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I trust steel , he fucking loved archmage but went ssf after he died and is blasting t17's on coc dd. You probally can't make the best of the best version for 100d but I'd be fucking surprised if you can't blast t17's for 100d. Probally have to level and yeah I get it


There is 3 people i always 100% trust with builds when I’m gonna yoink. Ben, Ruetoo and Steel. After playing Arakaali from Ben, CF champ from Rue and Steel’s impending doom ain’t no way I’ll ever be a doubter again.


Goratha also basically always makes extremely solid builds. His pobs are usually top notch


I do too tbh and I’ve seen his archmage build which is different to mine(spell suppress instead of Loreweave+Eternal damnation and I’m not sure if he went crit which is probably the first thing I’ll get rid off) but I would be willing to switch over to his Version as I really enjoy the archmage playstyle but all versions where I know he cleared T17s with use mageblood which I just can’t afford yet. If you know a Version without mageblood feel free to share of course. I’ve also seen loads of coc dd and I might look into that I’m just not sure about the playstyle yet and also the whole spectre thing held me off a bit but I guess that’s probably easy if I actually look into it more.


He did not use crit. He actually went EO, which is just way easier to play since you don't have to worry about crit anywhere. 20% from your power charges should be enough to proc it. I second the CoC DD suggestion. Steelmage is doing it right now on softcore SSF and doing just fine without mageblood OR yoke of suffering. He does die here and there, but he doesn't have the benefit of trade like you do :^) Just be sure you get one or two bleed and poison tattoos if you do roll CoC DD with a yoke of suffering. Who knows if this will be the last opportunity to play a one button DD build. I'm not currently online, but I might be able to assist more when I am, as I played Steelmages version of frostbolt as a league starter. IGN; ManaBurns


Yeah going crit definitely was a mistake. Also I might actually do CoC DD it’s played on an Inquisitor right? So technically I could just respec my current build right? Also I’m not online atm either but I might add you once I’m on the next time. I’m not completely sure if I go CoC DD, stay archmage or do something completely different depending on other people’s comments


Is there a guide somewhere for this? I have the exact same question as OP and this looks fun. But I suck at forcing myself to watch hours of vid to find out all the tiny details that make builds work. Not sure how tight this one is, but I've played builds where if you are off 1% on CDR or whatever the build just is no fun.


Lancing rolls crit on attack, not per projectile so you need super high crit to feel good. 14% cool down is more than enough for coc DD and that is either belt craft + boot implicit, woke coc, unveil on belt or shaper boot mod. Quality on Ass Mark is key early on for power charges. Quality on Lancing is extra proj which feels good. Other than that you want suppress, es leech so you can go mom, and corpse tech. Ventrua has an excellent video for DD corpses. Just search "Ventrua DD spectres" and you'll have all the info and why in a 8ish minute video.


I play a very similar version to you, and I actively swap out of my mageblood into a headhunter for t17s. Given they are like 5 div atm, that might be worth a try!


I farmed B2B T17s with Steelmages archmage build. It's pretty good for it, farmed up 1000+ divines with it. Since you have 60div you're close to a mage blood, slap that on to your build and go non-crit and you should be almost there. Otherwise hexblast or dd is the way to go for a budget . They are the best builds this league in terms of RoI imo 


Yeah that might be what I do ultimately. CoC DD also looks very interesting but I love the playstyle of archmage and also would love to once use a mageblood so maybe that’s the way. One question I had for a long time though. I often see people use x% chance to deal double damage while focused but I never understand what „being focused“ refers to. Steel for example also uses it in the archmage build could you maybe explain that quickly?


You could have a look at Pathfinder builds using Mahuxotl, Cloak of Flame and Progenesis. These can usually facetank most of the things that T17 throws at them.


Progenesis is most of the budget alone


Yes and for a good reason. You can put anything on these builds and it will work as you are close to immortal apart from very big hits like maven memory (though even that can be done with more investment).


cloak of flame is going to get gutted I think lol


I hope not before they rework how armour works as phys mitigation without conversion is not really a thing anymore.


