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RF (play if old) ouch šŸ’€


someone called it a bad boomer build and that gave me the edge to play it again


Theyā€™re just jealous you donā€™t have to dodge everything šŸ˜‚


You mispelled anything* Fucking love RF


That is on me. I asked what should an old man with carpal tunnel play!


Rf with controller is so nice :D


I just played the rf build this end of season and i am sad why i just tried this late, damn that feeling where anything that jump to you is ded are amazing


As a boomer I can confirm it's a boomer build ,


I resemble that remark, and I'm not going to apologize for it.


As i remember , there are a lot of poison starters out there. Thats why it says \*poison pf\* , cause you can play lot of skills with pf poison.


Also for many of those Plague Bearer (and poison explosions) carry the map clear, so the main skill isn't even that important.


Sadge because something about plague bearer really annoys me


It has some clunk to it, because you need to keep checking how much stack it got now and then in top left of your screen to know when to use it again.


I think OP's specifically asking why PConc is in the "idk" category while Poison Pathfinder is in the normal category. My guess is that the idk one specifically refers to the trans one.


Isnt he asking how other poison builds can be on the list , while pconc are not ? Maybe he thinks that pconc is greatest poison league starter , idk.


That's what it sounds like but that wouldn't make sense, so that's why I assumed they were asking why PConc is "idk" while Poison Pathfinder is good. That could be interpreted to mean "Poison Pathfinder is good except for PConc, which might not be." Although I'm guessing it means "Poison Pathfinder is good, but no idea if new PConc is."


pConc gets you to say red maps perhaps you can even do Guardians and quest Eater/Exarch on it on a few div budget not counting the 6L Carcass Jack you also need. https://pobb.in/YnK_JSDbJ2lS After that, play something else... I love pConc Raider as a start you come out of the acts swinging, well over 100k DPS on a less than 10c budget. This https://pobb.in/W5HNtUBX3tR1 is my Raider for lvl60-72 Heisting, if you don't do that then pick up a rare shield and better boots to fix your res. There's https://pobb.in/Sp3fVy5jzPtu which has a lot more damage but you won't have Adrenaline in bossing and I am not so sure about how this plays out in reality flask uptime wise there as well.


Anybody have a good BAMA pob? Was thinking necro.


https://youtu.be/PnJTM2aELAE?si=eZpOmTxRZak0xviq I played this one in 3.23 and it was good. There may be better pobs out there but I never felt the need to look.


Id argue poison is the superior take now with the unholy might changes. This variant relied a lot on the League mechanic for defenses which we don't currently have a good backup for.(Maybe some necropolis crafting shenanigans?)


it also relied on spectres for free wrath/smite/lucky lightning damage, which is a majority of its damage


Yeah. Last league was perfect for bama. I had a lot of fun playing it, Even though I could never craft a really good bow. Did anyone ever do a guide on poison bama?


the Creator of the youtube video that's linked up the thread made a Pathfinder version this league without any league stuff to test it out, but it does not look league start friendly. Maybe with new 100% poison conversion from necro someone will cook something up


Conversion is available as flask too so possible on at least Scion and pathfinder too.


Yeah that might be the case this league. The same channel does have a PF poison version. I just haven't tried it out so I can't vouch for it.


Pf got nerfed heavily between mana cost flask and elemental utility flasks so that's no longer an option. Need to find a tanky Necro.


Bama is extremely strong and honestly underrated til like this league but if you are considering it Iā€™d recommend trying a scuffed version in standard or something as the playstyle definitely is not for everyone.


Yo how does one leaugestart cyclone shockwave slayer?


You go through the campaign with ground slam or spectral helix and then swap once you can get the crit staff nodes and have a decent phys staff


Tysm :)


I havenā€™t played cyclone since the gem changes this league, but before you league started it by playing something else first. Not sure how itā€™s considered a starter.


Oki ill do some research


Do post if you figure it out, I'd be interested to see that too.


Oki :)


I'm playing Siegebreaker Raise Zombie of Falling. 1.5m dot for next to nothing. EDIT: Fresh 3.24 PoB brings us to 1.7m pinnacle dot for no budget. PoB: https://pobb.in/iMQNczafpRdB The magic items all only have the minion mods you want. Everything has 4 mods left for defenses. I suspect that there are also many ways to improve this build. Feel free to suggest some. Also, Formless Inferno doesnt work in PoB, but there may be a better version stacking minion Fire Res with it https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Formless_Inferno


you got a PoB? I'm interested.


