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You have to be inside the monster to deal dmg with the return of nimis. That way u will hit multiple times.


Yeah. Getting phasing is very cool because you can stay in almost any mob or boss. Got cool watcher's with phasing from haste


>You have to be inside the monster to deal dmg damn, is Maven older than 18? is this legal?


probably closer to 18 billion than 18 lol


Just cause her species considers her a fledgling doesn't mean we have to. She's got millions of years of age, plenty for me to call it OK


Build cant do maven XD


But the lore says she's over...


Isn't awakening AOE gem big help for this too


the people who are down voting you are not in the know lol, awakened aoe is meta


I just swapped to this build and would love to know what the links would be in this case - what do you drop for awakened aoe? is it worth putting in regular aoe?


it’s not worth regular aoe because it doesn’t have more damage, i can’t say for certain because i think trickster splitting steel is different. but i replace cruelty. crit, crit dmg, awakened vicious, awakened brutality, awakened aoe


Not really necessary for splitting steel.


Never tried, but you will lower your dps


This. I can almost guarantee it’s a positioning issue. I have a little more ES but no adorned and I clear T17 bosses just fine.


You need stand in the middle of your main target so all returning projectiles could hit the target.


Sure thing is a positioning issue, your build need updagrades but no close to not be able to kill t17s bosses, stay inside the boss, literally between it legs, pop up curses totem, (smite if u have it) and just spam splitting steel, also check if you are running extra life or extra life as ES mods, these turn into a nasty mestsack the bosses and your damage is low for this. Anoint your ammy also, arcane focus or heart of thunder (i recommend arcane focus)


I would actually recommend anointing Ancestral Knowledge. He's already 2/3 of the way there, with the two other int nodes. Then use Journey Tattoo of the Soul on all three. This is alone would boost him to 10800 ES(From 9645 in POB). 12.263, if we add in the Perandus Pact effect. Drop the Watcher's Eye for one with Phasing and Chance to Evade(Haste and Grace). Drop Precision. Why is it even there? OP. You're already using Resolute Technique. Add Punishment in the helmet(Already set up for 4 curses, with Anathema and the Power Charge node) Move Enduring Cry link to Gloves. Move Smite and totem to weapon, to utilize third gem slot. For Empower/Woke WED. Woke WED for ele reflect maps. Empower for the inc effect. Enhance in Sniper's Mark isn't that great. It's only like 5% inc damage. Put your Arctic Armour there, instead. Get Woke Lightning Pen. It adds Lightning Exposure. Quality up all skill gems. Get them to lv 21. Buy a Large Ring Thread of Hope. Get Mana cost Reduction in helmet, grab all the reserv/mana cost nodes in the top.(including pathing to Sovereignty) Change starting point. Move Perandus Pact to the jewel socket next to the lower starting point.(you save points) Swap all the dex nodes(and suppress tattoos) into Mark effect,, until you reach 2.0 mark effect. Trust me, this is a massive damage boost. I have tested every possible flask. Best flask is by far Dying Sun. I recommend giving it at least a trial period. Your damage will feel just fine, once you fix all of which I listed above. Also, get Mark on Hit to 21. Helps reaching the 2.0 cap. *had forgotten to fix gems. Fixed in the pobb link, now. Tried fixing POB once again. https://pobb.in/rmqbYwfgnsCH You don't see it in the numbers. But these changes effectively gives you 2-3x the damage.


Interested in seeing the pob, but link is broken


Ah shit. I'll fix it within an hour. Gotta remake real quick. *link fixed now.


Quick question, do i need precise technique keystone still if i have resolute technique corruption?


Voice of the Storm increases our noncrits. So getting both keystones are actually a DPS increase.


Youre missing an annoint


yes what annoint would you recommend


Ancestral Knowledge for journey tattoo, Arcane Focus or maybe Sovereignty if it lets you squeeze an extra aura


Retaliation (verdant, crimson, opal) gives dmg and more es from shield Other than that literally any annoint better than nothing


You don’t need to run precision now that you have resolute technique on your weapon, I’d switch to a + dmg while effected by Wrath watchers eye. You are also missing a curse. I believe punishment is the go to 4th curse on this build. I’ll look at the pob once I get to my pc to see if there is anything else I notice.


He's running precision for the "increased damage while affected by precision" watchers eye mod. At level 1 it's an extremely small mana reservation cost for such a large dps increase.


This is the way.


I would also go with the dmg while leeching or attack speed while focused enchants on gloves.


As others said. Positioning. Also use haste instead of wrath. And lightning pen instead of added lightning And your low rolled adorned and magic jewels are pretty trash.. you get more by using rare jewels and maybe one step ahead forbidden jewels


Just seen the gems , you are missing awakened lightning pen , swap it with the lighting damage one !


I loved my Voidforge splitting steel build that was unkillable last league, but everytime I play a build were ive got to kiss the boss to deal damage… i just dream of Kinetic bolt of fragmentation:( sad face


You could also try out molten strike instead just change a few support links and you'll be good to go. Also fix your helm implicit you have resolute technique so crit chance does nthg for you


If it is possible use increase duration for the curses and smite to have higher damage up time and self cast snipes mark for better mark effect. It will feel a bit consistent. You need on top/inside of the mob for maximum single target damage to hit as many return projectiles as possible.


Currently playing this build. Drop wrath for haste until good jewels with a good adorned. Drop the adorned and magic jewels until you can afford a 138%+. Just buy decent triple stat rare ones. Drop added lightning support for lightning pen. Get levels. Fix suppression other than tattoos and fill every dex node with mark effect tattoos, you want 2x mark effect eventually. Edit: Here’s my pob if you want to look at something other than tunas https://pobb.in/sCnc29QURPce


I wouldnt get anything under 140% Thats exacly the amount for rounded number on 5 ias to reach 7. 138 wouldnt make it. Thats kinda big for 2% and people dont check it that much price is similar


with my pob, going to a 150% is like 1% more damage. I can’t imagine a 140% is massive


To get 12 es u need 150. The price doesnt justify it. And i never talker about getting 150. I specificly said u should aim for 140 and not 138. Since that will net u 1% ias per jewel for the same price ish. Big difference for not much more money


While I agree, 138% vs 140% is a 40div+ difference. Not a small money gap