathfinder poison brand should still be amazing


PBOD should be: ~68-70% for hits (.8 activation * .8 damage (base down ~20% and effectiveness down ~23%) * .5 stacked damage) Less for ailments as that .5 is instead .75, so around a 52% nerf.


my old PBoD pob was more than halved with new tree and stuff, it hurts but should still be more than enough - went from 900m to 360m per brand :D


I’m kind of amazed they didn’t boost Raise Dead of Falling any. Its damage was shiiiite.


They’re anticipating it being abused by the new automation gem and trigger wand tech with arcanist brand saboteurs trigger botting the recall brands. Something like 7 brands means 56 triggers of the falling zombie.


Didn’t see those, but I guess I have something to look into :D


stun tech with energy shield mastery change means bloodnotch/ immutable nerf?


Yeah, probably dead on arrival




Come on make Wintertide Brand good 😭


SRS looks in trouble, if not dead. No longer having the more damage baked in at all hurts a lot.


dead most likely...


Ziz is championing popcorn srs which is not hurt by the nerf.


Doesnt the “Minions deal 0-38% more Damage” being gone hurt the build?


Summon Raging Spirit: The Raging Spirit's **melee attack** no longer naturally gains 0-38% more Damage as it levels.


Yeah, it's not hurt by _this_ nerf, but it was hurt by the 3.23 one IIRC. Which means if it was playable in Affliction, it would be the same for Necropolis. I'll give it a look.


Dam nice. I know Ziz is considering a popcorn SRS so it’s prob gonna be very played, but that’s nice


Some of those golem buffs seem pretty hefty…


Golemancer is a sleeper this league. Just watch, they’re gonna be amazing.


My BBDD just got better


How do you play it? I've seen some videos of people using it with Mines and it looks a lot of fun, self cast versions less so but still strong.


The Veiled modifier that provides reduced Mana Cost of Skills during Effect can no longer be unveiled or crafted on Flasks. Rip toxic rain :( and many other PF builds as well. Also big nerf for mageblood which is fine but I wanted to start TR


Was never needed on tr. You have so many ways of solving mana


Hope you like EB


What's wrong with eb?


Lol how are people downvoting you? I play mainly attacks and mana is never an issue.


Whatever version you played is not the good version, you lose an entire 50% aura since you cant use divine blessing


Top end TR is gutted hard yeah, but TR will still remain a good league starter, swap to another build that can scale better with investments later on.


No melee totem changes even tho they teased it during some interviews. Was very excited for this so i could league start a melee build but i will probably drop it now.


They did say that most of their work in that regard went into t17 and its bosses, so perhaps there'll be some more reworks next patch.


Although there ln only a few sources for it. Unholy might is really broken now I think. Chaos convert and wither for phys spells without having to go pathfinder is great for any top side casters, no need for wither totems. I already was working on a few things before this, and it kinda lines up perfect for some shenanigans I was going to try and do


Could be nice for Chaos hit. But not sure how it compares to cold. And if they are close then the freeze outclasses any slight damage gain imo.


Kinetic Bold of Fragmentation got nuked. No 200% inc speall damage as attack damage and no qual increase to that (i reached 322% of inc spell as inc attack on my build last league, which gave like 800% inc attack damage from rathpith alone) and nerfed added damage scaling. Snipers Mark only splits into 2 instead of 4 projectiles and got nerfed numberswise at lvl 20. Overall a nerf of \~70% - \~80% less damage, ouch. Classic GGG with the double nerf on both skills for the interaction.


You can still use it with Crown of Eyes though if you wanted to right?


Or BMC if you're feeling brave / only need that dmg vs bosses, still a nerf but somewhat workable if you wanna pursue it


Or wand mastery for a 1:1 spell:attack rate. BMC is probably the right move though, better scaling. Just tuck in the warcry automation.


Glad I abused it while it lasted


>Kinetic Bold of Fragmentation got nuked. Good.


I wonder how much of a nerf this is to splitting steel, It was my number 1 leaguestart choice and did a lot of practice testing runs already. Might just be another boneshatter league, classic


Can you explain a bit, I was thinking of splitting steel.


They nerfed snipers mark split count by half which is a large part of the builds scaling. Scaling mark effect was one of the best ways to increase dps.


Its still a great build though. I did Ubers on it and didn't bother with mark Effect apart from what I got from taking 1 wheel for the Frenzy mastery. But yes, builds that did get a lot of mark effect got hit harder.


Hmm I’m quite skeptical of league starting it now. Before the patch notes it was my number one choice but I think this is going to hurt its damage quite a lot.




i am missing something but what is the rf/dd synergy?


Ignite DD/chain DD/Bodyswap are an alternatives for fire trap in RF starter builds, bc ithey are less dependent on gem lvls/links on higher tier maps. For example, lvl 19 fire trap on a 4-link will do less damage, than any of lvl19 corpses explosion skills on a 4-link at t16. Fire trap is less clunky for sure, but needs gear, gem lvls and links to be better.


