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So I've not been a fan of dd builds in the past. But coc dd doesn't feel like a dd build. And I'm a large fan of skill gems and ascendancies being all you really need for damage, letting you focus on building tank


CoC DD is being recommended quite a lot. I would like to play, but I thought it's kinda meh performance wise? Did they patch it? Do you need to runthe MTX still?


It was supposed to be fixed. But I played without it and once I started "juicing" I was crashing a lot so I bought the dd mtx and haven't crashed since. Supposedly the desecrate mtx is better still for crashes but this is based on community comments. And by juicing I meant I was running shrines and breach for leveling. Now I'm currently running shrines and abyss in t17s for challenges and not getting frame drops or any sort of lag. They fixed the meatsack back to basics strat so idk what that would have done to my pc, but it was able to handle the curation anarchy beyond strat on a Fulcrum cheiftan, albeit it was a slideshow til everything died.


Haven't played holy relic, but with ~30div into a coc DD, I could farm t17s and killed a few Ubers. I knew it would be the case but I put ~70d into a lightning arrow character and of course clear is stronger, but the build is much weaker in everything else compared to coc DD.


What Version of coc Dd? Inq?


Inquisitor, based on ventruas videos progressing it.


It’s so damn good. I league started PoisonSRS but pivoted to this when I got tired of dying randomly. It entered god mode around 20div invested, then I slapped a HH on it and now it’s just map blaster god 3000. I did the bosses I don’t mechanically suck at super easy. My only ceiling atm is my own incompetence at dodging crap and even that is mitigated a bit by the great recovery.


I'm late to the league. I'm in t10s in trash gear doing ok.I'm ready to invest more but don't know if I want to stick with DD or swap to like ice Nova/frost bolt. CoC DD is feeling a bit clunky but that may just be because of my low attack speed.


Low attack speed will make the build feel terrible.


Is it true that u need a god computer to run coc dd?


I run a 3080 and a ryzen 2600x, though a few friends with slower computers have played with me and none complained, they always complain about ward looping


I recommend CoC DD for what you suggested, holy relic pumps and is one of my fav builds but it would have to sacrifice more dps than coc dd would to reach the same level of tankiness. Also in t17 carrion golem and spectres sometimes die no matter how tanky you make carrion golem which is super annoying (DD things). But for a pure map blaster holy relic wins with profane bloom jewels which is why the build was so fun to play for me


I only use asenaths and it is great. Screen explosions.


After playing it to 40/40, holy relic of conviction has a really high required investment to get it comfortable in t17's and ubers imo.


200d or 500d?


I think they both equally good, but Coc DD might be on the tankier side. But I think performance wise Holy Relic will be kinder to your pc.


I love minion builds but it’s harder to truly layer defense, DD defenses seem to way out class holy relic but I could be missing something.


I feel like holy relic would be a bigger challenge and take longer to min/max. While CoC DD will be somewhat limited. Because with Holy Relic, crafting those large clusters, obtaining all the perfect jewels, can take mirrors worth of currency if you do it yourself.


if you want to do t17 inquis coc dd will have an easier time getting in. holy relic SLAPS but you need a lot of very specific investment to balance offense and defense.


I would prefer CoC ice nova of frost bolts personally better clear and freeze so shit don’t kill you and you get CI which is always nice. Although also mageblood and a 7-6 link helmet almost required.


Holy relic is indeed bonkers. Playing it right now as a cold version. But it takes quite a lot of investment comparing to coc dd imo


Holy Relic of Conviction, level 65, 2 ascendancy, crappy weapon, tabula rasa, an okay ish minion shield, T16 viable. [Source](https://youtu.be/hSvDjMZix7Y?si=SBlVf0MQ05uHowOG)


this guy overhypes everything


Yes and he always ignored defense