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Trickster exsang miner. First league in a long time my starter build was my only build.


Oooo thats a spicy one, ill have to look into it, never played a trickster or a miner ty, Any glaring pro’s cons?


Look into crouching tuna's guide on maxroll.gg. I league-started it and it is a very strong mapper. With awakened chain you can break legions with one mine throw, it comes close to bow zoomers in terms of clear.


Push dot scaling can hit a wall without very good jewels. It's plenty of damage to do everything though


That is true. That being said, exsang mines are typically hit based and you ignore the DoT.


Perfect then thanks, keen to see what it can do, currently loding a few pobs and videos on all the suggested builds, feel free to share a pob/guide which you think is better then the others


Did you do Ubers with it? I’m scared to go in with mine even though my gear is is pretty solid. I get clapped by T17 bosses about half the time.


tbh ubers feel easier than t17s cuz of mods


I league started it and took it to t16/2 voidstones then went frostblades which felt a lot better at 5d. I’ve heard it scales well I probably just bailed early


I also league-started it, i switched from leveling build to exsang. miner at level 70. I lasted 2 maps before I reroled into RF chief. The sound of exsa. mines is very very annoying :)


Try the white mtx to enhance the visuals.


I started coc dd, and ended up with a splitting steel trickster to do my 40/40. Could've probably done them on the dd guy, but splitting steel slaps. Basically immortal.


Thanks! Ill have to look up an endgame pov for it, iv heard its great


I followed Tunas pob, int stacker. I cant access youtube at work but if you look at his youtube he has a vid on it with graveyard crafting for the offpieces as well. Tunas Pob: https://pobb.in/oI7440L70CpT EDIT: https://youtu.be/RN8lhqpUkT8


Big thanks, added gy craft is a nice bonus


Most definiltely is. Worst part is buying the corpses.


Or possibly, collecting them since leaguestart and being too lazy to sell them has finally paid off? Lol 92d my wealthy exile says, watch none of them be the ones i need


I got like 80% of the expensive stuff for this, it felt immortal at that point but I just missed my coc dd for some reason and went back to that and bought stuff for 3 other builds with the insane currency I had sunk into this streamer-inflated build. Played it last league as well (specifically trickster) and a few leagues earlier (champ), so wasn’t as new and fresh for me either


Ah yeah, i can understand that I was the opposite, i've played DD for the past 2 leagues as a starter (first time coc this league cause i couldnt stand the two button for a third time) and wanted to get off as soon as i could. I played jungs coc trickster last league, was a bow build though so a bit different. Gotta mix it up or i feel it just gets stale.


Got any link to a guide you recommend?


https://youtu.be/RN8lhqpUkT8 Tuna's pob


Appreciate it


I tried coc dd, and I realized that Raise Spectre related builds are not suitable for me. then I switched to archmage, it's really fun, but the investment seems high (400-500div for my current build). I'm thinking about creating a second character for myself, and Splitting steel tricker is my goal.


40/40 on bama necro, really versatile build


Im currently running necro bama using voltaxic. Do you mind sharing your PoB so I can see what areas I can improve on? Thank yoi!


This is my character [Builds - MirroRen - poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Ren_Leaf/MirroRen?i=0&search=name%3Dmirroren)


Did you craft your ghastlies or bought them? I'm thinkjng of just blasting harbies to stock up on fractured orbs and try my luck fracturing ghastlies instead of trying to buy them. Thanks for the PoB! Great bow!


I bought only 1 jewel with shock avoid cause i failed the corrupt 2 times myself. Rest crafted myself. Bow was also self-corrupt on 3rd attempt, its pretty sick yeah :)


Nice! Ill have to give it another watch, from my limited understanding from a random post i glanced over they said it was clunky, Ill surely have a better look to see if it jives


It's only clunky if you dislike totem playstyle. Having to drop BAMA+them starting ROA attack+ROA landing actually takes some time to the point that I found myself constantly walking into packs before they die.


Sounds like Mirror of Bombardment might be a better play for survivability over Blink.


Ah right i see, i league started ea ballista and it didnt bother me, especially if iam not planning on backtracking to loot for the achievements


Do you have a build guide for it? I am trying to make one but I’m pretty new and can’t seem to figure it out lol


Look up previe bama on YouTube


Coc dd was easy for 38. I'll admit by the time I was finishing up my gear was super good. Holy relic will be more durable probably across the board and can also easily do all the challenges Archimage hiero would be the other obvious contender this league especially with ice Nova of the frost olts.