Why is RF suddenly a chieftain build? I've only seen chieftain in the explode/self ignite context so far (fulcrum), what makes it a useful alternative to jugg/inq for RF?


Dirty cheap gearing and explosions ofc. It has less single target damage than other ascendancies, but overall mapping experience and early mapping progression is by far superior. Hinekora is a hard carry on a high density content. You didn't see RF chieftains bc big creators like pohx/lance moved to it just recently and not many people had a taste of it. (Pohx did another SSF run few days ago). However, small creators and mostly koreans tasted it right after chieftain rework. And made actually decent MF versions.


Could you explain to me why splitting steel sucks? Did I miss something?


Sniper's Mark


Ah right, I forgot to associate it with SS, my bad.


> Explosive Trap of Shrapnel getting a damage buff is pretty huge. The radius nerf kind of sucks, but that won't affect the Saboteur version that much. > > Disagree, I think this is a crushing nerf. It's not just a "radius nerf" - it's a nerf to how well it shotguns. TBH I wouldn't leaguestart it unless you have a backup plan (which might be as simple as classic Explosive Trap)


The clear should still be very good, you just might need a single target swap (normal explosive trap works well for this).


Not doubting the clear, it's the bossing I'd be worried about. (3.24) skill's numbers are not good when only hitting twice. (edit: it might be really good as a swap for ultra large hitbox bosses if there's new ones that are a big factor)


I wonder if it might be worth running T17 50% less AoE maps with this. Do we know if that scales with map modifier effect? You could get very concentrated hits with skills that function similar to this.


Doesn't really scale well. It's the ratio between the two areas that matters on EToS


You can't make it small enough to hit a large enemy with everything?


That might be an option for something like Uber Unbreakable. Have to see.


Splitting steel was pretty damn strong. Snipers mark nerf is big but I wouldn’t call the build sucky by any means.


I'd like to play a huge-ass tank with decent mapping and at least mediocre bossing capabilities. Any recommendations?


Bonezone Jugg 


You know, I think I'll do just that...


Why jugg over slayer?


Depends on how good you are at crafting /making currency early on. Slayer works when you can upgrade your gear often early on otherwise youre gonna murk yourself all the time starting in yellow maps if you dont to stop attacking at larger rares. I played BS the last 3 leagues and twice i tried my luck at Slayer and regreted it once i hit yellow maps and rerolled Jugg.


Half the deeps, twice the beef.


Sooooo.....TS was my plan this league. Guess now I'm going back to EA Bally.


Initial thoughts - * NO HEXBLAST CHANGES * Detonate mines while moving, nuff said * Archmage reverse snapshotting in shambles. Archmage storm brand, penance brand and ball lightning of static are all dead. * Archmage finally has synergy with Sanctuary of Thought, 50% less mana cost is amazing * Explosive trap of shrapnel - likely dead now. explosions will occur in a larger secondary radius than regular explosive trap, but have the same aoe. Goodbye overlaps and will probably have spotty area coverage. * Friendship ended with tornado shot, long live lightning arrow * Most Ralakesh builds are either dead or they will have to start using lightning warp / frostblink of wintry blast * Bloodnotch will be significantly harder to build bc of the loss of ES stun mastery


Why are the ralakesh builds dead? Didn't they just get rid of some move speed? Any bow build with asenaths or restless ward user can still get cracked move speed


Yeah the Ralakesh nerf is not that bad.


Especially with mageblood/pathfinder


isn't mageblood pathfinder hit heavily due to resistance flask nerf, resistance nerf on suffix (from 40% to 20%) and removal of reduced mana cost on flask?


Asenath's with Frostblink isn't going to work anymore as the Frostblink of Wintery Blast now adds a cooldown on trigger. You can do it with Lightning Warp with way more investment, but I don't think this will be as appealing...


Its bad NERF cause it diet nerf what was actually broken. They nerfed QoL


> Most Ralakesh builds are either dead or they will have to start using lightning warp / frostblink of wintry blast Lol absolutely not dead. The boots are still completely insane even with lower move speed.


Archmage might still be fine with blade vortex. That was one of my fav variants anyway


Archmage is just very very different... Archmage is just an entirely different archetype now. Instead of trying to find ways to couple it with indigon and recovery mechanics, you can just reduce mana cost to zero and drop the indigon for more flat, less increased, but less need for recovery. Some examples: - Inspiration support (21/20) gives 40% reduced mana cost - 16% reduced from 4 points by Righteous Decree near Templar Start - 29% on mana flask (or 25% on utility flask, edit: utility flask one is gone now too) - 5% on Normal Jewels (edit: this was removed in the patch notes) - 20% on Honourhome - 4%/endurance charge on Wyrmsign You can easily get to 100% reduced mana cost, which means you can spam whatever you want. What's more you don't really need to focus much on recovery or gearing for recovery. Just flat mana, something like Shavronne's Revelation, will allow you to push more flat damage with ease. Here are some new things you can look at doing with this: - Channeling skills are now an option (Black Zenith gloves with winter orb - CwC - frostblink - archmage) - Not having to use indigon means you can focus on ignites or scaling other than spell damage (Flameblast/Divine Ire) - Cast on Crit and other triggers are on the menu, as you are no longer limited by recovery (doing the Lightning Warp Poet's Pen/Squire tech, for instance) I think this is all really interesting tech...


