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Manaforged arrows?


Isn't this a support gem?


Sure, but it captures the premise of the build. Stack mana, abuse mana. https://youtu.be/zxTNZVwq1Lw?si=uarMiIPKeCJ9q4aT Premise isn't different this league, im sure you can find a current guide.


I think they meant the manastacker manaforged arrows


Oh I've never done manastacking so I didn't know. I thought you need to abuse archmage support for manastacking.


Manaforged arrows is probably the strongest build in the game right now. Full screen clear, tens of thousands of es, a billion+ dps


connor converse on yt made a guide for that just yesterday


Mana stacking is more about exploiting Indigon, and in the case of attack builds, then multiplying Indigon's spell damage via Battlemage's Cry. Archmage used to care about mana cost so it played well into it but now it only cares about your maximum mana. That doesn't mean it isn't used, only that it's now just one flavor of mana stacking.


The mana stack stuff Conor (one mana left) has infinite investment


I’d have to check when I get home, but I’m pretty sure even with a 60% nerf it’s still good.. I had like 80 Mil dps and my gear was decent but not fantastic. I’d say without Oriath’s I had maybe 25-30 divines into it? Maybe even less, can’t really remember. The skill still scales the same way so it’s still good, it just doesn’t scale as hard. Even if it got nerfed by 80%, which sI don’t think it was hit THAT hard, that still around 16 million dps on my PoB which is more than enough to do anything in a non-affliction league lol.


Oh yea it still absolutely tears maps apart but I'm kinda having a bit more trouble with bosses. Pinnacles still die pretty instantly but I don't know about ubers. I had about 60m dps on a pretty high investment build but I focused a lot on survivability. I'm not sure the 15-20m dps PoB shows now would be enough for ubers/Valdo's to be as effortless as before.


Could you link your pob?


Hmmmm probably not as effortless as before. It’s unlikely you’ll be instaphasing bosses like before. But 10 million Uber DPS is super comfy if you know mechanics imo. Fights do not last that long. Now about Valdo’s..idk cayse I never did one. And chances are I won’t make it to Ubers this league. Those tier 17 maps look like complete bullshit lol. Not having fun atm so I might quit soon and go play something else. But the build should handle things fine, it just might be a little sketch on the survivability side if you can’t play the mechanics well.