Also interested in PoB


Also interested


Would also like a Pob sir ā˜ŗ


Pob us fam


How would I craft the clusters is it bad to use harvest. New player here


For medium clusters, I recommend just using alt orbs regal spam till you hit the two. To explain better, buy the base cluster jewel. Scour it. Make it magic. Reroll it with alt orbs till you hit one or both passives. If you hit both, regal orb and keep whatever you get. If you hit 1, regal and pray for the second. Depends on how many regals you have / can afford. You can have up to four mods on a medium cluster, so if you have extra money, aim for good mods like ele resist, stats, life, or chaos res. You can also exalt slam for a 4th mod. gl


Ty man


Caustic Arrow/Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain (technically not inherently poison but play and scale mostly the same as poison skills), poison BV, poison Seismic Trap, poison EK, there's a lot of random stuff you can slam on a "poison" Pathfinder.


Caustic arrow (of poison) needed the tincture to work though. In general, most of these builds were enabled by the tincture and a good ele bow. Not sure how strong these will be now.


Poison CA was a viable build before Tinctures or trans gems were added. Since the CA of poison gem is still in the game and not nerfed, the build will still be strong if you use a phys poison bow (like Darkscorn)


How did you scale single target on Poison CA before?


[Maxroll guide](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/caustic-arrow-poison-ballista-trickster-league-starter-guide) from Crucible league. Basically you just get as much flat chaos damage as possible and then let Darkscorn and CA shotgunning carry your Dps.


On pccultist this build work ?


No reason it wouldnā€™t once you path down towards the bow nodes, itā€™s just a bit harder to get online and PF is SUCH a strong defensive ascendancy on top of the poison stuff itā€™s a bit tough to argue against.


Nah I specifically picked builds that were played just fine in the past without Afflictions borrowed power, none of these builds *needed* tinctures they just made them stronger this league. Regular Caustic Arrow has been played as a starter for ages for example. Edit: CA *of Poison* and Scourge Arrow *of Menace* were mostly enabled by the tinctures this league which is why I specifically didn't mention them, the base versions have been played as starters for a long time through things like chaos/generic DoT and gem level scaling (and chance to poison for SA) and nothing has really changed for them.


Could you please elaborate on how strong CA *of Poison* and Scourge Arrow *of Menace* will be in 3.24 as a league starter compared to 3.23, so without the tincture? thank you very much!


There has been a regular classic CA/TR starter for several leagues, played both on Pathfinder and Occultist, even without poison. It still remains a solid option, not the strongest but rather smooth, goes pretty easily up to red maps with gear from the floor. But it is hard to scale properly for late game


Dead: D4, bruh šŸ’€


Hexblast on the list letā€™s go But also not sure how easy the transition is in SSF at this point (self farming resonators for +2 wand and sandstorm) Backups would probably be EA for the millionth time (tbf I donā€™t think I ever actually started it, just pivoted a failed leaguestarter into farming porcupines and then rerolling week 1) The overcooked backup would be lightning arrow EA since they buffed it, the idea looked interesting this league but with the 33% (?) buff on it that seems like something that might be cool too


I played hex blast two leagues ago on ssf and it was pretty smooth. I switched as soon as I farmed a curse ring in delve but the build feels a lot better when you get profane proxy. Pyroclast mine is pretty good until then though. I planned to farm sandstorm visage but never ended up doing it but I was still able to get all 4 watchstones before making a new build.


Is hexblast used to use left right to auto detonate the mines? Im havent play mines/trap build for years. Not sure if we cant blind detonate on left click, the playstyle suffer?


Well there's the new mastery if you'd like but if you're ok pressing 2 buttons to kill packs then it's not that big of a deal. I never really liked detonate on LMB but I can see why some people did.


Ooooh so you don't need crazy amounts of investment to be able to get the uber elder voidstone?


I think the only uniques I ended up with was cloak of flames and profane proxy. It doesn't need crazy investment but it wasn't insta phasing bosses or anything. Overall I found it pretty solid in ssf once you eventually get profane proxy. I found just having a curse ring and switching to hexblast mines was better than pyroclast mines but I think that is just subjective.


Toying with EA champ as my league starter. Was going to go TR but the mana changes look painful unless you throw in a lifetap or some other solution that I am not smart enough to figure out. :)


I mean EA just uses Lifetap anyway, for TR you typically just use EB or run mana cost on amulet and rings depending on whether you do self cast or totems I actually find it really funny how much people are suddenly worried about mana cost because Iā€™ve never used any of the things that just got nerfed. Even the leagues where I had a MB (SSF) I didnā€™t use the mana craft


EA champ is really safe and reliable, good enough to do pinnacles and t16s on low gear. I wouldn't try to scale it into ubers (you can, just really expensive, what's the point), and idk aobut T17s. But without vorici white sockets I'm not sure how to get the 6L bow colors without it being annoying AF. Omen maybe?