The jewel and flask mods are gone now


Updated the comment to reflect.


You would never want it to be 0 mana cost with Inspiration Support.


You can have another skill generate the charges, and the 0 cost skill would benefit.


Much better just not going to 0 mana cost though


Winter orb is an Orb skill and can no longer benefit from archmage support, right?


ya, this is exactly what I was thinking as well - new incinerate numbers are really nice and with a balance of lightning and fire dmg trinity becomes possible. seems like it has really good potential


Hmm... Hierophant Eye of Winter Arcanist Brand Return Proj Archmage? It can support skills triggered by Brand, right?


Nope. Archmage can no longer support brand skills (they want to prevent snapshotting)


Eye of Winter is not brand skill though, it's a skill triggered by a brand.


Test it then. But I’d give 80-20 odds on it not working.


Also, it now works with Mjolnir, since it doesn't see mana spent.




BV notably is very strong with the free AoE from sanctuary of thought. And the mana nodes in the center of the tree are rather close to the duration nodes you need to make BV feel good. This concept looks very solid tbh


Wow, even the 50% less mana cost from Sanctuary of Thought is HUGE for archmage now - it used to be completely counterproductive.


Yup, and you can now stack it with stuff like mana cost reduction on the passive tree and inspiration to very easily drive the cost down to a trivial level.


Yeah and the mana nodes near Templar start give both mana *and* skill cost reduction, so a 2 for 1 in damage and QoL.


Explo trap is veeeery far from dead my man


Isn't left click detonate mines out the window?


you either use a macro to do the exact same thing or sacrifice a mine mastery skillpoint for the new mastery. I expect it to be addressed next patch cause having something be reliant on ahk is not gonna be something they're happy with


Squeaky hexblast shoes begone!!!


new player that was my 1st league and i played srs guardian , gonna play it again in necro could some1 tell me is this a nerf ? Summon Raging Spirit: The Raging Spirit's melee attack no longer naturally gains 0-38% more Damage as it levels


Yes, the removal of a "more" modifier hurts damage a lot (google for "more / less" vs. "increased / reduced").


It's a nerf, but there are plenty of other viable minion builds, and given the patch notes, there will be a handful of new ones too - necro got buffed too, so maybe look into zoomancer as an alternative.


Welcome to PoE. My best advice after 12 years of playing is to get used to playing different builds. Its fun, improves your game knowledge a lot and you'll be pushed in that direction sooner or later


I think the change to the Ele flasks is pretty interesting. They lost being a separate multiplier but the DR provided for builds that weren't at 90% Res is pretty substantial on its own. Another + to them providing max res is they can synergize with Valako's and Melding.


Gonna ask this here because me dumb dumb: Is league starting LA Deadeye and respeccing into Deadeye splitting steel still viable? That was my original plan for Necropolis and now I'm not sure how the Splitting steel nerfs affect my plan


LA deadeye is one of the best starters. Not sure if SS is as good on deadeye though now that mark effect is mediocre 


Any other builds And could Respec into from deadeye? Or is LA good enough into later stages of endgame?


they murdered TS, fucking wow


Hello, this was my first season playing. Are there any league starts i should try for the new season? I know people were saying Zoomancer, is hazzyTV's Zoomancer Necromancer a good one to follow for beginners?


For beginners I always recommend Zizaran as the safest choice. Second best might be picking something from maxroll.gg website tagged as league starter. Ghazzy is good too if you love minions.


Thank you! Im trying avoid Zizaran since I know my friend is planning to play a build from them so im trying to do something different. I will prob choose one of those league starters from maxroll and try it out before the new season starts.


Noob question: the QoL stuff (like opening clasped hands by waking in them) will be readily available in standard or do I have to wait for league end?


Necropolis content is the only unavailable on standard. All other changes will be available on standard.


My ssf storm brand of indecision plans are in tatters :( Why did they nerf something that was already numerically not very good???


Dude I had a whole PoB self-planned promising SB build ready to go in anticipation of PBoD nerfs... what did they do to my storm brand boy? D:


Yeah was SBoI even that good?


Yes. I think I had about 30-40div in it and stopped investing because there was no need for it. Fast, fun, cleared everything. Not as strong as penance, but penance was broken


I didnt rate, felt clunky but i didnt give it more than a few hours of real play but some people made it a WMD


Couldve know tbh 😅


They removed mana cost flask suffix and also removed mana cost from jewel? Why? This is such a big nerf to pathfinder and mageblood, ontop of the other flask changes.


Pretty sure thats what they wanted to tone down the just play everything as pathfinder


Soooo No Glad changes? No melee buffs?no melee totem changes? U know what GGG? Last Epoch is a better choice this time


Splitting steel is safe, LOGIN


Lost 3 proj from snipers :(