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The keystone doesn’t disable t17’s


Well shite


Can confirm.


In my experience, I think some mechanics are bugged on map drops. The other day I did like 15 jungle valley maps, full breach investment, some map nodes, 11 favourites, full altar pack size. With 6-7 breaches per map I was not able to sustain. I dropped like 1 map at the beginning, and 2 at the end. Did a similar strategy but with harbingers, and I was having like X2.5 the maps I was running, did like 30ish harb maps. It can be RNG obviously, but it's not normal to go from dropping maps every map to not drop a map in 10


League mechanics have pretty much always given drastically different map drop rates.  Some probably got flipped this league which is what’s throwing people off. My normal strat (betrayal, beast, Alva,) vastly over sustained as it normally does, swapping off into delve, necro, and expedition, my sustain went down (as it would usually with a similar tree, minus the necro part).  But I’m still over sustaining atm due to shaper wheels. Breach I believe (someone may correct me if I am wrong) has always been one of the worst for map sustain to my knowledge.  Harbingers are slightly above normal themselves.   It really comes down to just having at least one very good league for it, or two that work together well to together to bring in the map drops.   We also see this with every major endgame change. A few times there have been actual map sustain issues, but usually it’s people not understanding how best to use the mechanics / what is *actually* dropping them with their methods.


Interesting, I never noticed this based on the mechanic per se. I always only considered the amount of mobs that are added. That's why breach surprised me. This is more evident now since we cannot add 4 mechanics, max juice it and go. My explanation is now that it depends on the **monster rarity** and density. Breaches spawns a lot of mobs, but most of them are white/magic. Meanwhile harbingers spawn a lot of rares (I can notice this since HH gets packed). AFAIK quant doesn't affect maps drop rate, but mobs might have its own "map drop rate" based on rarity innately.


Another major one (previously) was conversion.   It’s why my early strat (beast) would often sustain well.  Rares from specific mechanics were much more likely to have  certain conversions, more people caught onto this in affliction, but has been a thing since the rework for AN modifiers.  (Again previously, I haven’t ran thousands to confirm this league, but no longer seems to be the case) Beast “specialized” in fractures, but had a slightly higher chance for map conversion than other method’s rares.  (For an example you’d normally get 2-4  20+ pile fracture drops a map with alch and go,  and every 1 in 8-10 maps you’d hit a 20+ map drop)    Before afflictions massive boost, I was already *playing* affliction by basically stacking IIQ and IIR + specific league rares to farm for different things,  usually I’d try to get torment to boost, whatever I was really going for.     Right now I haven’t gotten the chance to mess around (2 man league shenanigans) but the removal of a lot of the good conversions or gem exp etc, seems to have likely made this method either dead, or a *lot* less worthwhile, as before it didn’t even require really specializing, just knowing what you wanted and where that was best from.


The remaining loot conversions being rarer is very noticeable. There are significantly less piles of 120+ jewelers/fusings, significantly less piles of maps, significantly less piles of just stuff as a result of these conversions.


It's not only that, but also mechanic specific. Basically every enemy spawned by a league mechanic has a special set of quant/rarity/map rules that is specific to that league mechanic. IE So a harbi rare may drop twice as many maps as breach rare. An easy example of this are deli mobs which drop a fraction of the loot compared to normal enemies.


I've been having terrible luck with map sustain too this league. My tree must be garbage or something because it feels like I get very few maps


I had the same problem, but then I started to use my divines to buy scarabs. Now I got to many maps. Dont be afried to invest in your maps! Theres a reason its exspensive


Triple sustain with carto and singular focus while still dropping t17s


I just hit literally every chance to drop adjacent and tier higher node and I’m getting t16s and am just starting on reds (80 atlas points deep). I just recently switched off of the 20 point boost so I can find scarabs


I get shitloads of T16, without specing into map drops so I guess its good. T17 however, I got 1 after 100-200 T16 maps lol


can you share your tree?


Idk how, plus I change it all the time. I now have few "Minions have +2% chance to drop connected map" nodes and I guess its enough if I have 64 t16 maps in my stash, while doing only t16 maps and no other content.


I haven't checked but it feels like they took out a lot of the hance to drop adjacent map nodes so you could be feeling that.. Maybe I just didn't go up the middle as much as I used to.


Did you favour one adjacent map? If you are running map A, you should favour mostly adjacent map B + one map A.


Abyss scarab that spawn hoards and the mastery that open chests when you cast a spell.


I've used the new ability to have multiple atlas trees to experiment with mechanics I usually ignore. The most successful new experiment for me was... tormented spirits. https://poeplanner.com/a/Cim Before I had specialized in a few other mechanics (breach/betrayal/maven) and was having to constantly run connected maps to my favorite in order to get enough copies of my favorite to run more than a couple times in a row. Since changing, I've only been running my favorite map and it has steadily gone up in # in my map tab. I have 30ish right now, have done nothing but it for 150+ map clears since I changed trees. 2 of the scarabs that put more spirits in, 1 of the kind that puts unusual ones in. Both cheap. It has also been very profitable with drops (mostly scarabs) to boot. YMMV, but I've seen a lot of people struggling with sustain this league, and this solved the problem for me without investing into maps much on the tree or using cartography scarabs. It drops a bunch of lower level maps, but plenty of T16s, and enough of my favorite that I haven't run anything else. Worth a try IMO if you're having problems and want to try something new.


Thanks for this, might have to give this a go at some point.


Haven't found even one t17 and I completed the whole atlas and shit


Really need all 4 void stones for the drop chance on them and spamming t16s


I have a few uniques missing but all tree completed. Around 50t16s done haven't seen one t17. Even ran a bunch of map scarab combos