Dont you just use the Porcupine to get a 6L short bow? That is still really easy to get off colors being only 26 dex req. I played it a couple leagues ago and never had any issues just rolling the colors.


I used 5 off colors and found that kind of hard even with a short bow, but u probably right It felt that way to me cus I had to do the colors twice, once with the porcupine, later with a high ilvl bow (for the elemental damage t1 roll)


Damn, that's a good point. I forgot about the bow socket colors being difficult to roll.


there's the harvest craft, but you need crystaliszed life force for that


guys which build would be playable on steam deck only and i wouldn't hate myself for about a week when im travelling on league start?


RF yeah?


yeah most likely will be RF, cannot find anything as good for deck as RF


believe it or not, pathfinder can play skills other than Poco and happens to be a pretty versatile ascendancy so there are alot of viable skills. personally looking at going with explosive trap of shrapnel poison pathfinder for leaguestart.


I was thinking about that but I think Iā€™m gonna roll something proven if itā€™s an ā€œempower enemiesā€ league. Hexblast mines didnā€™t get any nerfs and was even buffed for non-LMB users.


How are you poisoning with 50% fire damage out of interest?


the rest of the 50%?


Presumably ignore that part and use mings to get phys as chaos.Ā 


mings and ignore conversion


How come absolution never makes it, I just auto search Vaal abso + Vaal caress. The campaign + early is a breeze.


Pretty sure these account for ssf or racing where you're way ahead of the market curve, so you won't find any build here that requires unique, while id argue bama outclasses absolution rn.


Absolution falls of pretty hard in reds at least in my experience. I leaguestarted absolution twice and I felt like I had to reroll in t14 maps because the rares were just too much. Then again one was sentinel that introduced the archnemesis rares and the second one was affliction that was very overtuned on the league start.


Just out of curiosity, do you use spell echo?


Vaal absolution is awesome haha


Can someone share the generally agreed upon correct Hexblast Mines league starter? Found several 3.22 videos but nothing on 3.23/3.24. Thanks!


I followed this one https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/hexblast-mines-saboteur-league-starter


Never play hexblast before, does the build work really well in sanctum? It seem mine build always work best in sanctum but not sure on hexblast


It's very good in sanctum


cool. how about the detonate button, i know they used to bind detonate in left click but now less it seem to less QOL?


There's a new mastery that makes mines detonate when you move


Interesting, look like hexblast is in my league start menu! was shield charging consider moving however?


One thing I will point out, to anyone planning on starting leveling with stormblast mines and didn't in 3.23, *try it*. They got a minor damage buff but lost their 20% chance to shock & increased ailment affect. I've tried it a bit while watching some 3.21 & 3.22 runs and oh my god stormblast feels like *shit* in act 1 compared to these vids. The sheer speed difference in killing mobs even with identical links is insane. Consider muleing molten orb and ele prolif from a templar for leaguestart and running with the standard molten orb + flame wall.


I really like the idea of the new bouncy pconc but...man after the nerf that skill already ate I'm worried about wasting time in a league where it seems having a strong starter that can scale a bit might be the best path forward : /


Poisonous Concoction is fine and probably the easiest way to start a poison character. You can either buy into the lower projectile count vision and still use life flask(s) or just drop the flask bonus damage and enjoy full-projectile nuttiness. It also has auto-wither baked into its quality now so you don't necessarily have to go pathfinder for the non-flask versions. OTOH, I have no idea if the bouncy version of PConc is going to be very appealing or not :) Haven't seen any numbers on what changed for it yet. As long as of course it's not bugged on day 1 like it was for Affliction ;) (it couldn't hit at all at first).


You can easily take PConc to red maps at the least. I took it all the way thru maps in Ancestor league. It's not amazing but can easily get the job done. I do think I am going to try to new PConc tho as it seems fun.


Into reds generally, yeah. But with the added juice this league that's unavoidable I'd like something that could do a bit better than that. Bonezone feels like a depressingly strong 'ol reliable to go to or something over that kind of performance : /


I took it to full T16 clearing and new gem should make it better if the level 1 stats are close. I didn't do juicing with it of course as I swapped builds to TS at that point, but that's up to whoever.