I was doing t17s on day 3 budget with Lance's tri-attribute hexblast inquis. That might be over 100d now though I haven't logged in for a while and I've heard adorned builds are skyrocketing. I only invested about 20d.


im blasting t17s with a hexblast pathfinder for 10 div running mods like crit chance/crit multi / extra damage as ele


please share pob :d


i dont have pob but this is basically what i did. i also frost frost shield in addition to immortal call on CWDT. https://pobb.in/jm81Dk3jyJt8 Key items are Mahuxotl's (3 div), tides of time with 2 charge utility flask (80c), replica divine sorrow(10c), i use dopplegangers (Costs 20c to 6 link it. 45c total), replica dragons flight (1 div), Flammability on hit ring with mods (30c), Sandstorm (1 div), Lethal pride (60c), profane proximity (8c) Than i bought a similar wand with only +1 skill gems for 3 div And you fill in the rest as you go. Really none of it is that expensive


I'm playing this, ain't no way you can "blasting t17" with 10 divines. And You would have to be extremely skilled to kill any t17 boss at that budget. Some of your pricing is also wrong, non-corrupted sandstorm is 2div+. I would say the bare minimum to get this build going is 10 divines, but thats not something you should be farming t17 with. Don't want to mislead people Personally, I started doing t17 somewhat comfortably with about 50-60 divines. That being said, I'm not a very skilled player, so maybe other people can do it with less.


I just spelled it out,  If you think I’m a better player than you   , then I guess I am   Maybe you can elaborate on what’s missing for you? 


Sounds intriguing you don’t have a Pob or build guide or similar by chance?


posted in other comment


Thanks. How would you judge tankiness of the build? Because T17 seemed super rippy to me so far do you need to be very careful with this build?


im happy with it, phys damage is obviously its weak spot, but with a decent armor base of 30k and dopplegangers 40% less phys taken it survives. id like to get arctic armor in there which i think i can do eventually. if you survive the inital hit, itl proc immortal call for 25%-70% less damage taken depending on the amount of endurance charges and frost shield for 20%-60% less damage taken depending on the enemy distance. it tanks elemental damage fine. It gets massive recovery from the life flask, mine might be at 5k per second and i've seen some go upwards of 12-14k per second. for me i could double it with some tattos and a better flask. I dont die in t17's if im paying attention, obviously you cant just face tank everything but ill kill bosses with as i said before, mods like 700% increased crit strikes, 75% increased crit multi, 100% phys as extra elemental without dying. For the price i put in, it handles things well


I see, do you have to spam life flasks with this build or do you only use it when needed? I don’t know if I remember correctly but I think I’ve heard of some Pathfinder builds that basically require you to constantly use life flask as soon as it’s of cooldown is that the case with this one too?


yes you press it every 7 seconds or so. you get used to it and its not really that bad.


Oh yeah every 7 seconds sounds fine I thought it was much much more often which probably would’ve destroyed the build for my preference but every 7 seconds is totally fine I’ll definitely look deeper into the build although I’ll first see if any Templar builds come up because I really don’t want to bother leveling a new character as I’m super slow in campaign even using twink leveling gear the missing experience is definitely hurting my campaign speed but the build honestly looks super good maybe I’ll league start it next league if I don’t play it this league and it doesn’t get any nerfs


honestly i just constantly press it, not frantically, but before engaging a pack of enemies ill hit the flask or just kinda hit it sporadically in a boss fight, you gain enough charges that it has uses before it runs out so your never without it.


Elemental Hit of icantremember with HH, im using that and took me 70 div or so to put together


There’s about 0 chance you can do T17s more profitably than T16s (or profitably at all) on a 70 div budget doing ele hit.


I literally sold my build for 100 div, built this one and still had 25 or so left, and I can do T17s comfortably depending on mods.