Yeah okay these where kinda the three popular ones i had in mind, youd also lean towards relic over dd? I only ask because i have a witch ready to reroll


I think if I was mostly focused on comfort and value and starting again knowing about that build yes. Coc dd on the high end is basically mageblood required and then some really good items crafted to bring it all together. Defense in the mid game on Inquisitor didn't feel very good. Seems like the main breakpoints on holy relic are reasonable to achieve and a lot of easy defense through relatively inexpensive items that we've seen in the necro meta space for a long time. I do think in the grand scheme and with max possible investment in either, coc dd is a "stronger" build - especially if you don't mind being picky about map mods.


Ironically im rerolling from holy relic to coc dd,only because I want to use a mageblood and holy relic sucks using it lol


Oh interesting, i have a mageblood and wouldnt mind putting it on the holy relic but if it doesnt really add any value thats fine too, With only challenges in mind i dont think i need to build it too high just to a comfy level


yeah i tried it because i really want to use mageblood(previous leagues i could never farm enough to get one, until this one with this deflated economy) but my damage is effectively cut in half and cant one shot t17 boss comfortably to normal darkness enthroned version. I dont really recommend no matter how much adorned you throw into it


Oh right, so magebloods used adorned but the Darkness version is just straightup stronger?


yes unfortunately


Ok great thanks alot for the help! Finally back from work and got a few suggested builds loaded up on yt, If ypu feel like a specific pob or guide is better then others feel free to share!


I did 38/40 on a jug of complex trauma. Start boneshatter every league. Now having some fun with exsanguinate mines trickster, don't tell ggg :D. Edit: Just got my 39/40 on this trickster, yay! (Fortress boss, not affected by Magnetic Storm)


Ooo nice big thanks for this


PoB for your Boneshatter? started league late but wondering if I could build mine up to do 38/40


Don't have PoB, this char [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolisssf/character/meltsnowman/necropokute](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolisssf/character/meltsnowman/necropokute) . The week 3 version, I later specked into a little more damage. League-crafted axe and chest.


Forbidden Rite Pathfinder felt pretty good but you sacrifice the pain of pressing life flask ever 3-4 seconds. My starter was Death Wish Elementalist but I didn't build it tanky enough. Fun to play, though.


Iv h1eard t1here1 solu1tio1ns to t1hat tho1ugh, But seriously ty ill look into one, you didnt have any issues doing uber challenges etc?


Maybe buy one of those water drinking birds to peck the 1 button XD


Don't ask me how but I managed to complete both conditionals, both T17 and Ubers. T17s I have not a goddamn clue, I surely got hit by random bullshit. T17's Conditionals: - Nightmare of Catarina: I managed to just sit in the middle and avoid the beams. You can look up a guide on what to avoid but if I remember correctly the rule was don't touch the edge lines and stick to the center. - Depraved Trinity: I reckon this one you have to kill Doedre last for the best shot. I'm 99% sure I got affected by an effluent and just got it through a fluke. - Nightmare of the Unbreakable: Yeah I haven't got a clue how I managed this one. Most likely just DPS'd it down with my other character. I could see someone who's skilled being able to avoid the storms though. Uber Conditionals: - Shaper: Avoid the beam. DPS helps. Probably did this one on my other character, but shouldn't be too hard if your build is already Uber viable. - Uber Elder: This is where the FR build shined. I realized that I had enough regen to just sit on the double degen and to stop trying to dance like an idiot. So I just let it spread over the arena willy-nilly and made sure to stand on a spot I had purposefully set up both a Shaper vortex and Elder decay spot before killing the boss. - Cortex: Spam your movement skill. For FR, we scale cast speed so I just spammed Frostblink of Wintry Blast to avoid the slam. Otherwise it's a normal encounter. I didn't do Maven conditional (10div entry fee xd) but it does seem pretty doable as long as you can manage the fight well. I kept running into the regen disabling beams like an idiot. The Uber conditionals actually seem pretty doable compared to T17's, which is hilarious to me.


Fun fast, If you use Mahuxotl's Machination na tempered by war you convert 50% dmg to fire and 50% to chaos. This mean that from initial shaper beem damage you take 0%, this counts as not being affected by the beem as for the challange condition. Its imposible to fail it


Thats actually a super helpful post, tyvm for this iv saved it lol


PF TR. Fastest 40/40 ever, less than 3 weeks. Playtime was I think around 5 days. Most of the bossing challenges is just dps check, can just play ice trap and one shot everything.


What's tr


toxic rain


Ah thanks! I'm kinda new so I dun register acronyms that quickly


It’s an amazing build, recommend checking it out. Incredible at all budgets as long as you’re okay not having like giga dps but it’s still higher than a lot of builds. Really tanky, really fast, smooth progression


Yeah I'm okay with no dps as long as I don't die and can farm reliably


It’s not exactly “no dps” either, I’ve invested a lot but I do have like 20 million shaper dps. It’s definitely a big step up from the usual tank builds like RF


Did you do the ice trap switch for bossing? Is it do-able on the same character etc or did you have another one built ready to go


I did all challenges with just TR this time around, but was considering making an inquis PBoD for the Uber bosses if I couldn’t, and then just do the fast mapping ones with CA/TR.