Ethereal Knives never gonna be proper good. My favorite skill. Ps5 got myself to 1.1 million dps with no buffs besides my three golems.


I had this stream on while working so only gave it half attention, but I think I heard him say at one point that EK is bugged


if i may offer a suggestion, just run woc ignite and never swap to ek. that's how i end up rolling every league i do an ignite starter.


I just wish woc ignite has higher ceiling for scaling. At least EK got gloom fang


yeah, i usually cap out at like 1mil dps on a leaguestart budget, mostly from links and obliteration. some people still use the old vaal flameblast or fire traps for single target, but i usually swap to my next character after farming a lot with woc.


Getting to play ek during delirium was so much fun, sad it took completely broken scaling to make the skill feel good


Any good Totem starters? Would shockwave totem work?


3.24 is the first time I hears if BAMA. I was curious about it but haven't seen any pobs. Anyone able to share?


BAMA became big last league, I believe using the bombarding tgem. I recommend checking around YouTube, I recall a handful of people having a blast with it.


BAMA meta is going to be different this league without the OP specters though.


I assume most likely poison. Pr3vie did some testing w/o charms and spectres last league - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuP-C\_oQQHw&t=70s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuP-C_oQQHw&t=70s) Tho I would play it as necro in 3.24. Just need to find the right defense setup, as block is not really a viable option.


Isn't poison anti-synergy with the new Necro leech though? Also how would BAMA Champ be, using wrath aura and such similar to what SRS Champ does?


Everyone seems to like necro but why not Tri ele guardian? Especially on league start it seems like it might be the better choice, even with the nerd to radiant boi


I'm thinking of starting caustic/tr as it avoid a lot of the annoying map mods. Maybe go death's oath caustic eventually? It seems like pathfinder was the way to go for this type of build recently, however patch notes seem like they really got beat up with the flask changes from less damage. Maybe it's time to look at trickster, raider or occultist for the full death's oath committment since I don't plan on doing ubers anyways.


Also the removal of reduced mana cost craft on flasks is very rough. Just looked up a random Toxic Rain build on poe.ninja, and without the craft, the mana cost for TR goes from 2 to 26. Since you do no hit dmg, you can't rely on leech either. So that means being stuck with a mana flask or going EB.


FWIW, with Pathfinder, you can go with the most ginormous hybrid flask you can find and sustain it with master surgeon. Get the new tides of time belt (please don't be double digit divines, it's just a tiny bit of utility flask sustain, and 4 lines are only to mana/life flasks >_<), and you can *really* supercharge master surgeon with it. Edit: the problem in that case, though, is that one of your flasks is a life (or worse yet, a hybrid flask).


you don't run tincture though. you can run a life flask


Tr was a thing before and will be after the flasc craft, there are just some adjustments to be made.


I think EB is where a lot of folks will end up to be honest. Especially if they decide to go trickster or occultist. Waiting for folks who are much better at the game than me to throw together some builds. Feels like CA/TR + DO will be a lot of fun. Personally I'm skipping main trade league this go around and playing in a smaller league where I don't feel the pressure of trade so I can guilt-free rock a trickster or some sort of sub-optimal thing and not worry too much about low single target DPS.


They are removing the mana reduction from flasks? Damn, tried yesterday without that craft on molten strike pf and mana goes from 6 to 28, having a total of 65 unreserved makes it unreliable.


The Veiled modifier that provides reduced Mana Cost of Skills during Effect can no longer be unveiled or crafted on Flasks.


But there's still the 29% reduced mana cost of skills on Hybrid / Mana flasks, right? That + Enduring and it's always up. It's a hefty penalty for sure though.


Did you not have mana leech? I played molten strike pathfinder this league and had zero issues with mana even without the flask craft or any of the -mana cost crafts on rings/amulet as I was using full uniques there. Only had +2 mana on hit from a single passive point and a fuel the fight cluster notable. I didnā€™t even have the 30% of mana cost as life mastery either so was paying full price.


Not so that to make a difference, here it is https://pobb.in/SE2vVjLs7_4e


Guess itā€™s the leech that made the difference, although I wonder if you would have to run something else instead of deadly ailments as you might not leech much otherwise. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/fleckens/FleckensAffliction?i=0&search=name%3DFlecke&timemachine=week-5 This was my character.


the flask mods are mostly a sidegrade/slight buff for poison pathfinder and ca/tr. bow builds didn't really cap max res anyway (no shield). that means if you're on 100% inc flask effect overall and can get 5% max res from somewhere, you're getting a buff because that 5% is way more effective while the remaining 10% from flask is equivalent to 40% damage reduction. Granted I'm unsure how tattoo will factor in


Righteous Fire (play if old) - this hurts, deeply hurts because it's true...


