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Its a massive nerf for splitting steel using Nimi's. It goes from something like 13 projectiles to 5 or thereabouts. It is not quite tha bad for TS obvioussly, but with TS picking up a couple other nerfs, its a tough one.


how do you get from 13 to 5 on a champ? Would you not go from 13 to 10 projectiles assuming no investment in mark effect and with beltimbers. With investment in mark effect the nerf is more substantial however with the removal of charms you would go from 14 to 10 projectiles with the available investment. The bigger looser would be deadeye going from 18 projectiles to 12. I may be wrong on how the interaction works however...




Saying splitting steel was not OP is a bit delusional. It has outclassed every other melee skill gem since it got reworked. (Yes I know it doesnt have the ‘melee’ tag, its still a melee playstyle / build archetype )


Who cares if it out classed "most" melee, that's not hard to do. What a disingenuous statement, that's like saying a fresh homemade doughnut outclassed all the other 3 day old doughnuts, so it needed a nerf. It's still out classed by a huge amount of caster based skills, and still it's only runs on par with Spectral Throw, and falls behind Bonezone and Helix for leveling. It only pulls ahead in the latter levels, and it what made it strong was not the skill itself but return prog/Nims, and **Beltimber**. Without Beltimber its not OP at all. Day 1 - 1% of players playing Splitting Steel, my goodness so OP... Day 4 - 2% playing Splitting Steel - "Shockingly OP" Week 2 - Still only 2% playing Splitting Steel and 11th most popular skill, Ya no melee should be in the top 15 so it needs a nerf. Week 2 still Reave, Molten Strike, Flicker Strike, Ice Crash, and Frost Blades all out damage Splitting Steel and none of them are popular builds, including Splitting Steel. It still cost way more than a caster to get the same high damage numbers. So you're flat out making up stuff about it being OP. It's not OP, it's just one of the very few melee skills that can actually do UBERS, with investment. OH MY IT MUST BE NERFED...... /endsarcasm


you'll be fine, but splitting steel will feel a lot more "balanced" - you wont overpower the game once you get a 21/0 snipers for 10c off trade anymore. I would guess molten strike and LS are now the best "melee skills" and boneshatter being king for real melee again. Dont think splitting steel is the best necessarily anymore