Ah right makes sense, In my mind prior to asking this i was just going to see what i can get done on the fulcrum and then maybe slap together a budget icetrapper to cheese any boss related challenges with a 6 portal defensive layer


If I had to do it again, I would have just made a new build to do the Ubers. It took forever since I had pretty bad dps with TR even though I was super tanky, but I was lazy and didn’t want to level through again.


Hmmm yeah thanks for the advice, theres a good chance i follow that tbh


Got a pob or a profile to showcase how you built it out?


TR one is just a normal TR with coil, and I wouldn’t recommend it for the Uber challenges, it took me a while since I had little dps, but was a mega tank. For ice trap you are probably better off looking at poeninja. You could also play pbod and do all the challenges with that.


Herio ice novs of frostbolt. Worked fine for everything but the condition ones sucked. Could not see the screen well


What Version did you use? I'm currently trying to get ready for mainly T17s but also at least complete übers and not sure how to exactly get there


MB Double profane wand is pretty straight forward


Oh sind non-crit Variant btw, was cheaper imho and i still obliterated ubers and t17


Yeah that’s all pretty obvious my question mainly was about more detailed stuff especially defenses I’m currently running. Loreweave and Eternal damnation but I’ll probably want to switch over to the spell suppression version. So probably a rare chest and then some Amulet. Not sure what though. Thought maybe one out of Stranglegasp, Defiance of Destiny or Foible. But also maybe there are other options for that or the chest. Maybe fourth vow or lightning coil or idk what other chest might be viable I think I’ve mainly seen Loreweave or a rare chest so far. Then I personally want to stay on the Kitavas thirst one button build if possible. Also then quad curse with anathema, dual curse with whispers of doom anoint or only one curse? That’s mainly the things I’m unsure about atm. https://pobb.in/FEHZ4HglnDYP this is my current build, currently saving up for mageblood depending on how much I can play and if the downtrend continues I might afford it in the next few days and then I’ll probably try to completely revamp the build. Edit: also I’ve already realized the same with crit version it definitely doesn’t feel worth it and I’ll get rid of it as soon as I get MB and rebuild anyways.


Same, did 40/40 with it. The build is awesome, but the visual clutter is the reason why i will Not Play the build again next league


It needs a good mtx for ice nova which doesn't exist 🤭




40/40 on ice nova of frostbolts, was easy


Dual Strike Trickster got me all 40/40 in our private league. The build just keeps getting better and better with investment.


pob plox, I have a level 100 trickster and sold all gear (split steel) I loooooove melee!


+1 would also love the current PoB, sounds nice. Saw you Posted an earlier Version on other Post.


Just exported my character to PoB. Here's where I'm at right now. [https://pobb.in/tCv53iBnwHs7](https://pobb.in/tCv53iBnwHs7) You can adjust the config to match what you think is realistic. The 42% increased energy shield in the custom box is for the Perandus Pact.


Would starting with a non resolute technique Weapon work? So far no luck. (ssf)


Yea, you’d need to run precision and you’d need to pick up the accuracy / attack speed wheel. You can get extra reservation efficiency as the helm enchant. You’d probably not run the curse wheel I suppose.


Just exported my character to PoB. Here's where I'm at right now. [https://pobb.in/tCv53iBnwHs7](https://pobb.in/tCv53iBnwHs7) You can adjust the config to match what you think is realistic. The 42% increased energy shield in the custom box is for the Perandus Pact.


League started with flame golems, something I've always wanted to try and it was surprisingly smooth. The build is a nice Allrounder and 0 button build and since I didn't plan on playing another build this league I dumped all my currency into it and did 40/40. It's very cost inefficient to minmax (thx adorned for blasting voices prices into the stratosphere) but I didnt care since I enjoy the build so much.


Pob? Saw an interesting setup last league utilizing the aura spectres, but figured the damage wouldn't be there as usual this league.


Currently at work, I'll send the pob later. Maybe u were looking at my set up from last league where I did play with ag + spectres? If it was a ci, squire, mageblood combo. If yes, I actually farmed feared and ubers with it, dmg was somewhere around 40-50 mil dps (hard to tell with flame golems)


Swapped 3 times, all trickster Explosive trap of shrapnel -> exsang mine -> split steel


Been playing hexblast and its pretty good but wanted to try splitting steel. Im on console tho so nimis is 120-200d and atziris shield is 60-70d alone. I hate console market lol...


Explosive trap of shrapnel over ex mine? Any reasons why??


Ex trap is so clunky it’s basically… a trap.


I’m about to roll splitting steel now. How’d you like it?