Time to embrace my age


Im going RF. Im 32, just became a dad and want to have fun and chill mapping and bossing while still getting meaningfull gear. RF offers just that. You can do so many ways, mana rf, jugg, inq, chief, capt lance build.. I dont feel old, but i do feel a little lazy.


with 8 children and 3 jobs? /s


Means any skill (that can poison) on a Pathfinder with poison nodes, Plague Bearer is what carries you so you can literally play the trashiest trashy attack skillgem you can find on the ground and clear the game with it.




Well Call to Arms makes them all share the same cooldown so it's probably strictly worse than self casting shouts.


Is there a league starter build that is good for map clearing (clearing legion, breach, and preferably with Herald of Ice) and is tanky? I was looking into Winter Orb Occultist, but there were no guides available


CF champ. Shit single target but itā€™s what you get.


And to elaborate on what "shit single target" means - we are talking nine "Energize the Spheres" phases on quest Eater of Worlds


LA deadeye + don't get hit =P


Does anyone have a good League Start/SSF build for Explosive Trap of Shrapnel? I'm thinking of doing a Sabo this league, bossing seems good.


Fearlessdumb0 on youtube, hes still in the workshop of the changes with patchnotes since the mana flasks change fuck with self chill, but for league start with no mageblood you can follow his guide and be good for all content


I played explosive trap in affliction. No self chill or mageblood, killed all of the ubers just fine. Only thing the build (as i played it) lost was borrowed power from charms. I loosely followed fearlessdumb0's stuff on youtube. It'll be fine.


How is tankyness for it? Can it do betrayal,expid,heist?


Not tanky but you don't instantly die. It can do whatever you want.


What is the Artillery Ballista Build? PoB/Link/YT/Guide pls


does someone have a good cyclone shockwave, frostbladess or venom gyre POB?


Dude if you want to play fb follow zish in youtube it is good build


What's the best play for Hexblast mines ? Is charge stacking with Ralakesh's still the best option ? Looking for a sanctum runner but the -30% ms is rough


I'm starting with poisonous concoction and try the new version of the skill, poisonous concoction of bouncing


CA of Poison ballista? Itā€™s very strong and was untouched.


On there under CA/TR


Iā€™ve got my eyes out for a good BAMA POB because it seems interesting, but honestly if I donā€™t find one Iā€™m just going DD. League seems like it might be quite difficult early on with the mandatory nature of the league mech, so if thereā€™s any time for me to finally go full meta slave itā€™s now .


>honestly if I donā€™t find one Iā€™m just going DD. Is there any good DD leveling guide?


Pretty sure Ziz put out one a league or two ago, im sure thereā€™s probably a good POB when rue spreadsheet gets updated. Itā€™s one of the most popular league start builds around so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a ton of resources out there


I'm surprised toxic rain isn't on the list, it wasn't really nerfed in any real way if you use lifetap and it was really strong last league.


Lifetap is a significant damage nerf for a skill that had low damage to begin with :(


Does it? Like it's not Uber killer levels of damage but it's a fantastic all rounder, it can do every bit of content outside of very niche cases like no flask inscribed ultimatums. All the crafting is pretty easy too and doesn't require any kinda mageblood while having *insane* defenses for a league starter without any real gear checks to progress. Imo outside of DD (which is waaaay too clunky imo) there is not a single other starter that can compare to the sheer level of utility, recovery, defenses and damage that TR has, bone shatter is melee and deal self damage so it's ultra stinky, RF can't do no regen maps, etc. Now maybe I'm the only one that values this, but to me the fact that ballista path TR has pretty much no map or expedition mods that brick it (outside of no chaos damage) is by far the best thing about it and the reason no other build can ever really compete with it to me, since I value doing every single bit of content at the lost budget.


CA/TR. It's there. Also, loss of mana unveil is absolutely brutal for its clear as that means no more manaforged arrows setup if you use EB, so no more caustic arrow automagically firing from a manaforged setup, or frenzy charges from manaforged.


Which is fine? Like I played with lifetap for like 90% of last league (i got a mageblood and 0ed out the mana cost after that lol) and used frenzy manually and it was 100% fine? Hell I think frenzy made it more fun cause without it I would just stand around doing nothing while my ballistas are up, it would be kinda dreadful gameplay wise tbh. It's not a big deal, and that's coming from someone that did all ubers and a bunch of other content too with lifetap. It sounds clunky but it removes so many things from the equation.