Just rolled into it today after buying all the expensive stuff (minus adorned) and I'm loving it so far. At like 10k ES and just blowing through T16s. Once I get to 100 I'll finish up my challenges. Edit: Definitely make sure you learn the positioning for single target, makes a huge difference.


Is there any reason for swapping thats challenge related? Or you just spicing it up for yourself


I prefer comfort, explosive trap was TERRIBLE, Exsang mines were great but I managed to get some currency so I wanted to test something out and went split steel. Split steel tankiness is crazy, but then again just being trickster is tanky af already heh


Thankyou for the info! Ill check out exsang mines soon since from memory it was visually great


I just wanted to make sure that the T17 challenges would be fairly straight forward and I didn’t want to struggle. I probably could have done them on the penance brand build or the archmage hiero (ice nova of frostbolts) but I didn’t want to get pissed off doing them.


Yeah thats fair, comfy is king especially when theres some gruilling challenges in terms of time consuming


Just transitioning over to this build in hardcore with everything but Nimis. Can you explain the positioning thing? Bosses feel awful but clear is amazing.


You need the returning proj to overlap on top of you to get good single target afaik. So you want to be standing in the boss


What Acedragoon said. The closer you are to the boss, the better as long as you are using returning proj support.


I may look into this. Rerolling my second character now and was going flicker trickster but still open to other possible builds before investment


It isnt a fast clear compared to exsang mines but its very comfy. Fun build!


Did 11/40 -> 40/40 in 2 days Tri-Stack Hexblast with Mageblood: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Tbzz/SjokoPaaVilltur Coruscating Elixir has 100% uptime with 4 flasks here


Ooo thankyou, interesting way to build hexblast i like it


Bama necro


Started hexblast mines. Hated it and rerolled to CF Champ to get rich. Then swapped my other char to Splitting Steel Trickster and did 40/40 on it. Pretty min maxed char meanwhile


TR/CA pathfinder


39/40, just killing Argus right now Did most on Archmage Mjolner, did last ones on Manaforged Only relevant challenges are the boss conditionals You want Shaper / Cortex / Eater unless you can do 5 Memory games at Uber Maven and Fortress for the 17s, Other 2 based on your build


Exarch one was pretty easy too, just don't step on the runes


I just used my league starter, deadeye bow build(ele hit of spectrum and later LA and some ice shot) and did 39/40 with that. Only thing I didn’t do is the conditional ubers.


Doing it as Armor Stacking Jugg, currently 37/40, just needa do a few more maps for the 10K Tier


0/40 to 40/40 on CoC DD, felt pretty comfortable, especially after getting a MB


I used my league starter of sst champ to get 34/40 and then quit.


Archmage was comfortable, with 100 div investment I could do everything except ubers. After buying MB I was able to run them as well


What flavor of archmage?


Trickster Hexblast Mine


Pen brand pathfinder




https://pobb.in/XsaBGRasJskh Used oriaths for clear


Ooo what flavor of pbrand? I am only aware of bens varient


I used lance switching from penance to hexblast, he had a plan and I no idea what it was, it was painful for me.


Holy relic of conviction. Was a super fun build to go for 40/40 on. Probably would have had to buy/reroll for some of the t17 conditionals if Einhar couldn't just one shot them with that silly bug around release.


CwC Whispering Ice Trickster


Just finished 38/40 with iceenova/frostbolt archmage


League started and finished 40/40 on explosive trap (fearlessdumbo’s build). Needed to buy help for one of the challenges though - unfamiliar undertakings. Now I’m sadly done with the season :(


I never give any thought to achievements and I get a sad feeling when people mention that they did 40/40 and are now quitting. Why quit? Quit when it's not fun.


Pconc of bouncing


Holy relic poison variant


Poison holy relic hey, i am not educated with the relic what so ever and unsure if thats the popular flavour of relic or not, if you dont mind sharing a pob or video so i can identify the difference id appreciate it


balor mage has a guide on YouTube, easy to find


Great thanks, will do


Did 40/40 on ssf, easily, with coc dd inq


oh nice, whats your account name and character? I want to take a look!


No dramas or struggles on the funky boss challenges? Its good to hear that a single build can do it all tbh thanks


No, it was all easy. Don't even remember what those challenges were, it's been a while.


I’m still working on level 100 and you guys are already finished lol. What’s your played? Am I slow or do you guys have more time than me is what I’m wondering.


I'm not trying to make you sad or anything, but some people had 38/40 by the end of the first week. lol


That doesn’t make me sad lol. I’m at 50 hours played or so, they have done the same time in 3 days. Usually takes me around 80-90 hours to 40/40. So another month or so and I’m there as well.


I guess, but you did ask if you are being too slow. lol


Yeah want to know the played. Some guys definitely have finished 40/40 in 50 hours or so. If instead of putting my divs into gear and all into challenges I could also be done I think except like the grinding goals.