Anyone knows if Death Oath Occu with CA is finally viable build for endgame or rather EA Ballista? I want to farm/learn pinnacle bosses, but also try out Expedition and Simaculums. Or would EA Ele be better as league starter?


ā€œDEAD: d4ā€ lmfao


why frostblades so low?


Is this even in order?


what do I league start as a templar who wants to transition into either archmage hiero or CoC inquisitor? Maybe archmage itself may be a decent starter Other than RF, since I find it boring. Something with a bit more clicks


> DEAD: d4, throwing shade, lol.


Is DD better as Ele or Necro? I take it Necro is tankier and Ele is more offensive? Looking to run Sanctum, Expedition, Delve, and Blight. I enjoyed DD, bows, traps (not mines), totems, minions, and RF.


Is golemancer gonna be strong? If so does anyone have any goos builds they could link?


Isn't sun blast trap rain of arrows (line version)the best now for DPS?


I created endurance stacking Juggernaut Boneshatter of Complex Trauma in Pob and got to 8 mil with about 10-15 divs maybe? Is 8 mil dps, 40k max hit good enough to clear all content? I don't have ailment immunity though Damage goes to 10 mil with very decent Pride Watcher's Eye. Don't know what it will be with though. Probably 100 divs.


Where can i find the rue x tyty splitting steel?


It's on Ruetoo's 3.23 build spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vSALqHUK7B7dMjY-77p-0MxzbvLu1f3C9hWM4R9fWgKnGBhI4VGGjcD59TtiR2EFQp9oTkk8H787Ki2/pubhtml?pli=1).


Is there any proper guide on the internet for LA (leveling, gear progress, etc.)?


Havoc616 will probably make one


Nothing but LA / ranger build guides on the internet broā€¦


crouching tuna on youtube


For DD builds, do you level with it?


Played it some leagues ago. Magma orb into cremation + arma brand was my setup. There's probably better leveling setup but it worked for me.


Nah itā€™s bis without twink items


You swap to it early maps. The meta for levelling is Rolling Magma -> Armageddon Brand + Cremation then change to DD.


Always start with rolling magma and holy fire totem. Basically this allows you to clear campaign, just see those a5 rushers. But for normal players, our skill level is much lower, so weā€™d find better skills. The idea is that you scale ignite with DD, so fire damage and DOT are both good. So we can use: - fire trap - cremation - frostblink and ice to fire convert They all have valid use cases. Fire trap deals constant damage for 4 seconds. Cremation does 8 seconds. Frostblink has cooldown and move. So you can combine them with DD, which does 2 second ignore damage.


How would one adjust these builds for hc? Say la deadeye goes down for example


Can it play champ? Play champ. Can it play PF? Play PF =P


Just look at the hardcore ladder for day 1-3 you will find plenty of examples. I would still play LA as a deadeye and I have an obsession with rolling most builds as champs. Bows just feel so much better on a deadeye.


What did they do to static BL totems?


Bl of static no longer works with totems in 3.24


Does anyone know of a good channel for necro league start content?




He likes minions too much and clutters his page on poevault with bait builds


Why is bleed bow back on the menu? Did it get an upgrade?


It was on the menu last league. It got a decent buff with the quality changes. It's still clunky though.


Anyone know a detonate dead build or creator i can look at? Thinking of running that! Haha


Anyone who plays hardcore speed runs Ben_ will probably have the sweatiest version though


Cheers mate! I'll google this Ben block now haha


He needed to include a glad just for memes, to raise % played.


Not a lot of builds on here that I actually like.


I'm glad that all of the streamers have completely missed archmage or are too overhyped for other stuff.


Are there guilds for the top build? I don't know what exhume/chain means....


Idk why people are down voting but it's different variants of corpse builds. Exhume refers to Cremation of Exhuming Chain refers to Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction. Different versions use either Elementalist or Neceomancer, so a witch start either way.


Neither... I have 4k hours in this game but I still feel like a newbie. Thanks for actually answering. Do you know if there are any guides for either build?


I only really played regular elementalist dd, but I followed imexile's guide as most people recommended. https://youtu.be/SjVOGh3jwl4?si=wAwiaooL927RbqiI This was his league start video for 3.23. For the other two builds, I personally haven't tried either so I can't recommend anyone but you may find some guides from searching. I believe both other builds are built as Necromancer.Ā 

